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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest omgirly











































And Jonghyun have to come in!! hahaha, you guys watch it, you will laugh.







































And the other two boys are so funny too.






























































Agreed. I love how the other CN Blue boys and Hyun seem comfortable with each other, especially while they were waiting for Yong to show up. Jungshin and Minhyuk were hilarious and Jonghyun, well, he's adorable. Hyun referred to him as "Jonghyun Oppa" when she spoke to Yong, which seems she much more comfortable with Jonghyun as well, as opposed to just Minhyuk and Jungshin. It's obvious these boys adore their sister-in-law. I got a cavity just watching them interact, they were so sweet.




















Was it me or did they not really address the 200 day anniversary? Yong put the pin on his guitar strap, but the event itself didn't seem like a big deal, unless the stream was lagging and I missed something. It shouldn't show up in the next episode or will the couple have a separate event that's all their own? Hmm.




















edit: I'm curious about the Kyuhyun conversation at their home. There was some pouting, no?





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Guest baby_bo
































































































































this is so frustrating :(
































wasn't able to watch the whole episode and the episode was too short :(
































hope someone could upload a raw video..
































please angels from above hear our plea! :(

































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Guest luckynew












Yongseo couple was great; although, I felt like some of us have been sabotage due to tvu not showing WGM (ch 82048). Lol. But, thanks to other streamers, some of us were able to watch it. Lol. I only get to see when Yong arrived to the Incheon place and onward. I pretty much missed everything before that. Lol. Well, I hope that all of you guys enjoyed it. I'll come back to check on it later on the day. Good night everyone!





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Guest _d3seohyun

A New Record for YONGSEO thread!!!

1081 users?!!!!!!

just got home. what did i miss? :crazy:








didn't get to catch the 1099. YONGSEO and GOGUMAS DAEBAK!!!!


didnt' know we might get in trouble for posting thread counts.

@j2dlee. you've been spoiling us too much so a break is good :D take care.

@Powerof9. @blancface. and the rest. thanks!

I was thinking earlier today that I missed seeing Seobaby with the boys...glad to see them together again <3

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Guest iloveyousixteen

A New Record for YONGSEO thread!!!

1081 users?!!!!!!  

just got home.  what did i miss? :crazy:

i think you missed the yongseo ep. today.


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1002 User(s) are reading this topic
































































































































































































317 members, 640 guests, 45 anonymous
































































































































































































This is so awesome. I think this is the highest it's ever been.
































































































































































































Today's episode was cool from what I can gather. I'm not Korean. Heehee. I love how Hyun is making him pay and I love the fact that Yong is initiating kinship as a way to get on her good graces. Maybe Yong just needs to kiss her anger away. Lol!

































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Guest monie1909




i'm upset now because i cant stream it online.hope someone can upload YT soon..But guess what we have many users today..wow,i havent seen this amount of people before




j2dlee its ok..have a safe trip and we will wait for you to comeback.




Thank you for those share the episode.Please share more..




Edit:CallMeDayDreamer THANK YOU FOR THE REMINDER>>I didnt know..hehe..i'm removing it.



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Guest baby_bo
































































































Aigoo guys..
































We are all upset bec we couldn't watch today's episode.
































I know people, yonseo fans with kind hearts will upload it later.































































































































Im trying to stalk sites to see if someone uploaded the video already.

































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HEY!!!!! since we have like 1080 users online....







































































SOOMPI mentioned/praised us on their twitter account.














































































































Goguma Peeps are Daebak!!!!



































































































































































































































































Keep the pics, and videos coming guys! Since most of us wer not able to watch!!!












































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Guest lunasol


20101023 少女時代 In Waiting Room Yoong+SY+Seo+Fany Cut


cr withsosisosi9




Gogumas here I found a cut when Yong went to fetch Hyun from the SNSD waiting room!!!








I also waited in vain in TVU and when I changed channels I only got to see when they were singing Love and Hyun waiting backstsge sad.gif




Hopefully someone will post the raw videos as soon as possible.


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HEY!!!!! since we have like 1080 users online....











SOOMPI mentioned/praised us on their twitter account.

















Goguma Peeps are Daebak!!!!








































Keep the pics, and videos coming guys! Since most of us wer not able to watch!!!

















oh wow thats awesome! thanks for sharing that. man... this is crazy. we get the most viewers on a day that half of us miss half the show. hahaha. too funny :lol: i have no idea why, but its probably because i feel sleep and yongseo deprived. lol.






edit thanks lunasol!


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Guest reiran18




bad TVU!!huhuhu!! yongseo couple just ended and i didn't watched it live....




i hope someone can uplod it...



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Guest blancface




































For those of you who missed the streaming or are waiting for it on YT I'll give you the gist of it since I was able to catch the entire segment:




























They started in their house singing and practicing their movements. Yonghwa grabbed her hand as the ending pose but Seohyun suggested to hold hands on the other side and she mentioned Kyuhyun and I couldn't really understand what she was saying. Then Yonghwa starts being childish again (if you remember the previous episode when he made that face when he was saying how they've gotten closer, he did this again) then he gets up and opens the window and starts to sing haha he's so childish! and of course Seohyun gets frustrated. This is seriously the cutest scene! Then Yonghwa starts saying how he wants Kimchi soup so Seohyun gets up and makes it for him after hesitating. Yonghwa is allll smiles as Seohyun kind of sings as she prepares him the soup. He gets up and tries to lean on her shoulder with his arm but she moves away (the MCs joke about this) but he follows her and leans on her. The streaming lagged a bit here but Yonghwa leaves to go MC for Inkigayo.




























Cut to practice for the concert. Seohyun ends up practicing with Jonghyun who seems really eager (he's so adorable here!) and he sings with her and they end up doing the hand ending pose but he seems really nervous. It shows SNSD practicing in the rain and then Seohyun in CNBLUE's practice room (Seohyun and Minhyuk on one side with Jonghyun and Jungshin on the other). She gets a call from Yong saying he's on the way and the way they talk is so loving. Seohyun and the rest of the boys are practicing with Jonghyun singing Yonghwa's part and Jungshin accompanying him in a really deep voice (you guys will laugh, forsure here!). I noticed that she was not that awkward here with them so I'm pretty sure they're comfortable with each other now. Yonghwa finally arrives and he talks with the boys a bit before fetching Seohyun from SNSD's practice room. Sooyoung and Yoona are freeeeeeeeaking out and this scene is really adorable. Ummm...they practice one more time in the practice room. Then they walk to the stage...there's a couple of high fives, hand grabbing here but you can't see really it cause they're behind people but you can tell. Before they go their separate ways, they do their hip-hop high five. As CNBLUE is performing, we see a lot of Seohyun backstage singing along and it's a cute scene ... cause it's so realistic seeing a wife supporting her husband :)




























This wasn't as detailed as I hope it would be but I hope it helps for the time being. I left out a lot and a lot of scenes you have to see. Overall, this episode was extremely cute and you can tell after the horror episode how comfortable they've gotten with each other...ESPECIALLY seohyun...oh gosh...she's definitely the one holding the ropes now!





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yongseo episode today was... it was.
















































the spoiler isnt funny or anything, i promise you guys this time, it really isnt. its just me ranting. i'll be back later with a better spoiler for those of you who read it, lol.
















































gosh, i was so excited. and then tvunetworks decides to up and change their channel! and then i only got to watch like half of the episode cause it was so short. (sigh) but i guess what i got to watch was good enough for my soul for this weekend... although i seriously wanted more! i, more then anything, wanted to watch what happened AFTERWARDS!!!! i guess its too long thats why they have to cut it for next week... maybe? but geez... it was so short. but what i did get to see. i liked! hahaha. when dont i like it though right? well how hott was yong walking to go find his buin?! his unbottom collar, so hott! omg. hahaha. i have a thing for the neck/collarbone area. hahah








































:) and his all like shy going into the girls waiting room. hahaha. and yoona and sooyoung are too funny. i so want to know what she was spazzing back there! and when they go back to go practice with the brothers (i was a little annoyed because mbc pd nim kept showing the performances when we just wanted to see them! geez, get a clue?! but i thought it was so funny. and when hyun was suggesting ideas for the run devil run part to brush off yong and jonghyun laughed, i loved how he was the only one who really did. and made it audioble. but maybe i just couldnt hear the others through my headphones (their turned on kind of low) lol. and it was hilarious when jungshin and minhyuk were dancing in the background. (those dorm room stories, i swear are true! lol) hahaha. i was watching yongseo but i kept getting distracted by those two, omg! hahaha. and i'm guessing so were the pds since they pointed it out. hahaha. and then when they finally were up for their stage yongseo did an american style shoulder bumb. i still dont know where this came from?! hahaha. its looking like they started it during the horror special. but i dont know now for sure. hahaha. anyways i was trying to enjoy the performance but it kept getting annoying when they would repeat the same thing over like 10 times, like we didnt notice that the first time already pd-nim and then it kept shooting the crowd, which is cool, but again, we're here for yongseo. sorry fans. hahaha. and then the ending was sweet though i have to say. and i like the slow mo there with the bowing. but that was it. that was the end. as you can tell i'm upset... yea. just a little because of the retarded channel changing and then with the short as crap episode. unless i just missed a lot more then i thought. but it was short. (sigh) but like always cant wait for the subs. thanks everyone for everything. i love our goguma family and yongseo.























































































...and so since i'm feeling low, i'll share these with everyone. i made these while waiting for yongseo today. i was going to hold off and share them later. but like i said, i'm feeling low and need share some yongseo love.
















































which yong face is hyun's favorite ;)
































































































a wallie too :)
































































































...and something fun hahaha.
















































why is yong pulling such a long face?
































































































his reading up on his buin with TRAX
































































































the magazine isnt very clear. i know. hahaha. so here is a close up, but you still cant really tell! hahaha.
































































































was just REALLY bored waiting. hahaha.
















































cant wait for vids!









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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

OMOOOOO ... 1099  Users viewing this thread .... 

Oh wow! the last time this thread had so many users was during the birthday episode with about 800+ users...

I though that was record breaker and now this....

the power of goguma indeed! ^_^

OHHHHH. TVU how could you do  this to me.

it ended already? OMONA!

TVU, WHY? i really can't  understand after Music Core there where a couple of commercials and then  it became like a travel show. OMONA!

I know, right???

And i actually got worried that they are going to cancel it... lmao...

TVU is actually airing WGM while some of us are panicking.

It's just that, they are showing it on the other MBC channel. TVU has 2 MBC channel...

The one we are all using and they are showing that travel show is 82048

But today, they aired we got married on channel 89991

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Guest luckynew












@Blancface, Thank you for the summary of it. That was great. So, I guess I missed some of the very cute moments of Yongseo.. Awww.. That's so cute. I wish I can watch it right now again before I go to sleep. Lol. Well, I hope someone else have the video post up online somewhere.




@Lunasol, Thank you for the video!




@Pangg, Good catch on Yong and the magazine!  EDIT: You got me fooled at first. Then I looked carefully, I noticed the girl's hair is down! Lol. Then I remembered... Ugh, this isn't right. I remember Hyun's hair was up. No way, it's someone else or Pangg must have photoshopped it. Oh wells. Lol.





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Guest CallMeDayDreamer


You guys are posting images of users count too. I think it's against the rules...

I saw it ones in PLAYFUL KISS THREAD... The mods warned them not to post the viewers count or else the thread will be closed.

We don't want that, do we???

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