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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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One thing I noticed while watching the BTS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I searched for the performance that was playing on the screen behind them. Thought it was SNSD dancing to Tell Me Your Wish at first but it was 4Minute. Look at how Seohyun ignores the screen and when Yonghwa glanced then danced along. It seems like Seohyun was preventing him from looking at the screen.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or maybe that's just me over analyzing again.

































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Guest DJHinata

MY GOD !!! that clip was amaziiing !! *o*  awww yonghwa so shy i love it !! ♥  Thankyou so much for sharing girls !! Really aaw mbc please upload more and more clips !! D_D !! 

i have a question ! in  minute 1:20 a post show up , what said ?

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Guest miel_1301
















































Woah! Exactly the BTS footage I was talking about in my previous post some pages back. Thanks GeumJandi for bringing the info about the BTS in the thread and for the caps as well and keoconvoi for the YT link. Thanks, too, ilovesnowwhite, kubih and goguma1207 for the other screen caps.
















Yeah, GeumJanDi, I concur with you that this is a case of bad editing again. PDnim should have shown this 1:44 clip instead of showing and talking about the MuBank Special Stage since I recall they had an official press release/news article about these behind the scenes they filmed while the couple assisted Yuri at MuCore last 19 June 2010 so naturally viewers/YongSeo fans will really be wondering what happened to this footage. Better very very late than never, PDnim?
















Short clip but sweet. PDnim is teasing us again. Can it be any longer? Nonetheless, I so love their interaction.
















Thanks, juhee for the trans.































Just dropping this bit of an info...















































Thanks to silent_scream@ggsthread.































[Fan Account] SNSD at Tokyo Disney Sea (101020)
















[Fan Account] SNSD at Tokyo Disney Sea (101020)
















On Thursday 21st October 2010, @sooyounglegs said:
















This is a compiled fanacct that was taken from a few jsones' blog when they met soshi at the Disney Sea. Original: http://bit.ly/aiUKBV ---> chinese translated ver.
















1. They went to Disney Sea
















2. They went to Disney Sea during the night. (the fan said that because it was pitch dark at Disney Sea so they could saw soshi very clearly was when the girls were walking towards them.)
















3. Its confirmed that yoona, jessica, maknae and yuri were there...(that jsone was unsure cos he/she did not count the number of members presented.)
















4. A manager oppa followed them. ( a fan got rejected from the manager when asked for a handshake.)
















5. This manager was used to be DBSK's manager. (The fans recognized this manager because DBSK once joked that this particular manager looks like Japan gagman on a certain show.)
















6. Maknae wore a minnie headband.
















7. The girls went to a haunted house. Its like they have to take a lift to the highest level and go down to the ground floor by stairs and the surrounding are full of horror pranks.
















8. A fan saw an upclose of yoona, sica and yuri and said that they were in their causual outfits.
















The girls went to the disney sea during the night so not many people actually saw them. The fans said that if it wasnt they coincidentally met them, its really hard to spot them. And hence there were not much information.
















cr. snsdchina / baidu
















trans by: _@shikshin













































































Thanks aneng for those "HOT" captures of YongHwa with the boys at the Song Hye Myung‘s fashion show.
















RING DING DONG again? hahaha!!!!
















Okay! Another one...































YongHwa's capture from the YouEasy Mag Shanghai































































cr: YouEasy.net































All Gogumas in here should have known by now why I'm posting this pic, right? Hahaha!















































Hahaha! I keep on editing my post.






























































genxv, that's one "cool" wallpaper you've made.






























































Really Yong Nampyeon, you better be ready for that bow and arrow of Goddess Hyun Buin.





























































































Hugs to yukiandjudy for the subs of the BTS clip at MuCore. Gogumas here are really really fast!

















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Thank you keoconvoi for uploading the video and big thanks too to junhee for the translations! Ah, I want to go to Korea and steal all the WGM videos now. Seriously!!
















































































They are so cute! This was filmed June 19 right? Thanks to all the amazing screencappers for capturing every cute moment.
















































































Serious SQUEE
















































































Really cant wait for tomorrow! LOL at the preview, of course it rains for our couple! When has it not! Ah, the rain brings them good luck ^^
















































































Hope you don't mind me sharing this. Was tinkering around and ended up with a wallpaper. Go figure.
















































































































































































































































(Sorry, not sure how to do thumbnails. Help, anyone?)
















































































Edit: Wow miel, Yong looks so hot! But yes, that wasn't the very first thing I noticed ;)
















































































Edit 2: Thanks aneng for posting the subbed videos and thanks yukiandjudy for making the subs!! Kyaaaaaa

















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credits: yukiandjudy3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are several articles about Yongseo couple regarding the sudden release of Behind the Scene from their Music Core. It's all about how cute they are together. Good articles so far.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Number 8 on Daum

































































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does anyone know what time the show airs in korea?


meanwhile.. here are some graphics... brb while i get them uploaded!








hope you guys like them!


They aren't really anything good!


plz credit if you are going to use them!?!



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Guest reiran18




i have a question....wat do u mean of BTS and VOD??hehe!! i always read it in a korean movie wid subtitle but i don't know wat is it...




tanx gogumas for the vids....



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Guest constantia11

WOAAAA!! Seriously!! To much goodies shared that can make me go through Friday (can't wait for Saturday to come!!!)

Thanks Geumjandi and Hyuksu for the BTS MuCore

Thanks keoconvoi to upload in YT

Thanks juhee for the translation

Now I know the reason why Seohyun did her hair like that for their trip to Kwanghado (the cute buns).

It's because her nampyeon saw it before and liked it.

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Guest monie1909


this news said that the Yongseo BTS vid hit 20,000 views..explosion netizens reaction..hehe.

Everyone still excited about the clips..Btw,have the preview been translated?What is it about?

constatia11 Thats what i thot so,about the hair..and Yong seem to like it too in that episode..hehe

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































thanks for the translations juhee.































































































































































































































































































































































if it isn't any trouble, can you translate the text preview also? it was posted on page 1240
































































































































































I tried using google translate and as usual, its translations is not very accurate.
































































































































































thanks in advance. :)

































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Dduk, nice graphics! Thanks for making them and sharing with us here ^^
















































































Were you asking about WGM? It airs Saturday 5:15PM Korean Standard Time
















































































reiran, BTS means Behind The Scenes. As for VOD, I think it Video on Demand (e.g. the streaming on iMBC's site)
















































































aneng thanks for those rankings. I guess korean fans are spazzing like crazy too. Hehe. So many surprises this week! Surprise SNSD teasers and comeback. Now a surprise BTS video for YongSeo. Well, I hope WGM will do some sort of WGM special for YongSeo like they did with the Adam couple. Or just send me their tapes. :lol:

















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Guest reiran18




tanx  genxv....




i'm trying to download the song that lyn was singing but i'm not  sure of the title..can anyone give me the exact title of the song..its becoming LSS to me...hehe!!



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Guest bolmaejung

English subbed of the BTS 0:29..

YH : I spent a bit more time on styling my hair today as well...

(and he talked in a low voice "I destroyed the ozone layer") maybe he used hair spray... kkk

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Guest toomuchsmiling




keoconvoi- THANKS FOR UPLOADING! :w00t:




hyuksu- Already a Preview Text?? thanks for sharing!


ilovesnowwhite- aww those caps are DAEBAK!









credits: yukiandjudy3






aneng- Thanks for sharing! :w00t: it's already subbed!! OMGEE guys, i was JUST gonna go to sleep but decided to check this thread one more time and THANK GOODNESS I DID!! did NOT expect at all a BTS!!


SOO freaking adorable, i'm glad we got to see it and that it was released. :D




Re-posting hyuksu's share of the Text Preview. ^__^




용화♡서현 : 비가 내리고~ 듀엣 송이 흐르면~


드디어 ‘인천 코리안 뮤직 웨이브’에서 용서부부가 듀엣 무대에 서는 날!


이른 아침부터 막바지 연습에 박차를 가하는 용화♡서현!


가사에 걸맞은 과감한 제스처와 멋진 엔딩포즈까지 열심히 맞춰보는데~


용 남편의 ‘어설픈 밀당의 폐해(?)’는 자꾸만 두 사람을 티격태격 구렁텅이로 몰아넣




아침부터 쏟아지는 비는 이런 용서부부의 조급한 마음을 아는지 모르는지 그칠 줄






200일 기념하기도 하는 뜻 깊은 첫 듀엣 무대에서 삼중고를 겪게 된 용서부부!


과연 용화♡서현은 이런 악조건을 이겨내고 용서부부만의 멋진 하모니를 보일 수 있






mmm, hopefully we get in our awesome translators but here's my loose translations, from what i am getting:




Finally the day of the special duet stage at Incheon Korean Music Wave has arrived.


Starting from early in the morning they practice hard. We get to see them practicing hard on the lyrics, cool gestures, and ending pose.




idk from there..something about Yong's "pull/push" yet again. and the ending questions is something like "will we see them pull off a cool harmony?"


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Guest chilipadi_22
















thanks for sharing the subbed BTS!!!








love it loads!! a small doze of goguma before tomorrow's episode is good! hahahah:)








they are really comfortable with each other now, which is great to see.








getting excited for tomorrow's episode!! :)








i have watched the BTS for the nth time but it just gets nicer each time i watch it!!








YONGSEO is REAL seriously!!








really wish that MBC would release more BTS videos!! :)





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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just watched the BTS via YT since it took forever to load from MBC site sad.gif




Many thanks for those who provide BTS vid, translation, and subbed BTS. wub.gif




I am now can't wait for tomorrow, saturday pali!




I'm off to watch the BTS again w00t.gif












Top of a page and didn't share anything, forgive me lads sweatingbullets.gif



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Guest miel_1301































































Aneng, thanks again for the info on the rankings about the sudden release of the MuCore BTS. I guess we International fans aren't the only ones spazzing like crazy now. K-YongSeo fans have always been solidly behind the couple.






























































Hyuksu, thanks for the preview text. Hope someone picks it up for the complete translation.






























































lenovo, dearie, Muwah to you too! But the warning about Yong seobang still stands--- "He's taken, remember?". _d3seohyun might just be around watching you. hahaha!




























































































































This thread is simply irresistible today. TGIF!!! There's not much work load. hahaha!!!






























































More to share...





























































































New SPAO capture of Seobaby














































































With her Unnies...
































cr; yurui + cantthinkofaname@gg thread

















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on my way watching BTS..




sweatingbullets.gif  lol just offline for a monent n new thing came out....w00t.gif




SATURDAY cool.gif


come faster....








back to off mode, studying for test tomorow...



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Guest DJHinata

i don't know if this picture was sharing before but here is ! so how cooool look seohyun !! i love it ! i can't wait for the COMEBACK of SNSD !



So Sexy and So SeoHyun ♥

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