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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hello gogumas...








thanks for the other link...fortunately i dont missed today streaming...








but its a cliffhanger, why the pd did not at least revealed the gift of hyun as well...








so we are bound to have a gift guessing again...









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Guest dOnewdubu




i'm grinning like a silly cat as im typing this.






how cute can yong be!   aigoo..still so shy...



love love the pic of him with the chain of SH initial on his neck!  :wub:



what are u trying to convey here yong?  :phew:






tho we don't understand a thing, but those loving stares can't escape us, right gogumas?






seriously, todays epi is sweetness oveloaded!



wonder who is that fan who's photo hugging yong made in to their photobook?



lucky girl!






uwaa! really? he had a chain with SH intial on his neck? How sweet could that be. Just shows how much he is into Hyun! Too bad I wasn't able to see their stares! sweet much?



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Guest _hachimitsu
































sooo as promised i did drop by this thread hehe^^
















wonder where's the regulars?? huhu. dang why did they cut it off just like that? such a party pooper but anyway... I LIKE THIS EPISODE. So many things to spazz about. Cant imagine Yong did that kind of book" AGAIN! (remember the forgiveness book?)^^
























Will edit this post in awhile with comments.
















I saw earlier that some of us might miss the live streaming.. so this one is for you. dreamyboo, panGG.. DJHinata just to name a few. Cant wait to download HQ vids. Thank you in advance for YT links etc! (also, jd2lee is away this week i think so we have to wait for translations from other kind souls) 
















And just a reminder please follow the rules when posting. Post more than 20 words, must be yongseo related. Do not quote images (remove the IMG tags in your post).
























heh now I'm the one feel like a police on patrol lol. spazz healthily ok? This one is for you~
























































































































































































Sharing.. ice cream i think?
















Hyun looking at the 200h Day Anniversary Pin (made by yonghwa) sorry i missed to cap the clear pin part.
















 Looking at the so many YS YS YS YS drawn by yonghwa, ehh? He used yellow, one of ur favourite colour ya know^^








































Aigoooo the yongseo staring competition is ON!
































































































Hyun-drawing with red ribbon^^
























































11! He will remember that forever~ Not sure what's that star doing there in his pic. Couple trademark? 
















































I think the MCs went aawwwwww here. euh translators THANK YOU!
















































































Healthy recipes for Hyun buin? Must be must be... eh but the one top looks like spaghetti to me? YONG SEOBANG FAV FOOD LIST REMINDER? tsk tsk..
























































































AIGOOOOOO YONG'S BODY WAS CUT OFF due to my slowness (ok i was busy spazzing while talking on the phone) see next page for better pic of this from baidu~ 
































Happy hyun. SO can i conclude yong replied her photobook (bday episode) with a heartwarming photobook? 
















































AIGOOO AGAINNN MC KIM I MISSED TO SCREENCAP YOUUU keke^^ (episode stops till somewhere here)
































I have another 20+ caps... but I'll leave it to you guys to spaz. 
























EDIT: jnj .... ahh so everyone's in tweetsville.. too bad my account is for personal use. oh well, will take a peek there^^









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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I didnt watched the streaming at all, I turned TVU network but apparently, other show and my internet connection was stuck...
































aaaaahhhh want to see what happen, hehe Yong is shy?? heheh another DAEBAK
































I hope someone would upload on Youtube, pleaseeee ?? tears.giftears.gif
































They become more cute and cute I guess ...
































oke...now I am just wait for the unsub....hope someone already upload..share in here ok?? thank youu
































































Can someone PLEASE upload today WGM, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee....huaaaaa "crying...." hehehe





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Guest anne0129
































































































































































This is so sad.....how come no one spazzing like crazy right now. Usually after their scene this thread is over 800 people in here but now...... tears.giftears.giftears.gif Please people come back. This is such a great episode. I definitely think Yong is forgiven already for his mildang. Even Seulong said that Hyun was doing a lot of pulling in this episode but still Yong was sweet and shy. These 2 are just so adorable. Hope someone will provide us some translations soon. This episode is definitely on my top 5 all time fave episodes. :wub::wub::wub:
































































































To all spazzers please come back.

































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Guest blueshoes
















동급생 용서
















































[created by 고구마하우스]









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This is the 1sttime I watch live steaming...
































































































































































































































































even it just stop after Hyun said TQ fr the present...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank GOD for DC to upload that Hyun also prepare the gift..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr : DC
































































































































































































































































Love this ep..
































































































































































































































































1. When Hyun surprise for the uniform... But where did Yong get it.. Is it really Hyun uniform... Did he ask it from Hyun Mom???
































































































































































































































































2. When both wearing the uniform.. But is the Yong uniform is really his...??hehe.. He looks so uncomfortable..
































































































































































































































































3. Bout the excited Hyun with her uniform. really looks like a high school student..
































































































































































































































































4. When both of them wanna get out from home.. They did not forget to off the lamp.. hehhe ... kiuttt
































































































































































































































































5. In the coffee shop...sharing an ice cream..(It's ice cream right..).. hehe.. Really looks like high school student... except for the Yong earring and wedding ring for both of them... HAHAHAH
































































































































































































































































6. The present...The badge and notebooks...hehhe
































































































































































































































































7. The shy Yong, bout the notebook...hehehe.. so cute...
































































































































































































































































Now have to wait another 7 days...
































































































































































































































































will wait for raw in utube...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































found the torrent link...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr : to yongseofact and DC for magnet torrent...
































































































































































































































































enjoy guys...

































































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uwaa! really? he had a chain with SH intial on his neck? How sweet could that be. Just shows how much he is into Hyun! Too bad I wasn't able to see their stares! sweet much?

no no i mean, in the photobook, he drew a pic of himself wearing a chain with

the initial SH.

looks like he is tied to hyun!!! :w00t:


anne, don't worry.

the regulars are bz at tweetyville now, since there is no restriction there ;)

and also because all 3 couples are celebrating their special day today!

hachi, that is fast! tks! so they do keep their stuffs over there..

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































I feel like the episode was short but it was a great episode nonehteless. Seohyun was extremely touched by Yong's gift. his gift was really cute and creative. he is really crafty. and I laughed at his drawing of Seohyun with her number 11. I watched the livestream with chat. and someone was translating. the book had pictures of Yong and then Yong said. "You can look at this page when you want to see your husband when you are in Japan." I think PD's are really extending this episode into 2 episode. today revealed Yong's gift. next week, Seohyun's gift will be unveiled. will wait patiently for the uploaders to upload the raw cuts of YongSeo. today is a really good day. :)

































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Where's everyone?








It's such a cute episode, but maan, it was too short.








And PD-nim just knew where to cut it off.








I wanna know Hyun's gift already!








Jung Yong Hwa's just amazing. I want a boyfriend like him!








The gift is so cute, and it's all handmade. Omooooo, plus points! ♥








Hyun looks so touched. Awww, I'm sure Yong's forgiven already.








But Hyun's so naughty for acting she doesn't know it's their special day! AHAHA.








Yong's expression was funny.. and when he was about to give the notebook..








Aigoo, so shy!








PS: And they look so good together, especially in their uniforms! ♥








Spazzing much. Tee-hee. Glad the couple could meet tomorrow.








I can't wait for next Saturday.








How come it's so far awaaaaaay~








Thanks so much for all the links, translations, artworks. Gogumas jjang!



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heartbreak, this is soo touching

"You can look at this page when you want to see your husband when you are in Japan."

aww... :wub: heart melt....

do u know what's with all those food pics?


i've nvr doubt hyun attended hubby's concert.

didn't yong's bro's friend confirmed this already,

that she went backstage to meet yong n his family...

but to have a pic...my hearts exploding w love for yongseo!! :wub:

tks rushi & pollykpy!

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This was definitely a DAEBAK episode! I wish it was longer, and can't believe that the PD cut it when he/she did, but I'm still in love with this episode! Yong's gift to Hyun was super awesome and sweet, he handmade a guidebook for Japan for her? Awesome! I love that the CNBlue brothers also wrote letters to her..I can't wait to see the translations.


Oh and here's something that was shared on the Sweet potato days blog! (I hope I'm allowed to cite other Yongseo fansites!) It looks like we have evidence that she went to the concert?? :w00t:


Hyun at CNBlue concert??


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Guest mrsjoker


Hookay...i've calm down a little bit from that abrupt cut to such a SWEET episode!

Where's the spazzers? come on you guys...lets spazz. I'm in a mood for a major spazzing (although i wish i have screen caps to share..mianhe :mellow: ).

Soooooo...today episode is another DAEBAK episode...why? Just because now i know that there's no turning back for Yong and Hyun and they're going to the right direction (if you know what i mean....:wub: ).

Now, like what i have said in one of my post, is Yong a TOTAL SWEETHEART or what huh? major major major squealing happening while i was watching this episode. How on earth a boy can be THAT SWEET to a girl?! I must say Yong you swoon me to cloud nine, i don't even know how Hyun can restrain herself to not jump at you and give you a BIG SQUEASY HUG AND A SMOOCH too... :P




A brief summary of today episode : Yong take Hyun to a simple outing in a student outfit BECAUSE 6 months ago Hyun had once said that she wanted to go eat patbingsoo (korean red bean ice) and so he'll take her to eat patbingsoo. In the shop he showed the self made 200 day aniversary Pin to Hyun (hyun acted like she doesn't understand), then he presented another gift and that is A SELFMADE "GUIDE TO JAPAN DORM LIFE" NOTEBOOK... (Yes, he again SELF MADE the notebook for Hyun, just like the forgiveness notebook...remember?) and he was SUPER SHY ABOUT THAT!! Hyun was totally touched by his action and present and she doesn't know how to express it because this the first time she ever accept gift that was so touching like that and then she show her gift to yong and then... THE ABRUPT CUT ( the PDs want us to suffer another week... :crazy: )

My own spazzing note :

- How on earth did Yong manage to remember that Hyun once said that she wanted to eat patbingsoo, she said it during their trip in the bus from the driving license center, it was just a small talk, they did not put it in their TO DO LIST. Soooooo...why oh why Yong manage to remember such little things?! Yong is such a sweetheart it kills me... :wub:

- He...again made a notebook for Hyun, this time is like an edition to guide on how to "survive in japan". it was HAND WRITTEN!!! those little scribble of his handwriting is LOVE. how long did it took for him to made it? and with his busy schedule and all... *sigh* I am speechless. This lovebirds is just..... :wub:

@_hachimitsu : Thank you for the screencaps. and you're right where are the regulars? lets spazz.....:w00t:

Edit : oh and another thing that got me squealling like a fool.. In the blackroom interview, i think when Yong was being questioned How did he thinks Hyun looks like in the student uniform and he answer something along the lines.."hmm well at first i was just glancing and i think it suited her and then i take another look and emm well i'm thinking...Yepune. (oh she's pretty).* TOTAL SPAZZ WORTHY!!!*


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Guest pollykpy
































































The people from Chinese Baidu really got an eagle eyes and they're fast to question this.
































































It seems Hyun buin really attended the CNBlue concert. Isn't it this is what Yong was wearing during the concert? So this might be really a private meeting.....
































































Cr : Baidu Goguma Couple
































































































































Edit :
































































This is the concert picture, so can we confirm it ? :wub::D

































































































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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































Today's episode was full of sweetness and daebaknes...
































































































































































































I know, and I believed seohyun went to watch cnblue's concert without cameras but seeing a picture of them backstage is ♥♥♥♥♥
































































And what's even cooler is that, the picture is a STOLEN SHOT!!! kyaaaaaaaaaah!
































































































































Im so gonna die!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

































































































































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Guest pandasoori




OMG ! so HYUN really come to YONG concert , ahhh . really didn't expect that .<br /><br />so i bet the 'OK' signs yong do at concert when he sing is trully for hyun . yong i am verry happy you if you really love hyuun .  keke .<br /><br />yongseo couple is the sweetest couple even they sometimes awkward but the awkward is the cutest . they are really different from other couples <3 .


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Guest exceptional.chic
















waaaaaaa. the ep was so short, or so it seems and it was cut at the part wherein Hyun was about to give her present. aigoo~~ PDnim.








we need to wait 7 days again but it's worth the wait. :wub:








Yong so shy when handling his gifts to Hyun. Yaaah, how could he be so cute. :rolleyes:








There's so much effort in Yong's gifts. Everything was handmade as everyone else said. I bet he gained all the goguma points he lost before or at least he's forgiven now as it seems. Ohh, the smiles and the stares.








Hyun is pleased and touched. :wub: I'll patiently wait for the raws and the trans. :)








And we still have something to look forward tomorrow! :D





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Guest Crystal392




OMG nooooooooooo I just woke up and was about to turn on my laptop when I realized WGM has already ended x_x


Thanks to everyone for your pics, summaries and everything.


Let's spazz spazz spazz! There are lots of Gogumas on the thread :D


Awww Yong made a photobook for her? So sweet!


We will see Hyun's gift next week? And woah those gogumas have eagle eyes! Sooo it seems she indeed went to the concert ^_^ so does that mean she met his parents?


Sooo awesome!


Come on Gogumas! Let's spazz :)


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i think its safe to say hat hyun was at the concert








i'm really happy the stares during his sarang bit performance weren't our imagination








love light fancam july concert
















so i livestreamed today's episode and even this week we were privy to more Yong aegyo!








i will make gif of the best one once i have a chance!








i loved hyun's acting the whole time about not know what 200 day meant (200 won?? lmao yong almost died trying to tell her that 200 is a special day)

they ended with hyun pulling out her gift and there was no preview









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omg looking at that picture just makes me fall for them even more. thanks pollykpy for posting it. tho tvu and my connection failed me, i was still able to watch the sweetness and how yong was so embarassed when he showed his present to hyun. hahaha. yong, you are totally busted! :rolleyes::wub: and i love how hyun emphasized in the back interview how touched she was with her hubby's gift. gaaaaah~ seriously, i need to stop smiling. my mom's looking weirdly at me. :wub:





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