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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer


* 정용화-서현, 첫 듀엣 무대!!

이번 주 방송되는 <우결>에서는 지난 '2010 인천 한류 콘서트'에서 이슈가 된 정용화-서현의 듀엣 무대 준비 과정이 공개된다.

서 현이 정용화와 같은 미용실로 옮기게 되어 지난번 강화도에서의 더블 생일 이후, 약 한 달 만에 미용실에서 만나게 된 두 사람. 그런 둘에게 첫 합동 무대에 서야 한다는 미션이 주어졌다. 더구나 그 날은 두 사람의 200일이기도 하여 더욱 더 의미 있는 날이었다. 이 사실을 알고 있는 정용화는 서현도 그 날이 아주 특별한 날임을 알고 있는지 계속해서 서현을 떠봤다고 하는데.

그 러나 이날따라 서현은 평소와는 달리 정용화에게 뾰로통하게 대하며 심상치 않은 기운을 풍겼다고. 과연 그 이유는 무엇일지, 도대체 한 달 동안 무슨 일이 있었던 건지, '용서부부의 200일&합동 무대 준비 과정'은 16일 오후 5시 15분에 <우리 결혼했어요>에서 확인할 수 있다.

From what i can understand in google translate...

1. They will performing on stage together... (why are they skipping again? I can't keep up with the time line anymore <_<.)

2. According to google traslate " the two met at the same salon". The salon prolly means the cafe they always meet. :huh:

3. They will be celebrating their 200 day together..

4. There will be Sweet Potatoes and Hamburger involve... (i'm loling over this,) :lol:

5. Seohyun will get upset with Yong... He must have done something to upset her... ^_^

6. There will be "lovers quarrel"... hahaha :wub:


Aaahhh seriously, we need translations.. :lol:

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Guest wallpaperfood

Hyun, could it be??????? ---- PMS?

hahahaha! Reminds me of somebody really. And i'm not gonna say it's Lyra - clumsy unnie! keuk keuk!  :D

Well, this must be about Yonghwa's photoshoot with that lady. hahaha! this is gonna be fun!!! Jealous Hyun!

Lenovo, I was thinking along the same lines...the photoshoot with the lady was around this time, right? I really want to see Hyun getting jealous. Not that we haven't already seen that with Ueno Juri - but that's different cos she's a fan of Juri unnie herself ~

Either that, or it's an argument between them over how to execute their stage collab mission. Wtv, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other that night on stage, so all's good in the end!!!

Hehe I like the fact that they'll be meeting in a beauty salon. They can witness each other getting "makeovers" and can be further infatuated with their new looks ^^. Thanks lovekim, for the translation!

Lovekin, I totally agree with the theory - there's much more substance in their relationship compared to the other WGM couples because they've built up from a stronger foundation. They've got to know so much about each other that it resembles an actual relationship and WHOO better stop before I lose my point ^^. The fact that Yong constantly says "I'm quite confident that I know her much better than anyone" indicates the extent they've bonded in the short period of time.  I don't think I'd be confident saying that about anyone I've known for a few months... :) 

Saturday PALLI!!! PLEASE XD 

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Guest SophiaPia





Thanks for all the translations if the preview. Thanks for the arrival video of the girls in Taiwan



Oh! my what will be the reason why wife Hyun is in the bad mood :( are we going to see the 1st fight kekeke! Aigoooo after the lovely dovey bday epi now we're seeing misunderstanding kekeke! Like what SeoHyun said in episode 15 after they cooked together "when u live together there's a conflict?" but Yong said NOOOOO hahaha! OMG! what is it Hyun? What happen? Yong what did u do? kekeke! So looks like YongSeo episode will skip some episode again.



Watching that video of SNSD arrival in Taiwan. For sure YongSeo Taiwan are full force. YongSeo Taiwan Hwaiting! I noticed SeoHyun wearing the couple ring @ 00:45 :)



Maybe Yong photoshoot w/ that model/actress without telling her.



OH! Hamburger involved? Maybe hubby YONGGGGGGG EAT HAMBURGERRRRRRRR which Hyun hate hahahahahha


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































Seohyun is the type that holds in her anger or disappointment(as mentioned by her unnies and seen in Hello Baby). but why is it that with Yonghwa she becomes vocal about it and her emotions becomes obvious? hmmmmm. If they monitor each other, the likely reason for Seohyun's bad mood is the NII photoshoot of Yonghwa with another girl. I remember Yonghwa was asked if Seohyun knew about the photoshoot and then he answered no. I hope they would still show the shooting in the park. or it could be that the first half of the episode in the park then the second half in the salon and the preparation for their performance.





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Guest lovekim
























































































































YongHwa SeoHyun: Sweet Potato VS Hamburger








































































































After the double birthday event, Hyun buin moves to the salon that Yong seobang specified.








































































































The two of them met up at that salon after a month of not seeing each other.








































































































But though it was a precious chance to meet up, Hyun buin is not happy with Yong seobang?(at odds)








































































































Is it because of Yong seobang's 'unreasonable ways'(?) that affected her greatly?!








































































































Hyun 'suffering' a month's of 'blows', how would Yong explain/defend?








































































































Faced with such a Yong seobang, what would be Hyun buin's strict measures?








































































































And at this time, both have to adher to the mission: "Please successfully present the couple first stage performance"








































































































So, would Yonghwa and SeoHyun resolve their lovers' quarrel and be able to prepare for their stage collaboration?
















































































































































































































Credits: Sweet Potato Couple baidu bar








































































































Sorry, the whole thing sounds funny. Need jd2lee!! keke!









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omo...thanks lovekim & lookah for the trans!!!!!

wow... i wonder what happened! like most of u, i also think that it could be 'cause yong didn't tell her about his photoshoot with that hot japanese chick. hahaah yong has changed hyun to be more open especially to him. if u're not close with that someone, u won't even dare to scold/confront them. ahhh they're like real BF & GF! xD

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































hmm wonder what hyun is upset about?? how could hyun get made at her love yonggg??? LOL
































































































































































im loving yongseo couple heaps right now.
































































































































































Glad to see that seohyun is still wearing her couple ring meaning that yongseo couple is still developing and that there love will keep on going !!!! This indicates the WGM will keep on airing yongseo couple and that the rumour of yongseo episodes being cut is FALSEEE !!!!
































































































































































So goguma's expect some more yongseo loving soon !!!:w00t:
































































































































































Wonder if yonghwa is gonna visit seohyun in taipei???
































































































































































Here is the pic of hyun at airport wearing her couple ring
































































































































































































































































































































Also how good is yong looking in the CF filming. Especially that rock concept where he has his hair tied back. He is looking soo good right now. Also the boys wearing pink as CNPINK. Does pink remind us of anything??? SNSD maybe?? :wub:
































































































































































Just in case anyone is finding that interview. Here is the link:
































































































































































CNBLUE CF Interview

































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I am very intrigued by the sentence: "Hyun 'suffering' a month's of 'blows', how would Yong explain/defend?






























































































































































































































































Sounds like all those interview answers he gave regarding Seohyun!






























































































































































































































































I went to Sweetpotatodays to remember the different interviews he gave, so here it is for those who are interested:






























































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa Holika Holika BTS interview 3rd July: This is the one where he did the photoshoot with the girl and didn't tell Seohyun about it






























































































































































































































2. Radio Interview 5th July: Yonghwa got asked whether he likes her or not and he said that during filming he thinks to himself that he really likes Seohyun. Also the interview where he reveals his ideal type is Ueno Juri.






























































































































































































































































3. Happy Together 22nd July: Yonghwa reveals that he has Seohyun's phone number






























































































































































































































































4. Happy Birthday July 27th - Yonghwa talks about Seohyun a little (not much)






























































































































































































































































I wonder if Seohyun is more confused than upset? His answers are constantly conflicting each other. One minute he has an ideal type, the next he doesn't. It's like he's trying to confuse the world so that we don't see his true feelings....! :D




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think those are the main ones, it'll be real interesting! I put all of them in spoilers because I some of these interviews sparked a lot of unhappy gogumas in the past, so don't click on it unless you are prepared to take a step back into the past! :D






























































































































































































































































Ah I am excited about this Saturday's episode!

































































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Guest monie1909

Lovekim Thanks for the latest translation.

So,when it is exactly filming?the 29th August?Before the concert?if so,i dont think Hyun jealousy is the case,if any case of jealousy,should Yong hubby be more jealous because that was the week,Hyun had her first time duet with Kyu,holding hands?where we spazzed about her not wearing her ring?.Could it be because Yong not wearing his ring during that month.Just ignore my rambling,i'm not sure what i'm talking about too.Gee,those preview are torturing me.Tomorrow pali pali.

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Guest yoreizei








But though it was a precious chance to meet up, Hyun buin is not happy with Yong seobang?(at odds)






Is it because of Yong seobang's 'unreasonable ways'(?) that affected her greatly?!






Hyun 'suffering' a month's of 'blows', how would Yong explain/defend?











Thanks for the translations & sorry to cut your post.. ^^






a month's of 'blows'-> Yong's ideal type issue again (Ueno Juri)?? :sweatingbullets:



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Guest SophiaPia





Hi FallenAnjwl sorry to cut ur post but that is the arrival video in Taiwan :) Yes! the couple RING is STILL INDEMAND. LOVELY



Now, here we go again on guessing what will be the reason why Hyun upset of something kekeke! We are all affected on this hahaha! We saw in epi14 that she is upset when hubby Yong DIDN'T tell her the Thailand trip. And 1 month they didn't see each other and in that 1 month MIGHT BE YONG DONE SOMETHING that she found out again without her hubby telling her hahahaha! 



So after we witnessed lovely dovey YongSeo couple in bday episode now, we will see YongSeo couple 1st lover's quarrel hahahaha! This wgm PD making us crazy. What happen to the remaining epsiodes.



Tomorrow Saturdayyyyyyyyy Paliiiiiiii


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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































Thanks for the cap!








































































































Eh...i think SNSD girls are in Taipei, not Thailand. They have a two night concert there.








































































































And erms...it seems that that is her right hand, so it looks more like the SNSD ring. hee!








































































































But i'm sure she would have worn her couple ring too. Ah...taiwan media better treat her right. LOL! they just seen her hubby not long ago.









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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































ou my, i guess hyun upset because of that holika holika lady, as  goguma1207 said at spoiler, yong and holika lady photoshoot is intimate, they pose more and more wild   fury.gif their lips almost touch   crazy.gif i hate it  tongue2.gif or maybe about yong's fan girl idol like after school member *nana and lizzy i guess, sorry i forget her name*, sunye wonder girl *she says yong is her ideal type* <--- then TaeYeon unni smash her by say that yong is taken *by uri hyun of course* GO SNSD !
































































































































































































































































but i think it's good if hyun get jealous   :w00t: this shows that she cares about yong *me singing: she is fused about yong's news*   :wub:
































































































































































































































































this is love sign, if it's true that she hold it up for a month, well.. we're going to see rapper hyun tomorrow  phew.gif so far we only see yong's jealousy.. maybe it's hyun's turn now.. i'm just curious how yong's going to handle this since they look so lovey dovey when sing love light at stage. well, hyun sing rundevilrun maybe represent her feelings   :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































p.s: remember some fancam on dream concert where yong is looking at hyun? he made that oke sign while looking at her   :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from miiewz_bucket@photobucket
































































































































credits to ladychrispy

































































































































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Yong's ideal type issue (Ueno Juri) on radio and  Yong photoshoot with that model/actress without telling her.....


Than he soldem wear his couple ring after they Bday......



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I'm wondering about several things today. if they show their preparations for Incheon Music wave tomorrow, what other filming dates are there? seems like the episodes caught up. I think the remaining filmings that is yet to be aired are the one in the park (when Hyun wore a dress, but I hope it airs tomorrow), the Japan filming, and then the one a couple of days ago when they harvested their gogumas. also Jokwon and GaIn had a special episode where they showed the never-before-seen footages of the two. will Yong and Hyun have a special also? I don't mind Yong and Hyun quarreling, but I'm a bit scared. Quarreling is part of relationships.





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Guest Kerube-Chan













Thanks to all for the previews and other goodies (CNPINK is killing me :DI cant stop watching the dance and drooling over the rocker concept)











About the preview, when other WGM couples have to do this kind of mission they always tell them with a lot of time in advance (For example the Hwayobi couple made a performance in a concert and through WGM we watch them practicing on different days.)











My opinion is that on August 2 (One month after the B-Day celebration) they got the mission and have to practice through that month. I think they filmed a little the day of the event because it was their 200 day and maybe they were making the final preparations for the performance on that day.











Just my opinion, Happy day my fellow goguma villagers, Less than 24 hours!!! Yey!!!











P.D. It will be good to see SH jealous, maybe this sound bad, but this is the only time I get to know what kind of feelings she have for him... She is very reserved and difficult to read sometimes.











Edit: Toped a page with nothing to share... Here is lovekim is translation from Baidu for the preview...











YongHwa SeoHyun: Sweet Potato VS Hamburger











After the double birthday event, Hyun buin moves to the salon that Yong seobang specified.











The two of them met up at that salon after a month of not seeing each other.











But though it was a precious chance to meet up, Hyun buin is not happy with Yong seobang?(at odds)











Is it because of Yong seobang's 'unreasonable ways'(?) that affected her greatly?!











Hyun 'suffering' a month's of 'blows', how would Yong explain/defend?











Faced with such a Yong seobang, what would be Hyun buin's strict measures?











And at this time, both have to adher to the mission: "Please successfully present the couple first stage performance"











So, would Yonghwa and SeoHyun resolve their lovers' quarrel and be able to prepare for their stage collaboration?











Credits: Sweet Potato Couple baidu bar











Sorry, the whole thing sounds funny. Need jd2lee!! keke!












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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@sophiapia, love kim: thanks for the correction. Yepp it was from taiwan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So glad that everything is fine right now. I was really worried before when yonghwa looked upset. I was so scared it had something to do with hyun. But since they recently filmed the newest episode and are still wearing te couple ring. I feel so happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even if its the SNSD ring, i still like to think that she is also wearing the couple ring on the other hand. I cant seem to be able to capture any screencaps of her left hand. But in the image below im not quite sure cause u cant see it clearly. But there is a sparkle on her right hand. Maybe from the flashes on the ring???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But how cute is seohyun. She is carrying a keroro toy

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Follow a new fan base of YongSeo Couple!! Follow @iloveyongseo NOW, Seomates!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































via taegangers
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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tae yeon just like a child :D,seohyun with tae yeon walking
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and seohyun holding tamama dolls,remember horror eps :)

































































































































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i think this couple really is the 1st couple where they get really confusing timeline...
































































































































if ever PD wanna skip the filming ep at the park and show it later...
































































































































1st with horror special, then UJ ep, back to june b-day ep...
































































































































if ever PD really skip the park filming, then show the special performance....
































































































































and I still waiting the Music Core MC cut...
































































































































really wanna see it...
































































































































eerrr... when was they filming ep where Hyun wears white dress???
































































































































then with BIL show up at charity-something????
































































































































is that the same they filming at the park???
































































































































if ever the un-show filming ep been cut,
































































































































hope they can get special ep or something....

































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Guest Kerube-Chan












eerrr... when was they filming ep where Hyun wears white dress???











then with BIL show up at charity-something????











is that the same they filming at the park???





















To answer your question.











August 2, Probably filming at the salon (Where they get the performance mission)











August 3, SH wears the dress, film in the park and after that the Make a Wish event with CNBLUE.











August 29, Filmed in the morning, It was their 200 day anniversary, YH was MCing (Inkigayo I think) so he wasnt able to practice in the concert venue like others, I think that is why they practiced in the morning in their house. Concert in the night!











I could be wrong, go to the the Sweet Potato Days Blog and look for the timeline in the calendar section. The Link: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html


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