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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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ahhh this time we all got deep with our goguma couple :unsure:, but lets wait and see.












Right now I´m spazzing about Inki because I just realized that when the 3 mc were going to the stage to anounce the winner, Seobaby bowed Yong!!! :wub: (I´m so blind! haha).












And I want to spazz about this little random thing!












Yong showing off the ring ^^ while singing hoot, starting at 0:57
























 it is obvious what he was doing :wub: and when I saw it, I thought ... this reminds me of the Rings´s mission.












Then I remember that few pages back a daebak goguma (don´t remember her name)  post this link .














































CNBLUE[101107] Love light+I'm a Loner(FANCAM)   (this was after inki today). Look at him after doing his "mission" gesture (5:12), he smiled as if remembering something :wub:.
























and this is a bonus... his almost imperceptible smile, after his I´m genie for you girl!:phew:
























sorry, for randomness, I felt like spazing :w00t:.












Thanks gogumas for everything!!! lets keep our mood high ^^





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Guest vero_vero








thanks 4 the video,it seems like yong in good mood.I love his smile.kekeke. About last episode I don't want worry too much cos it's just 1st part of japan trip. I think it's normal if they feel little awkward cos they don't see each other for one month even the real couple can feel that too like my boyfren and me. We're take college in different city,we communicate almost everyday. But when we meet again after a long time, we feel little awkward for a moment xD. I remember wgm staff said in this episode yongseo show more lovey dovey,and someone said japan trip will be the turning point for yongseo. So I choose to believe that, and wait 4 the next episode ^^. Urgh but waiting 2 weeks so torture 4 me. Huhuhu. And Sorry for my long post and bad english :(. Have a nice day guys!!





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i knew it! i shouldn't have gone to bed early, then missed the great discussions

that was going on. but i want to say something too


of all the 3 couples, yongseo intriqued us the most.

as much as they monitor each other, gogumas are also monitoring their progress.


so week after week, we have A LOT to spazz abt, anaylysing & speculating.

even for a bland epi like the latest.

i said bland because that was what some of us felt after watching it 'live'

BUT, after translations, wow! this has turned to be another thought provoking episode.

but as long as we are doing this positively, i'm all for it.

so i thank u those who put in spoilers just in case the subject of your discussions

may not be well received by all gogumas or for some other reasons..


much has been said abt yong pulling back :rolleyes:

but being me, i just want to focus on yong choding! :w00t:


his anology and hyun's wide arm gesture(in their darkroom interviews)

are enough (for me) on how they feel towards each other. :wub:




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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































I read almost every post about this episode and I want to share my opinion,too.But I have to say sorry because I don't know how to put it on spoiler and also sorry for my limited english:wub: .
































































































































































































































































First I have to say that after watching this episode I felt an emptiness. I don't know why but this episode didn't satisfy me (maybe because it was short+ the fact that I have to wait more than one week for the new episode:tears:  ).
































































































































































































































































1. The gift of Hyun...I was really disappointed. They were "married" for 7 months at that time and she has to know what he likes and what not. Soap,perfume,books...Seohyun I love you and you are so sweet but even I can tell you that Yong wouldn't like or better would prefer something else as a present (for your 200th day). I could see at Yong's expression that he was disappointed and I think even Jinwoon didn't like the book as a present (while hyun gave the book to yong he said :"my head hurts suddenly"). I think guys are not very interested in books and cute stuffs but more in accessoires or clothes.
































































































































































































































































2. The banmal....Yong how could you refuse it aaaah jeongmal :) She looked sooooo cute when she said "Do you really want to hear it". She was so excited and nervous to surprise him with her banmal. But when he said no it really broke my heart :unsure: I think Yong didn't want it because I think he is exhausted of this matter. I don't know how to describe it but when he said he didn't want to hear it anymore I felt something like:"I don't care anymore.I waited so long to hear it from you but now it's too late". And Seohyun still tried to show him that she can speak banmal now (lol his face at that moment was so funny:D )














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. The pictures...so cuuuuuuteee when he put his arm around her. I was so happy.This moment made me w00t.gif . I was really curious where Hyun's hand was at that moment. I was hoping the camerman would show it crazy.gif .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(I have to add that the avatar scene was funny,too hahaha.)














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Japan: Meeting: The scene with the background music was so cute and funny.The way they ran to each other:wub:.I really was hoping that they at least would give a high five to each other but maybe they didn't know how to react because they didn't saw each other for 20 days. And Seohyun wore the necklace Yong gave her :D Really cute.
































































































































































































































































5. Japan: Eating: I laughed so hard when Yong was playing with their "children". (I want a playful boyfriend like Yo~ng blush.gif). Then the Trax album...I think I heard too much about them in We got married. Hmm I don't understand why she still mentiones Trax. It's cute when she wants to see her hubby jealous but if jealousy is forced than it can be annoying.I think natural jealousy is better.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I watched the scene carefully where Yong asks Hyun if she is giving the Trax album to him (@7:42 in the subbed video of sun_sun) you can see that Hyun was surprised a few seconds and then quickly nodded(maybe she only wanted to show it to him or it was a present of Trax for her,so she was surprised when he asked this). I think Yong noticed that it was not a present so he said he will buy one.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know why I feel exhausted with all the push and pull. I just want it to end quickly :) Someone mentioned before that Yong doesn't want skinship because he wants her to have it with her first boyfriend,with someone she loves (though I think the person she loves/really likes is him hahaha). This really confused me. I never thought about that. She is a conservative girl (which I love because I'm too :D ) but I think Hyun really wants to hold hands now but is expecting it from Yong (she said in an interview that her unnies want her to hold his hand but she is too embarassed to do it). I can see that they feel pressured because everyone is expecting skinship (I'm not going to lie,me too:phew:just holding hands would be daebak for me :lol: ).














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for the long post but i feel relieved now after telling my opinion. And I want to emphasize that I really,really love this couple (second favourite after Joongbo). Without them my saturday morning would be so boring and empty and I wouldn't know anything about Snsd and CnBlue. I have to go sleep now. Everyone have a nice day ;) .






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Joh-Eun
















































































@ crystal_malfoy






























































































































































You are the best. Thanks so much for the screen caps. I love you. :)






























































































































































The preview for next week's (double next week, you know what I mean) episode is driving me crazy.































































































It always does, every week. I wonder how Hyun is going to react with what Yong said that she doesn't know how he feels about losing his GoGuMa points. Darn it. Saturday, another Saturday. . . PALLIIIIIIIIIIII.....!!!































































































I won't write a lengthy post. I've read all the comments, someone said "thought provoking", totally agree. YongSeo supporters do all the thinking.






























































































































































Watching the episode again...































































































I just realized why JinWoon said his head was goin to hurt when Hyun was once again giving Yong books to read. It can be a challenge for such a bee-zee-hardworking-rest deprived Yong to have time to read these books.































































































Sometimes Jinwoon can be very amusing too, "I thought I could have you this way", couldn't agree more.































































































I can't get over how serious Yong transformed when he asked why Hyun acted she knew nothing about their 200th day, I will not forget how he looked at her when he was explaining why he did the "push pull act", finally the look he was giving her when they were talking about the banmal issue. Okay, I'm still alive. :phew:  Hyun was taken aback. It was the same look I saw when Yong was teaching Ueno Juri the word "oppa".






























































































































































I felt as happy as the two of them when they were running towards each other at the train station. It's more than satisfactory that Hyun noticed how brighter and how goodlooking her husband seemed to be.






























































































































































There were instances in this episode I felt the cameraman couldn't contain his laughter, there were scenes were Yong and Hyun were funny, the camera was a bit shaky as if it was going to drop it's focus. I can hear someone, probably from the crew, laughing too.:D






























































































































































Once again, setting my wings of anticipation, fluttering high. I can only hope Yong and Hyun took this trip to catch up... "lovely chat and eyeship"...:wub:















































































































































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Hi all guguma! can anyone please tell me what did yong wrote in the letter(?) in the preview?








here is the link










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Guest toomuchsmiling




@toomuchsmiling: it could be that they stayed in that hotel. but I remember reading somewhere that they returned to Korea immediately after filming the Japan episode. and a fan account stated that they returned to Korea in the same flight. it could be that they stayed at the hotel for a while to rest and booked an early flight to Korea. the hotel looked like a traditional Japanese Mansion that was owned by lords and aristocrats. I bet it is expensive there. and in the preview, it said that they are there to celebrate. another 1 day filming episode. too bad it won't be aired on November 13






heartbreak_warfare22- ahhh, ur right! i totally forgot about that report after watching the episode! :( i think they did book an early flight right after the ep. =/ Also that hotel did look pretty expensive, i'm glad it was all free for them. xDD ahh, don't even mention to me no airing of wgm nov13. -____- HATE THAT HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!! ahh. but....at least it's not 3 weeks. :) if it was, srsly....i'd wish a mean fate upon any employee under mbc. lol.




sun_sun THANK YOU for the HQ episodes with subs. ur amazing, really.




bolmaejung- ahh, thanks for that share. lol. his brain is really filled with Seohyun huh? hahaha, then again, i can see why he thought it was Genie, but i would rather choose to believe he said it b/c he wanted to bring up his wife's song.




hihi_hehe that is such a SHOCK to me. SEOHYUN? was the best at doing the banmal talk???? :blink: whoa, now i HAVE to see that. :D (not to mention, i'm sure Yonghwa will be mentioned in this talk for three reasons!!)


1- it's an MBC show! :P


2- Her unnies. enough said? lol


3- we have a WGM host on that show. and she did pull a seohyun question on yonghwa last time he was on it.


ooooh, this is gonna be SWEET. B) i hope my expectations aren't too high, but i don't think so..




Inkigayo- well MY dream scenario came true. SNSD won, Yong announced their name (more than ONCE! go u yonghwa u! hahaha) and the bonuses for me were they stood next to each other. AGAIN! SEOHYUN got to make the speech, and they acknowledged each other the best they could when they're not supposed to at all so i'm pretty satisfied. :D




i love ppl's essays, but that's doesn't mean i'll compose one myself, but i did read a couple. ^^ now, off to see yong nampyeon on running man




Joh Eun i heard the staff's wheezy laffs AGAIN. man, i wish they got a new staff for this couple in a way, because i feel like by the staff laffing at them like that, it takes away the feeling that they have some privacy....like it just makes yongseo laff too wen maybe they normally wouldn't laugh in one of those situations? idk, i love the the wgm film crew to death for capturing all the yongseo moments but i just have those little tweaks of annoyance occasionally.


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Hyun´s gifts, that is another issue here ^^. I first thought why is she giving these gift? but after some thought, I was not disappointed with them. Those are very personal gift, a soap, a balm (that can cure everything aka Yong´s vocal cords), and the room spray that is something you would give to someone you are confortable with right?. Those were her gift from Phuket.












Now the books, I would really like to know what it is in the books, specially the second one ^^. I´m counting on Yong´s summary that must be showed to seobaby. ^_^. I agree with those who say that he seemed a little disappointed, but I can  understand. Yong is a very romantic, while Seobaby is very practical. But, and here the great BUT, none of these gifts were the 200 days´s GIFT!!!! (Hyun said that she said she was carrying the books from long ago), so the gift of 200 days was the banmal, but she could not give this present to him -_-.












The banmal, what a meaningful thing, She, Seo Joo Hyun, was willing to do it for him, for Jung Yong Hwa, for the first time in her life! :tears:. But always expect the unexpected from them right?.. she couldn´t do it, but what a meaningful gift! sincha :wub:.





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Guest _d3seohyun




c: phokar

@crystalblue. I'm laughing at myself after tearing up as I finished reading your post i'm such a cry baby. :lol:

that was such a good read! thank you ;)


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Guest crystalblue


While I DO appreciate having this thread to read often and love it just as often, I do think some times, maybe we "drill down" on Yongseo's mole hills and make them in to mountains. Please be patient with me... I'll try to hurry it up some. Let's say that they are "falling" for each other for real and reality is blending in to reality show... it would make sense if they are... right? Next, considering that they are at that fresh, impressionable age with raging emotions plus that thing called hormones and that obviously, there is a mutual attraction and admiration between them, OF COURSE they would not be able to control their wondering thoughts and thumping hearts. Next, they are famous celebrities with no chance or time to date and YET- here they have these opportunities to DATE! but wait... they don't get to date that often. Or worse, they get to spend all day together, doing fun things, new things, meaningful things which for each of them, were the first time experiencing! Oh how thrilling that must be? Can you imagine the joy, laughter, heart racing thoughts that must occur during every stare, glare, lips licking, hands waving, hair flipping, fingers touching, food feeding, cute whining, eye lash batting, richard simmons checking, voice dwelling (you get the drift...) that these two share with each other? Oh the bond they must have by now- 9 months in human time for any young couple their age of having a relationship is pretty darn long! Except for in celebrity "I'm not allowed to date" time, it's not as long because they only get to spend a limited amount of time together. Their hectic schedules and life style and having millions of eyes on them don't allow for their bond to stay constant and their hearts to grow like yours and mine. Their situation is already a Natural Push & Pull game already. Their closeness and feelings must get yo yo'd around a lot so of course, that would create more insecurities, jealousies and poutings. They have the same expections like a guy should call a girl the very day and every day after once he's confessed he's written her a love song naming her his Love Light. The guy expects the girl to hold on to him and even chase after him even when he doesn't call her once she's given him a custom made couple ring. They don't GET to have the every day contacts and connections a normal couple would after 9 months of dating. Oh... writing this stuff just makes my heart aches for them. How do they even sleep at nights. I know I'd want to hear my man's voice if I'd sang him a birthday song and given him a ring. Imagine having to express your feelings in codes because you don't get to see each other when you want to! She's wearing blue to tell him Hi! I miss you. He makes hand gestures and ring flashes globally knowing she would see the photos on the web. That's his way of letting her know he is keeping her with him wherever he travels to. My heart aches for them more now because at the end of it, these little awkward times of reconnecting once apart or jealousy spats or push and pull game tricks... you know what it all means??? To me- it means that their feelings for each other goes wayyyy deeper than they can express or say or show and these little times when we think they lack spark or have awkwardness? It's really not. The truth is there is SOOOO much TO say now because their bond and love has grown beyond what WGM should show so they have to "control & manage" their expressions. I saw it ALL in the way they ran toward each other in this last episode and then stopped cold. When he gave her the apple juice she likes, that is the same as saying "I've missed you more than I can say." When she gave him those books to read - it wasn't that she is not romantic or not thinking about what HE would want. No- it was the same as when he gave her the guitar because he wanted to share his love of it with her. Giving him books to motivate him when things get tough is so caring and God don't creep out.... but it's so mothering. If you really care and love your guy, you will have a bit of that mothering instinct in wanting to protect and nurture him. Her uniqueness is what he finds charming about her. He calls her "genius" because he admires her smarts. They have their own qualities and quirkiness that the other doesn't have and they dig that about each other. When he said that the tiger balm cures everything including a wounded heart. Oh God... that was not a dig... That was his way of saying "Not getting to spend more time with you, missing you, having you be upset at me breaks my heart." There was sooooo much coded love between them in this last episode, my heart needs an aspirin! It is aching and I hope that God is generous to them and join them in life as they deserve each other's hearts. This mole hill was a hill filled with planted goguma love, not a cold mountain we sometimes see it to be. Believe with me. Yeah- Ahh...


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Guest sweetcake_










I need some help from u guys, lovely gogumas ^^ Do u guys have link to the next episode preview in engsub? And one more, I know thousand of people asked this already but do u know where I can download from the first ep of YongSeo (in english sub) until now?






Ok done with the questions, I want to spazz some more abt this week eps haha I can't help myself. My favorite moment of this week is when Yong wrapped his arms around Hyun, and Hyun looked sooooo comfortable on her husband's arms, I think she is getting used to skinship. I bet being in his arms is really enjoyable hah Hyun? I could kill to be like u haha.






And I dont know if it's just me but Hyun's voice becomes really soft and cute these days, u know how the girl when they're with their bf, their voice kinda change to smoother and more gentle, I felt like that when Hyun speaks to Yong, especially on their day in Japan.






P/S: I forgot to say this on my first post today, but I loveeeeeeeeeeeee u j2dlee and sun_sun, u're my heroes hehe



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Guest Crystal392



I want to answer to all of your posts but I have to finish my homework :P


Joh-Eun: You are welcome! But actually those screencaps were taken by Korean Gogumas and posted on dcinside/married. So to all KGogumas: thanks :D


_d3seohyun: ♥ YongSeo ♥ I just realized something, Inkigayo's trophy has a star on it. hehehehe Yong~ loves stars, Hyun~ is holding a trophy with a star --> Yong~ loves Hyun~. hahaha blush.gif sorry for my silly rambling xD


sweetcake_: You can find it here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html There are links to download ep from 1 to 7 and there is a link to rundevilrubsubs, there you can download eps from 8 to the last one. :D






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Guest lovekin




Joh Eun i heard the staff's wheezy laffs AGAIN. man, i wish they got a new staff for this couple in a way, because i feel like by the staff laffing at them like that, it takes away the feeling that they have some privacy....like it just makes yongseo laff too wen maybe they normally wouldn't laugh in one of those situations? idk, i love the the wgm film crew to death for capturing all the yongseo moments but i just have those little tweaks of annoyance occasionally.






i know this was directed at someone else, but i actually like it when you can hear the film crew laugh at the couples.  it satisfies me to know that the viewers aren't the only ones who are amused by them and their situation, but it can also indicate to a milder degree that they (the crew, who theoretically have more experience in age and couple-related matters) are also charmed by them.  and as for whether their laughter influences yongseo, i don't really think it does too much since yongseo generally start smirking first or whatnot.  and after the incheon concert, they've sort of proven that they're unaffected by the crew.  i know someone starts laughing when, after yong tries to confirm that seo meant she felt closer to him, seo is quick to correct that she meant his bandmates.  though the situation was funny (and kind of "aw" at the same time), yong was obviously not laughing just because they were.








i've never paid attention to the background noise when watching adam or khuntoria, so correct me if i'm wrong, but i've never really heard the film crew giggle at them as much as i've heard it when they were filming yongseo.  if i'm right in this case, i just take it as though yong and seo are completely interesting characters who are known to say really outlandish things that often incite laughter.





to FMV makers, i have a question:




how do you make your videos?  what program do you use?  i've been meaning to make one, but i generally stop because it takes so long just to import a whole episode.  is there any way you can cut the episodes into clips?  anyway, if you're familiar with this, can you explain a general outline when you create one?  thanks.


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hello fellow goguma villagers.. hehehe i just finished watching the last episode and the next episode's preview for the third time... thanks for the super fast eng sub cuts of yongseo i found on sweetpotatodays... It took me one and a half hour to finish reading each and everyone's lengthy thoughts about this episode.. and i must say that i share so many similar thoughts with so many people... it's amazing what you can observe after rewatching the same episode for several times... hehehe.. for those who sometimes found themselves  too caught up with their own assumptions/ analyzations (like me), just don't overthink it. hehehe no matter what, the bottom line is: we like watching them together on the show and we love everything they do, and we're fine with everything they don't. we adore everything that they are, and we're equally fine with everything that they're not. the idea of them together alone can make me feel happy... so it shouldn't matter that much how big their house is, or how personal the gift is... the bottom line is: they're being themselves on the show, and we're loving each and every second of the show because of them. everything happens for a reason, right? i mean, if they're not "them," if there weren't 20++ episodes of minimal to no skinship before they birthday celebration episode in which they held hands, would we feel as happy as we were when we first watched that scene? i don't think so... every skinship moment becomes super duper uber special because it's them we're talking about and we know that it's rare. 
















































































    for those who are disappointed in hyun's gifts and surprised with yong's choice of restaurant.. well.. here's my take on that: if i were as busy as her, i'd prolly just give whatever it is that is convenient to buy in thailand during my trip, cheap, doesn't say too much about my feelings (coz i'm a girl, and i think that a girl should always be hard to get, not play hard to get), within my financial budget, and is of at least equal value as the gift i got from that person. think about it, hyun and yonghwa are both modest, down- to- earth, and very simple.. while idols don't really make that much, they're showered with fans' gifts and freebies right? the fact that hyun doesn't just give the phone strap she got from her fan in thailand itself proves that she actually thought of yonghwa while she went to thailand at least a few times.. think about it: she would at least think of him 7 times: 1. when she got the gift from the fan, 2. when she bought the soap, 3. when she bought the room spray, 4. when she bought the tiger balm, 5. when she bought the two books, 6. when she put them all inside the box, and 7. when she wrote the letter. all those gifts are more useful compared to let's say, an expensive timepiece/ a picture frame.. if hyun had given ong something she made herself, that would overboost yong's confidence and he'd feel forgiven for the mildang/ let off easily. it's like how yong never gives hyun a bouquet of flowers.. they always write each other letters/ things (from book review to photo diary) and i think that's thoughtful and much sweeter than cliche romantic gifts... 
































































































































































    i'm also surprised when they went to yoshinoya coz as some of you have mentioned, in the states, yoshinoya is a cheap fast food joint.. but when i saw how different the restaurant's decor and serving bowls are, i guess it's not that cheap there... in my hometown indonesia, there's also a newly- opened yoshinoya.. and it's located at the biggest and the most luxurious shopping mall in the capital city... hahahaha and people would update their facebook status/ foursquare/ tweets whenever they hit the restaurant... coz the yoshinoya there is so grandeur and is considered different and better when compared to eating at mcdonalds.. whereas in us, both mcdonalds and yoshinoya are of the same level in terms of price.. and i guess it's all back to one's personal preference you know.. for an anniversary, one would usually expect his partner to take him to fancy restaurants with waiters dressed in bow ties... but yong went for a little bakery that sells red bean shaved ice because he remembers it when hyun mentioned about it once. if i were hyun, i'd take red bean shaved ice over fancy fine dining anytime. plus, i don't know if i could bring a bag that could fit such a huge box if i had celebrated the anniversary at a fancier restaurant. and then we wouldn't have been able to freely take selcas with our polaroids without the waiter staring at us.
















































































yoshinoya indonesia:
































































































































































the shoppin gmall in which it is located in jakarta, indonesia:















































































































































































































































yoshinoya japan:















































































































































































































































yoshinoya us:
















































































































































































































































taken from google. 






























































































































































































































































    i read somewhere that yong comes from a quite rich family and i think i could see that from the pile of gucci sneakers i spotted on their dorm (i doubt that those shoes are  gifts from fans.. i mean not all fans would know their idols' shoe size right? unless they stalk their idols on photoshoot and bribe the stylist to spill the beans =p =p).. so i guess there are personal reasons as to why he decided to take hyun to yoshinoya and not a sushi restaurant... maybe it has a lot to do with his japan debut days.. but i personally loe to think that it's another genius move from yong. in yoshinoya he could talk with her without having to worry about whether or not he'll spill food/ sauce on his fancy clothes, whether or not the food will come on time before they runs out of things to talk about.. he doesn't have to worry about his table manners, the bill, and the scary- looking waiter that comes back to pour the drink  every time his glass is half- full. he doesn't have to worry that the waiter and the place and the food will impress hyun more than the idea of him taking her to that place. i'd say that yong is genius that way... and he gets to save some bucks too.. being a type blood A person, i'm always cautious not to go overboard on things/ cross the lines whenever i talk/ do something.. and i'm constantly worrying, so i kinda assume that yong is like that too.. and yoshinoya gave him the freedom to take out the spiders and let hyun knows that he remembers her and their house..  for me: cheap+fast+tasty fast food joint that lets me feel comfortable while satisfying my hunger > fancy restaurant that requires me to create a list of topics to talk about the night before. the same thing goes for the size of their house. that yellow couch is a silent witness of so many memorable things and occasion.. a lot of things have happened in that house... and especially in that couch. yong did the merong on that couch... ueno juri cooked kimchi pancake while sitting on that couch. seriously, if that couch goes to auction, i bet a die- hard fan would empty his/ her savings deposit to get the couch... don't mind other couple... well khuntoria are dubbed as the thai prince and taiwan princess.. and wherever they go, they always do the same things and gestures and expressions (always sweet and loving), and while they need a love nest too, i guess the idea behind the bigger house with two floors is contrary to the cute house of uri yongseo.. which is so that they would take a break from those lovey- dovey acts.. while uri yongseo needs them, right?














































































































































































































































i don't think i'll ever think of a yellow couch the same way ever again after WGM































































































































































































































































































taken from yongseo's facebook.
















































































    remember guys.. it okay to be disappointed in one of them/ both sometimes.. but never drown yourself in disappointments. i used to be desperate for a significant skinship to happen between them... but now i'm like, "ohh, so this is how they are.. they are not into skinships as much. fine.." and the moment i stopped demanding for skinship, there aired the chuseok horror special episode, which is like a skinship galore.. and i was beyond satisfied *fufufu*. so now whenever i long for a little skinship, i'd rewatch that episode to make me feel happy and hopeful about them. i think the two weeks absence will most likely force me to rewatch their previous episodes, and i'll try my best to focus more on their sweet moments. hehehe.. :D
















































































huge thanks for all the sweet and funny screen snaps, the spoilers, the links, and the time, effort, and thought you guys give for this thread and our favorite couple.. i don't know the reason why i keep on checking on this thread..maybe it's more than just exchanging informations and favorite moments.. maybe it's more than sharing the same hopes and wishes.. but maybe it's as simple as the fact that whenever i open the thread, i always find myself thinking, "hey, i'm not alone."

















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What makes this couple so exciting yet nerve-wracking to watch is that they bicker or argue so much like a real couple. It can be a bit heart-breaking to see them be disappointed with one another because you can feel that their feelings are genuine. They do not seem manipulated in any way nor are they done for pure "entertainment" or for laughs. This is why I was so wary of watching and pursuing YongSeo. They are authentic to the point that I get so emotional watching them be emotional. I feel for both Yong and Hyun.

In comparison to the Adam couple, where they bicker like sisters or an old married couple, I feel as if those arguments are for the humor. While I do love the Adams' and their petty fights, I sometimes feel as if they tend to dismiss any "real" arguments for the sake of their relationship (be it for the show or for themselves). I rarely see moments of them having an LQ that is reasonable enough to make me wonder if they can pull through even after the show.

I am not saying Adams' love is fake since I can not read minds. It is just for comparisons.


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Guest EriesBoyd
















I'm sorry that i seem to have different view from others regarding the TRAX album that Seohyun show YongHWa,i think the reason is not to make him jealous but to help TRAX promote the album,..she has been helping TRAX promote the album in many other interview too.Yong Hwa seem to know it and help her by saying 'I'll buy the cd with autograph".It does seem like both of them helping promoting the album.And of course,because she look beautiful and want to show it to Yong,as simple as that...Not like someone assume she playing mildang again.And about when Yong ask her if she took picture with other guy and she said no,then she said maybe..Actually i dont think that  she's saying that to make him jealous but she did took picture with other guy, Kyuhyun with that same camera.It was shown in MBC SM TOWN BTS.i have proof of it at Seohyun's soompi thread.So,she deleting those pictures show that she care about what Yong will feel if he saw that,tho i'm a bit dissapointed because i would love if she show him.Not that she playing another mildang or try to make him jealous,rather she is being honest.Thats all i want to say.





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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Very well said my indonesian fellow hafunohane, i'm expecting more post from you in the future :D




Hugs for all goguma lovers here, hope we can hold on together to overcome this torturing weeks tears.gif



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Hi Goguma's..
































































































































































































































































Moning/Noon/Night to all..
































































































































































































































































I know I been late for 2+3 days since the last ep and a few hundreds(?) posting.. hehe..
































































































































































































































































Been away for a while and have to read all the posting/comments, need to watch the latest ep...before posting my own comment.
































































































































































































































































1st of all thanks for all screen caps... i don't remember you all but MANY THANKS..
































































































































































































































































2nd --> for translation... to all translator.. weather it's for korean to eng or chinese to eng.. really feel thankful since I don't know korean but reading all your translation is enough for me to watch the RAW video....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3rd --> The video... either it's RAW (keoconvoi, diodanooo) for satisfying all Goguma with faster upload the latest vid...
































































































































































































































































and to Sun_Sun for upload latest ep with subs... & j2 subs/translation...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so, my comment for this week ep...
































































































































































































































































i can said that all I feel is same with everyone here...
































































































































































































































































the hyun gift, letter part, the EYE part, the japan interaction, the hug-when-meet-but-didn't-happen, the choding hubby 'wit children'... all of it..
































































































































































































































































we can see that hyun really wanna used banmal with Yong...but been cut off directly by Yong.. hehe..
































































































































































































































































Yong really think bout his wife...
































































































































































































































































he know that Hyun really feel difficulty to speak informally..
































































































































































































































































so he just stop hyun to pressure her slef with banmal thing...
































































































































































































































































so no more 3rd presents for hubby...hehe
































































































































































































































































but i think hyun will speak it in next few episode.. who knows, right....
































































































































































































































































& hyun really really happy in Japan episode...
































































































































































































































































Maybe because of hubby/bf thing... hehhee..
































































































































































































































































only they know it...
































































































































































































































































bout japan vacation..
































































































































































































































































i do hope the resort/guesthouse have a hot spring, then they go and play something..wearing matching yukata...
































































































































































































































































but i don't think they will do those thing.... :(
































































































































































































































































and, more importantly they do feel more relax since they didn't feel any pressure there
































































































































































































































































by fans for more precise
































































































































































































































































remember their date in amusement park and Insadong...
































































































































































































































































they must feel the pressure at that time...
































































































































































































































































bout the house thingy...
































































































































































































































































i really love their own house right now...
































































































































































































































































don't you guys think that they other coupe got their house couple with everything but uri couple can decorate it by their self...
































































































































































































































































that's the great memory for them...
































































































































































































































































because this is the house they decorate it by their self.
































































































































































































































































please don't compare it with other couple..
































































































































































































































































so we have to wait another 12 days to watch the japan vacation...
































































































































































































































































patience is virtue....

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest shawn_daebak
































































































to my fellow goguma villagers,
































































we just need to be patient, just need to wait, for the next episode...
































































it will be "daebak".ok???
































































dont rush things my fellow goguma...
































































For me, they are in a relationship, in a process that they are taking things slowly...
































































for hyun, this is her first time being in a relationship...
































































even though it is a fake marriage...for her, this experience is precious...
































































i think our couple is taking it seriously...ok?
































































just wait for the next for temple episode...
































































































































bye for now...
































































gonna head back to my dorm...
































































by my fellow goguma villages...
































































gonna miss you...

















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