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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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sun_sun, thank you very much for the videos. And again thanks everyone for everything in this post.
























































I just want to share with you, for me the most beautiful/heart touching moment in this episode is when Yong prepares the "200 anniversary day" pin. Seeing Yong immerses himself in making that beautiful and meaningful pin, my heart is ... I don't know how to describe that feeling. The way he writes YSs in the background shows us that he puts a lot of thinking into it. It's just a small pin, but it is the most precious gift that Yong wants to make for his wife. Yong, why do you have to be that thoughtful and perfect? Consider his busy schedule, he still thinks about what to do for their anniversary. That's called LOVE.
























































Whenever my husband does something like that to me, I just feel in love with him more and more. It shows that he always thinks about me and wants to make me happy.
























































Everyone, please always put love into your relationship. It makes your partner happy and makes you happy even more.

































































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Guest tinybeatingheart












bizzie_b, Hihi. Yes unnie. I'm a Pinay. wink.gif Wow~ Idk that ere are lots of Filipino here. keke~~ I'm just 14 years old. Am I the youngest in this thread? mellow.gif











dreamyboo, Waaah. Thanks and welcome. biggrin.gif Hope we can be friends!




panGG, Ooh, Pang unnie. Thanks! I am Reyna rolleyes.gif Hihi. Where are you from by the way? blush.gif




_hachimitsu, Aww, really? Because I'm scared that everyone might ignore it >,< Anyways, the I love Yongseo because..? keke~~ Not yet. But wow, you guys really are avid Yongseo shippers. wub.gif Okay, I'll post it but I don't know what to say. unsure.gif




I love YongSeo because...




  • They make me want to fall in love again. But, I simply fall for them. I don't need anyone else but Yongseo. Because, every Saturday of my life, no matter what, even if I am depressed, sad, or tired, a smile on my face can be seen because of them.




  • Even though a lot of people say they are just a fake couple, they act so real and comfortable with each other. Their relationship grows slowly but surely. 



I believe in destiny --- That they will be together, forever. Yongseo fighting♥



(Reyna Pauline, 14, Philippines)







Hoho, just watched Genie 3D MV. Hyun buin in BLUE. I love it. wub.gif Gogumas, do you know what does this imply? Don't know either, haha. But Hyun is always in BLUE, since WGM with Yonghwa started. I am being delusional again, oh my. But... really. w00t.gif HAHA, Nevermind! I definitely can't wait for next Sunday. You know? Inkigayo with SNSD. Then SNSD will be lined up by age during intervew. Haha. I once drew their possible positions, but I'm afraid I lost it. Anyways, it will be like this:




Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, YoonA, Seohyun, Yonghwa, Sulli, Jo Kwon.










Lol, I hope it's like that. Then SNSD unnies will tease them. Yikes! 


wub.gif Goodmorning/afternoon/evening btw, time for my lunch! BRB! #nowplaying - Love Revolution








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I AM NOT MAD!!!!!!!!!!! :D













































































































































































































































































































































































PLEASE... read the rules for this thread... we don't want this thread off...















































































































































and we don;t want any of us be the reason for it... right????















































































































































Let's help each other.






























































































































































































































1. NO ONE LINERS (meaning ur post must be more that 1 sentenceok?)















































































































































2. NO QUOTING OF PICS/VIDEOS. (you can edit your post when you reply.... just remove the video, pic links EX. this one --> %7Boption%7Dhttp://bg%7Boption%7D and http://jg <---- these are the ones u need to remove when reposting, ok????








































































Your Unnies, and other GOGUMA friends has reiterated it much for you guys..... and we wont get tired, reminding if we have to.







































































































































































































































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jeezzz....at this rate..this thread is really going to get closed down by MOD...




please help us edit your post...make it into 2 lines of very very long sentences.








yongseo is so real.....the way they bicker with each other...if it is not real....i dont know what else


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Guest lorein27
































































































































































































































































































































































































hello goguma villagers!!! soo happy that this threat is very active.. we even reached 1000 viewers.. i know im late but better late that ever right?! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































this episode is great!! daebak!! a lot of bickering but there are also lovey dovey scenes enough to make us go crazy.. ^^ now i'm soooo excited for the next episode and new hoot mv!! keke..
































































































































































































































































































































continue on spazzing!!
































































































































































































































































































































btw, do u guys have a copy of eps 19 and 24-28?? can't download from fb and twitter.. thanks a lot!!

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























hello goguma villagers!!! soo happy that this threat is very active.. we even reached 1000 viewers.. i know im late but better late that ever right?! ^^




















this episode is great!! daebak!! a lot of bickering but there are also lovey dovey scenes enough to make us go crazy.. ^^ now i'm soooo excited for the next episode and new hoot mv!! keke..




















continue on spazzing!!




















btw, do u guys have a copy of eps 19 and 24-28?? can't download from fb and twitter.. thanks a lot!!







































I have all episodes. if you are looking for the latest episodes, just go to rdrssubs.co.cc and click the streaming/download tab to get the download links.




















to the new members of the thread, kindly edit your posts. its against soompi rules to post one liners and quoting images. some threads have already been closed and we don't want that to happen to this thread.




















to Pinoy fans




















do we have a fan clubYongSeo fan club here in the Philippines? I am not a member of any club but I really would like to join a YongSeo fan club, if any.




































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Guest shadow_of_Atum


Hoho, just watched Genie 3D MV. Hyun buin in BLUE. I love it. 


I was curious about this too. I decided to google images of Hyun and realised that in many individual shots, she's usually in white or black. When she is in blue, so were her SNSD unnies for e.g. as cheerleaders. Otherwise, blue has not been a prominent colour for her.


Yet, she has been caught recently wearing blue and not as part of a group, beginning I believe, from the Despicable Me opening, then the Hoot teaser and now the Genie MV. Are there more?


Yes, I may be over-analysing but I am a believer that things happen for a reason. In this case, if she had worn blue once, I would say it's just accidental, twice would make it coincidence but three times or more = a conscious behavioural pattern. :lol:


It could also very well be the case that her company is trying to milk her popularity in WGM by dressing her in blue. When it comes to star couples, usually, netizens will pick up on things like dressing and accessories. Such news will just get people like us talking.


But for the love of Yongseo, I would like to imagine the either of the following scenarios:


Scenario A


Hyun: Unnies, which colour shall I pick?


Unnies (anyone of them): Since you like Yonghwa, why don't you send him a message by wearing their colour


(all in SNSD screams with happiness)


Scenario B


Hyun: Oppa, I am going for the ... tonight


Yong: Hyun-ah, wear my colour will ya? Just so I know you're thinking about me!


*Fans myself*


Happy spazzing alll!!!!


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Guest soshisoshisoshi






hello goguma villagers!!! soo happy that this threat is very active.. we even reached 1000 viewers.. i know im late but better late that ever right?! ^^




this episode is great!! daebak!! a lot of bickering but there are also lovey dovey scenes enough to make us go crazy.. ^^ now i'm soooo excited for the next episode and new hoot mv!! keke..




continue on spazzing!!




btw, do u guys have a copy of eps 19 and 24-28?? can't download from fb and twitter.. thanks a lot!!








why don't you try to look on www.rdrsubs.co.cc or go to sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com. I always download from there....


anyways, the latest episode was DAEBAK! I also have to say that MC Kim is yongseo fan like us too, based on his reaction during the latest episode..... I'm sure everyone is anxious about the next week's episode, SCHOOLBOY and SCHOOLGIRL Yong and Hyun. GOSH they are too cute to be described by words :wub: :wub::wub:


one thing you must not not forget, TO NEWBIES please spend some time to read SOOMPI rules before posting on this thread. We must keep this thread alive and this notice will be posted by every goguma shippers all the time, to make sure you all remember....


j2dlee  we can wait for you, and meanwhile there are some people who mind to spend their time subbing. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the subbers!


ANNYEONG... off to rewatch the latest episode hehe




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Guest lorein27
































































































































































































































































































































































































soshisoshisoshi heartbreak_warfare22 tnx! but i can't download vids from fb.. having a problem with twittter too.. :(
































































































































































































































































































































btw, i'm also fro the Philippines and i'm 16.. ^^ don't know any fanclubs here though..

































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Guest chilipadi_22
















hello fellow gogumas!!!!








i have been spazzing from yesterday till now and will still continue to spazz for the whole week until next week.








without realising, i have been watching yesterday's episode for the nth time. yongseo is really cute. i just cant take my eyes off them now. ORTOKKEH?????
















watching inki now and imagining next week's inki with hyun and her unnies. hahahhaha:)








will the unnies make fun of hyun and yong on stage. (i think the probability is very low but just hope so)








looking forward to next week!!! :)





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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































Love yongseo couple !!:wub:
































































































































































was so excited seeing them fight/flirt around with each other
































































































































































cant wait til next week to see what surprise yong has for hyun. I think this episode would reveal more of yong's feelings towards hyun. Let's hope hyun finally realises and understands his feelings towards her since he did say "He has no feelings to hide anymore and that he is surprised she still doesnt understand his feelings"
































































































































































So i hope we can see hyun reciprocating some of this feeling back towards yong instead of the continuour push and pull battle between the couple. But even though they are having that so called battle. They still care for each other and the duet performance showed how much they depended on each other when they're together
































































































































































Yong has been doing so many activities lately. Lets hope he gets some rest and doesnt tire himself out. We and hyun will always be supporting you !! :w00t:
































































































































































Hmm what else... SNSD unnies, hyun and yong all at the same place at the same time. Could this event reveal some secrets for us???
































































































































































Also, does anyone have the links to yong's Running Man Episode 11 appearance subbed (Note: ive heard that iSUBs do this, but i dunno why, i cant seem to be able to view this site and register an account because the hidden picture cannot be shown :S)
































































































































































So, does anyone know how to fix this problem or have other links to watch it with english subs
































































































































































































































































































































Even though they are a make-believe couple on WGM. We, gogumas know the true feelings that exists between them and believe that it is REAL and osmething will definetely happen... HOPEFULLY!!!! <3
































































































































































Havent we all noticed the way hyun has opened up so much and been able to speak comfortably to hyun (besides the formalities)
































































































































































Maybe we might see some informalities conversation in the next episode
































































































































































Good sign that both hyun and yong are still wearing their respective couple rings
































































































































































ahh i think im going crazy over yongseo couple.:w00t:  The first thing i do when i go on my computer is youtube yongseo couple and read through this thread and hope some exciting news/photos would appear
































































































































































YONGSEOOOO!!!!!! :wub:

































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Guest blueshoes
















YONGHWA @ 101023 The suite house Fansign








































credit 코드네임블루 @ Yonghwa gall
























[Fancam] (101023) 정용화 팬싸인회 The Suite House 홈플러스강서점 1














[Fancam] (101023) 정용화 팬싸인회 The Suite House 홈플러스강서점 2














[Fancam] (101023) 정용화 팬싸인회 The Suite House 홈플러스강서점 3
















credit Blossom~ @ Yonghwa gall









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Guest missmoomin101

 blueshoes:  Thanks so much for the fancams!  I love seeing Yong with his ring wub.gif

Also, I was just wondering is SNSD coming back this week or next week in Inkigayo?? I can't seem to remember!  Any info would be appreciated!  I can't wait to see Yong and Seo at a music broadcast!! 

As for this week's epsiode.... DAEBAK!!  I love their bickering; it's just too cute for words!  I love how this show improves my Korean.  I must watch the raw videos at least ten times laugh.gif

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Blueshoes : Thanks for the pix with his ring!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My suggestion is for the thread owners of this thread to put the rules into your personal signature, so that it appears everytime you reply, versus having to type it everytime. Save some work?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also I think it depends on what the one liner is, I thought if it is more than 20 words it is ok? I think the moderators can judge if the thread is nonsensical or have to many overly simple posting e.g " I love yongseo". "this episode made me happy" etc. in any case, I think most of us get the point not to post too short a message. But I always think writing a long post for the sake of writing a long one is no point too. I myself is making a point now to only post when I have substantial stuff to say.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just checked the sweetpotatodays blog (thanks to the owner) and the rehearsal ep is really filmed before the chuseok ep. In anycase, hyun can hold hands and appear normal and not forgive Yong still. It is perfectly normal for a girl to be that way. She can act normal and still not feel totally open to Yong. But my guess and hope is that by the time they film the chuseok ep, they have made up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong is trying his best, Seobaby please give him a break and trust him ok?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh yes, I did hear the laughter at the background, when the two turned their backs to each other in the living room. Hmm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And in the preview, the "evil" PD have to show Hyun's chest before going up her face! I mean, we already know she has a good figure ok:fury: :D

































































































































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Guest Joh-Eun

@ Joh-Eun: i think the picture of seohyun in the magazine is a photoshopped picture

a first i was like awwwww how cute!!

but then i was like heyyy i remember seeing that picture somewhere!!

so i searched it up again and i saw that it wasnt seohyun on the page.

here is the original picture


Oh dear, I really thought it was Hyun. sweatingbullets.gif  phew.gif Thanks so much for confirming.

It would have been interesting if Yong was really reading about his wife.

Not that I want him to be hurt and sad.

But I want a confirmation that he's really monitoring Hyun outside WGM.  :ph34r:

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Guest glitterspark
















































EDIT: i put it as spoiler just in case:
















Rekochoku conducted a survey asking its users “Which female idol do you think are like goddesses?”. The survey was conducted from October 5th to October 19th. 2,307 people participated.
































































3rd and below are as follows. SNSD and KARA both ranked, they’re Korean girl groups that have just debuted in Japan this year. SNSd has flawless “great legs” and KARA has the cute “butt dance”. Many people said, “They’re naturally goddesses.”
















30 and 40 year olds showed their strong support by voting for legendary idols from the 70s and 80s; Yamaguchi Momoe and Matsuda Seiko.
















Idols You Think Are Like Goddesses Ranking
















1. AKB48
















2. Perfume
































4. Matsuda Seiko
















5. Morning Musume
































7. Nakagawa Shoko
















8. Mizuki Nana
















9. Yamaguchi Momoe
















10. Berryz Koubou
















Translated by: Kanki@Soshified.com































An honor for hyun buin and her unnies to be ranked at #3 in japan...
















seo-goddess rule!!

















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Guest krystie_hoshina




Hi there, all my goguma chingu~


I don't think anyone got any idea who I am anymore... I used to spazz with some of you guys waaaayyy back then, but lately I'm overload with my college coursework and my part-time job. But I'm still lurking this thread every now and then whenever I got time, you guys are just awesome as you always are... thank you so much for everything, you guys' effort in maintaining this wonderful place is much appreciated! I'm just dropping by to say hi and to leave a few words about the "I Love YongSeo because..." project to show you guys my support~ Hopefully I will be getting more free time soon, so that I can join y'all and spazz again~! Love y'all <3




So here it is~!!




I Love YongSeo because...


They are just two beautiful angels from heaven who meant to fall in love with each other. Together they completed the shape of love and proved me that pure, true love does exist. Every sweet memory of their story leaves trails of joy and everlasting warmth in my heart; simply watching their love slowly blossoms has moved me to tears. Just want to thank our beloved couple for bringing me such cute little delights that brighten my days and fill my way with love.


- Kristie 21, U.S.A



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Guest blueshoes
















just visited GOGUMA HOUSE
















I love her fanart
































credit 고구마하우스★'
































Uri Hyunnie
































credit 기타와피아노 @ married gall









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