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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I now think its best to not overanalyse the reason why yonghwa didnt call or text her.. for now until maybe when the couple talks about it next week??
































































Someone posted their schedule in the page before this, judging from the fantaken pictures of their filming and the horror special, i now feel that theres really nothing to be worried about from todays episode. instead they seemed to have gotten closer during the horror and japanese filming.
































































just to comment a lil about possibility of yonghwa's reservation of his feelings/treatment towards his wife, perhaps it is true but love isnt something you can control. if and when it happens, it happens.. till then, im gonna enjoy it and try to not over analyse things.. looking forward to more episodes especially their date in japan :D

































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hmm a guy's point of view for yong... cause im a guy lol..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from my pov he didn't contact her cause he wants her to miss him.. and being blood type A.. pride gets in the way..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and by the way yong showed his jealousy to hyun i just wonder if she noticed it.. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a guy can't be too open to his emotions.. cause of pride lol.. he wants to hide his jealousy and he sure cares alot to
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun.. but 1 month w/o communication yeah its just too much for a girl XD.. yong needs to make up for his mistakes and
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































realize that he needs to be the more active in their relation for it to work..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just adding my 2 cents :P

































































































































































































































































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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong gogumas~ Kpop night concert, with SNSD, in Singapore is coming soon (23rd Oct) Just to let you all know that us potatoes who are going might be updating live on Twitter, so if you're interested then you might wanna check out Twitter as we might be able to help out :) The concert starts around 8pm SGT. Thank you for reading!

Our 8 twitter accounts are

@DeeOmfg @jayne_wxy @hallyucraze @jan92ice @lamb_bleats @redtulip24 @andalasa @Yukilovesyou

PS. Provided that we are sane enough to type while spazzing hahahaha.

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Guest baby_bo


I now think its best to not overanalyse the reason why yonghwa didnt call or text her.. for now until maybe when the couple talks about it next week??

Someone posted their schedule in the page before this, judging from the fantaken pictures of their filming and the horror special, i now feel that theres really nothing to be worried about from todays episode. instead they seemed to have gotten closer during the horror and japanese filming.

just to comment a lil about possibility of yonghwa's reservation of his feelings/treatment towards his wife, perhaps it is true but love isnt something you can control. if and when it happens, it happens.. till then, im gonna enjoy it and try to not over analyse things.. looking forward to more episodes especially their date in japan :D

wow!! i like you! other than i love your name since i like pink, you like my girls snsd and your post is daebak..

let me highlight and repost what part i like the most..

I now think its best to not overanalyse the reason why yonghwa didnt call or text her
judging from the fantaken pictures of their filming and the horror special, i now feel that theres really nothing to be worried about from todays episode. instead they seemed to have gotten closer during the horror and japanese filming.


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Guest SophiaPia



Some translation from Chinese from Baidu to share.


In the black room, Yonghwa joked that Seohyun went to the same salon as him cos she missed him. While Seohyun explained that it was more of a coincidence as she wanted to change her style due to the Japan promotion.


Yonghwa told the lady to ask Seohyun what had she eaten. She replied dajiang soup and vegetable rice which were all very healthy food.


Before Yonghwa went for his hair wash, Seohyun wanted to know what he had been busy with recently. After the concert, he went to the bookstore and was also composing new songs.


In the black room, Seohyun was upset that he did not contact her for a month and also did not wear the ring.


To break the ice, Yonghwa actually asked her whether she got home safely after the fishing trip. (what kind of stupid question is that???) That started Seohyun stating that she was not happy and wanted Yonghwa to explain.


In the black room, Yonghwa explained that he thought she was going to miss him hence he did not contact her. The MC all felt that one month was too long, 3 days should be more like it.


In the little room, Yonghwa kept asking Seohyun whether she missed him and said that it took him a lot of control not to contact her. Soehyun was actually worried.


To be cont.



Thanks redtulip, aigooooo! really this two makes me crazy kekekeke! I'm gonna wait for more translations and jd2lee as well or yukilovesyou. Coz i think i can't sleep tonight watching this two having SWEET LQ kekeke! SHOWING THEIR REAL FEELINGS to all of us hahaha! 


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Guest anne0129




















I agree with twinkystar's POV. Okay, let me just share my POV now too. blush.gifI'm a girl but I'm not the type who is sweet and I don't think I'm clingy at all. Some of my friends would even joke that to have a relationship with me is like having a relationship with a guy. (Not that I'm into girls but just that I'm not the sweet girlfriend but my boyfriend said I'm a cool girlfriend). So what is my point....I understand Yong, or rather I kind of get why he must have done that (not contacting Hyun for a month). We have seen last week how sweet and mushy Yong was when presented by Hyun with her gifts for him. We've seen him at a loss for words all throughout their fishing escapade right after him telling Hyun that she inspired him to write the song Love Light with her in mind. He was so sweet until they walked into the night holding each others hands.....Can you imagine when they separated ways and went home to their respected dorms? Away from the atmosphere and influence of the one person who can make you act so lovey dovey you can bet that Yong being the guy may have thought to himself, "Wait a minute, did I just do that? Did what transpired with Hyun really happened? Did I just act toe-curlingly sweet to her? In front of the WGM staff? In front of the camera?" And thinking like that he may have needed time to breathe.....to put into perspective everything that have transpired between them that night....and so he decided not to contact her for a while....but then 1 week turned into 2, 2 into 3 and before you know it a month has passed. Having a concert to perform, he immersed himself into practicing and doing last minute promotions and going to radio programs etc. He didn't forget her but then you know the feeling when you know that you haven't talked to your bf/gf and it's been a long time and you just don't know how to go about it anymore and just decided hey, we'll see each other soon anyway.....Gosh!!! I'm rambling now. It's just that I somewhat did what Yong did....not that I didn't contact my bf when we just got together but I sort of took a step back because that time he was my first and he was sweet and loves to hug and I wasn't into PDAs so I remember I was cold to him but we were already in a relationship.....I remember he asked me if I was unsure and was just sort of forced to say yes and so after 2 weeks of acting cold he confronted me and so I had to face him and say no I wasn't forced to accept his feelings and that I do reciprocate it but I guess I was just shocked that we were finally in a relationship. I'm not saying Yong is like me but just that I understand if he wanted to take a step back and breathe after such a monumental event which transpired between them. What Yong did is wrong but he also got something positive I think.....He saw that he meant something to Hyun and he will have learnt his lesson and always make sure that he contact her and as he always say in fanmeetings all over Asia when asked about the ring...."I have to always wear it or I will get scolded by someone" So there you go he has learned his lesson. Probably updated Hyun too about everything. Hehehe!!! I actually love this episode too. I just love it when we see something new about this couple. Now we know that Hyun does get angry too. Hehehe!!! Yong, as a fan I can't really defend you for losing some gogumas. A month is too much. But I still love you even if some will get mad at you. I will always have your back as a fan. hehehe!!! :wub::wub::wub:












Sorry, but what I wrote is just some of my ramblings and I don't know if I even made sense. To me I did but again not really good at expressing myself so if you don't want to get a headache just skip this. blush.gif





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are really bringing out the NightShifter in me!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh well it has......... on twitter that is! haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhhh, this pic! I love how he did it on the sensitive backpart of Hyun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Are u sniffing her or softly kissing her? hahahaha. BOTH? jashik! haha.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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And notice, how she was leaning towards him as well....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on this... um.... they say --- it's SWEETER THE SECOND TIME AROUND.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr to lookah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh Lordie! Who knows what these two did on their way to the MAKE A WISH EVENT???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WISH??? hmmmm..... I wondered who played the GENIE??? haha.

































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Thanks redtulip for the translations! Ahh... at first I thought Yong said he missed her. Looks like he was teasing Hyun again and making his Yong jokes :vicx:


So that's interesting, Yong intentionally did not contact her to make her miss him.


Well, since he says he was hard, I guess he actually was dying to call


Eyyyy.. these A-types :sweatingbullets:


I have to say I like the episode for all the pouting and aegyo going on.


lenovo your caps are daebakk!! Yong, your wifey needs a hug! Pali, pali!


anne0129 I really enjoyed reading your POV. what a sweet love story. Agree, sometimes when you put things off a week becomes 2 and then 3 and you feel its too late anyway.


Anyone remember that Hello Baby episode where SeoHyun's unnies tried to get her mad on her birthday? One of them said she doesn't really get upset and especially not in front of the camera.


Well, I guess Yong has managed to do something even her unnies could not. That must be how much he affects her. Like anne pointed out this is probably an eye-opener for him about how much she really cares.


Quoting I Don't Know Why (written by JungYongHwa):


Long time no see anything new down



Your way, can you hear this



She is not fussed about my news



I don’t care , I’m understand


Oh, she cares Yong..



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








I'm surprised that Yong did the same thing that i did to a girl in my past :P




I'm gonna spill out my past, please forgive me if this will be a boring post :P




I had a crush on girl long time ago and wasn't sure about her feeling to me, we were close but not in dating state. It was hard to get her sign about her feeling, that's why i decided to not contact her for amount of time. It took a lot of control of myself to not contact her, i missed her so badly yet i need to know how exactly her feeling to me. In the end she told me that she worried about me and kinda lost me, but she didn't want to contact me first since she was so shy to initiate the move :)




I'm sure this gonna make YongSeo a step more closer than before, now Yong knows about Hyun's feeling and vice versa. As someone stated above me there are things that YongSeo learned from this events wub.gif




I'm off to watch this episode :D



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I haven´t read all your posts yet, but it is something in my mind that is bothering me ^^... After watching this ep, don´t you guys feel that the song "I don´t know why" makes much more sense now??? I mean, read carefully the lyrics and maybe we will find out why Yong did what he did... I think I can understand hahaha:wub:.
































































































































Thank you all guys for the translations and thoughts... I think this is a must be analyzed ep.
































































































































Thanks redtulip and J2dlee in advance ^^
































































































































off to read

































































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just my thought is that the time he compose


í dont know why? hhaha because he also want to hear from her, especially he had a concert, and he wanted her to contact with him first. that"'s why he wrote "long time no see....hey this couple drives me nut


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from FB! (SNSD GIRL'S GENERATION fb account)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Rumor]CN BLUE`s Yong Hwa maybe reaching taiwan tonight.Maybe he will be in girls































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































generation's live concert tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































raine (Jossa Unnie): if it comes from hyun's camp...it may be true. this is his promise!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's the last leg of their concert.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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from FB!






[Rumor]CN BLUE`s Yong Hwa maybe reached taiwan tonight.Maybe he will in girls



generation live concert tomorrow.



Awesome, when I saw the CNBLUE fanmeeting was cancelled, I was thinking this was his chance to see the concert (though I do feel bad for CNBLUE fans)


Hope its true!! DAEBAK!!!



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Yonghwa said this during the Taiwan's fanmeeting
















If I'm not wearing the ring, I will be scolded/get blasted by somebody.
















credits to pollykpy@soompi & http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/09/9242010-yong-shows-off-his-ring.html
















If you keep track of CNBLUE's tour in Asia, you will notice that Yonghwa kept showing off his ring. I believe he has really thought things through when Seohyun was angry that he didn't wear the ring.
















He has learnt from the quarrel that Seohyun likes to see him wear the ring as she is watching him. Hence I believe that he started to wear the ring everyday and mentioned during the Taiwan interview that if he doesn't wear the ring, SOMEBODY=Seohyun will scold him.
















He listens to his wife. He has learnt well.
















I am so glad that Yonghwa made the mistake, I am so glad that Seohyun was disappointed. Now Yonghwa knows that Seohyun cares about him, he knows that Seohyun wants to know how he was doing. Yonghwa also knows that Seohyun is watching him, so he has decided to wear the ring frequently.
















Instead of expecting 100% sweet moments of Yongseo couple, we should view this episode as a learning process for the couple, where they learn and understand each other.





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Guest monie1909

Some translation from Chinese from Baidu to share.

In the black room, Yonghwa joked that Seohyun went to the same salon as him cos she missed him. While Seohyun explained that it was more of a coincidence as she wanted to change her style due to the Japan promotion.

Yonghwa told the lady to ask Seohyun what had she eaten. She replied dajiang soup and vegetable rice which were all very healthy food.

Before Yonghwa went for his hair wash, Seohyun wanted to know what he had been busy with recently. After the concert, he went to the bookstore and was also

composing new songs.

In the black room, Seohyun was upset that he did not contact her for a month and also did not wear the ring.

To break the ice, Yonghwa actually asked her whether she got home safely after the fishing trip. (what kind of stupid question is that???) That started Seohyun stating that she was not happy and wanted Yonghwa to explain.

In the black room, Yonghwa explained that he thought she was going to miss him hence he did not contact her. The MC all felt that one month was too long, 3 days should be more like it.

In the little room, Yonghwa kept asking Seohyun whether she missed him and said that it took him a lot of control not to contact her. Soehyun was actually worried.

To be cont.


Redtulips Thanks for your trans..Keke.who else think that one of the new songs that he compose that period was "i dont know why"..Long time no see,she is not fussed about my news.... ok,my delusional mind strike again...dont throe tomatoes if u dont agree. :crazy: .just that i want to believe there's more deeper reasons for Yong not contacting Hyun :P ..What if he did wrote 'i dont know why' this period? It'll be so so coincidencely related to their situation at that time

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I agree with twinkystar's POV. Okay, let me just share my POV now too.
































































































oh anne, i am totally like you..my bf called me a cold heartless gf who love making him cry..he cry few times because of me..those manly tears..
































































































i'm not good at expressing myself, so i don't really tell that i love him..and i'm totally okay if he didn't call or contact me frequently..that's how i am..even with my family(my bad point)
































































































he's totally different from me, affectionate and express his feeling well..
































































































and stupid me, i always back off when each relationship gets deeper..i get scared and insecure..and most of time, it ended at break up..
































































































one day my bf totally explode, he was so angry..he's like i know what's you doing, you are scared and try to run away from me, we'll do this slowly step by time until you are confident enough to let me have your heart and i won't ever let you go just because of this'
































































































thanks god he get hold of me..
































































































the conclusion is that sometimes in relationship, there's moments that you felt like you need to step back and thinks whether you really wants it and sort out what's your feelings towards your loves one..it gets complicated when you realized that your feelings grew deeper..am i in love with that person, what'll happen next..

































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Cont from previous.



In the black room, Seohyun's trust in Yonghwa was affected and she wanted to eat up all the gogumas to reduce the goguma points that she had given to him earlier.



Yonghwa started imitating Seohyun cos she always does that action when she is embrassed. He kept saying that he already said it (explain) when he bang his head against her shoulder. She find it so unbelievable that he wanted to cry.



Yonghwa immediately knew that the performance on Aug 29 was on their 200th days while Seohyun was still clueless about it.



To be Cont.



The chinese translation is a bit slow tonight.


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Guest Kerube-Chan












I haven´t read all your posts yet, but it is something in my mind that is bothering me ^^... After watching this ep, don´t you guys feel that the song "I don´t know why" makes much more sense now??? I mean, read carefully the lyrics and maybe we will find out why Yong did what he did... I think I can understand hahaha:wub:.











Thank you all guys for the translations and thoughts... I think this is a must be analyzed ep.











Thanks redtulip and J2dlee in advance ^^











off to read





















Hi Magdal! I was thinking the exact same thing!!! I totally think he wrote that song for her, the feelings that are expressed in the song are pure longing for the other person and been insecure about their status and how she see him...











I am still a proud member of the club he wrote "I dont know why" for her, and with the last developments this give me hope!!!











Dear Kerube-Chan (sorry for cutting your post)











My thoughts exactly. I do really love this couple but my heart breaks for them too because I think the line for them between what's real and what's not has become blurry.






















And then it happened - she sang a song about first love (Lovelight) for him as his birthday present and took the time to custom made their couple rings. That had to be a turning point not only for us audience but maybe for HIM too.











But after the filming: perhaps he too had questions about their relationship. Was that really for him (= is that really you, Seo Joo Hyun?) or was that for the cam? Afterall PD-nim must have asked her to prepare something for him, the way he was assigned to do something for Seohyun. And why Lovelight? Was she telling him something?











And this is what really gives me hope that this relationship might be more real than reel - he and Seohyun do what many new bfs/gfs do - they start testing each other :w00t: I cannot speak for the world but I myself, during my courtship days, tested my hubby to see who loves who more. Very childish but... :)











He probably wanted to see if she would call him within a week, and when she didn't, probably told himself to give her another week and when that week dragged too, he probably thought that she didn't care enough and let it go. If we think it was torture to Seohyun, and we found out that it pissed her off, imagine the emotional rollercoaster he'd be on if this was really a kind of test! Silly Yong! :o











Anyway can someone explain to me the word 'choding'?





















Hi Shadow of Atum, I totally agree with you (sorry for cutting some parts).











This really make me think that he took the time to step back, analize their situation and decide to wait and see how she feels too.











This new episode is a big advance in their realtionship, not because of the bickering, but more because they area showing each other how they feel and this give reassurance to the other person and that is what makes me think that this have fallen almost almost to real side. Not reel anymore, the line is not there anymore.











Edit: I was going to answer the choding thing and forgot... sorry. Choding is what in Korea they call childrens in primary school... When referring to him as Yong Choding, they are talking that he is very playful, cute, etc. etc. that children are. It is a nice thing to say, but if repeted much you can take it as if the person is to childish or inmature. For Yong is in the bright side.


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