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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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tinybeatingheart hello again~! we can definitely be friends! and my name is just pang. lol. double gg is just for emphasis. hahaha. and again, welcome to the goguma world!
















































my.yonghwa.baby great post! my favorite part was the "yong is 3 dimensional" lol. sounds like a real article! hahaha.
















































_hachimitsu wonderful caps! :wub: how awesome would it have been if when yong pulled hyun's hand for the "sarangbit" part he pulled it against his heart... (sigh) just my wishful thinking (btw, while writing this love light came on my playlist! fate, i love you!)
















































dreamyboo lol its okay, let me know tomorrow when your awake and fresh! hahaha. have a great night!
















































alah91 lol i love it! thanks for the cap. mc kim we know you're one of us!
















































found these on gogumalove@tumblr:
















































i love it~!
















































































































































































































































































































































and this macro:

























































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































just passing by this thread. and #snsdhoot is trending right now. a lot of fans are anticipating their comeback. what I'm anticipating (and most of us here) is SNSD' performance in Inkigayo. the MC (Yonghwa) meets all 8 sister-in-laws. 
































































































































































after watching the episode, I think the 8 unnies has really accepted Yong. and based on their welcome to him when he entered the waiting room, the unnies did not take his pushing-pulling game that bad. I feel that they understood why Yong did that since they have relatively more experience compared to their maknae. sure they doodled on his face (the thing Jonghyun was holding) maybe just for fun or to intimidate him a little but when he opened the door, Fany shouted YONGSEOBANG!!!! and Sooyoung and Yoona were giggling and teasing.
































































































































































this past 3 episodes and some articles released about the "pushing-pulling" to me became sort of a window to the "inner workings" of their relationship. 
































































































































































1) we don't see them taking selca, but Hyun has tons of their pictures based on her gift to Yongwa.
































































































































































2) bickering back and fort. their bickering can be somewhat cute and entertaining but the genuine emotion is always there. and you don't bicker like that with someone unless you are very comfortable with that person.
































































































































































3) Yonghwa initiating his master plan of pushing and pulling without telling anyone shows his sincerity of Seohyun. it was a risky move, even the crew were dumbfounded. but I believe that they really became closer because of that. sure he face the wrath of the angry rapper Hyun, but no other guy can do what he just did. he is indeed special.
































































































































































4) their conversation revealing that they do contact each other regularly. even if they are out of Korea.
































































































































































5) Seohyun always expecting a reply from Yonghwa. this shows that she is interested in Yonghwa and his activities.
































































































































































6) Seohyun making Yonghwa jealous. If Yonghwa's way to confirm Seohyun's feelings is through pushing and pulling, Seohyun's way is to make him jealous. we now know why in the UJ episode she said "I'm not like SOMEONE."
































































































































































7) Seohyun being confused as to why Yong had to do the pushing-pulling. she was concerned as to why he had to do that. she could be thinking "is it something that I did?" or other similar question. this shows that she really thinks about him. but in the end, she admits that there is a positive thing because of that pushing-pulling game.
































































































































































8) in the preview, Yonghwa preparing a lot for Seohyun for their 200th day. the uniform, the location, and the 3 presents. this guy should be tired. but a smile is always plastered on his face whenever he is with Seohyun. they began filming at 9am, then he went to film Inkigayo. then travel to IKMW for CNBlue's performance and the duet. returned home with Seohyun with still an event. with his busy schedule, I think he really thought of this and planned it ahead of time. I mean, getting Seohyun's actual hihg school uniform I think is not a walk in the park.
































































































































































@bizzie_b: wow we're the same age. I'm also from the Philippines. but in a couple of months I'll be an oppa to you. :)

































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Guest yoreizei










Summary for the preview of next week ep

Basically the preview showed Yong asking Hyun to find something for him, then he brought out his surprise for her. She once wished to go out and play in the middle of the night in her school uniform. When Hyun asked Yong where were they going, he asked her to just follow him. I guess that's pretty much what the preview was about :)

Credit : Yukilovesyou @ Twitter











Thank you Yukilovesyou ^^



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Guest sun_sun



Cute Scene for me ^^

Hyun use umbrella hit at Yong's leg.


I feel this couple not look like husband and wife but they look like girlfriend and boyfriend. They know each other when time goes by. SUPER CUTE.


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Guest mrsjoker


Today episode is filled with another DAEBAK moments!!! :wub:

These two lovebirds is seriously adorable it kills me at times. I was literally giggling and squealling so much over their bickering moments. That bickering moments is a pure gem to me, much like the epic birthday episode. It was so full of EMOTIONS (like seriously RAW emotions). There's some highlights on their bickering moments that made me spazzing and squealling and giggling so hard my cheek hurts.

Yong: When I was in Singapore. I was surprised when I read your text message. (OMG...She texted him. SHE. TEXTED. HIM. OUTSIDE. FILMING. :w00t: )


Hyun: Why?

Yong: The way you texted was something "Kyuhyun Oppa held my hand at the concert. You should know about it".

Hyun: No, what i meant was "I just wanted to let you know". (EXHIBIT A : Indication of a smart wife in the process of keeping his man on his toe! BRAVO HYUN~~ so proud of you ^_^ )


Yonghwa: You're just letting me know. But I already know about that before because the fans uploaded it on the internet and they said "Holding hands...What about yonghwa?" But I'm cool about it. ( err... yeah...you're cool about it. sure yong sure~~~:phew:  )


Seohyun: But you didn't reply to my text.

Yonghwa: I text you regularly and I call you when I'm overseas. ( OMG... DID HE REALLYJUST SAY IT OUT LOUD??? TEXT REGULARY? CALL HYUN WHEN HE'S OVERSEAS?... *fangirl swoon to cloud nine* :w00t: )


Seohyun: That..I don't know.

Yonghwa: You're the one who doesn't text first and I should be the first one to do so?

Seohyun: No..I..

Yonghwa: Me~~rooong~ ( SUPER CUTE HUBBY YONG~~)




and there's this particular part on the dark room interview that just makes me go asdfghjklkkjhgddhjkl~~~


Yong: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now,  I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.

Hyun: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.

Gawd... this particular part is just beautiful. it shows their "insecurity" in their current relationship. and to me "insecurity" screams REAL FEELINGS!!! Both invested REAL FEELINGS into this show. it is DANGEROUS but i sure am LOVING IT!!!:wub:




@Goguma1207 : I couldn't have agreed 1000% with you. like you, i too am convinced that they are in a "more than friends but not yet dating" kind of situation in this particular timing, i think the epic birthday surprise, did more to their hearts than they expected. That's why there is so many insecurities going on, the constant hesitation, the confusion and frustration going on in their heads. Obviously LOVE is in the air but it's too overwhelming for them to digest it...yet. (it'll be interesting to watch the recent japan filming...i need to know have they digest it already or not).




ps : Thank you everyone for the translations, caps, pic, links and etc. i love you guise~~~ :wub:


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Cute Scene for me ^^
















































Hyun use umbrella hit at Yong's leg.
















































subbed preview
































































































_hachimitsu here is a gif shared by tinybeatingheart from earlier ---
































































































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Guest _hachimitsu
















annyeong~! (yes, me, AGAIN^^)
















hmm.. i find it hard to fully spazz on their dialogues, as there are several translation which, give similar meanings (of the dialogue) but were written or interpreted differently. I know it is hard to translate it accurately especially if you're not a native speaker so i'd like to, again, to say thank you for all the translation. Just by getting an insight of their dialogues makes me happy.
















@caliope yeah, i don't expect much about Yonghwa & SNSD interaction on Inki since SNSD will be there to promote their songs. The least we might get could be them greeting each other as in laws, or the other MCs teasing Yonghwa briefly. Ah.. we'll see~
















@constantia11 LOL! i can't blame you for focusing too much at our Yongseo~ MC Kim is a true yongseo shipper, i think the other MCs are too but not as obvious as him haha^^
















@panGG ughh seohyun's hand at his chest??that would've be awesome! but his heart might explode in the process haha. perhaps, a similar scene for the wedding pics? *impatient goguma* yess you found some of the gifs i'm looking for. thanks!
















@heartbreak interesting post... just wondering, since you're a guy, do you think yonghwa's 200th day event will somehow increase his goguma points, trusts etc? Some girls, despite feeling happy with events/surprises etc, they will still remember that one thing that make them pissed. I believe in yongseo, hopefully this "bickering" wont be a major one, but it is indeed one of their turning point. I never see a couple who bicker but yet can smile to each other like them! haha 
















@yoreizei i just saw it too! I wonder what sort of thing Yonghwa wants her to find, and where?? deugum deugum!!
















Posting last few caps before i turn in....








































Yong~ why are you secretly smirking over there? LOL at the clueless Seohyun
























Whoever did that love decoration is seoriously daebak! It always gives the perfect ambience for all kitchen scene. I can tell Yong is enjoying himself looking at Hyun.
























Alert! Yong seobang on the move!
























HAHAHA EPIC FAILED! Gifs, I want gifs!
























But wait, as soon as his arm landed on seohyun's shoulder, seohyun started to hum "Love Light" (watch the video) and smiles secretly (too bad it is not a secret anymore. WGM camera FTW!) Wonder what were they thinking? Yong and his killer stares... aigoo
































HOKAY. Havent sleep for a day... night people~ Waiting for better screencaps by our Queen of Screencaps and more analysis by gogumas~^^









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I am also excited with Inkigayo, but please... don't expect much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Very important to remember:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for the translation, news and videos.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yup its prohibited to appear as couple in another tv.so they never did a variety show together in another broadcast station ,i remember all unnies only tease her about the marriage in mucore which is MBC station.well there another tv shows asked about the marriage but usually only just one couple is present(win win yonghwa,happy together,win win snsd,kbs story show rock ect) (but i remember gain and kwon appeared in sang sang plus,but its long time ago and the show has ended)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Eng Subs preview eps 30

































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































@hachimitsu: whenever me and my girlfriend fight becaus of something idiotic that I did, I always make it up to her. I'll try to be extra sweet or take her somewhere nice. but Yong is really crafty, so whatever he has up his sleeves for their 200th day celebration, I think it would be awesome. this just occurred to me as I am typing this. since Yong mentioned that he prepared something that Seohyun wants, could he prepared some bicycles? Seohyun mentioned that she wanted to ride bicycles. but she never mentioned in the show that she wanted to go around at night in high school uniform. maybe we can look up the list that they made that is posted on their refrigerator. so I think next week's episode will be great. :)

































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Guest Goguma06



PanGG: Thank you for all the cute gifs!!

Thank you all for the translations, the screencaps, news, etc!!!!

This episode was DAEBAK!

What i liked the most:

1. Yong initiating skinship:

 the way he took her hand when they were on the couch!

 I DIED there! Seohyun seemed a little taken aback at this time XD......

.Yong trying to put his arm on Hyun's shoulder = FAIL XDDD.....but finally succeded !

Yong way to gooo~~~ continue doing skinship like that

2. Yong cute aegyo:

How could he be cuter than that? Mostly when he did the "Merong" thing!!!!

I died for a second time there kekeke...

3. Cn blue brothers-in-law:

When Jungshin chingu and Minhyuk were doing like Yongseo couple at the back!!

 They were so cute and all Yaoi XD...killed me for the third time....aigoo

4. MC kim:

He surely is Yongseo couple's number one fan XD ...

He was so funny being all exicted when Yongseo were doing skinship and when they were performing.

 I love this MC!!

5. Yong's 200 days anniversary badge and his surprises:

Yong oppa how can you be more cute? aigoo....

i am sure that when Hyun will find out all what you prepared for her,

 she won't be "mad" anymore. (mad is a big world because i am sure that she wasn't mad anymore

 at the second she saw Yong in the beauty shop last episode)

6. Hyun's obvious attempt to make Yong jealous:

Hyun unni...it was pretty obvious that you mentionned the holding hand with Kyuhyun oppa

 just because you wanted to make Yong jealous. Good job girl! You succeded!  :))

awww i liked this episode! Can't wait to have the RDR subs!


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Guest glitterspark
































































































just dropping by in the middle of the night to share something:
































i think some gogumas have made tributes to mc kim for showing his love to our goguma couple... (really awesome idea)
































he's certainly like a goguma godfather to yongseo and the goguma fandom~
































so here's a little tribute i made to him as well for this episode.. enjoy!!
































































and thanks to all hardworking gogumas who shared spazz-isms, gifs, links, translations, caps and many more...
































you guys make the waiting for saturdays bearable, and my love for yongseo grow stronger~~

































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Totally love this moment:








































cr: gogumalove@tumblr




















Taeyeon once mentioned that Seohyun eats so many sweet potatoes that her skin has turned yellow. You can see it very clearly here as her skin color really is yellow when compared to her hubby :lol:





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Guest pseudonykkaii


Wouldnt be surprised if one of these days we find out he actually spazzes with us in this very forum!!!


I cannot wait for episode 30!!!!

Wonder what theyll do~ i love how yong just everso casually says..

Change my socks for me~


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Guest kimchi.hyun
































































































































































































SNSD @ Kpop Night Singapore
































































cr: energywen @ twitter
































































































































































































errrrr, Ring Ding Dong ? xD

































































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Guest Wilhelm1066








Hachimitsu YEAH!




















They are very good, but i think that she absolutely reminds me more of Sooyoung, because of the eyes is more set apart, than Seohyun's.








Here's an example:
















If you are wondering you can find an original photo here at:
















And don't worry I can't draw as nice as you dear Hachimitsu, I just processed the photo through Paint.NET (a freeware-program in just thirty seconds)








You MUST continue doing those commentary drawings. I'm waiting!!!





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Guest keemaster

Hello ... I'm newbie for this board . My name's Kee. I come from Thailand ... Nice to meet you everyone ^ ^

I'll like sweet potato very much . I follow this couple since EP01 - now but I just know this board ^ ^

I'm so sorry for my English skill .


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Guest Crystal392

Thanks to everyone for the gifs, screencaps, translations and everything! :D

I think I've also become a fan of MC Kim! hehehe he is awesome!

I just arrived home and even though Im super tired I want to watch the latest ep, can someone please post the links? Thanks in advance.

Yay! Ring Ding Dong! ;)

Btw, I took this screencap a few hours ago. So many Gogumas on Goguma Planet ^_^



I'm not trying to be mean or anything and I hope nobody will feel offended with this but I just wanted to remind everyone this is a YongSeo thread. I know some people also ship other pairings (it's ok, my fave pair is YongSeo but I also ship pairings like YongHwa with ShinHye or Hyoyeon xD ^^ and I used to ship SeoHyun with Kyuhyun) but I thought we agreed we wouldn't mention those pairings here.



About yout spoiler, I felt the same way unnie!

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hi keemaster! Welcome to Goguma Planet ^^ Here we spazz YongSo 24/7. Glad you could join us. Welcome too to the many new posters who make this place happening!
































































































































































Thanks hachimitsu for the screencaps and dedicated spazzing :lol: I love your drawing! Haha. Ah,... if only I could draw. So many YongSeo scenarios trapped in my head ><. Thanks for sharing your art here.
































































































































































goguma1207 I loved reading your analysis. you have such a great way with words. The way you pictured the events is so real.
































































































































































There have been a lot of mentions about I Dont Know Why and now I'm super-convinced you all are right about the song being written with SeoHyun in mind.
































































































































































Warning, some ramblings ahead:
































































































































































I have to admit when "I Don't Know Why" came out around September 9 I was really skeptical whether it was about SeoHyun. It was this line that threw me off:
































































































































































"Long time no see anything new down way"
































































































































































And I thought, huh? He sees her almost evey week for filming. Or they call and text you know. So, naaaaaah. Probably a past relationship inspired him. Sure there's the part about the girl being popular. Maybe that part was SeoHyun-inspired.
































































































































































































































































































































Episode 28 and 29 came out AND IT ALL BECAME CLEAR
































































































































































So now, I eat my words, I admit I was wrong. I bow down to all of you who have much superior instincts than I
































































































































































I Don't Know Why is for SeoHyun. Clear as day.
































































































































































And YongHwa, you have some big cajones putting it in that album, declaring for all the world to know.































































































































































































































































































































miel thank you for sharing those pictures! Hey, its not wrong if I say YongHwa is a hottie right? :lol: YongSeo.. such a hot couple.
































































































































































Oh, I haven't said anything about the episode? LOL. Been reading everyones postings and spazzing along so I feel like I've spazzed all day XD... Lot's of favorite moments. Hope this is not too random, but I love the documentary-like feel of the Incheon Concert scenes. It's interesting to see the other side of the lights and glamour on stage. Seeing SeoHyun clap and dance along to CNBLUE while waiting backstage was moving. She just seems so proud of them and happy to hear the fans cheering
































































































































































Also loved seeing SeoHyun interact with her brother in-laws. They are TOO CUTE. Poor JongHyun all shy, haha. I think no matter what happens after WGM is over they are all family. She and YongHwa have a shared history and they will keep cheering each other on.
































































































































































Also, THANK YOU armedbattle, lyrynne and rxp for the translations. Thanks to your kind work we all get to spazz along :)
































































































































































I know I'll miss some names if I try to mention all but to eveyrone who has shared news, links and pictures of the WGM episodes, Hoot teaser, SNSD Kpop Night, YongHwa at the fashion show, and happy posts that keep this thread so alive kamshamnida!

































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































Hello Everyone!!! So nice to see you all, I really love my goguma family!!!
















































Well, we have jumped many pages so I am making a recap.
















































Episode Links:
















































Part 1
















































Part 2
















































Part 3
















































Cr. diodano1
















































Preview in English:
































































































Cr. snjwon
















































Credit to armedbattle at Soompi. Translations from Chinese Subs.
















































I am really envious of all those at the KPN Concert now. I refrained myself from going because of my exams in 2weeks and I wanted to spend time studying. The last time I got back after CN Blue’s mini live, I was on a never-ending adrenaline for more than a week and my studies went on a bad-timed hiatus. So in the end, I stayed at home watching WGM and reading Chinese subs then translating. Ironic.
















































Y: Aish. Its today.
















































H: Hurry. There’s no time. Hurry.
















































H: But without you at rehearsal, can the three of them handle it without their hyung?
















































Y: That’s right. I will rush down straight after my schedule
















































MC NY: How can they perform without a rehearsal?
































































































H: I was really worried. Our schedule was really packed and we never had any rehearsal before
















































Y: We practiced individually for the past few days. That day was our first time practicing together.
















































Y: How should we do it? Jung Shin and Jong Hyun will be here. Minhyuk will be at the back
















































H: Yes
















































Y: You will come in from there
















































H: From here
















































*Starts singing RDR*
















































Y: Do I come in here?
















































H: Didn’t we change the sequence?
















































Y: Ah… Its like this. I got mixed up.
















































H: There’s no action here. What do we do?
















































Y: You will feel uncomfortable?
















































H: Yes.
















































Y: Aish. We will know what to do when we are there.
















































H: No. We can’t perform without any preparation.
















































Y: Then I will do freestyle.
















































H: What do I do?
















































Y: Don’t worry. I will lead you.
















































H: No. I am worried
















































Y: *singing RDR* We will meet here.
















































H: At this part when I sing I’ve been cheated by you, I will tilt my head this way.
















































Y: Okay! Okay! That's what we will do.
















































H: Hurry.
















































Y: You’re the best! You’re a genius.
















































H: Hurry! Hurry!
















































*singing RDR until the part about kicking you away*
















































Y: Kick! Kick!
















































H: I will really kick.
















































Y: Ah. Really?
















































H: You want me to kick?
















































Y: Of course you kick.
















































H: To the left or the right.
















































Y: Are you a left hander or right hander?
















































H: Right hander.
















































Y: Okay but don’t kick my butt.
















































Y: Okay. Good.
















































*You better run run run*
















































Y: I will look at you here ok. And you will glare at me.
















































H: Ah. I will laugh. I can’t.
















































MC Jake: Its difficult to face each other and sing.
















































MC: Its awkward!
















































Y: We are husband and wife! Husband and wife! We need to look like one!
















































H: Okay.
















































*Singing Love Light: It feels as if Love has come to us*
















































MC: They look really close
















































MC Jake: Has Seohyun forgiven him?
















































MC NY: That’s right.
















































MC: No. She hasn’t forgiven him.
















































MC Jake: Really?
















































Y: And… You are my love……… light. THANK YOU!
















































H: Should we hold hands on this side instead?
















































*You are my love light*
















































MC Jake: Just like this
















































MC: Yes. Hold hands
















































Y: Good. Good.
















































H: Its funny but alright.
















































Y: Run devil run is fine too?
















































H: Yes. And… You know about it? KyuHyun Oppa and I
















































Y: Yes. I heard about it
















































H: Oh. You heard about it?
















































Y: Yea.
















































H: Held hands…
















































*News: SeoHyun didn’t hold hands with Jung Yong Hwa. She held some other guy’s hands*
















































H: Holding hands with him and this is different. Anyway, its nothing.
















































Y: What? What? Its nothing holding another guy’s hand?
















































H: No.
















































Y: When I was in Singapore, I saw your text and got a shock.
















































H: Why?
















































Y: Your text was hilarious “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it.”
















































H: No. I meant “I just wanted to let you know”
















































Y: “You should know about it”
















































H: I wanted to say “I just wanted to let you know”
















































Y: No “You should know about it”
















































H: aish. I will check later.
















































Y: I knew about it before. I read on the internet. Fans said “They held hands. What about YongHwa?”. But I am cool about it.
















































H: I texted you but you didn’t reply
















































Y: I choose to reply you carefully. The day you were flying off, didn’t I call you?
















































H: That… I don’t know
















































Y: You never text me first. It’s always me texting you first.
















































H: I….
















































Y: melong. *sticks out tongue*
















































H: I do text you first. Liar. Seriously.
















































MC Jake: Shouldn’t they be practicing instead of having another push and pull battle?
















































Y: Your tone was hilarious! “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it”. I texted you and you never replied!
















































H: I didn’t receive it. My phone wasn't with me. I did tell you. Liar.
















































Y Sings: Its raining. Singing this song, I think of you
















































H: Aish. Seriously. Come here and sit down.
















































Y: Got it. I will treat you well, Seohyun-ah
















































H: Forget it.
















































Y: Sorry.
















































H: I feel as if we don’t understand one another
















































Y: What understand?
















































MC: Looks like they have reached this situation
















































Y: No. Why are you like this? Its just interesting
















































H: Its not interesting
































































































Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now, I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.
















































H: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.
















































Question: Is the push and pull situation going to help?
















































H: Yes. What goes around will come around
















































JW: Ah. Its raining heavily
















































Y: Let’s make Kimchi stew
















































H: Really?
















































Y: Ah. Kimchi stew needs to have (?). Make it as a herbal medicine for me
















































H: Okay. Please wait.
















































Y: Because today’s schedule is really exhausting
















































MC Jake: Even his hands are not coordinated
















































Y: Buin! I am going to work!
















































H: Come back soon
















































Y: Bye
















































H: Bye
















































Y: Practice well at home. I’m off.
















































H: Bye bye
















































Y: Bye bye
















































MC NY: Its raining heavily
















































MC: Ah. Jung Shin chingoo
































































































Y: Hello. I am Yong Hwa… Sulli… JoKwon.
































































































*Jong Hyun and Seo Hyun highfive*
















































MC NY: Ah… Jong Hyun is so shy
















































JW: Its still raining. The concert is not even indoors. Its outdoors!
















































MC: Seo Hyun can’t coordinate well with others
































































































Y: How long does it take to get there?
































































































Min Hyuk: You have a call
















































H: Hello
















































Y: SeoHyun-ah. Have you practiced with the kids?
















































H: Yes. I practiced with Jong Hyun oppa
















































Y: How was it?
















































MC: She’s happy
















































H: It was different without you
















































Y: Got it. I will rush there now.
















































H: Come quickly. Be careful on the road.
















































Y: Okay
















































*Jung Shin sings awkwardly*
















































Min Hyuk (to Seo Hyun): Not bad
































































































MC: What’s that?
















































JW: Is that a present?
















































MC NY: Is he preparing something?
































































































Y: Because it was a special day so I would definitely do something that Seo Hyun likes. I prepared something for during the performance and after the performance. Things she would like to do. And I have a present for Seo Hyun. Three things.
































































































Y: Where’s SNSD waiting room?
















































Min Hyuk: The room in front. She came just now. They did that (referring to what Jong Hyun was holding)
















































Y: Really? Okay.
















































*8Unnies together*
















































Y: Its weird.
















































JW: Its going to be awkward
































































































SNSD: Yong Brother in law!
















































Y: Hello
















































SNSD: Come in
















































Y: Seohyun-ah
















































SNSD: They look good together
















































Y: Let’s go to our waiting room. There’s nobody there
















































H: Really?
















































SNSD: But there’s only the few of us here.
















































SNSD: Why must you go somewhere where there’s nobody
















































Y: Let’s go. Let’s go.
















































H: I will be back.
















































SNSD: Fighting!
















































H: Fighting
















































MC Jake: Isit the Japanese(?)
































































































H: There’s no problem with Love Light so let’s start from Run Devil Run
















































Y: Do I stand here, Seo Hyun?
















































H: Here.
















































Y: Loudly!
















































H: When I sing “You have to hold onto me”, you rest your hand on my shoulder.
















































H: Okay?
















































Y: Ah. Its not bad. Not bad
































































































H: Why are you nervous suddenly?
















































Y: I was nervous all along.
















































H: Fighting!
















































Tiffany and Yuri: Hello
















































Yuri: Ah. Seo Hyun. Let unnies see your cute side.
















































Y: See you later
















































Y&H: Fighting!
















































*Camera focuses on Yong Hwa's guitar strap with badge*
















































*Caption: 200th Day Anniversary. Wife doesn't know about the badge on his guitar strap*
































































































MC: Ah. He's so energetic!
































































































In preparation to move about, Yong Husband
















































While BEG is performing, CNBLUE is setting up
















































Swave Brothers-In-Law and with-worry-written-all-over-his-face Yong Husband
















































Without Hyun Wife, can we do it?
















































BEG's performance ends. Next up is CNBLUE's stage
















































Full of energy, Yong Husband and Wife's who's watching backstage
















































200th Day Anniversary
















































Husband performing while Wife gives her support
















































Slowly, it inches towards Husband and Wife's duet
















































Y: Love! Love! Love!
















































H(backstage): Clap! Clap! Clap!
















































Caption: Hyun prepares to go on stage
















































Caption: Yong slowly shows signs of nervousness
















































Caption: The door opens
















































Caption: Standing on the same stage, YongSeo Couple!
















































MC NY: Its starting! Its starting! Its starting!
















































Caption: Yong Husband prepares to go out
















































Caption: YongSeo Couple's first duet on stage
















































H Sings: Behave well, you bad boy!
































































































On CNBLUE's stage, a very charismatic Hyun Wife
















































Ah! Is he nervous or is there something wrong with the earpiece?
















































The earpiece is malfunctioning
















































Immersed in the performance, Hyun Wife
















































Yong continues to fiddle with the earpiece
















































Yong tries his best to focus on the performance
















































After Run Devil Run, its Love Light which bears deep meaning for them
















































A different atmosphere from Run Devil Run
















































MC: They look like there's only the two of them present
















































MC: Focus on the meaning of the song!
















































Caption: Unknowingly, the song ends
































































































Question: How was your first duet?
















































H: We did it. I was really relying on him, I didn't know it too. In such a nerve-wrecking situation, we could only rely on one another.
















































Y: The earpiece malfunctioned. Even though such a situation happened on our 200thday anniversary performance, it was very meaningful despite it being a heavy responsibility. It was very meaningful.
















































Question: What were your unnies reactions upon watching you and Yong Husband hold hands?
















































H: They went "wa!" Haha. All of them had the same reaction. I don't regret any bit of it (holding hands)
















































Y: We have already had our 200th day anniversary so they might be more accepting of us holding hands.
















































Caption: The weather was terrible and they did not have sufficient practice. Despite all the difficulties, they safely put on their first performance together.
















































1. Pardon any inaccurate translations
















































2. AND I might have mixed up the MCs































































































Will spazz in a moment, cant stop watching the practice in their house!!!

















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