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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest *lyrynne*
































































































































































































































Staff: Was there a good thing about the push and pull battle?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: I think so. It's too late to find out about the good thing (about the push and pull battle)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































what does it mean by "too late"...so she regrets from what she said "push him away" to yong?































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's too late to find out about it because she found out about it already. horrible phrasing sorry about that.
















































































































































































































V He said "I don't mean it in a bad way" It's like he's both referring to the joke and the act he's been up too. He wants Hyun to know about what he feels but it seems like it's all a joke for Hyun that's why Hyun said that she's not sure if everything was sincere then. Read goguma1207's post on the previews page.

















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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































Good morning gogumas! ^^
































































thanks all translators for the hard work, much appreciated ^^
































































EPIC episode, let's spazz spazz spazz all the way gogumas!! ^^
































































so I just wanna make sure something
































































when they were in the dark room, regarding Yong's statement, is it "I don't mean it in a bad way" or "I have nothing to hide about my feelings?" If it is "I don't mean it in a bad way. I'm surprised she still doesn't get what I mean", when he said that, does he mean he doesn't understand why Huyn is making a deal out of his "joke"? or does he mean he doesn't understand why Hyun is still unaware of his REAL feelings? I'm confused -.-
































































and maybe i'm just over analyzing here, but when Huyn said "Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better." is she saying she wants to make sure that his feelings are REAL and he's not faking it for the sake of the show? Uri Hyun seems to be serious about this relationship with her Yong hubby. It just doesn't look like she notices that it's just a show to me :D Maybe I'm just easily fooled, but with her being mad for this long, her worries for Yong hubby and her desire to find out what his REAL, TRUE, and SINCERE feelings are,if this is fake, I can't help to but to be fooled :D









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Guest tinybeatingheart












Simple edit by me lol I'm really bored and sleepy, I can't sleep sad.gif




Anyways, sorry for sharing 'nothing'








Keke~~ It's either Seobaby is going to kill me with that gun or with that kiss <3 wub.gif




EDIT: Just noticed now, as in now. Hyun buin is wearing BLUE. Okay, sharing 'nothing' again. Tsk3. Goodnight Gogumas! biggrin.gif (for real! haha.)





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Guest chilipadi_22
















seohyun looks super hot in the teaser!!








seobaby has grown up alr...i bet yong would drool while seeing that! hahahhaha:)








looking forward to their comeback on inki. and of coz yong's reaction when he meets all 8 SNSD unnies. hahhahhahaha:)








seeing him so nervous in today's episode when he was going to SNSD's waiting room, i bet he will be very nervous next week. hahhahaha:)








*anticipating with big eyes*








EDIT: after SNSD's japanese version of Gee with hyun in blue jeans. AND now, a blue outfit. hyun really loves BLUE yeah!! :)





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kubih awww thats a really sweet idea you got there. i personally think that she would have started the balmal after the birthday episode, but after being in no contact for a month that idea shot down to hell with the gogumas. hahaha.
















































now it makes me wonder how many gogumas yong had... 1000000000000000000000000000000! :) hyun must have been very full. :lol:
















































rxp080100 oh thank you so much for those translations! your daebak! favorite parts

yong: "i freestyle this kind of stuff"

hyun: "...what should i do?"
















































yong: "yea, i heard about it, i heard about it"
















































hyun: "just wanted you to know!"































































































yea... hyun wanted yong's jealousy juices to start running :lol: i love her! she knows how to do.
















































blueshoes oh wow, thanks for sharing (i still havent gone back to rewatch yet :( ) his holding her so... manlyish. hahaha.
















































Cjbaby12 thanks for the links!!! :wub:
















































DJHinata OMG! we did it again! we thought exactly the same with the "1000000000" part. although mine is a little longer, its still the same ;) hahaha. great minds truely think alike! and "i dont know why" is... JJANG!!! i really want to know the story behind that now. i doubt there was any speculation about it, but now... we're going goguma over it! hahaha.
















































semi-fly thank you thank you for the link!!
















































hyuksu i knew it!!!! i kept thinking that it LOOKED so familiar! but i could not find any pictures of her in her uniform in my stash! (then well i got super tired and fell dead asleep, lol) but thanks for sharing! hm... i wonder how yong got it?! two ways: 1. he tracked down her school and got one there, which is kind of sweet! and 2. he asked the snsd sister in laws (hyoyeon, is my pick, cause i think his still scared of the others! hahaha), which is even sweeter! awwww...
















































tinybeatingheart awwww! welcome little one! hahaha. dont be offended, i love young buds like you :) and i loved your caps! and that gif i totally saved it! lol. (i need to go watch the ep now!!!) and i like how you ended with "and there it all started... their gangsta stuff" lmao hahah good one!
















































jnj awwww! i hope you had a wonderful time! share share share when you get back! if you spazz on the seohyun thread, let me know so i can go stalk it with you guys later!
















































lunasol "merong" means like a teasing sticking the tongue out at you thing. lol. i saw it from "hello baby with shinee" lol
















































armedbattle you are too funny! but we appreciate the hard work ;) seriously thou. thank you! seriously love the bickering. awwww!!!
















































Jillwithercraft lmao i was wondering what was up with that?! lol i can totally picture it now, hyun and jungshin drawing on it! lol
















































gogumafan jonghyun is my 2nd biased in cn blue and i thought they were kind of cute too. and it would cute to know yong's reaction to the small skinship, but i think he probably isnt as effected by it like say if jungshin or minhyuk did it. because one, jonghyun is older, so she doesnt feel as "comfortable" with him like she would with the other two cn blue brothers. lol but they did look cute together, lol.
















































goguma1207 ohmygod! your post was beautiful. i loved it. and read the whole thing. twice! hahaha. aww... you putting it into words like that makes it seem all too real. hahaha. how amazing would it be to find out that these were real. after reading the translations and stuff, it helped me a lot to understand what they were feeling and thinking, and your post made my heart... sad. yet happy. sad because... i feel for the both of them. hyun is here feeling vulnerable about how yong's feelings and yong is feeling frustrated because hyun cant seem to understand his feelings. its really a REAL life relationship issue, where unless they dont talk about it, they wont ever be able to solve this "push and pull" game they have going on. hmm... thanks again. i loved your post.
















































yoreizei thanks for the caps! so hoot! (okay that was lame... hahaha)
















































will be back later for some more input! and thanks for the snsd teaser!









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Guest miel_1301

YongHwa made two appearances today, 23 October 2010.

And you should all know by now why I'm posting specifically these two captures. Hahaha!

@The Suit House Fan Sign


@The Chang Kwang Hyo Fashion Show


Cr:dcgall jyh.net


Episode 29 is definitely another spazz-worthy episode.

I am reserving my comments, observations and interpretations for a later time.

But just a side note...

I seem unable to get over JongHyun's total shyness and awkwardness when he had to fill-in the post of his Hyung during the dry-run to practise with Seobaby. And I noticed that he has his eyes on Seobaby when they, together with the couple, were practising the RDR inside their waiting room. Are you somehow mesmerized of Hyun, JongHyun? I have always loved the interaction between the CN Blue boys [MinHyuk, Jungshin and JongHyun] and SeoHyun. One can pretty much deduce that they really like her albeit adore her.

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Guest bizzie_b


I said I was going to sleep awhile ago but I really can't.  I kept on watching videos of yongseo! haha phew.gif




I really can't wait to see SNSD perform in Inki!  Hope Hyun wears something blue again during the performance!  And hope she'll stand beside Yong during the interview! wub.gif  Hyun is so lovely in the teaser!  Guess she will get more fanboys! hahalaugh.gif


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kubih awww thats a really sweet idea you got there. i personally think that she would have started the balmal after the birthday episode, but after being in no contact for a month that idea shot down to hell with the gogumas. hahaha.
















haha. when i saw the preview, i just couldn't help to think that the scenario is really suited for the banmal talk. yong and hyun a senior at high school walking together talking like a high schooler. argh, the bad thing is we have to wait another week! 20 min a week is just not enough.
















i just noticed that inkigayo was also having a school theme where the 3 MCs where the school uniform. co-incidentally, yong will wear his school uniform later at night after the concert ended.





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Guest tinybeatingheart








Anyeong all gogumas














here is the link:











Girls' Generation(소녀시대)_훗(Hoot)_TEASER MOVIE(티져무비)







Thanks for all translation, link, and caps ^_^














Edit: I've got this message from linlixeng (they are yongseo shippers too):







        "HELP!!!  could you please help us post this on seohwa  soompi thread.  it's super duper clear of CNblue's interview in SG.    don't  know why we could not get through soompi today."







here is the link hd version:





[HD FANCAM] CN BLUE Question&Ans session during showcase 2/2















ichigo_kawai, Thanks for that link. Hoho. I love the part where in:





MC: “If you were not part of CN BLUE, what career path would you have taken?”


Fan: “So Nyeo Shi Dae!”







Then his facial expression went like this.. 


















Then he showed the ring..











Haha, this couple is seriously REAL<3























Okay, so I thought I'm going to be a forever lurker here. Haha. So.. I am a first timer here at soompi forums. I mean, I just regstered. WGM Preview










Keke~ Welcome fellow Goguma Lover :)

tinybeatingheart awwww!  welcome little one!  hahaha.  dont be offended, i love young buds like you :)  and i loved your caps! and that gif i totally saved it!  lol. (i need to go watch the ep now!!!)  and i like how you ended with "and there it all started... their gangsta stuff" lmao hahah good one!




panGG, iloveyousixteen, D'aww, unnies(?) Kamsahamnida~~ No one ever welcomed me except the both of you. sad.gif So.. thank you! Hope that we can be friends wink.gif What are your names, by the way? 




bizzie_b, Haithar, I can't sleep too just like you D: Kekeke~~ How old are you, btw? :) Sorry for being 'Feeling Close' XD





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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































Hello, everyone! biggrin.gif
































































































































I don't know if you all know, but the SeoHwa thread was featured in a Soompi Facebook update earlier today. Apparently when YongSeo was airing, this thread had about 1000 viewers?! I'm so proud of us! YongSeo Shippers are awesome w00t.gif Never underestimate the power of dedicated fans, two rows of goguma crops, and true love. Teeheetongue.gif
































































































































Although I'm sure much what I'm going to say has probably been said already, I can't help but say a few things that have come to mind after the latest episode:
































































































































1. YongSeo has come so far.
































































































































Not going to lie, Yong and Hyun may have just been the most awkward couple at the very beginning. I remember squirming in my seat due to the awkwardness. (Though, I must say, it was adorable wub.gif) Now they're comfortably joking around each other, bickering, making each other jealous, hanging out with each other's in-laws, making international phone calls, texting regularly, holding hands....AHHHHHw00t.gif It makes me so giddy!
































































































































2. SNSD in-laws don't seem to have taken the Yonghwa's push-pull too seriously. 
































































































































Seohyun was just being the adorable and slightly paranoid girlfriend-ish character, and the in-laws seemed to have known exactly what was going on. I kind of expected someone like Sooyoung or Tiffany to give him a few seemingly nonchalant but stern words indicating how much he worried Seohyun, but they just seemed to be having the times of their lives embarrassing the couple. laugh.gif Sooyoung and Yoona were hilarious!
































































































































3. Yonghwa's really detail oriented
































































































































I mean, being Korean myself, I kind of already had the stereotypical views of A-blood type person already engraved in my mentality, but I feel like Yonghwa really fits the character. I mean, Gogumas already found out about the 200th Day badge pretty soon after the Incheon Wave concert, but obviously due to the distance, nobody could see the many YSs written in the background. That is serious dedication. And a three-set present? That's pretty intense on any standard.
































































































































4. Seohyun has really changed
































































































































Never in a million years would I have thought Seohyun could be so comfortable around Yong. Her slightly flirtatious/double meaning comments, her openly expressing how she feels (both good and bad), her initiating/adjusting skinship... YongSeo definitely is the the prime example of what we'd call the "fruits of labor" or the well known adage, "patience is a virtue...." It makes me so happy smile.gif
































































































































5. CNBLUE fans should consider the benefits of Yong's "Choding" character
































































































































I know some CNBLUE fans wanted Yonghwa to stop WGM because they thought his "Choding" character would interfere with his tough and charismatic CNBLUE image. I know where they're coming from, and I do partially agree with them, but as I was watching today's episode, I thought otherwise. When Yong and Hyun were adorably bickering about texting and whatnot at their house and Yong looked out the veranda door/window(?), I realized, "Yong's character is now three-dimensional." Let me elaborate. I was a YAB's Kang Shin Woo fan before I was a CNBLUE or Goguma Shipper. I had Shinwoo's gentle BOF's Jihoo sunbae-like character in my head, and I loved it. When I watched CNBLUE during their "I'm a loner" days, I fell in love with Yonghwa's captivating gaze and his powerful performances. However, Shinwoo was just a role he played; he was acting; that never was, never will be, and is not, Yonghwa. Therefore, the only image I, and most other fans, had of Yonghwa was his powerful persona on the stage. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but I feel like that's very one-dimensional. I feel as though WGM brought out another side of Yonghwa. The sometimes childish and naive, and sometimes manly and jealous Yong. I mean, sure, it goes against the already established image of the Emotional leader of CNBLUE, but that doesn't mean Yo~ng isn't the same Jung Yong Hwa of CNBLUE, right? I think WGM makes Yonghwa more real and relatable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what most fans want? Something real? 
































































































































6. Is Seohyun ever going to use banmal with Yong?
































































































































I mean, at this point, I think most of us are completely used to Seohyun's formal language with Yong. However, we really want to hear banmal from her!! But more importantly, I feel as though Yonghwa really wants to hear it from Seohyun. THe fact that he put the banmal bet on hold because Seohyun was having a really hard time to me seems to indicate that he's willing to wait for this because it's that important to him. 
































































































































Sorry about the super long post, everyone. But thanks if you read it all. laugh.gif

































































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Guest _hachimitsu
































*cough* peeking into the thread while finishing some project, which explains why i posted several times since yesterday. that's rare^^
















i guess the thread moves a bit slow today because some regular posters are busy spazzing over seohyun for S'pore KPop night. Aiishh really regret that i didnt buy a ticket! Oh well... then please allow me to spazz~
















The night of their duet, this thread jumped several pages at incredible speed. I've never see such thing. And that was when we thought they first held hand. WRONG. Pd-nim teases us with weird timeline by showing us the chuseok horror special, and later, the EPIC birthday episode. I've been wondering just when, and how on earth did they come up with the hand holding gesture during the 200th day anniversary duet performance that sent many yongseo fans to cloud nine (that was, afterall, the first time we saw them held hand before more episodes were revealed)
















OK. Spamming you guys with some scenes responsible for that epic hand holding gesture! (will add comments after posting this)
































This must be the most prettiest wife ever! LOL at the umbrella mike.
























Someone, please make a gif from this scene. Yonghwa's eyes, aegyo-ing at hyun buin?? hahahah!
























In their own world.... (reminds me of the earlier episode when they sang "falling slowly".
















































Hyun following yong's hand gesture (see the video, you can see she started it after yong did it)52329138.jpg
























































































































































Look at their hands, look at their eyes, NO WAIT, LOOK AT MC KIM'S HAND! Spazzing, much? 
























































































































*dies* (and are those couple umbrellas??)
















































































































@tinybeatingheart hello^^ haha there's no such thing as "nothing" in this place. some of us tried to post just when they want to share something, while some just type any yongseo related stuff - from opinions, screencaps, artworks, news, or simply anything! have you shared your reason "I Love Yongseo Because..."?? If no, why dont you post it here, because our team will collect all the reasons and send it to Yongseo (yes, for real) for their 300th day anniversary. post your reason, name, age & country. Sorry if you already posted, cuz this thread moves so fast i might miss some posts haha~
















Cant wait to see SNSD & Yonghwa interaction in Inki. 
































uhmm i sorta feel tired doing this again but i wont give up! dear new posters, welcome to yongseo thread/goguma land, i know most of you are not familiar with soompi's rules but if you want to reply to someone's post, please make sure you remove the IMG tags (just find and delete the IMG word in your post) or you can reply them just by retyping their nickname and bold it so they wont missed it (instead of pressing the "reply" button which might cause you to break the rules when pictures are included in the quote)
























EDIT: @dreamyboo! hahahah u caught me. well the current assignment is literally done so i'm taking a break by spazzing here^^. you seem busy this weekend? I have to sleep too, takecare!









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Guest marion_gonzalez


Simple edit by me lol I'm really bored and sleepy, I can't sleep sad.gif

Anyways, sorry for sharing 'nothing'


Keke~~ It's either Seobaby is going to kill me with that gun or with that kiss <3 wub.gif

EDIT: Just noticed now, as in now. Hyun buin is wearing BLUE. Okay, sharing 'nothing' again. Tsk3. Goodnight Gogumas! biggrin.gif (for real! haha.)

I can TOTALLY understand you. !I have to sleep, but here I am, still reading other posts. .At least you shared something more "fruitful" than me (just reading and re-reading. .><). !LOL

So, is color BLUE her new statement now other than the couple ring. ????(Hmmmm, just me and my wandering mind. .)

Keep up your "nothing" posts cuz someone is still reading it. !(wink)


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Guest bizzie_b



tinybeatingheart Are you from the Philippines as well? LOL.  I just turned 24 but i feel like a teenager because of Yongseo! haha. 




I always always watch their episodes before going to sleep. LOL.  I'm just so in love and addicted with this couple that  I'm starting to act like them.  may it be their aegyos or mannerisms or whatever.  So i guess, I'm partly answering how Yongseo changed my life here huh? LOL












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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































































If I had any inkling of doubt regarding this couple's real feelings for each other, I have to say all of it has been extinguished after watching this episode. 
































































































































































































































































































































































Everytime they argue I keep thinking they're forgeting that this is a reality show with cameras capturing  every stare and every move they make. When Seohyun was just starting WGM with Yonghwa, there was an SNSD interview wherein Hyoyeon spilled the beans about Seohyun's newfound texting habit. She said Seohyun's been texting a lot these days (after getting into WGM), something along those lines. At first, I thought she was just kidding -- but my realistic self should've known better. 
















































































































































































This episode just proved to me that they not only text each other BUT call each other. A lot. Even though they're both overseas. You don't go the extra mile if you don't like someone. 
















































































































































































I died when Yonghwa said he calls her even though he's overseas. I mean, OMFG he must like her tons. And I died some more when Seohyun texted him about holding hands with Kyuhyun. As a girl, I can say with 100% certainty that Seohyun texted him about the holding-hands thingy because she feels something for him. She wanted a reaction from him. Why? Because he matters to her. You don't just text the guy you like about other guys just because you want to. Of course, you would want and expect any sort of reaction -- with the number one expected reaction being jealousy. See, you guys didn't have to worry about the SM Town duet at all. The proof is glaring: Seohyun texted Yonghwa even though she didn't have to.
































































































































































































































































































































































Just date already... or maybe they already are dating for real <3 Haha.
















































































































































































Y: I knew about it before. I read on the internet.
















































































































































































So he DOES monitor her. LOL. How staker-ishly adorable.
















































































































































































Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now, I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.
















































































































































































Awww <3 It is frustrating and exhausting but all I can say is: Patience is a virtue. It took months  before they held hands, so he shouldn't give up now. But the 'I have nothing to hide about my feelings' is a pretty bold statement, don't you guys think?
















































































































































































I also love the way they talk with each other on the phone. It's filled with so much aegyo, especially Seohyun's. The CN Blue members and SNSD unnies are ever so reliable with the constant teasing of the maknae and the leader. Makes me smile so much. I was just reading some JongSeo (Jonghyun/Seohyun) fics last night and boom! They finally got a chance to interact during this episode. They're painfully awkward but mighty cute together.
















































































































































































Honestly I felt cheated with this episode, because we've already seen the Incheon Concert and all. It took so much of the time. Am looking forward to next week's episode. It looks daebak, and I hope I'm not jinxing it. Is it coincidence that Seohyun's been wearing a lot of blue these days? She looks smoking in the teaser of HOOT. Hmm, I just noticed that I wrote another essay. Sorry <3 Thank you to all translators; it means a lot. And to everyone who shared pics and comments, you guys are the best. 
















































































































































































TO ALL NEW MEMBERS: I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE EXCITED TO POST IN THE GOGUMA THREAD, BUT PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THE RULES. IT DOESN'T TAKE A LOT OF YOUR TIME. It's really frustrating to see some people committing the same mistakes again and again. I don't want to sound all high and mighty, but this thread is important to all of us. We don't want to lose it, right?

















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hi everyone~~~~ yoshhhhh i was basically reading everything in lightning speed that my eyes are @_@ now! kekeekekek so pls forgimme if i missed anyone of u in this short, speedy post of mine. gonna have to retire to bed early tonite. i've to wake up early for church tomorrow :D

rouenna, i think they purposely put hhyun in blue with blue backdrop too! xD

tinybeatingheart, i luvvvvvvv ur gif~! *saves* thanks so much~! aww btw, welcome to u & all the other new goguma spazzers :w00t:

kubih: U'RE BRILLIANT! i would never have thought of it! :)

goguma1207, everytime i see ur post, i'll always be >.<

wokeh....Gooniteynite GogumaZ~! :wub:


miel~! thanks for the pics~! *saves* yong looks like someone from the matrix LOL xD

hachimitsu dear~ haha i thought u're busy with assignments?? i guess u couldn't stand being away from yongseo eh xD ekekekek sorry, i didn't read much of ur post but i know u're spazzing much there~! LOL anyways, GTG zzZZ... goonite :D

ichigo-chan~! thanks so much for the links~ :D i'll reply ur PM tomorrow yah... erm or have i already replied? haha nevermind... i'll check it tomorrow.. niteZ~ ^^

my.yonghwa.baby: omigoshhh as i was about to go off, i just found out that i missed ur post, so just wanna say I LOVE UR POV! A POV from a korean is something :wub: thanks~!

ackkk somethine went wrong with my post!

panGG dear, i did typed something to u but now it's gone... dang! but will catch up with u soon yah! *hugs* goonite~!

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may I share something???? sorry for bad crop..


MC Kim totally one of goguma shipper....


love this shot...
















MC Kim reaction is priceless





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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

Omo! today's episode is DAEBAK! ;)

It still amazes me how close and comfortable they are now to each other. ^_^

You can totally see the familiarity, which i never imagined would happen.

Honestly, I never thought they will reach this level of closeness because their personalities are so opposite...

H: I feel as if we don’t understand one another

Y: What understand?

MC: Looks like they have reached this situation

Y: No. Why are you like this? Its just interesting

H: Its not interesting


Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now,  I’m  surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.

H: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern  for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from  the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.

Question: Is the push and pull situation going to help?

H: Yes. What  goes around will come around

This right here... This part totally killed me. :lol:

How real can they get??? ^_^

They are actually dealing with real couple issues now.

It's going to be interesting watching the coming episodes and see how they deal with these issues...


Hey you guys, check this out...



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Guest Caliope

I am also excited with Inkigayo, but please... don't expect much.

Very important to remember:

They can't do anything as a couple in another TV channel. It's prohibited.

Thank you so much for the translation, news and videos.

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Guest constantia11

Can't stop smiling while reading all of your posts. Goguma villagers are daebak!!

@miel: you are officially our goguma's ring stalker... hehehe.. I love the rocker version of Yong the most!

@hachimitsu: your caps are awesome!! MC Kim's spazzing?? I never noticed that before! In fact, during the whole episode I could only see uri Yongseo and could not care less about the MCs (maybe because of all the sweetness they displayed from beginning to end)

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