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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I was going to wait until tomorrow morning before posting anything, but its all bottling up inside of me so I think I need to post before I sleep! :D So please bear with me I will try to keep this short (although I doubt that will actually happen!)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Honestly I've been loving the last two episodes after the fishing trip because there are so many emotions involved. The article that was translated by scatterbrain a few pages back helps me understand so much more what was going on in these two episodes.
































































































































































































































































adding to pancakes&flappyjacks regarding the last paragraph...

i translated it from baidu>>>
































































































































the staff expressed that everybody knows how pure seohyun is, but it turns out that yonghwa is as pure as she is. the staff imagined that he shud have many girl friends, but looking at all the pictures in his cellphone,all are pictures of him and guy friends. and his friends are all pure and innocent...that's why because of his pureness, he may come up with such immature pull-push act
































































































































EDIT: since i topped the page, might as well try to translate the whole article...
































































































































WGM Jung YongHwa Push-pull plan, WGM crews didn't know
































































































































WGM "YongSeo CP" Jung YongHwa planned the push-pull act alone. In WGM broadcasted on 16th oct, it was revealed
































































































































that Yonghwa didn't contact Seohyun for a month and didn't wear his couple ring.
































































































































Thru blackroom interview, Seohyun expressed her unhappiness towards Yonghwa, but Yonghwa mentioned that as time goes, in order to grow, a turning point is needed.
































































































































"During this time if I don't contact seohyun, she may miss me a bit more.."
































































































































Thus he started the push-pull act alone.
































































































































WGM crews found out about Yonghwa's project later on. WGM crew were interviewed on the 22nd and expressed that Yonghwa continued his act outside filming. Because there was a long period of time where they couldn't film, Seohyun, Yonghwa and the crew went out for dinner together to maintain their relationship. but Yonghwa showed a different attitude towards seohyun. The crew couldn't help but raise some questions. During the push-pull act, Yonghwa was cold towards Seohyun and Seohyun also confessed to the crew that she hasn't been in contact with Yonghwa.
































































































































The crews were worried and thought of every possible reason behind Yonghwa's act. Maybe he has a girlfriend? Maybe he had a change of heart?
































































































































Finally they found out about Yonghwa's plan after they interviewed him alone. The crew asked why Yonghwa had this project. Yonghwa expressed that Seohyun couldn't speak banmal with him comfortably, and watching her seemed comfortable with CNB boys after only a short period of time, he thought that a change was needed. From that time to the moment where seohyun was very touched with the goguma field present, he decided that this is the right moment. so he started the push-pull project alone.































































































































































































































































I'd like to try and step into the minds of Seohyun and Yonghwa a little bit here so I'm going to put this in spoilers because its going to be long. BTW this is ALL just me analyzing what I witnessed in tonight's episode so purely my opinion:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can see through this article that these thoughts probably played through Seohyun's mind as well - "Did he get a girlfriend?", "Is he having a change of heart?" She was clearly extremely confused during that month and when Yonghwa revealed his simple reason, she probably felt even more confused and probably a little bit hurt as well. I imagine hurt could be an emotion she felt because she had to endure a whole month of coldness from him simply because he wanted her to miss him. Also she may have felt vulnerable after the event she prepared for his birthday, therefore felt confused as to why that wasn't enough for Yonghwa and that he needed to 'test' her emotions the way he did.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In today's episode, she showed her confusion in the darkroom when she said "...I'm not sure if it was sincere..." and you could see that she was questioning some of the actions in the past, trying to figure out what was really real. That tells me that she sincerely put her emotions on the line when she prepared that event for him and what she did was 100% sincere and not simply for a show *spazz* All she needs is a confirmation that Yonghwa is as sincere as she is in everything they do for each other before the 'goguma' points (which I think equates to her trust) returns two-fold! Her texting him about Kyuhyun shows that she is now trying to 'test' out his feelings for her and he probably added to her frustrations when she didn't receive a reply (or the reply she wanted) from him. However at the end of tonight's episode, you could see that no matter what has or had happened between them, her trust in him hasn't really wavered. She still relies on him (as shown tonight as well as the Chuseok special) and she is able to literally and figuratively give him her hand for him to hold without hesitation. All of this has become natural to her, she just isn't confident in what Yonghwa feels for her.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Through today's episode, we were able to see that Yonghwa has definitely invested into his relationship with Seohyun. He texts her, calls her, he is incredibly patient with her and even when they aren't in the greatest of terms he still goes out of his way to prepare a date for their 200th day. As much as I think that the PD had something to do with the idea of having a date, it was what he said in the darkroom that convinced me that he would have done it even if the PD didn't say anything. He kept talking about 'things Seohyun would like to do'. He didn't just prepare any date, he really thought hard about his buin and what she would have wanted to do.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can only take from translations, but if they are correct, I love how he said "I think she still doesn't know how I feel. Sometimes its hard." You can see the frustration in him and that he is starting to waver a little in his patience with her. How does he feel is the question that was in my mind...before I spazzed like a crazy woman! I agree with many Yongseo supporters here that 'I don't know why' is probably inspired by his feelings for Seohyun. The confusion, frustration, its all in the song. Yonghwa has always said that he doesn't express himself well so he does it through his songs.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At the end of the day, these two lovebirds are just trying to figure each other out and understand each other better. I think the fishing trip propelled them to confront perhaps feelings that are between them. Now they're in the process of confronting those feelings and understanding where their 'relationship' is heading. I think that's why I'm so mesmerized by this couple because its so hard to not think there are real emotions involved. So many of these emotions that I mentioned are the emotions that we all go through in real life when we are in a real relationship that's 'more than friends but not quite dating'. Its all too real for it just to be 'scripted' by a PD. Even if the PD created a scenario, for these lines to come out they would have to be written out like in a drama!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We are so blessed to have the Ueno Juri episode to know that everything is back to lovey dovey after their date that will be shown next week. I remember before I knew about the fishing trip and what happened afterwards thinking that something had changed in the way Seohyun treated Yonghwa during that episode. Its like a light had been sparked and for the first time I really thought she was aware that she liked him. Whereas in the past, I had always thought that Yonghwa realized his feelings for Seohyun a lot earlier.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah like I said, these are all just my thoughts that I had to write down otherwise they'd be bottled up in me and I wouldn't be able to sleep. For bloodtype A's, they sure are getting more and more open whenever they are upset at each other!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to all our translators for helping me sleep tonight! You guys are DAEBAK!

































































































































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Guest gogumafan




Whoah!  Thia episode is really cute!  I so love it when I read the translations that Yong texts Hyun regularly and he calls her as well when he is overseas!  Aaaawwww... wub.gif


But there's one thing that made me smile and shriek!  Hyun and Jonghyun!  I'm very sorry but I have a confession to make.  I also like Hyun and Jonghyun!  But of course, Yongseo is the best.  I just kind of find it cute every time Jonghyun looks at Hyun! ahahaha.  Just like in their episode where they formally introduced each other and Jonghyun was all smiles.  And Yong told him that Jonghyun's really happy.  Some kind of 'attacked' him and told him that Hyun is his sister-in-law. hahaha. And oh, when Yong left to buy paper plates, he told Jonghyun to not sit near Hyun! laugh.gif  Oh well, Jonghyun was really cute when they held hands! haha laugh.gif  Yong must be surprised the moment he learnt that Jonghyun and Hyun also held hands! LOL


I really can't wait for the complete translations to come out.  Guess we will just wait for RDRsubs for now.  Until next time fellow villagers.  Delurking mode again. Have a good night! biggrin.gif



I don't mean to repost my response.... 


ha ha ha... that's funny!  I was a little nervous to mention something about JongHyun and SeoHyun because I love YongSeo but I have to admit that JongSeo look cute together.  I wouldn't be surprised if JongHyun has a little crush on Seobaby.  Two boys from Busan have a thing for the same girl.  ha ha ha JongHyun definitely looked nervous when he had to stepped in for his hyung during the rehearsal.  I wonder what Yong thought when he found out there was a bit of skinship between his bro and his buin?  She looked very comfortable around Jong Hyun.  Either way....I'll continue to support YongSeo.... YongSeo is real... can't wait for next week's episode.  I just wish their air time is longer!! Goguma Fighting! smile.gif



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I really like this episode.
























Yong spills the beans about their relationship outside WGM. Hootttt 
























He said he regularly sent her texts and even called her when he was overseas.
























He said he was the one who always texted her first.  (If its so, no doubt why hyun was so worried when he suddenly lost contact haha )
























Hyun knew her hubby's weak point is jealousy so she started to used it to play on yong's nerves. 
























Although they still played a pulling and pushing game but u can see they also fond of each other. The more they  talked(bickered), the more they understand each other. 
























I'm so curious what are 3 things Yong said he prepared for hyun on their 200th aniversary. My guessing is that the first one is the self designed badge, the  second is their back to school date after concerttongue.gif. What's about The third ? 





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Guest *lyrynne*
















































































































































































































































Aww guys thank you for liking my posts~ You guys are very welcome. I translate for enjoyment though my korean is a bit bleh~ But I do learn a lot from watching Yongseo. In the span of 8 months my korean improved a lot because of every Yongseo episode. I guess I'll spazztranslate here more often ahaha.
















































































































































































































And a friend of mine actually found an fb page with WGM subbed goods, they don't post on YT since they get banned eventually. Am I allowed to link it here? I'm an old soompier but I'm a noob to rules ahaha.
















































































































































































































EDIT: goguma1207 can i marry you?! OMGAHH YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! MY YONGSEO FANGIRLISM IS ON TOTAL ALERT RIGHT NOW. I just love love love the way they show their real emotions and I really know that it's NOT just a role they should play in the show but it's the real them they're showing. I can't believe I almost ate my pillow for nibbling it too much because I'm so happy! While I was translating Yong's darkroom interview I really wanted to shout at him but then again because I read your post I thought "ah, so yonghwa's this kind of guy we never thought" THANK YOU!! *HUGGLES*
















































































































































































































EDIT2: I was watching the preview and they were going to some place and seohyun asked where they are going and I just love how Yonghwa sounded so sincere "믿고 따라와" or "Trust and follow me" and the caption "Special day, Wearing a uniform and the place they're looking for is..?" and he prepared 3 sets of gifts/surprises to Seohyun. SATURDAY PLEASE COME NOW.
















































































































































































































gahh i keep editing because i'm over eggzayted~

















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goguma1207 You are daebak. I read your spoiler and I found myself nodding in every line I was reading. *and spazzing inside, too!* Tee-hee. :3








And armedbattle, lyrynne: Thank you so much for doing the translations for this episode~! :)








And to all talented gogumas who share their artworks, translations, news.. Thank you so much! :D








I can't wait for next Saturday. I wonder what Yong has under his sleeve for their 200th day anniversary.. Three things, eh? And the school uniforms! Gahh, Yong seobang~ <3








Good night, sweet potatoes!



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Guest pseudonykkaii

the best bits for me were...

~Yong choding's MERONG!!!!xP and his epic shoulder failure

~the TEXT! and he even CALLED!

~little insights of the duet..[never will come the day that ill get tired of watching that performance.;)]

i love how the boys are super comfortable around sis-in-law now! AND how she said them holding hands is different from her holding hands with another man. hahhahaaaa---i love it!!!!<3

ps, Saturday, please hurry.

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Guest desirenhope



I have a love/hate relationship with Yonghwa & Seohyun's telephone operator. Is it that bad in Korea? They frequently have lost messages.

Love: thanks to it, we can see all these arguments and know more about the behind the scenes of their relationship. Hate: Because of it, our couple is fighting and I feel restless watching them fight. LOL.

My reasons on why I love YongSeo:

-Just like Seohyun I have no interest in the opposite sex. I have a lot of other things to worry about. I even told myself that I shall not get married to save myself from future troubles.

-But after watching Yonghwa & Seohyun, without fail, every Saturday, I always thought to myself, how wonderful it would be to be married and loved by someone else.

In a way, Yonghwa & Seohyun has brought some kind of hope for me to look at things in a more positive manner. That's why I love them.


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































goguma1207 wow reading at your post. wow. i couldn't agree more! thank you! these past days i was wondering and im curious on what turning point is yonghwa talking about?
































and i just thought that aah maybe he wants seohyun too miss her, or what. but now i understand, its more than seohyun missing him, but maybe he lets seo realize where are they in their relationship. (?) and her real feelings?
































now i know why they were so lovey dovey in japan, now it make all sense to me now. all the happenings, and i will blame the mbc strike for leaving us thinking throught the week on why, why, why things went like this. im happy that we can now move forward, (since the delayed episodes are all finished) but one thing about this strike(okay? im talking about the strike) is that we wont be worried that much if they are now okay, since we have seen already the ueno juri episode where they were lovey dovey and yong even fed hyun. and like the umbrella, and seohyun mentioning the first day they met. HAPPY! :) and 4 months to go before their FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! \
































and about this epsiode, there was a line when yonghwa mentioned that he was "exhausted" aigoo.  but then, happy days are about to come
































there's no perfect marriage after all. right? :D im happy all in all in this episode. i can see yonghwa, really, did the clasping of hand? haha. :) yonghwa loves his wife.
































oh well. can i just share few lines from this song?(although there's no hate at all)
































hate that i love you
































And I can't stand you
































Must everything you do
































Make me wanna smile?
































Can I not like it for awhile?
































































You know exactly what to do
































So that I can't stay mad at you
































For too long, that's wrong
































































You know exactly how to touch
































So that I don't wanna fuss and fight no more
































So I despise that I adore you
































































And you completely know the power that you have
































The only one that makes me laugh
































sorry for the very long space i consumed, i am just glad with all the happeningss!!









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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well... a bit unsatisfied...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why just incheon take a whole story?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we've already know they hold hands, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want more....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but, still, it's really funny when Yong and Hyun mad. especially when they back to each oher
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































like in drama.. hahahaha.. but it's really funny when I saw Yong expression..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL at 05.19 :lol::lol: = I've never think yong will have an expression like that! I think only Jo Kwon can do that! or maybe bcoz Kwon and Yong are Mcing together, Yong get a little 'impact'?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and 06.01 = Hyun got in the trap! she is trying to explain that she really didn't got his messages (while Yong still act like he is the one who deceived), but.. hahaha.. it feels like she is pleading with someone to forgive her..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they looks like a REAL COUPLE when they do that... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL too at jungshin and uri baby face minhyuk & 8unnies
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they are a REAL FAMILLY!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumafan
































I really like this episode.
















Yong spills the beans about their relationship outside WGM. Hootttt 
















He said he regularly sent her texts and even called her when he was overseas.
















He said he was the one who always texted her first.  (If its so, no doubt why hyun was so worried when he suddenly lost contact haha )
















Hyun knew her hubby's weak point is jealousy so she started to used it to play on yong's nerves. 
















Although they still played a pulling and pushing game but u can see they also fond of each other. The more they  talked(bickered), the more they understand each other. 
















I'm so curious what are 3 things Yong said he prepared for hyun on their 200th aniversary. My guessing is that the first one is the self designed badge, the  second is their back to school date after concerttongue.gif. What's about The third ? 































I think he's putting his true feelings out there for SeoHyun to see even though it's in front of the camera since it's probably the only time they see each other.  Like Yonghwa said, he has nothing to hide about his feelings.  Seohyun is hard to read so we never know if she knows how Yong feels about her and how she feels about him until the backroom interview.  They are communicating more but I hope they can end the playful games.  It's cute but I hope they can just be straightforward with each other so they can end the frustrations.

















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SNSD members are envious of YongSeo’s passion towards each other
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The affection shown by CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s maknae have filled SNSD members with envy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC’s “We Got Married” aired on October 23rd, YongSeo couple prepared for their on-stage duet performance for the Incheon Music Festival which was held in August this year. In a waiting room scene, the couple’s tiredness was obvious due to the preparation for their performance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The day of the duet performance was a meaningful one for the goguma couple as it was also their 200th day anniversary as a ‘married couple’. The couple worked hard and gave their best to deliver an amazing performance in front of the sold-out crowd. CN Blue members cheered them on, while SNSD members’ reactions and body language which suggested that they were envious of the couple, drew laughter from the audience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Meanwhile, YongSeo’s couple’s rock performance of SNSD’s hit song “Run Devil Run” had also garnered much attention from the viewers. The couple also performed “Love Light”, the song written by Yonghwa which contains beautiful melody and lovely lyrics. The skinship and passion shown by the couple while singing “Love Light” have brought much envy to the audience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: asiae.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated by fanwonder






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yuri is jealous of Yongseo couple
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC’s “We Got Married Season 2″, the love affairs of the YongSeo couple was revealed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On October 22nd, an entry on the program’s bulletin board disclosed a video of the YongSeo couple with Yuri at MBC’s “Show! Music Core”, where the virtual couple were the special MCs on that particular episode of the show.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the video, Yonghwa and Seohyun made eye contact with each other while introducing Lyn’s song called “Honey Baby Love”. Upon seeing that, Yuri said, “What are you guys doing?”, showing her jealousy of the couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When the song was in progress, the couple’s eyes met again, revealing the moment of sweetness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: hankyung.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated by fanwonder
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mysweetpotato




Hihi. I really love this episode:)) 


First of all, the petty love quarrel that they had was tooo cute:D They forgave each other afterward.haha. The pushing and pulling game proved to be a success, Hyun got worried, Yong got jealous(?)/ ignored, then they had the duet, now everyone is happy. yaaaaayyy:D




Btw, I'm a NOOBIE here, my name is Kat and I'm 18. from the Philippines:3 



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Guest wallpaperfood

I think the theory about the high school uniforms has hit the spot... I originally thought it was to give Hyun the experience of high school love, but of course I forgot about his desire to hear her speak to him in banmal. And I do agree that he's invested a lot in this relationship, and how from the backroom interview, it's what HE himself said that makes me think he would have gone ahead with the date plan with Seohyun even if the PD didn't suggest it. See - Seohyun likes school, what better scenario can he recreate to make her feel comfortable AND get her to act as though they are the same age? - Yong oppa is a genius, killing two birds with one stone ^^

desirenhope, I am exactly like you. I have had no prior interest in boys/dating (although for some weird reason, I enjoy spazzing about my friends' experiences -_-"), and even always said to myself that I would never get married as it's a hassle. WGM for me was originally a field day where I would watch the couples and sometimes be sceptical and cynical about "love", but Yongseo has made me think differently, as in, it'd be nice to be in a relationship like their's :)

bizzie_b now that you have pointed out Jongseo, I can't help but thinking how cute they are! I'm definitely a YONGSEO shipper all the way (but hey, where's the harm in pairing gorgeous Hyun up with other fanboys of her's, eh?^^). I rewatched episodes 6 & 7, and you're right! It seems as though there's some Jonghyun-fanboying going on behind-the-scenes, and I'm actually not surprised if uri same-age-Minhyuk does too - after all, they're all so quiet in nature, similar to Hyun's! I'm just glad they all got along so well - I can imagine Yong being surprised at the unecessary Jongseo skinship in the rehearsal, and also at the mask made by Hyun with the CN Blue brothers kekeke. I think she's comfortable partly because they are closer to her age, even more so than her SNSD unnies..

pangg, nice to know you support my Beauty and the Geek theory! I felt a bit harsh airing my opinion of WGM as a social experiment at first, but I hope you all can see Yongseo's changed my mind utterly!

--Sorry guys, I don't know how to put it in a spoiler, and my post is pretty long -_-"

IMO, Yong is bravely putting out his feelings in front of the cameras for Hyun (I guess it's the only time they get to meet anyway), but I see how WGM can dangerously toy with your mind. As idols, it would be ''undesirable'' to go all out and actually confess (ep27 was too sweet to bash hehe) to each other/talk it out on reel. Yet they are more than friends/colleagues. I just hope they can sort it out. I tend to overlook the Ueno Juri ep a bit, because they were too star-struck to release totally raw/the usual feelings and sentiments.  

And I couldn't help thinking "YONG, CAUGHT YA! So you do contact each other regularly outside of WGM?^^" They got into their own Yongseo bubble and I LOVED the LOVER's QUARREL. I could see Yong's frustration @ part 1 5:33 - he's wearing a smile, but his actions from there onwards - the sudden headturn/scoff, the ADORABLE merong (i think he was trying to calm himSELF down), and getting up and facing the window. I think I can understand how he feels at that moment. Hyun's direct method of dealing with things can be quite exhausting, I must admit XP.

Yet, they are so damn transparent it's cute. Relying on each other for the duet? Awwww <3. And seriously, their backroom interviews give their feelings away.

Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now,  I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.

H: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.

Honest, much? They are not hiding anything! (which I still find unbelievable, because national TV is national TV, I wouldn't have the guts to put myself out there, especially if I had high status). I wait for the day to come when they (hopefully) tell each other they like/<3 each other hehehe. It's already happened in my daydreams, but, you know, gotta be optimistic :P

Edit - My fave part of today's ep was actually Yong's look when he said "But I'm cool with it" (Re: Kyuhyun). I can't remember who (so sorry!!!), but you're right, it was a very JoKwonish expression. Shows how comfortable he is with Hyun! No guarded facade. Aegyo galore..

PS - I Don't Know Why was TOTALLY written fro Hyun. He needed inspiration, and we can see where that inspiration came from via these past couple WGM episodes ^^

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Guest yoreizei
















































































Seohyun in BLUE
































































































































































































From new teaser of SNSD's Hoot ^^

















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I don't mean to repost my response.... 
































ha ha ha... that's funny!  I was a little nervous to mention something about JongHyun and SeoHyun because I love YongSeo but I have to admit that JongSeo look cute together.  I wouldn't be surprised if JongHyun has a little crush on Seobaby.  Two boys from Busan have a thing for the same girl.  ha ha ha JongHyun definitely looked nervous when he had to stepped in for his hyung during the rehearsal.  I wonder what Yong thought when he found out there was a bit of skinship between his bro and his buin?  She looked very comfortable around Jong Hyun.  Either way....I'll continue to support YongSeo.... YongSeo is real... can't wait for next week's episode.  I just wish their air time is longer!! Goguma Fighting! smile.gif







































































yay, i'm coming out of my lurker mode gain, hehe :rolleyes: because i found two people that shares my hyun-hyun interest...
































don't get me wrong, i'm also a goguma couple addict w00t.gif , but i really looked forward to some interactions between hyun and jonghyun blush.gif because it seems that he's really super happy :lol: or mega conscious :wub: around her and i sometimes pity him :( because hyun interacts more with jungshin and minhyuk...
































plus, although it was just a rehearsal, and he was just a stand in, their blending in the end of love light was really lovely... :P
































forgive me fellow goguma shippers :sweatingbullets: for going astray and having these thoughts for a while...

















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Guest Rouenna
















































































































































Another spazz-worthy episode! :w00t:
















































































































Thank you gogumas for the translations and caps. It made the episode all the more funny and meaningful for us.
















































































































HOOT teaser is out and look at uri Hyun, clad in a blue outfit.

















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Guest YongxHyun
















































Staff: Was there a good thing about the push and pull battle?
















Seohyun: I think so. It's too late to find out about the good thing (about the push and pull battle)
































what does it mean by "too late"...so she regrets from what she said "push him away" to yong?

















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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong all gogumas

here is the link:

Thanks for all translation, link, and caps ^_^

Edit: I've got this message from linlixeng (they are yongseo shippers too):

        "HELP!!! could you please help us post this on seohwa soompi thread. it's super duper clear of CNblue's interview in SG.  don't  know why we could not get through soompi today."

here is the link hd version:

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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































oh, a little more about cnboys..
































































if I was there, at that time, at that place, I'll do the same things like jungshin and minhyuk did.. or like sooyoung unnie and yoona did!
































































trust me!!
































































everyday I just watch them from my laptop and I feel like.. 'man.. can I transform to be SADAKO just to meet them?'.. hahaha..
































































and one more..
































































since everyone seems gave a big concern with jonghyun-yong wannabe(just kidding)- and seohyun, I just wanna said that when you saw jonghyun expression in that video, he looks like "whuuaa.. dream comes true.. I can touch her hands!!"
































































































































































































yong got sudden nervous (I think) not because he felt guilty or something, but (again) I think it's all because what they did before Yong came. you see 03.52? do you wanna know who did it?
































































look at 04.01 : minhyuk already told him "they just come..and they do that" (refering to what Jong Hyun was holding) :lol:
































































so, if I were him, I think I'll feel the same.. worry..worry.. and hesitate..
































































ohh... he looks like my friend when he wanna meet his girlfriend's friends..
































































my friend said, it's just like: "Are they gonna eat me?" :lol:
































































*sorry for a long comment and a bad vocab.. I always feel happy and exciting when talk about CNBOYS and Yongseo couple..hehehe..

































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
















Hoot MV Teaser is out. ASDFGHJKL <3




Seohyun just killed me with that gun. What more if Yong sees this?




Goodnight Gogumas! smile.gif





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