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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pseudonykkaii

ahh.i feel great gogumapride being able to call myself as part of the 1099 who are viewing this thread!!!


i missed the streaming  too~ ;( so im waiting for our trusty goguma yt uploaders to do their thing---and make some magic!!! :D 

btw, panGG, you awesome awesome person!!!! yong looks like hes got his soul sucked out--jungshin-chingu looks disappointed. xD


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Guest exceptional.chic






20101023 少女時代 In Waiting Room Yoong+SY+Seo+Fany Cut




cr withsosisosi9




Gogumas here I found a cut when Yong went to fetch Hyun from the SNSD waiting room!!!







sorry to cut your post. YAY! thank you for posting that. at least i got a glimpse of it for the time being.




sooyoung and yoona were super hyper and adorable. they kept on teasing the two. waaahhh. vids and caps keep it coming. :)




@blancface, thank you for that summary. i can somehow imagine what took place in today's episode. :)







I know, right???












And i actually got worried that they are going to cancel it... lmao...












TVU is actually airing WGM while some of us are panicking.












It's just that, they are showing it on the other MBC channel. TVU has 2 MBC channel...












The one we are all using and they are showing that travel show is 82048












But today, they aired we got married on channel 89991







i was thinking the same way too. i thought the program was a bit delayed or something like that. i kept on looking at my phone's clock because the time the show was supposed to start is up already. i was deceived. LOL. well, i didn't know that TVU has 2 MBC channel. thanks for that info. so they did this just today right? at least next time i'll be able to check the other channel as well. :D



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@Blancface, Thank you for the summary of it. That was great. So, I guess I missed some of the very cute moments of Yongseo.. Awww.. That's so cute. I wish I can watch it right now again before I go to sleep. Lol. Well, I hope someone else have the video post up online somewhere.
















































@Lunasol, Thank you for the video!
















































@Pangg, Good catch on Yong and the magazine!































































































lol you know its fake right? hahaha it was just for fun.
































































































You guys are posting images of users count too. I think it's against the rules...






















































































































































I saw it ones in PLAYFUL KISS THREAD... The mods warned them not to post the viewers count or else the thread will be closed.






















































































































































We don't want that, do we???













































































































































































































seriously? thats strange. i swear we've done it before with no problem, but now your making me question that. thanks for letting me know.
















































pseudonykkaii i know! i love it. hahaha. and jonghyun looks like his thinking "thats what you get" and minhyuk's sort of worried too. hahaha. but i'm glad you liked it.
















































edit hm.. i have a negative now. thats a strange feeling. different. hm... thanks to whoever neutralized me. hm..









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i missed the show today...i cant wait to see the raw..anyone found raw yet..








Please post it here cuz i cant find it at YT








Lol TVU change their channel...today must be chaos








i never missed the show b4 but today i missed it...i even set my alarm , argh..i blame myself for not sleeping when it is a time to sleep..imsonia i guess..



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























LOL at Fany, Sooyoung and Yoona. Fany shouted YONG SEOBANG!!!!. LOL at Jungshin and Minhyuk. I watched at soshified so it was lagging. it was like a picture slide show. based on what I saw, I think Seohyun is still pushing Yong away when they were in their house. I think nothing is resolved yet but at least she is not as mad as before. they also talked about Seohyun and Kyuhyun performance where they held hands, so jealous Yong appeared again. now we have to wait patiently for the raw episode to be uploaded on YT. I see most missed the episode and basically I watched a slideshow so I need to watch the episode again. while in the waiting room, when Sooyoung and Yoona was giggling and shouting, you can see Seohyun blushing a bit.





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the preview is so cute...
















































































the wore school uniforms...
















































































a parody of my girl and I movie...
















































































cute.... :wub:

















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Guest blancface




































Just saw the preview...we do get to see their segment when they filmed AFTER the concert and I'm not sure if it's the same day or a different day Yonghwa's sitting on the couch with his arm propped on the back and he has a HUGE grin on when Seohyun walks out of the room after changing into a school uniform...then it cuts to both of them in school uniforms taking a stroll to...I'm going to guess a school? hahaha




























It was so fast I was unable to take a screencap, sorry!





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Guest DJHinata

OMG Yonghwa look soooooooooooooooooo HOT in the preview !!! aaaaaaaaw they are having a date after the concert !! *o*

My god so excited for the next episode and i didnt watch today episode yet !! D__ D !! XDD

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Guest iloveyousixteen

GAAH. Same with the other Goguma Lovers. Im disappointed right now because MBC moved the airing time of WGM

which caused that many Goguma Fans wasn't able to watch the new ep. of Yongseo. TVU also for not working. :|

And, for the Raw uploaders Me and the Goguma Fans are waiting so yeah, we'll be appreciating it if you share it now

(because everyone needs it very bad)

jd2lee I understand you :D so yeah take care^^

Goguma Fighting! >w<

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from the preview they wore their High school uniform and went out for a date??!!!! :w00t:
















Waaaahhhh!!! I hope someone will upload this ep soon... :tears:









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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































Preview out:
















































They go back to their house and change cloths to what I think are school uniforms... uhmm weird, expect the unexpected from Yongseo... They are going somewhere...
































































































Edit: My thinking about the preview, I think he prepared an special event for her in an school gym... kekekeke Maybe he will sing for her "I dont know why" kekekeke

















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the preview!!!! yong prepared a HIGH SCHOOL UNIFORM and they wore it with bags! they seemed like a HIGH SCHOOL COUPLE!!!!! :wub: gaaaah, i thought they were supposed to hold hands again while walking!!!! :wub::wub::sweatingbullets: yhoe i think next week's episode will be short for our couple .

































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Guest lunasol


Since we had a crisis with the live streaming and some of you may miss the link I posted in the previous page, here it is again.  There is also another mini cut from the episode. Both cr. withsosisosi9 (Thank you for your cuts!!) I know it is not the raw full episode but its something!!




20101023 少女時代 In Waiting Room Yoong+SY+Seo+Fany Cut






Yong fetching Hyun from SNSD waiting room, girls fangirling them!!!biggrin.gif




20101023 少女時代 Rehearsal In The Rain Cut






SNSD stage rehearsal






constantia11 and ichigo_kawai I just saw that you already reposted the first link in this page!!! Thank you! smile.gif


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our couple wore something like this..
















































































so cute..excited for the next episode...

































































































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Guest *lyrynne*
















































































































































































































































Hi guys. There's no YT cuts yet but since I'm a creeper I searched chinese sites even though I'm not chinese ahah
















































































































































































































WGM 용서 CUT 101023
















































































































































































































I'll be right back for translations I actually spazztranslate on ssf, my enjoyment when watching Yongseo, I don't translate the whole stuff but just the parts that I like. ㅋㅋㅋ
















































































































































































































EDIT: LOLing forever because of Yonghwa! They're practicing RDR at their house and Yonghwa said Seohyun should kick at her part
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Go kick.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: I will. I'm going to kick you? Should I kick on the left or should I kick on the right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT2: The kyuhyun thing. Seohyun mentioned that they held hands at the concert.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Kyunghyun Oppa and I...
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Ah, I heard.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: We held hands. It's the same.
















































































































































































































-Yonghwa and his ??? FACE"
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Anyway..
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: What is?
















































































































































































































Caption: Why mention that all of the sudden?
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Are you trying to say something else seohyun-ah?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: No.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: (I can read something else from his face) Okay.
















































































































































































































Caption: Are you just saying that?
















































































































































































































My korean powers are bleh. I can't phrase all of these in english. 미안.

















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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

seriously? thats strange.  i swear we've done it before with no problem, but now your making me question that.  thanks for letting me know.

Yeah, I know.

I thought it was okay to post viewers count too.

But one time, when  everyone was spazzing and they keep posting the viewers count,

the mods warned the PLAYFUL KISS or GUMIHO THREAD (i don't remember which one lol)  that they will close the thread if they didn't stop posting it.

That it is agains the rules. I think it's considered as spamming.

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Guest baby_bo
































































































Here's the preview































































thanks @yongseofacts for the link
































No link for the whole epi yet.
































Im dying to watch it

































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Hello my dear goguma friends!








I just came back from Belgium where I didn't have the Internet from a whole week, so I really miss our Yongseo couple right now!








Can't wait to watch the episode, even if it's just the raws... I loved their perf on stage, and I really want to see how things happened backstage... Kekeke








Have a nice day, and keep spreading the sweet potato love all around the world <3









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