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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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seriously 2 week without Yongseo is too much for me. my situation at the moment like a person who is lovesick. these 2 weeks without them make everything so grey, waiting without knowing any progress of them make me worried. I dont know why this couple takes so much energie from me. because i dont know when i cancel all my appointement on sarturday morning just because of them. and now i have one free sarturday, i feel empty even my husband is just beside me. dangerous obsession. anyway just hope to hear good news from them. :-)




rewatch their double birthday make me feel like i am the person in love, strange feeling, please Yong and Huyn, be happy together. because if you not, just not not only you two get hurt but a lot of goguma fans get hurt too.


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fallenanjewl, hyun looks sooo pweety in BLUE! :wub: thanks~!

qwenli, u noticed it too! those scars look pretty bad. i bet it must've been very painful for her to practice her dance moves. i'm sure it'll hurt yong's heart too :tears:

linh80: gosh, and i thought it was only for a week! but after watching some advertisement on the asian games... the games gonna be from 12th - 27th november! dangggg i'll miss yongseo so much!!!! :(


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Guest pandasoori
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you guys notice something at hyuun news photo , theres something at her knee .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is that wound or what ? btw , shes still gorgeous the most !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i bet yong eyes will teary after see hyuun picture , keke .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really miss uri couple now ? have any update about they filming guys ? ohhh . sinchha miss yongseo <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyeong goguma lovers , goodnight . take a good care ~

































































































































































































































































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I just read in snsdkorean.wordpress that 11th November is Pepero Day in Korea. It's equivalent of VALENTINES DAY. Is there any possibility if today YongSeo wgm filming is true. Is it for pepero day? hmmm! i wonder if they will celebrate Pepero day coz they can't be together on the 11th Nov. I wonder if YongSeo couple will do something sweet for pepero day  :wub: kekeke!












e holiday is observed mostly by young people and couples, who exchange Pepero sticks, other candies, and romantic gifts. Lotte denies starting the holiday and instead states that they noticed a bump in Pepero sales around November 11th and after continued popularity they decided to then encourage the holiday with special gift boxes and other promotions
























(sorry i top up the page)























Pepero?? the pepero they used in WGM season 1??? OMG!!!! I want that game again!!! I want another competition for the three couples with the pepero game!! hahaha, and then every couple with their own date :wub: (a goguma can dream right?)












So no inki this week  either??? suddenly I felt depressed :lol:...












Thanks for the pics, the links, the song!... So she is wearing blue again ^^, this is too much to be a coincidence, I like her in blue with her pink laptop? , so couple-ish haha...












And maybe they were/are filming at night right? I´m hopping so! Where else can be seobaby alone???:rolleyes:












Thank you all gogumas!





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so hyun is not with her unnies at the fansigning, and there is no fan

acct of yongseo filming..yet?

hmm...we'll just have to wait then

i need to reply to crystal, so here goes..

tks for replying. i didn't know lovekin is a psychologist,

since i don't read spoilers, hers or anyone else,

and my spoiler was not meant for her.

while i've no problem with gogumas long positive postings on BOTH yong n hyun,

i am concerned that there is one or two who are easily judging hyun's lack of actions,

and goodness! someone even brought up the infamous 'b' incident. pls! not that again!

old spazzers do not want to be reminded of that!

that is why...when some start to judge hyun, and hyun alone.,

i took the liberty to voice out my thoughts in spoiler, in hoping that

these ppl do not get carried away..and also to be sensitive to hyun's fans too

u and me know v well what will become of this thread if hyun's fans were to come in here

and reply to those..

abt yongseo's fans coming from all over, i'm more aware of that.

goguma families are made up from all walks of life.

but from time to time, i see some comments directed to hyun OR yong individually

hugs to u back sis! hehehe


like i've shared with u before, i am self conscious when i need to reply to u..

i am nvr good with words..

but here goes..its all in the name of yongseo love.

lovekin, even if i am to put on my thinking hat, i can nvr be on the same page with u.

i've longed identify u as the analytical intellectual yongseo lover

while i am the i-just-want-to-have-fun yongseo shipper.

we show our love for yongseo in our own special way.

and i thank u for your warning abt your spoiler..

i don't read spoilers .. :sweatingbullets:

since i need to say more to u..i'll just PM u then

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Guest ahn_annann







j2dlee , many thanks for translated..





My captured pics for ep.31 , many thanks for YongSeo





- Us and the crowd










- Just so shy and happy for your heart ~~
































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Don't know if anyone has pointed this out, but I think MBC used the same abandoned school for the 'Horror Movie Factory' SNSD did in 2009 as the Chuseok special this year. Just something random I noticed today, here are some photos!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































@dreamyboo: I think we will miss YongSeo for 1 week only based on the announcements, also from some twitter accounts that usually gives news about YongSeo and WGM.  well I really hope that we will miss WGM only in November 13. if the asian games is up to November 27, I think MBC would only air the asian games for November 13. We should wait for further announcements from MBC. or wait for MBC to release some BTS videos like the previous one about Music core. :)

































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Gogumas I'm confused, I do not know where I got it, is this some fan account??? since I can´t understand a thing, I don´t know what it is :unsure:.
































































































































































































If I got it from here... I´m sorry :sweatingbullets:.































































































































































































































































































Seohyun in happy together...
































































































































































































cr: SNSD♥SeoHyun♥Forever♥ @facebook
































































































Ring ding dong right??? can´t wait to know about this ep!

































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i was soo looking forward to hearing hyun attend the fan signing or yongseo

meeting up for another wgm filming today,

but nothing has been shared so far..on both sides.

where are yongseo now or more like where is hyun buin?

are they on a quiet trip together?

are they in the house?

are they..

the more i think abt them missing like this, the more i want to send ninjas

to fly over to korea now!

shall await for MC Kim tweet's tomorrow! ^_^

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hello again goguma villagers!
































































































































































































































































I'm a bit sad that I can't see our couple this coming Saturday, so I'd have a goguma fan fic dose..
































































































































































































































































And here is another Fic Seohyun otoke?
































































































































































































































































Hope you'll enjoy reading..
































































































































































































































































now :ph34r: mode

































































































































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Guest maybelove








omo..... i'm sure this has been answered somewhere but is it true that WGM won't be aired next week? WHY oh WHYYY?!?!?! crazy.gif i'm dying to see them even if it's once a week and they are not airing this week?!?!? tears.gif




I wanna see more of them in Japan!! in last ep. Yo~ng sounds so funny when he tried to make the cartoon voice of that two toys he brought all the way from their house to Japan. i laugh sooo hard when i saw that part. And did you guys realised that he actually danced SNSD's Genie while he was walking out of Yoshinoya after they had their meal?? so cute!! :wub:




I just wanna spazzz about one more thing~!! maybe this have been shared but have you guys seen Inkigayo where SNSD won??




It's a must watch if you haven't --> 101107 SNSD - Hoot @ Inki link




you'll see that at ard 4:42-4:44 Hy~un and Yo~ng actually bowed to each other!!! and she was smiling so sweetly after that. I know that there's limitation coz they are actually performing their new song and Yo~ng is just the host BUT I wish there were more interactions between them. AHHH :wub: They look so good together.



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Guest fabregas215

am i too late to spazz about the latest ep?sweatingbullets.gif

just got the time to watch it just now..(all thanks to the tons of assignment.)

just wanna say, i also love the scene where hyun try to compare her hair with yong.

what was she thinking at the moment?

it is SUPER cute.

( seems like she wanted everyone to know that she has the same color as yong)

its just like Yong said in the last 2 ep that hyun always wanna do things with him..so hyun ah.. you wanna let everyone know that you change your hair color bcoz of yong?LOL

and how funny yong is when he took out the spider and frog,doing some voice immitation..

i just love yong choding.

ps: sorry,may dissapoint some of you but have to point out my opinion: i'm also a bit dissapointed when hyun show the Traxx album to yong and when she said that she dont know cn blue was also in the oricon chart..i noted the changes in yong expression in both occasion.

but i guess,different people act in different way in their relationship.

people show love in different way.

a room spray may not look that suitable for the anniversay,but when i'll think of it again,seems like hyun wanna make sure that yong only smell a scent that will only related to her in his room...

so yes,people show love in a different way..maybe in the most unthinkable way for some of the people..

ohh,hope i dont get negative for this..

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Guest CheriMerci
































Hello all goguma lovers!!! :)






























I'd like to share some pics of Yo~ng and Hy~un.















Seohyun to the BLUE again keke :phew: and of course, Ring Ding Dong....






























Like Husband, Like Wife. :wub:
































Cr : DCmarried
















Mixed by Me

















































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There's something that caught my eyes just now and I just want to share it with you guys. It's nothing really big and it goes way back and I'm not even sure if it had been discussed already. Just skip my post if it is lol




















I just had a mini YongSeo marathon and came to the episode in which Seohyun meets the CNblue brother-in-laws for the first time. They were all in the practice room, playing instruments and singing and Jonghyun asked whether Seohyun had listened to their album (Their first Korean one, Bluetory). She mentioned Love Revolution first and CNblue actually played a little bit for her. I have loved Love Revolution from the start, but regained interest in it after that episode so I searched for it on Youtube with some translations of the lyrics.




















These are the official lyrics translated by adilahFX, the chorus:




















I want you in my life







































You are like the air in my life







































I want you in my life







































I want to breathe with you everyday






























































You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired







































You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick






























































You in my life







































I love you




















The thing is that they are totally different from what Yonghwa sang during that episode. He sang:




















I want you in my life







































I've been dreaming of this kind of love







































I want you in my life







































I want to walk with you everyday






























































You smile like an angel, that's who you are







































I want to embrace you






























































You in my life







































I only love you




















Has this been noticed before or am I just late on this? :lol:




















Anyhow, this might be something cute for those who didn't knew.





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These are the official lyrics translated by adilahFX, the chorus:




I want you in my life

You are like the air in my life

I want you in my life

I want to breathe with you everyday

You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired

You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick

You in my life

I love you




The thing is that they are totally different from what Yonghwa sang during that episode. He sang:




I want you in my life

I've been dreaming of this kind of love

I want you in my life

I want to walk with you everyday

You smile like an angel, that's who you are

I want to embrace you

You in my life

I only love you




Has this been noticed before or am I just late on this? :lol:




Anyhow, this might be something cute for those who didn't knew.








I dont know this true or because of translation, but anyway you brought a big smile on my face because of this. I hope this is true, then i dont need to make my head and heart to think all kind of bad situation for our couples.


keep refeshing this thread more than 100 times a day i am official nuts because of this couple. but cant stop loving them.:-)


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An article about Yongseo couple. It seems like an interview with the PD. It looks like a really good write-up. Talks about the changes occurred between the two.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Jungmin's early tweet (MC ahjussi is what I call him)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































오늘은 우결녹화날..우결결방없다고 들었음..밖에춥죠?..단단히 입고나가야겠군..즐건하루 됩시닷!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today is the day we have (studio) recording for WGM..I've heard that WGM won't be cancelled..it's cold outside, isn't it?..I should go outside wearing warm clothes..let's have a nice day!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated by: _xeth@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































...dead. What to believe now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before anything else, I asked _xeth on twitter if WGM will pursue on Saturday. This is her/his reply:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Ahjussi got me thinking there.

































































































































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Guest ichigo_kawai

Aneng thanks for the link...^_^

And wgm won't be cancelled?????  kyaaaa.....

here is  based google translator

MBC popular entertainment program, 'We Got Married' (Got Married) is changing a couple of forgiveness.

Forgiveness Shining couple episodes last 200 days. Caring  for each other and the so-called Best Did you look good (?) Couples  together the new mildang which (for the attention of the lovers by  pushing and pulling each other) and accompanied by his first overseas  trip and the couple have a fight.

These changes are interesting for viewers is showing the reaction. Forgiveness was always a couple of depressing a small change is to act as a fun little audience.

'We Got Married' in the jeongyonghwa - Seo episode of a couple who are responsible for forgiveness met ganggung PD.

River PD forgiveness from the couple's first impression, full of recent changes between the two is the most closely watched.

- Bringing your first impression of Seo curious.

▲ For Seo, Tae Yeon hyeongdon past couple had been shown briefly in the episode. Brief appearance but left a strong impression. Girls 8 members of the youngest sister was under the even clear his own mind. Also do not meet the age olgotgo josukham, was a friend who has a firm belief.

Pupal cases, while at the interview stage, surrounded yeojakgadeule can not seem to squash. Usually the machine is not pressed, would say something in mind for the game you're playing a familiar pupae were free. Looks like a lot of dating experience was noryeonhal impression.

- For months, while the broadcast as a first impression of two people have noticed the change?

▲ Bringing the disliked. Noryeonhal in love I seemed to know was a friend of a friend was innocent. Good reason, many can not seem to have a girlfriend. I see cell phone pictures were taken with all age boyfriend. One of the Girls' sister had been interacted with sinhonjip. The  camera is restless to go back to the artists capture the moment  'eotteokhana' buy something that was literally like yongchodingui. It was the innocence Seo and exquisitely harmonized.

- Two of them together is there and the changes that occurred?

▲ is well. Last mildang episode obvious example. Bringing the wall to Seo want to get to feel it better to connect one month does not have mildangeul. Puzzled, Seo had to euroseoneun would be unfortunate. So they feel bad that feeling up and performed a duet in the midst of 200 days. Maybe  this time, the wrong director, and other emotional sediments (?) In the  name of the couple in the situation, pulled together something that  would be able to reach that felt real. Two people actually arguing ahongdaong closer. In the beginning was actually too baeryeoman did not feel cramped. (Laughter)

As a result, two changes have brought a rich and emotional episode. Although hypothetical, but love, love / no experience with the bright gaegujin Longhua Seo. Always  get to know you in the process of getting a brighter smile two people  close to being good now even minor disputes and misunderstandings gamyeo  release is getting closer. I have  learned, even global, especially Seo yeonaena two firmly based on her  own formulas and how to change through the encounter with the pupae are  gidaeke to be sent.

It reminds me  of first love, even putputhan euneunhamyeon beautiful two hypothetical  couples beyond 200 days and a couple of the longest-watchers are hoping  to be able to deunggeukhal.

배선영 sypova@newsen.com

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i rewatch again the eps of our yong seo. honestly, i do it almost everyday, because they are my vitamin:-). i just feel i inlove over and over again. yes, i can say i love them yongseo and like Adam couple. the feeling of in love is totally different. i hope both Yong and Hyun also in love like i in love with them.




remember the time when we think that they hold hand the first time, it was amazing, this thread went so crazy, we was so high at that time, and when at their douple birthday, a lot of us shed tear ( including me) we also can see the mcs also happy for them. thats the love of us to Yongseo. It is just so beautiful. we cant take our eyes, our heart off them. all they need to do is love each other. that will make this goguma planet offical explode i think. hhahaha




i am just a quite reader and havent posted a lot but now i cant help anymore, i want to share the feeling i have for them. because they help to survive in depressed days. they make me smile just from all small trivia things they did.




i dont know why i can rewatch their 1st epsiode thousand of times and still have the same giggling feeling, just like when the mcs watch our couple they are also like in their own world of imagination, smiling, giggling, and may be feel like be hit by electricity, who knows...i am so crazy now....time to sleep. hope tommorrow will have a good news of our couple:-)




just thinking if they just have small kiss, how can we, the goguma fans can manage that? can our heart will stop beating for a moment, i am quite sure...ahahha.:-)


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No matter what MC Jake said - I went to the MBC page and checked their programming. And I'm pretty confident that my Korean is good enough to identify that there is no WGM - at least when I checked. And next week doesn't seem to be available yet. Hm.

Best regards,


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