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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello fellow Goguma shippers
































































































Aww, I missed being here. Again,thanks for sharing all the awesome news, pictures, caps and fanart.
































































































Here is definitely a happy place to be at.
































































































I wanna make my moment of 20.10.2010 at 20:10 o’clock memorable so I decided to dedicate this moment to yongseo couple by stating why I love them! (I know, I sound mushy but blame Yongseo for making me like this! Hehe)
































































































I love Yongseo because they give me the chance to dream a little dream that someday, somewhere all of us will be able to meet our other half and complete us just the way they both did. Watching them makes me believe that each and every one of us is destined to be happy and just let fate guide us to the ultimate happiness.

































































































































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First of all, I know i'm late for this contribution.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And this is from me;






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love yongseo because...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because they make me feel like, like, like I have never felt before.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They can be their self when be with each other.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They're a perfect match































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong terrific sense of humor































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong have taught Hyun the true meaning of love.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are our theme for each dream































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong love has helped Hyun to rediscover herself.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the way they treasure the gifts that they get for each other.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the way they patch up with each other after a tumultuous fight.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And, of-course, they intelligence, 'cause you were smart enough to fall in love with me ;-) <-- hope they will say it to each other.. kekeke






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































zealous, 31, Malaysia





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just curious, what happen to their goguma???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i do believe, that all goguma can make more than 100 kilos...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do they sell it??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do they make a goguma party?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do they donate it..??? if hyun this can make a very high possibility...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do they store it in their own house?? --> can lead to rotten goguma... hope nope..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do they send it to their respective family...--> BIL, SIL, both family....
































































































































































































































































where the goguma's go...????

































































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Edit :  >>  My lifeStyle already changed, I didn't go out anywhere on SAT because I'm addicted YongSeo ^^ and On SUN also because I had to sub as fast as I can.  Love You YongSeo and Everyone in This Thread. 

haha... sun_sun, u're not the only one! me too LOL xD but slightly different than urs. i used to like to go out often during weekdays but now i don't mind staying at home watching yongseo or doing anything yongseo-related keekeke. on weekdays, i used to spend time with my bf till late at night but ever since i discovered yongseo, i go back very early just for the sake of watching keovoncoi's/diadanoo's yongseo's new ep uploads & also for j2's trans xD... and on sunday i'll wait for ur subbed uploads kekekeke! that's the big difference that anyone can spot in me haha!

anj1207, i love ur spazzing~! keep it up yahhh ;)

haha panGG, u sure made a lot of us happy with ur post! oh! u've watched hyun's wrath already??? kekekeke was actually experimenting the settings... no intention of making MV, who knew it became one LOL! xD glad u like it~

yahhh jnj... u're in the what???? LOL! are u doing OT? fortunately, my tasks are not that urgent yet, been expecting myself to be extra busy this week. so... haha i've been on the shirk at work :ph34r: oh ya, MC Kim is jjang! cyas~ xD

edit: just saw u pretty... *waves* do keep spazzing xD

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As everybody keeps on contribute to "I love Yongseo", i want to support them too!

I love Yongseo because their sweetness of 'giving and take' inside their relationship portray a sentiment of what the real normal couple usually be. Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes it's funny and cute, sometimes it's adorable, sometimes it's madness and not understandable, but that is what the relationship makes it works the most!

aslina, 26, malaysia

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Guest sweettaeng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dun know if this has been shared but i came across this article.
































































































































































































































































少女时代徐贤玩暧昧秀双戒 绝口不提郑容和
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































www.ifensi.com 2010-10-18 10:12:58 来源:粉丝网论坛






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just lurking and dropping by to do a rough translation ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD's Seohyun doesn't mention Jung Yonghwa.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD is here in Taiwan for an interview for the first time, the youngest member Seohyun and CN Blue member Jung Yonghwa's couple ring became the focus. She showed off her ring shyly and said: "This is the couple ring with my husband on <We Got Married>"  And didn't mention Jung Yonghwa's name.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun and Yonghwa are filming as a make believe couple on variety show <We Got Married>, sweet interactions. Jung Yonghwa came to Taiwan in September and openly showed off the couple ring. Yesterday Seohyun was interviewed about the couple ring, she first raised up her right hand and said: "This is my friendship ring with the members" And then raised up her left hand and said: "This is my couple ring with my husband on a program." Although Seohyun didn't mention Yonghwa's name the whole time, but during the concert, there were fans who gave her a sunflower doll pasted with Jung Yonghwa's photo. She generously accepted it. Due to both of them's promise on the program to attend each other's concert, the previous day, fans reported on Facebook that Jung Yonghwa was also here in Taiwan, but later on was proven to be a false rumour.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Ah i guess i should do this too right? xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Yongseo because they are different. Skinship doesn't measure their love. And they make me squeal whenever i see them looking at each other with those stares~ Their awkwardness and how they progress slowly step by step makes them more like a real couple. And the whole goguma thing is so cute. Keke.
































































































































































































































































Clarice, 17, Singapore

































































































































































































































































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geunjandi, rica, caliope tks for sharing the Music Bank info here.



hmm..i think some of us should have no problem watching it at KBS 2TV right?



ah! cant wait!






and hyun would be with hubby at Inki? lovely lovely lovely






dreamy, tks for the Jpn photoshoot link and pics.



yong looks slim there..drools



u get to slack huh? aish, i envy u...






digidigibob, dduk, toomuchsmiling, yoreizei tks for the MC Kim tweet's trans.



yongseo still playing mildang eh? and MC Kim finding it funny?



yongseo funny as in being angry but still lovey dovey? :sweatingbullets:






*my imagination* hyun still angry at yong even on the day of their duet,



didn't we witness hyun waiting for him after their perf?



was it to surprise him with her gifts from Thailand? :w00t::wub:






jaebeth, long-time lurker, first-time poster! hey i like that!



i'm glad yongseo love lure out more villagers..



as far as i can rmbr, yong hasn't meet sunny, yoona and jessica.






panGG, hug u! u came back with a bang!



i don't read spoilers, but i always read yours cause i know i will always



ended up giggling/lolling..just like today, i love love the last part.



ever think of writing a fanfic?



woah...hug u tighter for the wallie. if they ever spend the holidays together :wub::wub:



i should've go with my feelings and PM u last night...






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Guest SophiaPia




Sweettaeng thanks for the translations as always thanks to RDR as well :)




THIS COMING FRIDAY the GIRLS ARE COMING FOR THEIR SM CONCERT. I hope u can share with us SeoHyun and her unnies :) And i hope wifey SeoHyun will show her Ring as well to YongSeo Singapore like what hubby Yong did :)


YongSeo all over the world, let's continue to support YongSeo, SNSD and CNblue. For our YongSeo 


Let's all happy and inlove while YongSeo still happy (even having mildang) and inlove :)


YONGSEO Hwaiting!




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zealous - you are right, they should have auction it off to fans, I am sure it will all fetch alot of money!! or donate it to the "Goguma Research Foundation" for development of better gogumas in the future! :D:D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I realised MC Kim is quite a Yongseo fan? And i think he is quite handsome too. :D:D:D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ubiONEkelubi
















































I love Yongseo couple because
















- yongseo never fail to make me smile... :wub:
















- I just love the way they look at each other.. :wub:
















- yongseo look awkward at first but now they're like a real couple..
















- yongseo is different than the other WGM couple...TOTALLY different... love love love...
















ubiONEkelubi, 27, Malaysia

















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sun_sun, congrats on winning the tic. u r indeed LUCKY!!









aneng, tks for the Acoustics premier pics.



at first look, i thought i saw hyun there, the one in the poster..









sweettang, tks for the translation.



while one refers the guy as husband, the other refers the wife as someone.



hmm..playing another game, yongseo?






dreamy, panGG, what wrath? did i miss something here?



a new MV from u, dreamy? where where






sophia, yikes! is it Friday? oops!



i better check with fellow sg gogumas..






can't leave this thread w/out saying thanks to ALL for pics, news, links and pics!



and again, a BIG welcome to new shippers...






gogumas are jjang!









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Guest ubiONEkelubi






what have yongseo done to me???!!!


I'm quite busy with my work now but I'm still lurking with Yongseo...!! :ph34r:





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Just some small tidbit - when I came home to visit my parents today, my mom made sweet potatoes!! Not roasted or anything, but cooked.

(You know: "Kkku-kku-kkku!" You have to poke them to see of they are ready.)

Apparently, one of my sisters made my mom cook them. They taste differently from regular potatoes, but they were alright, I guess. However, I don't know how Seohyun can eat them every day. I'd go crazy! Or maybe, she has a better recipe, I don't know.

As for the pictures above: When I first saw Yonghwa, I thought: Who is that tall woman next to him? And then, I realized it's Jungshin. :ph34r: That boy needs another haircut. Seriously!

Best regards,

a very, very busy Trent.

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Guest Hikari1309




I love YongSeo because...




"YongSeo have a lot of things that can make me fall in love with them"






Ay, 21,Indonesia




I instantly fell in love with them when they are in WGM


always wanted to know news about them.


smiling, laughing and very excited when I watching them


I'm very happy to see them together




Yong ~ <3 Hyun ~ :wub:



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just want to give the link....just realize something...when seohyun sang this ost "it's okay even if it's hurt..."probably seohyun really felt this when yong didnt contact her... hehehehe
































































































































































































































































it's okay even if it's hurt
































































































































































































































































edit : oooh hahaha I am the top of pages...:)

































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Guest pandasoori




annyeong ~ 1st time post here . act i want to join the i really love ys couple . can i ? hee :D, sorry nothing to share -_______- "


I Really Love Yongseo Couple Because ..


first - BOTH of them is really my fav kpop artist .:lol:


second - YONG = he was very handsome , sweet , concerned , loving , and naughty . keke . + YONG has changed HYUN feelings about boys . blush.gif


 third - HYUN = she was very pretty , kind , caring , pure and fierce a little bit . keke . + HYUN give many benefits to YONG .:)




 farasoori, 16, malaysia .


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thanks aneng & chilipadi for the pics~!

sweettaeng... thanks for the trans~! :D i bet yong must be feeling giddy hearing that from her. i bet her unnies must've felt like doing that AWWWW or KYAAAA sound like what they did during their house warming. LOL~

jnj... u're goin off already? so soon??? that's so unlike u! haha anyways, juust do whatever u should yah & here's the link to hyun's wrath (pls be prepared ya, u may not like it... it's more to the dark side :sweatingbullets: ): The Wrath

*off to rewatch ep28*


maretta, thanks for the link~! haha i wonder when exactly was the song released? it would help us to know how hyun must've felt while singing the song.

uwahhhh... many new posters~! :D WELCOME~!!!

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for some reason, tweet is not working for me tonite.



wonder what happen. so, looks like i HAVE ;) to stay here for a while, dreamy :lol:



dark side as in sad ending?









another link to share from dc.



yongseo is love!!







if only i can save this..*sigh*



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[PHOTOS] Yongseo Couple Tour – From Legendary Eps,Places where Seohyun and Yonghwa went to for WGM Episode 27
































































































































































































































































































































































































by jaslovesyg in Photos, Yongseo Love Tags: yongseo couple, yonghwa, seohyun, we got married, goguma couple, photos, sweet potato couple, episode 27, yongseo love, yongseo fans
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dog Poop Moment!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo’s Wheelbarrow!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo Dog with a Yongseo Fan! hehe!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Are these the chairs that Yonghwa and Seohyun used??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. dcmarried ; reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























Hello everyone. Just wanted to share something to keep the thread moving. hope you can also answer this questions.




















How did YongSeo changed your life?




















1. I now wear a seatbelt when driving. before i don't really wear them. I just wear them when the seatbelt law in our country is enforced.




















2. goes to this thread whenever possible.




















3. cancels any appointment during Saturday if possible




















4. very curious about news about SNSD and CNBlue.




















5. whenever the latest photo of Yong and Hyun appears on this thread or any other place, the first thing to look for is the couple ring.




















6. tried to cook sweet potatoes and cream spaghetti.




















7. waits patiently for j2dlee every Saturday




















8. waits for sun_sun's subbed videos




















9. waits for rdrsubs to release their videos




















10. saves wallpapers shared by talented people in this thread.




















11. I became nicer to my girlfriend. I'm now planning to take her on a fishing trip.




















12. I planned to not contact my girlfriend for 1 week. but seeing how mad Seohyun was, I aborted that plan. :)




















13. I now try to take care of my health. eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.




















14. tried to make the shake Seohyun prepared for Yonghwa.




















thats about it. Good day to all villagers. :)





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jnj~ anything new in tweetville? it still seems very fast to me LOL. i've just checked... i think tweety has reached its limit tonite. maybe u can try again later. as for the wrath MV... the ending is a cliffhanger & i edited it badly so u'd better not watch wahahahah :P after watching the link that u shared... i sooo wanna see them both being lovey dovey onscreen! like some hugging or even kissing but uhhhhh in my goguma dreams! >.<

ur post puts a smile on my face, heartbreak kekeekekek :D

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