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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest henh_se7en

**constantia11 : oh I dont know what SH's account nam in fb >.< couldnt find it. My internet connection s discnnected due to some silly reason, thats Y I missed loads of news 'n shows :( Im now using USB internet broadband, it so freaking expensive and slow. I can only watch online.hxxxx.

clicked the link of "charmonster's post" above.keke. found it now (it had been hidden with the name that "can never be found".lol). tks u anyways.

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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyong, fellow gogumas! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Rewatching the episode again for the nth time. Don't we all? And it's only Monday. I haven't really spazzed much because I enjoyed reading all your posts. Seems more exciting to read than for me to write, kekeke. Now I'm actually writing one since the thread's a bit slow for now. ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Scenes that i :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun's little squeal during their home rehearsal when Yong looked at her while singing the "da da rum da da" part (which was omitted on their actual performance) seemed to me like she found it a bit too cheesy or funny and started to laugh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ever wondered why Hyun suddenly sang Love Light by the kitchen counter (seems the only part of the house where most of the action happens, kk)? Because the guide song plays at the background while Yong approached her and she started singing along. Haha, buin is multi-tasking. Preparing Ma drink for nampyeon while still practicing for duet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's rueful smile when he was in the car and fumbling on the bag of pins. Look at the silly smile plastered on his face, haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tiffany unnie seemed very supportive of the couple. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's little wave and loud, "See you later!" just before their performance. His face when he made the wave is so cute, like a boy smitten.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for all the screen caps and gifs!

































































































































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yeah, i've also watched snsd's horror movie factory.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that's really one of the proofs that yonghwa changed seohyun indeed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i was really surprised with the way seohyun can freely express her anger/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































disappointments with yonghwa because her unnies usually teases her with
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the way she bottles up her emotions.with yonghwa around i think she can really
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































express her feelings pretty well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for that i would like to congratulate yonghwa....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for his patience and hardwork

































































































































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Guest Crystal392

henh_se7en: You can find info about them (and episodes) here: http://www.sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/ :D Click on 'Videos'. For the latest WGM eps with eng subs you can also find them here: http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/ on 'Streaming/Downloading'.

charmonster: Woah it looks soo real! Both look so beautiful together. But I'm sure if it were a real picture they would be smiling ;) hehehehe

Rouenna: I loved those scenes. I love the hearts that are painted on the kitchen <3 they always add a special effect to all the scenes that happen there :)

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

any1 tell me where can I watch this couple cuts with engsub pls.

been searching all night in Utube but nothing were found :((

love potato couple a lot but dont know what clan should I type for their wgm being shown in Utube....haizzzzzz

You can find the subbed yongseo episodes here...


http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/ - Just click Streaming/Download tab

Hope that helps... ^_^

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Guest tinybeatingheart

crystal_malfoy, Woah, woah. Really? Thanks unnie! I had this feeling during the first episode that Seohyun wil change a lot in so many ways, that is happening right now. I believe she is more mature, and yes, thanks to Yong hubby~ But seriously, I didn't ship Yongseo before. Why? Because I kept my eyes for Minho-Seohyun pairing. Then the time came wherein a friend of mine suggested WGM. Then I was like, "Good pairing" Until the time came that I hated other Seohyun-otherboy pairings because of Yongseo. Ah, Seohyun really changed. blush.gif Well, she changed because.... Who knows? Maybe Yong seobang is Hyun's first love? /majorspazzagainOMGOMG.

heartbreak_warfare22, Teehee~ Ye, can't sleep mellow.gif Actually it's almost 3AM. Hah! Yep! That's it! Yay, I'm so happy that  still remember that lol! Photoshoot? /evillaugh Hoho. I can't wait for that! MAJORSPAZZ~~~ wub.gif

YongxHyun, Um actually, haven't read or seen that yet but there's a certain variety show where SNSD are. This show helps improve acting skills. I stayed long just to find that video but unfortunately, MBC already claimed it. BUT! I found articles which may help you and others relate with my post XD

Seohyun, Why can’t she get angry~ How she became ‘Gguk Gguk Ee’


A new nickname of ‘Gguk gguk ee’ (meaning someone who is suppressed) was given to Seohyun of SNSD.

On the recent show, MBC ‘Horror Film Factory’, Seohyun could not fully express herself even with the help of Tiffany during their emotions training.

As the girls were in their second lesson where they were being taught how to express emotions, Tiffany tried to stimulate Seohyun’s emotions through a pillow fight. She was trying to give Seohyun, who usually suppresses her feelings and is not very good at expressing herself, a chance to really let out her feelings.

However despite the efforts by Tiffany, Seohyun could not become angered at her, and this is why she has received her name nickname.


Seohyun of SNSD cried endlessly after a pillow fight against Tiffany.

The members of SNSD paired up and conducted pillow fights as a way to drag out the inner emotions for the MBC ‘Horror Film Factory’ which will be airing on the 10th.

Tiffany and Seohyun conducted an intense pillow fight and Seohyun cried to her heart’s content after a fierce hit from Tiffany.

cr:snsdkorean, urentertainmentport


YongSeo Couple Spotted At the Airport !!


cr. dcmarried ; as tagged ; reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo

charmonster, Sorry to cut your post but it looks real, isn't that real? OMG. Ultimate spazz in the morning (3AM lol)

smyo43, I think Yong didn't had a hard time doing that. Why? Because Hyun fell in love with him. lol. Sorry for that, I'm really spazzing right now and I don't really know why.

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Hi Goguma Villagers.....

Just finished watch the recent episode...thanks to sun_sun for the sub vid......and also to the person who done the subtitle (:tears:sorry i forgot his/her name)

Love to see how professional they are with their works....even they had a little bit miss-communication currently, but their performance AWESOME......hehehhehe

i love the way SooYong unnie and Yonna unnie teased them....suddenly i remember they also screaming like crazy at Music Bank (episode 2) when Hyun greet her husband....hahahahha so cute.....

The preview?....heheheh they look so cute with school uniform...watch it makes me really eager and dying waiting for next Saturday...how i wish i have supernatural power, i can fast forward...no monday-friday...hehehhe...when is the Japan filming will be on air?..

For those who share pic,gif, links and information...thanks....

nearly 3am here in KL....i should go to sleep now.....


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Guest Crystal392

basiCblack-junG: I enjoyed reading your post a lot. ^^ I also began to watch WGM because I was a big YongHwa fan and thanks to him I got to know and love SNSD ^^ I am sure it was the same for lots of people and also the same but in reversal (they watched it because they loved Hyun and then learned to love CNBLUE) for others. :)

Faith_memory: I'm a 2ne1 fan too! *waves* I also like the other two couples, they are funny and cute ^^ But when I see uri Yong~ and uri Hyun~ together I feel all giddy and can't stop smiling ^^ I loved how you ended your post: 'They are the natural type...'. I can relate to lots of things they've gone through.

bee_ichigo: Awww that has happened to me before, when I write a long post and then I click something and bam! it's gone :( Now when I am going to write a long post I write it first on 'Notepad' and then paste it here! hehehehe Welcome to Goguma Planet!

About CNBLUE concert in Indonesia: I really don't know about it, the last thing I heard is the fans from there were holding a poll to see how many people would go... hmmm maybe you should PM nazweena. I'm sure she can answer you ^^

henh_se7en: You are welcome :) Don't forget to follow soompi rules: don't post onelines or less than 20 words, don't quote pictures (when you are going to quote a post with pics just delete the img tags). :D Happy spazzing! hehehe

tinybeatingheart: hehehe I understand you, it was similar to me but opposite hehehehe When I heard they were going to be together on WGM I was curious but I was a shipper of YongHwa/ShinHye so I didn't like the idea much, but decided to give them a try. After the first ep I totally fell for them, and the more I watched them the more I loved them. The way he looked/looks at her is what totally made me change fave couple :) I still sometimes ship other pairings but just for fun. To me the real thing is YongSeo ;) /majorspazzingtogether kekekeke :lol:


tinybeatingheart: We've spazzed so much over their duet on Goguma Planet! hehehe but it doesn't hurt to share gifs about it again. I know it looks as if Hyun touched Yong's arm but actually (based on tons of fancams I and lots of Gogumas saw, she didn't; she just made a gesture on the air. :) Btw, we reached a decision on Goguma Planet that when we mention other pairing we should use a lighter text color ^^ It's Sunday 2:16 pm where I am... hehehe but I got to go too to eat something!

Reposting what raindrops quoted: (I feel this news have been neglected ^_^) http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=527987&page=2&bbs=

:P Can someone please translate it? It seems it is about YongSeo going to an aquarium.

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Guest tinybeatingheart

Hey guys, seriously? I should sleep already. 3AM in our place. Ohmy.

Anyways found this Fan Made Video about Yongseo wub.gif

Yongseo - Saranghae ♥ | The song used was SNSD's Love You. credits to the owner!

By the way, have you guys seen this yet?


Just made a GIF out of it lol because I'm really spazzing right now. Sorry if someone posted it already. >,<

Okay, for real, I'm off to bed now. Goodnight Gogumas! Nice meeting you biggrin.gif

crystal_malfoy, I kinda liked Yonghwa/ShinHye too. Aigoo~ I felt pity for Yonghwa during You're Beautiful days. But no more broken hearted Yonghwa because of WGM! Yayyy! Hihi! I know right? Eyeships are their trademark and that is more intimate than skinship. wub.gif By the way unnie, why still awake? What is the time in your place now? Just curious biggrin.gif Because I have to sleep now, it's 3AM here and my head kinda hurts now. tears.gif

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**constantia11 : oh I dont know what SH's account nam in fb >.< couldnt find it. My internet connection s discnnected due to some silly reason, thats Y I missed loads of news 'n shows :( Im now using USB internet broadband, it so freaking expensive and slow. I can only watch online.hxxxx.
































































































































clicked the link of "charmonster's post" above.keke. found it now (it had been hidden with the name that "can never be found".lol). tks u anyways.































































































































































































































































Hi, Henh_monica_7. I was very suprised to see your account in this thread. It was me, who introduced u about this lovely couple.(u know me, dont u?) So if u want to watch it online u can go to http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/, but they only subbed from ep 8. Hope it helps u.

































































































































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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7
























































Hi Goguma Lovers how are u guys? Long time no see, Im still busy with my university and have to take a lots of exams so I couldnt visit the this thread :tears:















































































I finished to watch ep 29. I must say I more and more in Love with this couple.And Yonghwa u are really a romatic guy.Did somebody noticed the high 5 Seohyun and Yonghwa did before Yong and his CN Blue members walked to the stage??!! And I noticed something about the Pin Yonghwa prepared,he did wrote the number 200 for 200 days of their anniversary right but how can I say that under the 200 he wrote a lot of Y and S that stands for Yonghwa and Seohyun.You have to watch the part about the pin ep 29 part 2(Minute 5:50) carefully to notice that.















































































Sorry I dont have something new to share.








































Love and hugs to all Goguma lovers:wub:









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Guest Joh-Eun
































































Kyahhhh!!!  About the picture.















































YongSeo Couple Spotted At the Airport !!















































It looked like a real paparazzi picture. You know, just like the ones you see on magazines when Brad and Angelina or Victoria and David Beckham are together. :wub:














































































Trying to keep a low profile, with those oversized sun glasses, so as not to cause a MAJOR commotion in the airport.:w00t:














































































I swear, if we see them "for real" at any airport, that would be DEABAK!!! The fans are gonna tear down the airport. HAHAHA:w00t:.  








































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Guest Joh-Eun





@ heartbreak_warfare22  






this is random. seeing Yong and Hyun wearing school uniforms I suddenly remembered the movie "My Sassy Girl" when the protagonists went to a club while wearing their high school uniform.



I thought so too. LOL.



When they were in the Goguma field (the birthday episode), Yong also mentioned they were like the characters in the movie "Shower".



The actors in the movie "My Sassy Girl" made a spoof of "Shower" in that movie. It was funny. :w00t:


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Sorry to cut your post...All vids that I subbed from j2dlee's translation, I reuploaded all here >>> My link
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and Good Night everyone...just wish I wake up tomorrow is Saturday...lol































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Thank you so much sun_sun and good night... I really really like the J2dlee and sun_sun team ^^. And talking about this I want to apologize because (my bad english) I got misunderstood for what I said before so here I go again :P.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really apreciate the lovely gogumas who translated the lastest episode for us  (sorry, my bad memory don´t let me to remember your names
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:tears:), but Thank you so much guys! your are the best, daebak, amazing!!!! Thank you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I was trying to say in my last post is that I really enjoy reading and watching J2 and sun_sun team (talking about all the previous episodes). Their job is just my favorite :wub:. I really apreciate rdr subs but maybe because these amazing gogumas are from this thread and they are the first  to take us to the spazzing planet, I like them the most, that is why I ask sun_sun for some place to watch them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With that said, I want to  offer my apologies If I offended anyone, I didn´t mean it, sorry blush.gif.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































charmonster: you got me with that pic, hahaha... it is so well done ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tinybeatingheart: thank you for the gif ^^ sigh, love love!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongxHyun, Kerube-Chan, d_????? (Tiffany is the best haha), lampard7, s0leill123 and of course, thank you all for pics, gifs, links and everything!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well, to lurker mode again, have a good day/night my dear gogumas ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Joh-Eun





Crediting shane09. If you don't mind. I can't help myself. Thanks MUCH for these.


















I swear, :D Yong's expression here reminds me of JoKwon. You know how Yong's friend can pull off funny expressions.



It looked like Hyun was conscious.






blush.gif This was really embarrassing. Keukeukeu.






It seems that Yong is still intimidated to face his inlaws.



He must be worried what SNSD thinks about him if Hyun has told her sisters about the "unreasonable things" he has done to her lately.



You can tell, he was losing his balance right before entering the SNSD room. He was like this the 1st time some of the girls visited their house.






It was sweet of Yong to go up to her and cheer her before going up the stage.



I kept looking closely at their hands. Yong's hands brushed through Hyun's.



Although, I feel like Yong wants Hyun to make her feel like they're equal by doing that "brother to brother handshake",



I kinda wish Yong would just hold her hands, or in her arms, or pat her shoulders. That seems much more couple like.






They look so good as a couple. They look even more good wearing uniforms.



I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE. GAWD, please make Staurday come sooner.


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tinybeatingheart, thank you so much for the gif. lol that sure wake me up and now im spazzing and squealling. hoping it'll be captured by the WGM staff and shown next week. seohyun initiated the skinship~ but im half-doubting wgm wont air it. so for now i'll keep squealing and spazzing about the giif! the skinship was soo natural. it made me think that they have more skinship offscreen compared to the parts that aired.

































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Guest SE7ENsyuhja

















and I use google for 주인님 that Yong call Hyun part 1 at 7.30 . It means "Master"...
































































































































































































































(주인님 can also mean landlord, etc.)
































































































































































































































Yonghwa was talking about the landlady (who lives below them), not Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am talking about what happened when YH enter CNBLUE is waiting room. Minute 1:55 onwards... Pay attention to what MH is saying and the comment below...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post. Not sure if anyone has said anything yet...
































































































































































































































The translation from this video needs some correction ^^;;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(The part you were referring to:)
































































































































































































































Yonghwa: Where is SNSD's waiting room?
































































































































































































































Jungshin/Minhyuk: The waiting room right next door. She came here earlier...
































































































































































































































Minhyuk: She had to go do the Photo Wall.
































































































































































































































Yonghwa: Ah, really?
































































































































































































































CAP: (SNSD) She's together with the 8 Sister-in-laws...!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The "Photo Wall" Minhyuk was talking about is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4AiCx0KCfU
































































































































































































































I feel like I'm shattering dreams every time I post. LOL!

















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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for the clarification, I was in cloud 9 for no reason...
































































































Aside from that, I am still a strong believer that she went to the CNBLUE concert, even if I am a little delusional in my crazy mind... kekeke
































































































About the Airport pic, I know is photoshoped but my congratulations to the creator... Really nice pic, I would spazz like crazy if it were true!
































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!

































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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































Hey Gogumas,
































































































































































































































































i don't know if this link was posted before but I found a site where the old episodes of Yongseo are subbed.
































































































































































































































































Here is the link: http://kshownow.blogspot.com/search/label/Goguma (Is it okay to post the link? I hope I didn't break any rule :sweatingbullets: )

















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