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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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So exciting. I just know that this week is going to be great. Have a feeling that MBC is trying to make up for the bad reviews for last week episode.



Anyway, I will be going for the Kpop night on Saturday, hence will not be able to do episode summary translation. So sorry.



Lovekim and I will be there early, please joined us if you can at Burger King. Hopefully, we can take a group photo before the concert since everybody will be sitting at different places. 



"I Love Yongseo because" project update.



We have now collected about 230 reasons and need about 70 more. Please send it in as soon as possible. Bezbezbez already starting to work on those given earlier.



Below is the list of gogumas who have contributed in soompi threads. If you emailed directly to the seohwa.project@gmail.com, your name will not be captured below as it is complied separately. For those of you with missing information, appreaciate you can PM me.





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Guest mochiling








WOW.....................so sweet...................... the BTS video was DABEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i watch more than 10 times already, PDnim more pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Saturday pali......pali............




Guemjandi: thank for the video:rolleyes:




off to watch again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I love yongseo












I feel recharge every time i watch their video,yongseo are my medicine that i have to take every day. after watching all my unhappiness and worries are gone and everday is a beautiful day.












mochiling, 36, Singapore



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Guest yaya_ismail






i love yongseo...


its real, sweet and remind about my first relationship. You will learn on how to be patient in relationship. Its make my Saturday meaningful and smile all day long =)


yaya, 19, Malaysia


* sorry for my bad english. 



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Guest Carrotgirl


They makes me smile all the day. Their love story really go into my life. Whatever i do, i try to relate with YongSeo. Their relationship grew like what was happening in real life. Their relationship is soo pure. A simple words that i can describe about them is "YongSeo You Are DEABAK".

CarrotGirl, 20, Malaysia

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Guest chilipadi_22
























they are a perfect couple! the interaction between them is just so natural, like a REAL couple. they make my weekends so meaningful every week as i watch them get more and more comfortable with each other as time goes by. i simply love this couple! <3








chilipadi_22, 18, Singapore





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Guest fara_m7






i love yongseo because....




i can see a pure and innocent love growing every saturday of my life... i can feel "true love". watching them together, made me believe that "destiny" exist!




fara_m7, 18, philippines


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Any age group can relate to their relationship. Anyone who have experienced, experiencing or wanting to experience love can relate to them. Makes you want to have that light and giddy feeling of being in love and taking care of someone dear.
































































































































They really never fail to amaze us and would definitely leave a smile on our faces everytime we watch them. I, personally can't get enough of them...
































































































































rhonskee, 32, philippines

































































































































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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Yongseo because ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love their chemistry. It looks so real and make me smile like crazy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their natural relationship make me feel in love. Saturday is the best day of the week.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I totally forget about my stress for a while. I love the way they take care of each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong and Hyun are so precious to me ... their good memories are mine too~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lanladay, 23, Thailand

































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Redtulip - I am very impressed with your list compilation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh that new BTS video is so sweet, I just feel that they are always so happy and smiling when they are next to each other. Poor Yuri, haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Looking fwd to tomorrow!!

































































































































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i love yongseo because....







they made me want to fall in love for the first time. the feeling of someone is taking care of you, watching over you, learning with you, walking side by side with you, leaving his/her comfort zone for you, and many more that i can't describe in words. :wub:







kaycel, 25, philippines


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Guest DJHinata

I love YongSeo couple because...

 they are so DESTINY !!! they are so perfect for eachother ! ♥

and make us happy and more lovely ♥

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wow hope there'll be more BTS after this one. Really nice to see how happy they are together.
































































































































The proud look on seohyun's face as she watched her hubby on the screen is so lovely!
































































































































cant wait for tomorrow!!

































































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Guest SophiaPia





OMGGGGGGGGG! i just went out today and a lot good things happen alreadyyyy OMG! thanks for the BTS of your YongSeo thansk for sharing although i haven't watch it yet but looking at the screencaps it's DAEBAKKKKK



For sure there's a LOT MORE BTS there that they haven't show to us SO LET'S EMAIL MBC WGM TO SHOW US ALL THE BTS









redtulip my age is 40 SORRY i forgot to put






catch u all later


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i love yongseo because..










i can see real love in their eyes..










Their chemistry are so real..










They always make me feel happy..










Their relationship are so beautiful..










They are so perfect for each other..










And By looking at them i could take a valuable lesson about relationship..










sarah, 20, Indonesia










Sorry for my poor english..



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Guest lunasol


redtulip: I send my post to the soompi inbox of one of you guys working on the project awhile ago but I am not sure you already receive it because I am not on the list. Just in case here it goes again smile.gif


I love Yongseo because.....




...♥ they show how imperfectly beautiful falling in love really is, no matter how perfectly beautiful are the feelings you feel when you fall. Just watching them gradually find the similarities between each other, and how they complement each other in the qualities they are not similar, that is what real love is about and not just any infatuation 




 lunasol, 29, Puerto Rico (Caribbean) 




You guys can edit my comment for the project if you want and thank you for all your hard work!! You guys are Daebak!






I just had a NIGHTMARE week and I can't wait to watch the new episode. Besides my family, Yongseo is my GOGUMA HAPPY MEDICINE that I can always count on. I have not been able to be here much this week (you guys are my other Goguma medicine!) but from the few times I lurked for a few seconds I saw you guys talking about how they changed your life. I don't have the time to do a long list right now but I can definitely say that this week at moments I felt I was going to break and cry but the first thing that came to my mind was Yongseo, thinking how strong they are under so much pressure and how they need to control their feelings against personal attacks, critics, obsessive fans, etc. If they are able to still keep a smile then I should also be able to smile.gif. 


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























this is a bit off topic, but Yonghwa related. It looks like the news from baidu about Yonghwa's 3rd appearance in Running Man is true. they will be filming in Himeji Castle in Japan and I believe the filming date is October 25(man, this boy is busy). he is the first person to guest in Running Man twice, now he is the first person to guest for a third time in the show. this is the episode after Yuri's guesting in Running Man.





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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































































































































































































































Since I didn't see my name on the list (I must've PMed the wrong person or something)  :sweatingbullets:  here goes..
































































































































I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE they make my heart flutter. Yonghwa and Seohyun are both polite, bright and very caring towards each other; they are a very good example of how a young couple should behave. I show their episodes to my siblings (whose age range goes from 22 to 10 years old) and ALL of them love Yongseo. So not only I enjoy watching Yong and Hyun together, I also get to spend some happy quality time with the siblings because of the couple. Those are precious times we can never buy with money so it means a lot to me. Of course, the interactions with fellow gogumas in twitterland and soompiland also always make my day. There are times when the focus deviates but eventually, I always get a happy ending from the goguma villagers. I appreciate that, very very much  :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soshimunky, 23, Brunei






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P/S: Thank you everyone for making this community the best I have joined so far. Gogumas are jjang!

































































































































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