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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin




crystal malfoy thank you for the PM.I appreciate you explain about it.I'm just pissed because last week,my post was thumb down a lot because i'm questioning if this is real/just for wgm promo(spesifically about Yoong oppa after the k-boice incident and i only bring it up after reading some post in cnblue thread that said so).Some people even said i bring the negativity to the thread because of my questions .And this week,when people said the almost the same thing as i'm questioning  and lot of people tend to agree with it.So,i might gone overboard calling people hypocrite but thats what i feel with the majority.




dreamyboo thank your for nicer words than everyone else.




klmr whatever


just tell me how can i thumb up my own post?All i see is edit and multiquote button.I would love to thumb up my own post if i possible so i dont look like a moronic outcast here.I'm sick of my posts always get the red mark just because my opinion different from majority.last week i didnt even use harsh word but still i get thumb a lot.





kerube chan thank you for at least respect my opinion minus the hypocrasy land part.Sorry that you one of the people that get hurt.Just so you know,I always read and love your post


lovekin thank you for adding your two cent here.I dont even read your post yet>but,knowing you and your post,it going to be a very analytical one that always end up  me having headache.So,i'm sorry that i'm not going to read your post but thank you anyway.










not analytical at all.  just a few choice words on your behalf for being extremely immature.  smile.gif  but hey, i'm not asking you to read anything so ~whatevz~






it's also immature to whine your way home simply because you get negative points.  a lot of people do, and it's usually because they're being rude about what they have to say.  but once they fix their attitude, it's usually a whole different story afterwards.



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Guest blu3bird80




keke.. not to step on anyone feet here but here i go.. hypocrite.. well yeahh!! why not.. everyone tends to be a bit hypocrite sometime during their live.. i for one notice moment in my own live when i'm being hypocrite.. so what wrong with being a bit hypocrite.. i do agree that this thread tend to go up and down according to each and every ep.. well hello.. this how it always have been.. 

read back all the way to the beginning of the thread.. it always have been this way.. but i gotta say a big thanks to all the original and old poster.. like i said we have been to worst of the worst, still we are here happily and sometime unhappily sharing our thought.. i been a lurker since thread since ever.. so that all for that topic.. 

@Alexia92 hope that you have calm down quite a bit and join us spazzing again.. is good being in a crowd of people who show that they are a bit hypocrite than that act all nice and sweet and later you'll found out that they to are hypocrite.. come back please..

keke.. i thought i'll be back giving what i thought would be Seo line of thinking but let me address the issue of scripting or not.. i mean it is a show, what important to the PD and the station is the rating a certain show get.. but honestly since the line have really been blurred between the actor them self, i think everyone would agree all the couple show a good amount of sincerity in their 'acting' if you want to call it that..

can't you see their response to the situation is real, or almost real like? okay forget that.. i think in the recent ep this is what happen, the show PD contact both manager for filming.. they discuss their schedule.. seem like the whole month of July is pack for both of them.. so, what the best solution.. oh yeah, Seo need a style change or not.. since artist normally have their favorite salon or agency appointed salon.. but the only way too get these two together is during prep for an event..

so PD suggest why not chose one and we can film there.. sound good.. let go.. inform Seo, inform Yong.. sound like a plan since we have been busy and not yet meet each other.. so for starter, just let Seo say it a coincidence.. make it more dramatic.. this would explain why they are not surprise.. Hyun knows Yong is gonna be there so does Yong.. how that for a POV on the whole matter? would that be suffice to put the last nail in the coffin for this issues?

just some incoherent rambling.. annyong..


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Guest SophiaPia




Thanks for sharing the photos of the girls in Taiwan :) as always SeoHyun looks lovely. I think that is the flat shoes that YongSeo Korea give to SeoHyun when they shoot wgm driving blue truck.


YongSeo Taiwan is Daebak kekeke! giving or throwing Yonghwa face to Hyun hahaha! even put Yong face in that sunflower hahaha! I wonder if Hyun knows that during their concert their episode in wgm is the episode that she's angry  w/ Yong hahaha! 




I hope next week we see how they KISS AND MAKE UP LOVELYYYYYY. Can i say Saturday paliiiiiiii again hahaha! YONGSEO AJA!




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Guest lovekin






this is a special post just for you because i admire the way you handle critiques – that are sometimes impolitely shared.  unlike, say, me ... sweatingbullets.gif hahaha ... you always accept words with a kind heart and move along your merry way.  you're always trying to make people feel welcome, even if they come off too strong and not received well by the majority of the members.  in this way, i think you're one of the best members this thread has to offer.  i think we're lucky to have you.  




while i remain unapologetic for standing up to people i find offensive, you approach scenarios differently.




your calm demeanor is totally admirable; you're a great balance to this community!  wub.gif


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I've been rolling this around in my head all day and it's bothering me, hopefully goguma detectives can put my worries to rest?








In this episode their conversation while rehearsing the songs turns to the TRAX photoshoot -








 H: Ah, I nearly forgot!





Y: Hm?





H: I have a picture to show you.





H: Unfortunately, I already wore a wedding dress.





MCs: What?!!





H: I did a photo shoot with Trax for their new album cover.





Y: Yes.





H: And the song is about…





Y: I don’t need to hear that, just show me the picture.








What was Hyun going to say here before Yong cut her off?   'And the song is about.......ME?'   'And the song is about ....... first love?'





Was Hyun trying to say Yong wasn't the only one who has now written a song about her?   Some more revenge?








I know that TRAX have known Hyun since they were young (read it in interview where Hyun rejected 'the kiss').  Does Jay Kim or Kim Jung Mo also have a 'thing'





for Hyun?  Are they Hyun fanboys?   I've always thought 'oh My Goddess' was also written with Hyun in mind?  Does anyone know?!










This episode really left me bummed.  I didn't like seeing Hyun mad at Yong and being sad, but I also got that sinking feeling in my stomach when I saw how mad Hyun is at Yong, that she has taken away all gogumas and seems on making Yong pay dearly for this mistake.  I surely hope Yong can reassure her that his intentions were to try to make their relationship stronger, although I think his method was misguided.   I really want to see these 2 happy....TOGETHER!    


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Guest luckynew












@alexia92, Wow.. Thank you so much for your posting. I'm glad you joined us. At the same time, it kind of made me giggled because I wasn't sure if you were talking about me also (because I'm fairly new here). Lol. However, I just want you to always remember that everyone has his/her own opinion. Opinions will always change from time to time. Swaying to the right, left, up, down, north, south, west, east, etc.. Hahaha.. Suspicions here and there.  It's just the way how one approaches the subject. On your part, you weren't being wise about your choice of wordings. That's all. Necesitas ser simpatica cuando hablas/escribes. I'm sure others will appreciate it too. Enjoy your staying. Don't be afraid to share your opinions, just remember to be rational about them.




Goodnight Gogumas! Enjoy the rest of the day! Take great care everyone!












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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































Hi! Just wanted to share this before going to sleep.
































































































See the pic, SH is carrying the yellow flower, the same one she was carrying out of the hotel. (She is the third from right to left)
















































How sweet is that, she appreciate the Yongseo fans is gift.
















































Original pic, you can see YH is face in the flower...http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/1020/508962846902a273c5a9o.jpg
















































Link to the news about the concert: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/10/snsds-concerts-in-taiwan-are-a-huge-success
















































Happy spazzing my goguma family!!! Remember Make love not War!!!
















































Edit: @qwenli Hello!
















































For the project you just need to post your answer to the next question:
































































































I love Yongseo couple because......






























































































































































Name, age, Country
















































This is all that is needed, the managers of the project asked to make it simple, not remember how many lines, but you can post whatever you want. The sooner you post your answer the better, because they have to make an special presentation in a video with the messages and that takes a lot of time and effort. Thanks for your participation!!!
















































Man I really need to sleep, but I cant help myself I keep coming back to see how the Goguma Family is going, Love you all, Happy Spazzing!!!

















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sorry, where am I suppose to post my contribution to the 300 day thing? sorry so many posts, very hard to keep track.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And sorry people, to help "old folks" like me read your post, can you pls paragraph your post once it runs more than 5 lines? Also try to summarise your points, else if it is too long, it runs the risk of people missing your point or misunderstanding it or skipping it too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as for those who are not very happy, well I hope you generally write in a diplomatic courteous way. I have learned in life that others listen more when you are polite, when I was younger I just shoot off my mouth too and I realised people just tuned out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a happy week everyone!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest pretty_92868






Hi everyone,


I don't want to discuss whether it's scripted or not,all i want to do is spazz,although its twisted but you can see the development between these two.


First,I agree with Yong.Hyun miss him that's why she went to that salon.It's no coincidence,but for Yong to tell that straight,LOL,he seems very comfortable saying that.That's very real to me.CUTE(That's what my husband used to tell me when I pass by their photo studio during our bf/gf time).(sorry I don't know how to use spoiler.)


The head nudging was very cute, only in real close relationship can do that.(my son used to do that to me when he want something)


And also the reason of Yong gave to Hyun for not contacting him"FOR YOU ABLE TO MISS ME" or something like that is simple as it seems but that's true in a relationship.How dare anyone can say that to my face,only boyfriend can do that,so that for me is so real.And Hyun reaction was also sweet although she's upset but still can't totally ignore Yong's charm.


I also love the bickering between these two,if only we can watch it raw,it's not LQ but more on flirting mode.The "do you miss me eye contact" or the "I'm happy to see you eye contact" is more like it.


And for Hyun to tease Yong about her photo shoot with Trax is so adorable.She's trying to make him jealous for revenge,that's a girlfriend doing.so real


During the practice,you can see that they are comfortable with each other,the way Hyun put her arms on Yong's shoulder even though she's upset is so sweet.I agree with Yong,they are closer now.


On Yong's part,I really feel that he's sorry for what happen,he's not just the type to grovel and he always put up a happy mood,i love it.


BTW,thanks to all for the pictures,videos,caps,links,gifs and esp.to our angels J2dlee and Sun_sun for fast translations and videos.thank you very much for giving love and life to this thread.


to Crystal,although you mention to me that you're not the moderator of this thread but for me you are.thanks.


I just want to mention this"TOOMUCHSMILING",that's what I do when I'm reading your post"POW SMACK,KNOCKOUT"hahaha.


I'm sorry for others who find this thread hypocrite,but I really hope this doesn't affect all of us because ever since I found this thread(thanks to CRYSTAL again),It's really makes my morning complete.



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I'm dissappointed,

I'm a fulltime lurker in this thread,

never post anything since I didn't have anything to share.

I'm not good in fanart, moreover fmv.

I'm not a good speaker, to post my opinions here kinda difficult, esp. with the 1 line rule, since, I don't talk too much, moreover to write a fanfic..hah! miracle...

I got news from this thread only...

I have experienced many ups and downs of this thread.

I enjoyed it.

it's good you see, to grow, we need to experience many things.

and I think this thread has matured a lot.

but why does this thing keeps coming?

it hurts to see you, the sweet gogumas, arguing...

I think we had made a commitment, and even though I didn't write it in a large font, or use it as my signature, I keep it in my heart.

this thread is made to support YongSeo couple.

please, just enjoy the show...

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Guest pollykpy








Donno whether this has been share.








Yesterday before the last SNSD concert there was a brief press con, according to the press SMT do now allow non-concert related questions but the Taiwan reporters still asking our maknae regarding her RINGS, which she politely answered.








She first show the friendship ring with her unnies, then show her left finger ring and said 'this is the ring in WGM with MY HUSBAND', she didn't mention Yonghwa's name which made her unnies laugh at her.








For me, MY HUSBAND is much sweeter than mention the name of Yonghwa, keke.





























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Guest sweetcake_










Ok first time posting here, nice to meet u gogumas ^^






 I've been a silent reader of this thread, i check it everyday, because I love YongSeo, but also because of all the love of the gogumas here, u guys r so supportive, u guys always have strong faith and believe in this lovely couply. And that's why I'm here. But this is kinda the first time u guys are really arguing, doubting this much. I dont really know about u guys, but with me, this week episode is a great ep, and personally i think it's also a strong turning point for the couple, just like the bday trip. Why? because we got to see Hy~un got mad! Sound weird? Hmm no, because it shows how much she worried about Yong. Remember, this girl isn't that easy to get mad. Her unnies tried to make her mad in her bday for the surprise party, but no, she just held her feelings in, she didn't even express her feeling out that much. But what happened this weekend? SHE GOT MAD! EXTREMELY MAD! Isn't it a huge thing? The way she acted, did u guys see how she tried to get Yong jealous? Haha, i was impressed. I realized how much Yong affected this girl ever since they started this relationship. SHE CARED ABOUT YONG A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT! and that's why she got this angry. And even she said no, but I think she did miss her husband, and she might think about him all the time, wondered "what is he doing? Is he ok? How is the concert? IS HE THINKING ABOUT ME? why he doesn't reply to me? does that mean he doesn't care about me? bla bla bla...?" . I acted exactly the same like Hyun when they boy I had crush on did the same thing Yong did, Hyun reminded me all those questions while I watched this girl "taking her revenge". I found it so interesting and exciting. Believe it or not, i felt so happy watching this ep.



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The reason why many of us felt confused with the show is because we kept track of the timeline.








Aug 03 [WGM Filming] At the hair salon








Aug 17 [WGM Filming] Special Episode with the Adam and Khuntoria couples. Reportedly for a horror film special








Aug 29 [WGM Filming] Incheon Korean Music Wave. Performing Run Devil Run and Love Light together. Filming also occurred at their house before and after the concert








credits to http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html








If she is still angry with Yonghwa over the incident in the next episode in Aug29, I don't understand why they can be so lovey dovey with each other in Chuseok Horror special which is flimed in between aug03 and aug29.








In Chuseok horror special, there were so close with each other at the back of the bus, smiling all the way, hi-5ing all the way, holding hands, interlocking fingers, seohyun even initiated to combine the heart on their shirt by hugging each other which may not be necessary. She isn't pushing him away in Horror special.








Then one week later after the horror special, seohyun said that she is pushing yonghwa away in the preview.








We are just confused why it turns out this way. The only way to clear our doubts is to watch the next episode, so lets try not to speculate too much first.



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Guest toomuchsmiling








^ lyheng- THIS POST V ^__^












Thank you j2dlee's Translation...you translated for us even some sentenses so hard to hear...Thank you^^








Sub this week already done ...








Part 1



Part 2












We cannot change other thinking, someone love Yong more...someone love Hyun more..but we 're here because we love both of them.













luvtokki- we may never know the answer to that. Perhaps she was just gonna explain the song to him, I don't think she was trying to add more jealousy. :D but that's just me.








pretty_92868- haha, aww thank you! i am always "too much smiling" when I read great posts (like yours for instance ^^) from gogumas, and everyone who shares what they have and what they know about our lovely couple. ;)








pollykpy- ohhh, i hope there will be a vid or fancam of it that will pop out somewhere. I'd love to hear HER say that, and see the reactions of the other unnies. :lol:





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Guest SophiaPia



Donno whether this has been share.


Yesterday before the last SNSD concert there was a brief press con, according to the press SMT do now allow non-concert related questions but the Taiwan reporters still asking our maknae regarding her RINGS, which she politely answered.


She first show the friendship ring with her unnies, then show her left finger ring and said 'this is the ring in WGM with MY HUSBAND', she didn't mention Yonghwa's name which made her unnies laugh at her.


For me, MY HUSBAND is much sweeter than mention the name of Yonghwa, keke.



kekeke! thanks 'pollykpy' for this news :) 1st time i read this news. I luv it. I hope we can get to see the video of this press con. 


I'm happy that they ask that ring to Hyun. Looks like Taiwan really support YongSeo. They did it to Yong of course they will not let it pass w/o asking Hyun about the ring. Yong also mentioned SOMEONE will scolded him if he didn't wear the ring. So Hyun say THIS IS MY RING W/ MY HUSBAND kekeke! 




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I was really contemplating whether to post or not because honestly, all this arguing really made me a little sad. This thread has always prided itself in being positive and supportive towards YongSeo couple and building a community that is respectful to each other. It is this community that makes this thread different from so many other threads. The reason I decided to post is because I still believe in that and I know many lurkers/posters also still believe in that. No matter how many times we try to walk away from this thread we always end up coming back looking for the positive posts, the encouraging posts that even when there are questions and doubts, there will be one post that reassures us and helps us to continue believing in this couple.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I get that this show is a variety show therefore there will be aspects of it that is premeditated. For example, the salon scene I believe they both knew they were going to meet each other there. The managers and WGM Pd probably organized them to meet at the salon probably because their schedules didn't allow them to have a filming for the entire day. Another part that I felt was probably prepared was when they received the mission. But does that mean EVERYTHING they do and say should be questioned? I honestly believe that Seohyun's hurt is genuine, if she said Yonghwa didn't contact her for a month then I absolutely believe that is true.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The whole timeline thing, many of us are speculating based on a preview. Lets wait until next week before drawing conclusions.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please lets keep trusting in this couple and loving them. Lets make this thread a thread that if they ever come read it, they would be proud of it not burdened by it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Honestly this isn't targeted at anyone in particular, just my thoughts after reading many posts. We love ALL Yongseo fans and ALL posts, but lets try our very best to keep things positive. Sometimes even when I question and doubt, I am very careful with what I write because I don't want to cause others to question and doubt this couple since many of those doubts have no concrete evidence. If there are any posts that I feel would hurt someone or offend someone, I just put them in spoilers with warnings on top.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This thread is awesome! Lets keep it that way! :D

































































































































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Guest mashamishmash




Crystal-Malfoy:  i was just going to say that i dont mind the (-). at least it means that somebody did read my post :)  Now the (-) is gone. how come? :D and like you, i do hope someday yongseo will become real. that would be awesome. still... i dont change my stand.  the show is scripted. :P




th. : i have always like your posts. ( i only read some of it though  - i dont really have much time to read all gogumas posts) . and i am one of few gogumas who always  believe that this show is scripted. never change my stand.




all yongseo lovers:  I love yongseo. I do enjoy the show very much. doesnt matter its scripted or not. and i choose to believe it IS scripted hahahhaha



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the preview can be quite misleading than what will be shown on the next week episode. maybe hyun was warning yong when she said "i'm pushing you away" if he ever ignored her again. if he dares to repeat the same ordeal, she has enough of him, haha. as for me, i don't get too concern about this whole issue of previous episode because i will just wait patiently to watch the full story of this chapter of yongseo's love quarrel. it's much more enjoyable to watch it that way as i did during their birthday's arc.





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