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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shawn_daebak












@ Faith_memory








thank you for the response.
















ive been lurking here for months... and for me this is the BEST THREAD EVER!!!
























cant wait for next episode...















i wish I am jung yong hwa...so the gogumas and villagers will be happy if i initiate skinship...



























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Guest tinybeatingheart












Hi fellow gogumas, goodmorning/afternoon/evening! rolleyes.gif




Well, it's evening in our place. I can't sleep.




Anyways, I watched SNSD's apearance on Music Japan just now and I noticed...








Hyun buin wasn't wearing the ring. sad.gif




Here's the video link -> CLICK




Hm...  I see many Filipinas on this thread, wow.




heartbreak_warfare22, lorein27, baby_bo, chyme_31, rainie029, etc. Unnies! Let's gather. HAHA.





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hello goguma villagers... I'm new here... but i have lurking this thread for a while.
















I have post something but when I press reply, my post is gone.
















I want to thank you for all the caps, wallpaper, artwork, video, fan made, fan cam, translation n subbing. You guys are my savior.
































I already post a long post but is gone. And now I have a little time coz I must do my task for college. sad.gif
















Maybe next time I will spazzing again. 
































I really love this episode especially when they are bickering and when Sooyoung n yoona screaming like crazy. And I love because the other member of CN Blue is there and all of them are so lovely. 































































I don't know, i just love them. I fell in love with them at the first sight. They make me smile all the day. I really can feel their emotion and I feel that their love is pure.































bee_ichigo, 21, Indonesia
































Note : Is anyone of you an Indonesian goguma or Indonesian BOICE? Is it true that CN Blue will come to INdonesia in 4th Dec? Sorry to post it here because i can't post it in CN Blue thread. I wonder why. ANd I don't know to put it in spoiler. biyane...
































Happy goguma day... sorry for poor English
































With love

































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Just watched the latest episode, it's so fun to watch..




The push pull thing is great cause it seems real..








Personally, at first I don't know both of them. For Yonghwa, it was when he debut on music bank with I'm a loner as CN BLUE. The song was great and the singer is handsome. Love his style of singing, just full of charisma.. For Seohyun, I don't listen to snsd's songs at all but I know that they are a very popular girl group in Korea. Then Oh! came out, the song was not bad so I searched all of their past songs. Started listening to snsd's songs then I watched the Adam couple , soon Yongseo came along.




From the first episode I like the pairing. It feel like the real thing that can actually happen in real life. Innocent girl and charismatic guy. It was really fun to watch both of them from then till now.. I hope that they will continue on in WGM unless both of them want to quit.








Can't wait for Saturday!! 20 minutes for Yongseo episode too short. Maybe the PD doesn't need to edit the video and they can give us the full video recording..





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Guest Faith_memory

@ shawn_daebak yeah.. this thread will stay the BEST if everyone below will post and spazz with us! hahaha! ♥ come on, sweet potato lurkers!! join us now! ♥ the yongseo skinship is quite unique that the rest. the yongseo skinship is just for a second, but nonetheless very sweet. lol, the yong-bumping-his-head-on-hyun's-shoulder is the cutest one for me. ♥

@tinybeatingheart yeah, finished watching their performance, and yeah, no couple ring.. T^T sad sad sad sad sad tonight~ lol. im singin'. hmm.. im feeling aches everytime i see things like that. lol, she's not wearing the ring. awww.

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Guest tinybeatingheart












Faith_memory, Well yes, me too unnie. I kinda make it as a big deal because I believe Yongseo is real. Kekeke~~




smyo43, Wow. So nice of you to notice that. I'm back to my senses now. lol wub.gif




Why aren't you guys sleeping yet? happy.gif





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























@tinybeatingheart: saw the picture of Hyun's performance and indeed she wasn't wearing the ring. but she didn't wear her SNSD ring as well. so I think everything is good. and she was wearing the ring almost everywhere. in some of SNSD's performances, all of them are not wearing any accessories. I think they are asked to remove any accessories in some performances. also, I'm not an unnie, I'm an oppa. :)





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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@tinybeatingheart It's okay, she's not wearing any ring actually, so maybe it wasn't part of the "costume". I actually think Hyun has more restrictions when it comes to her performance outfits because she has to coordinate with her Unnis. Besides, they also have themes for every song for every performance. Whereas Yong has a lot more freedom because as a band, they don't really need costumes. They do coordinate sometimes but it doesn't extend all the way to accessories. By the way, I find it amazing that Yong can play even with a lot of rings on his hands. I'm not a guitar player but isn't that kind of distracting? IDK. Jung Yonghwa is just amazing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the preview for Episode 30, I lovelovelove the part where they were in their High School clothes. It's so epic for me. More than the banmal issue, or trying to act out something, for me it was more of trying to put their relationship in the context of something normal- like a high school romance. Like after performing in front of thousands of people for the Incheon Music Festival, they went out as Yonghwa and Joohyun, normal people in common, normal school uniforms. It's like, what would've happened if they met ages ago, in high school? Would things have been different?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello, Filipino Gogumas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:) It's Rhanie. See you tomorrow again for the planning. According to Indi, we need to plan the following:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































> List of Categories and Threads under that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































> Banners needed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































> General layout design ideas
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Faith_memory

@ tinybeatingheart haha yeah of course it's big deal for us gogumas! ♥ because we all hope and pray that they will end up REAL. haha! ♥ but anyway, i want more of yong and hyun on tv shows.. haha! ♥ ehem.. and yong did the love light rap, after the ring performance. hehe.. nothing, i just remember yongseo whenever i hear of RINGS. ♥ and i was about to sleep. haha!

@ heartbreak_warfare22 hello oppa! a huge seohyun fan, you~ xD

@ rainie_chu about the school uniforms.. have seohyun experienced puppy love or first love?? not yet right.? hmmm.. jashik! im so curious about what's going to happen next week!

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I was lurking in naver and i found this, i don't think it was posted :)








































cre: marru86

























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Guest tinybeatingheart












rainie_chu, Ohyes. rolleyes.gif SME is kinda strict and I hate it. Anyhow, their relationship doesn't depend on the ring. I STILL BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE REAL. wub.gifwub.gif Anyways, you are a Pinay right? sweatingbullets.gif











heartbreak_warfare22, vicx.gif Oops. Mianhe~~ I was fooled by thy avatar. Haha, and I seldom see fanboys. Anyways, wow~~ Nice meeting you oppa. What is your name by the way? You are a Pinoy, right? sweatingbullets.gif




Making icons right now, kinda bored. What are you guys doing? phew.gif





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Guest tinybeatingheart

I was lurking in naver and i found this,  i don't think it was posted  :)


cre: marru86


s0leill123, What the.. ASDFGHJKL<333 It seems like a drama lol btw, thanks for sharing. AAAAH!!! wub.gifwub.gif

Faith_memory, Haha yes and they are slowly getting real. OMGOMG, We're spazzing like crazy in the middle of the night. w00t.gif

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Guest YongxHyun




















I was lurking in naver and i found this,  i don't think it was posted  :)
















cre: marru86















































oh wow? where u found it? i never see it before!
















is it part of WGM..or..??
















that girl is seohyun right..??





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i really love this couple.

it's actually because of this couple that i got to know snsd and cnblue.

before wgm i was really a snsd hater just like basiCblacK-junG.

but then, i was browsing allkpop and kept on seeing articles about yongseo and

became curious. i started reading articles about them, then watched their videos on

youtube. after i watched their first episode i got really hooked up to this couple.

that's when i started watching videos and shows of snsd and actually i started to like them

and actually became my favorite girl group. i actually asked myself how could i judge these

girls without actually trying to know them?i realized that these girls are really funny,

pure and just so natural.

seohyun became my favorite member of snsd because i really admire her personality, beauty and

talents. i've already watched a lot of their shows and i can really tell that seohyun is not

really that expressive towards her feelings. that's why i can clearly tell that wgm changed

her, in a good way of course. for me, she became more expressive (actually you can see her progress

as the show goes on)

so here's my conclusion: for me, yonghwa changed seohyun's point of view towards boys. he taught her a lot of lessons

that she can't just read on books. seohyun made a lot of firsts with yong.

on the other hand yong also learned a lot from hyun. i really admire him for being patient and stuff because i know that he really had a hard time reading hyun's thoughts.

this couple is just so natural.

it's like they weren't any cameras in front of them at all.

it was like PDnim stalking them while dating and installing

hidden cameras...

ok i'll end my post here.

sorry for the long, boring post of mine.


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Guest ricevol

KIA Motors Hope Dream Concert 10.24.10

Did Hyun~ change her ring to her right hand?

Previously both of them wear it on their left hand tho.

Just minor thing to talk but I'm just curious

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@YongxHyun: the gif posted by soleil was back in the episode when they were getting their driver's license. the episode before the consolation picnic prepared by Jungshin and Hyoyeon with the banmal and TMYW punishments.
























@Faith_memory and tinybeatingheart: hahaha, I'm not that big of a fanboy, but I am a fan. okay so I'm a fanboy. :) :)actually, I got to know SNSD through WGM. YongSeo is the first couple I watched. I grew fond of Seohyun and her unnies because of WGM.





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In Waiting Room Yoong+SY+Seo+Fany Cut
















































































an edit from me base on what i have heard.. (which i played it many times)..
















































































SNSD: Yong seobang! (tiffany with more louder voice)































































































































































Y: Hello































































































































































snsd: annyonghaseyo (hello)































































































































































tiffany: annyong! (hello)































































































































































hyun: good job / nice work































































































































































SNSD (specifically tiffany said it): Come in































































































































































tiffany: new rings (pointing to the ring of yong)































































































































































Y: Seohyun-ah































































































































































hyun:faster! faster! (after the word faster she still said something)































































































































































yong: (said something but i couldn't hear it because of yoona and soo young squeaking hehe).































































































































































SNSD yoona & soo young: They look good together































































































































































tiffany: (shirro) no! since i didnt heard what yong said, i beleive its related on this.. tiffany doesnt want them to practice in cnblue's dressing room.































































































































































Y: Let’s go to our waiting room. There’s nobody there































































































































































H: Really? go now?































































































































































tiffany: But there’s only the few of us here.































































































































































soo young: couple ring!.. JjAng(best)!































































































































































yoona: Why must you go somewhere where there’s nobody































































































































































Y: faster Let’s go. faster Let’s go.































































































































































hyun: going.































































































































































H: onni.I will be back.































































































































































tffany: 잘 가 (bye)































































































































































soo young:잘 가 (bye)































































































































































soo young: annyonghaseyo!































































































































































yoona: annyonghaseyo!































































































































































yoona: annyong































































































































































SNSD: Fighting!































































































































































H: at japan. Fighting































































































































































tifany: thank you
















































































no offense...but this is what i exactly heard... :rolleyes:
















































































i believe...it wasnt the sign that tiffany did...
































































































































































tiffany was pointing to the ring..
















































































correct me if im wrong ^__^

















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Guest tinybeatingheart

heartbreak_warfare22, Wah~ So your bias is Seohyun? But Seohyun is mine! tongue2.gif Haha, just kidding. Seohyun is my bias too of all K-pop girls out there. Keke~~ And... guess what? Yongseo couple is the first couple I watched too on WGM, and actually the only couple I watch and anticipate every Saturday. wub.gif

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