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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mrsjoker


Hi all... I'm getting ready to stream WGM live.

Goguma couple will be the first couple that they aired, so don't miss out on them.

To anyone who want to stream live you can go to this site :



oh...it's starting in 2 min. hurry up guys...

see you guys later to do some major spazzing!:P




Edit : WHAT WAS THAT??? I was grinning happily and almost felt my heart is gonna burst out from all the SWEETNESS OVERLOAD and i'm prepraed to see Hyun present... and it was cut just like that? WHAAAATTTTT??? :crazy:

WGM PD...How can you do that to us?? at least if you're gonna cut Yongseo's part to be shorter this week, pleaseeee please please kindly cut it the PROFFESIONAL way!! I STILL NEED MORE GOGUMA... :tears:


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Guest 08trip08
































































































anyeong blush.gif
































































i think we can watch our couple from soshified streaming and choose channel five, because last week i watch from this site and it works. hopely this time still works too.
































































happy watching everyone.

















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Guest missmoomin101

Oh my GOD.... The best episode EVER after the panjis, and they end it there????? I'm so annoyed and upset, but so happy for this episode!! It was filled with so much cuteness, my cheeks were going to burst from smiling!

Yong's shyness was the best wub.gif  

I think I fell in love all over again!

EDIT:  I got the basic gist of their conversations, but my mind is having a freeze trying to remember!!

I'll give a summary -  Basically, Yong prepared this event for Hyun to go on a date as 'haksehngs' (students) and they went to eat pattbinsu, which Hyun loves (I think she was saying that in the bus during the driving test epis).  At the restaurant Yong kept trying to tell Hyun to stop pretending she didn't know it was a special day, but she kept insisting she didn't know! It was very cute and funny ^^  In the end, he showed her the badge and she still pretended not to know w00t.gif  Then she apologises, and Yong presents her with his final gift, a guide to being pop artist in Japan.

EXTRA:  In the blackroom interview after Hyun came out wearing the school uniform, he basically said that he thought she was pretty in it *SPAZZINGRIGHTNOW*

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Guest soshisoshisoshi




NOOOOOOOOO...... why did they stop the scene right there??????????????


I am disappointed right now, but regarding yong's present, I think seohyun really forgives him now, since she said that she is touched and thankful




No more mildang guys, we can be happy, but sadly another 1 week to see hyun's present



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Guest k.rivera19
































































































i didnt understand a thing they were saying today ... and PD nim left us with a cliffhanger again =( ... now have to wait a week again <_< oh well ... todays episode is cute especially the last part .. its :wub: ... yong is sooo funnie ... soo shy that he wrote whole noteboook for her ..hes so sweet .. both of them

















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Guest blueblek
































why did they cut it there......
















other than that this episode is DAEBAK!!!!!!
















i'm grinning from ear to ear eventhough i didnt understand what they are saying...
















just love the interaction and eye contact of them.... YONGSEO fighting....
















wait patiently for the sub.....(^_^)









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Guest cindyle






The PD nim was so meannnnnnn to cut it there. Another week ... sign... They were so sweet together. still shy. hahaha. they looked good in the uniforms as well. I'm so in love with uri couple :wub:



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YongSeo's streaming is already over ><




why does it seems too -SHORT- for me arrg...




&today's episode ..hehe love their interactions ..yooong~ you're so damn cute :D




chinchaaaa CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK!!!!! 7days again...omooo



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg i missed it!!! :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im sooo sad!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well from the looks of it the episode left a cliff hanger!?!? omg.... i hate that!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but it was DAEBAK!!! right?!!? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DAEBAK IS GOOD!!! hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess ill wait for it to be uploaded....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for summaries and translations!! [:

































































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ugh another cliffhanger.... they end it at the best part.. another week of waiting... sigh... as much as i'd like wgm to hurry up airing yongseo couple parts cause they have like a lot of stuff to air but its an advantage for them to go this slow, so we'll have like a lot of yongseo episodes coming up.
































lol magnae is such a great actress! Yonghwa guessed that theres a gift for him in her bag, magnae was almost caught! lol its cute but it'd have been cuter if they finished it until yonghwa found out magnae was acting all along. just like bday episode.
































oh well.. :)

















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Guest icarus_fly








i knew it...



she has something in store for him..



he just could not hide that smile when he saw the box...^^_






yong is just so sweet...



with the scrap book he made...



another week to wait...



wgm left me hanging there....





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Guest pandasoori




pd nimm is , arghhh . cliffhanger again .


yong shy so cute , feel like wanna bite him . hyunn cehh , so brave to lie yong about 200 day . hehe .


hyuun was so cute today , yong too . so handsome . ahh yongseo couple is the best <3


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Guest pen(..^^..)




































oh my xDDD
































why why why why it has to be cut in the epic moment xDDDDDDDDD
































another week to wait *sigh*
































i love yong's reaction when hyun is reading his present LOL!
































i think hyun has forgiven yong already hahaha..
































cute present <333
































what will hyun's present be?
































also in yong's photo book, is it a photo when he was doing the showcase in singapore? coz he was wearing the blue suit. and he was hugging a fan in that pic LOL
































but i think hyun said that it's ok because it's a fan xDDD
































aigooo.. they are so cute :wub:
































oops i top the page without nothing to share sorry xDD



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The best episode !!
























Yong shows his romantic & sweet side again! 
























It's hard to see how many boyfriends will commit themselves & spent time to make a hand made book for their gfs like yong did. 
























don't even think  how busy he had been in that period. 
























After their duet, both of them went to the coffeshop and bought a big bowl of ice creams to sharewub.gif 
























Yong's third present is a hand made book for hyun. He was so embarassed  BIG TIME in this epi. Hyun pretent tonot know its 200th day.    The couple gimme a feel of teenager love. The bf prepared a surprise gift for his girl in the important day. 
























I can't wait for next weekend to know what present Hyun prepared for him. It seems BIG as well . 





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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Omg! What a cute episode.. but aigoo.. the PD is both really smart and mean (for us who are fans! :P) for stopping the episode there! T.T
































































































































Another week?!!! I hope this week flies by super quick because it seems so far from now! :lol:
































































































































Yong seobang getting embarrassed was so cute! I wonder if they will go anywhere else after eating the patbingsu! I was really touched seeing all the work Yong put into the journal for Seohyun and her trip to Japan.. you can tell he really spent a lot of time making it. I think Hyun has officially forgiven him with such a thoughtful gift he got her!
































































































































These 2 love birds.. can never get enough of their stares and cuteness! :wub:

































































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Guest anne0129




















That was an awesome episode. Yong is so cute and sweet. I love his notebook idea. GOSH!!!! You guys can hate me but I want him.... w00t.gif:wub:w00t.gif Gosh!! Did not understand a word but even the MCs kept saying how cute he was tonight. He is so sweet. Hyun you lucky girl you. You are married to such a great guy. Not that she is not great too. I just love seeing them together today. She has gifts for him too, but we have to wait for next week to see what it is. Gosh....they sure are stretching this 200th day anniversary. They are just so spazz-worthy today as always. :wub::wub::wub: Want to see it again. Hope someone will upload the raw videos soon.





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Guest Joh-Eun





Good aftie fellow GoGuMa's.



Just got off from work . It's 5pm here in the Philippines. I browsed through the posts a little bit in a hurry coz gotta get some zzzzzzz.-_-........



I feel sorry that I am not so much of a contributor here. As I only really have time for YongSeo during my restdays (lucky if I can get one).:( 



Thanks so much guys for the loads of pics and gif's you've posted here. Plenty to bring me into dreamlalala-land.



After last week, all I can keep thinking about was YongSeo. I always find myself smiling even if I'm staring blankly at my computer at the office. Mi-chin :wub: . My officemates thinks I'm seeing someone.



But I'm in love, in love with YongSeo. Sigh. :unsure: Ottohkeh???



Can't wait for todays episode. Off to bed. See you guys later here. ;)


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Guest dOnewdubu






My Internet connection sucks! I have only seen few cuts! And it was way too short. I understood a little of their conversation since someone translated on the spot. happy.gif





but was it daebak? no more mildang, right?





guess we have to wait for another week. T_T





now waiting for kind people to translate.biggrin.gif



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i'm grinning like a silly cat as im typing this.

how cute can yong be! aigoo..still so shy...

love love the pic of him with the chain of SH initial on his neck! :wub:

what are u trying to convey here yong? :phew:

tho we don't understand a thing, but those loving stares can't escape us, right gogumas?

seriously, todays epi is sweetness oveloaded!

wonder who is that fan who's photo hugging yong made to their photobook?

lucky girl!


can u guys see MC Kim smiling like a proud brother.

i think he also wishes for yong to earn back all his lost gogumas

ah..i love this guy...

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