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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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ordinary_arie, tks for the cf link.

who says the boys can't dance?

all it takes is practise, practise and more practise ;)

i love the rocker style the most!!!


tks for the gifs and sharing that write up here, dreamy.

we know wgm nvr leaves yong's mind.. ;)


panGG, dreamy, yong looks good in person too.

there's a positive aura arnd him.. :)

soleil posted something at hyun's thread. 2 both have GOT to see it! palli palli!!

one more day to go...to expect the unexpected! :ph34r:

dugeun dugeun...

sorry i trimmed your post jnj.

I saw your hidden text & went to check out the controversial gif (thanks to soleil123) & it's funny! :lol: Seo Goddess is so yummy, fanboy couldn't resist licking his lips? *grin* Seriously she's so gorgeous even from the back! Do you have the yt link which soleil123 used to create that gif? Thank u in advance! :wub:

Rocker Yong looks like a porcupine with all those spikes...*heh heh*... ^_^

dreamyboo *oops* busted! *lol* i'm still online, just a little quiet...we're all waiting for tomorrow to come! i wonder what kind of twist would the yongseo story take? please let it be a good twist! *shivers in anticipation* :P


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Guest fara_m7
































































































































































































































































































































































































i think that the reason for their slow skinship is because of yonghwa has great respect and understanding for seohyun.. he knows that seohyun is not into such thing or not use into such thing.. i think that he was looking for the right time or a sign to know that seohyun is ready for skinship.

































































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d3, as usual...daebak!

This is the longest that we spazz over an

Epi. Nvr got tired of it

As i was rewatching dreamy's IDKW mv,

The lyrics see my eyes, see my lips

Makes me think of u. Hahaha.

So the prev is not out yet. Hmm

Is it That twisted? Hehe

Tks to ALL for sharing yongseo's love

And to new villagers... Welcome


Yes woolly, over 'there' we have fun

Talking abt fanboys. *wink*

will check for u tonite, unless someone

Already shared

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA   :wub:
































































































































































































































































@ _hachimitsu, jnj : i'm sorry, i made it in HQ, i'll repost the resized ones, hope you can see it now..   :wub:
































































































































































































































































@ magdal, lenovo : thank you   :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































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hachimitsu i'm glad you liked it! and yes i'm from the US, live in NC. i love florida! went there once and it was so pretty and blue :) so your malaysian then, awesome!







lenovo lol you are too funny. i swear i'm always laughing at your comments. you say it as it is. but i'm glad you enjoyed the caps! and you said it, yong is a hottie!







glitterspark OH WOW! thanks so much for sharing. thought you might have totally missed that request. and thanks. like lovekin said, it might not have been them linking arms, but they ARE REALLY REALLY CLOSE! like literally rubbing up against each other (okay pervy thoughts now, lol) but thanks again! and i still love your caps of it! :wub:







jnj i checked out the seohyun thread and saw the gifs. OMG. hahaha. thanks for letting me know. but i agree, YONG is still the one for HYUN!







lunasol awwww, that song is so sweet. and sad. but YONG was killer in during the performance. when i first saw this i was super impressed with his voice and it made me think that he is (or was from now, lol) really recognized for his voice and singing ability. and that makes me happy! thanks for sharing it, it was great to watch/listen to it again. and its making me emotional too. lol. happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy yongseo thoughts!







.:love_ya:. LOL "just feel like showing up" hahaha. you are funny! i show up all the time too. even thou i never hardly have anything to share. :lol:







kudougirl OMG! i love it! that was too freaking cute. and i love how they chose sunny and sooyoung because those two would seem like the ones who were all AHH! about hyun with yong. but thanks for sharing. i loved it a lot! saved it too, hope you dont mind!







only 1 more day :w00t: yay


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_hachimitsu... pls don't refrain urself from making MV for yongseo! i hope u'll at least make one! actually, i'm not only a 3F (Fanatic Fanart Fan) but i'm also a FFMV (Fanatic Fanmade Music Video)!!! kakakakaka xD from what u posted, it seems like u've made quite a number of vids huh! WHOA... u must be a veryyyy experienced artistic person! all the more, i wanna see ur vids since ur wallies are all soooooooo wonderfully made! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH pretty plssssssss :w00t:

LOL lenovo-cuz! ekekekek yes we wanted to lure u out that;s why! xD i think not only is hyun getting prettier by the day, i think yong is also getting more handsome by the day! gahhh these two... they really know how to "beautify" each other. haha if u know what i mean! ;)

glitterspark, thanks for the pics~! although yong did say that they're not dating, i believe that their actions speak otherwise. well, most of us do, right? they may not admit it now, but it seems like everyone around them seem to treat them as an item already (more so after that new couple ring ep aired!).

blueshoes, thanks for the pic~! :D

lovekin, i think i know what u're trying to say here. LOL xD BRILLIANT INDEED!!! it somehow dawned on me that ur theory may be correct to some extend! after all, they're both very beautiful & popular stars in korea. and k-entertainment is known to be very strict with their "babies", especially the bright ones. goshhhh... IF truly, what we all have been fearing come to light, yongseo's situation is gonna be similar to ROMEO & JULIET! >.< uhhh sorry, let's not be offtrack! anyways, just wanna get this off my chest... yongseo is the most romantic love story ever!!!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :wub:

yahhh jnj~!!! u called me to fly to hyun's thread & yet u're nowhere to be seen??? hrrmmmm... haha! dang!! u're right! soleil's gifs are :wub: it seems like hyun is oozing with pheromones there! just look at the guys stealing glances at her in the BTS & MV! she must be like a goddess IRL! xD haha did u notice junsu nudged her a few times?! omigosh! i hope yong won't notice junsu's nudge or else the jealous yong will appear! (i would luv to see that though :vicx: ) thankfully, hyun is proper! she looks like she's >.< anyway, i just edited it. do check it out again. oh? so when u watched IDKW... u thought of me? kekekekek xD or u thought of yongseo? @_@

panGG!!! *waves madly* xD yes, a day to go yongseo-crazy!!! wooot~ :w00t:

edit: aigoo... i shouldn't have edited my post! now some of them are lost! dang...

woolly~!!! haaha hopefully, i'll be able to join u guys in tweetville tomorrow~! me too! i wonder what's so twisted in the next ep!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA maybe more hand-holding scene??? or maybe the anticipated kiss!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *faints* :w00t::w00t:

aneng~! thanks for the info! then, how about the park date & the one in the hospital? i'm confused with how they arrange the ep. well, i guess it must be for us gogumas' sake eh. i hope it's that!

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According to this link, what we will see tomorrow is the preparation of the couple for their first duet (Incheon Halyu Concert) and their 200th day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* 정용화-서현, 첫 듀엣 무대!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이번 주 방송되는 <우결>에서는 지난 '2010 인천 한류 콘서트'에서 이슈가 된 정용화-서현의 듀엣 무대 준비 과정이 공개된다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서 현이 정용화와 같은 미용실로 옮기게 되어 지난번 강화도에서의 더블 생일 이후, 약 한 달 만에 미용실에서 만나게 된 두 사람. 그런 둘에게 첫 합동 무대에 서야 한다는 미션이 주어졌다. 더구나 그 날은 두 사람의 200일이기도 하여 더욱 더 의미 있는 날이었다. 이 사실을 알고 있는 정용화는 서현도 그 날이 아주 특별한 날임을 알고 있는지 계속해서 서현을 떠봤다고 하는데.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그 러나 이날따라 서현은 평소와는 달리 정용화에게 뾰로통하게 대하며 심상치 않은 기운을 풍겼다고. 과연 그 이유는 무엇일지, 도대체 한 달 동안 무슨 일이 있었던 건지, '용서부부의 200일&합동 무대 준비 과정'은 16일 오후 5시 15분에 <우리 결혼했어요>에서 확인할 수 있다.

































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woolly~!!! haaha hopefully, i'll be able to join u guys in tweetville tomorrow~! me too! i wonder what's so twisted in the next ep!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA maybe more hand-holding scene??? or maybe the anticipated kiss!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *faints* w00t.gifw00t.gif


~hugs dreamyboo & jnj~...dreamy i'll be in goguma tweetville prolly before & after wgm. I can't handle tweeting while watching... :sweatingbullets:

jnj thank u for the fanboy BTS video link tonight. ^_^

why does it seem that our goguma couple's wgm timeline is jumping all over the place? must be a conspiracy to throw us goguma villagers off yongseo's scent? :P

nevermind what tactics u try, MBC...our goguma FBI will uncover the truth... :lol:


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Guest lovekin




According to this link, what we will see tomorrow is the preparation of the couple for their first duet (Incheon Halyu Concert) and their 200th day.






yay, thanks for sharing!  i just wish they'd shown a preview.  vicx.gif  still wondering what this "twist" is that the MC was talking about.  i swear, the "twist" is probably nothing big.  sweatingbullets.gif  but they are too good at increasing the hype for viewers.




i was also half-hoping it was going to be their japan trip, but i guess that's really going to be shown in november and not this month?  ah, i don't know.  there were a lot of conflicting articles with the air date for that episode.  boo.






dreamyboo:  it makes me feel better thinking that might be true.  alas, perchance to dream ...!  tongue.gif


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Eh tomorrow they are showing Incheon concert bts? i thought that they still have The rumored Cnblue concert backstage filming and The filming On The 3rd of august? Incheon Wave concert was Held On 29 august right?i am confused with mbc timeline









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Guest k.rivera19












i just wanted to share the lets go MV behind the scenes .. hope nobody posted this yet.. if it has sorry .... well enjoy =) .. Seohyun seems to be wearing the necklace when she was singing by herself =)








Lets go MV behind the scenes








credit: KamiliaTV2








sorry gave the wrong link :crazy:



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Check out the chaos Seohyun and her unnies caused in Taiwan airport!






























































































































































































































































SNSD Taiwan Arrival































































































































101015 SNSD Taiwan Airport






























































































































































































































































Hmm...I'm not sure if I'm happy or unhappy about the timeline jumps. As much as I want to watch this episode, I wanted to follow the timeline! No matter, happy that it's Saturday tomorrow! :D

































































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thanks for the links, goguma1207~! :D hyun looks very lady-like & mature in that get-up. she looks like as if she's already married. beautiful buin~!

can't focus on my work! >.< so i stalked dcinside & look what i found! ekkeekekeke i wonder who PS-ed it. it's pretty cool!



sighhhh... even after putting the image in, i'm still moodless to do my work >.< GAHHHHHHH

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Preview is out. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 고구마와 햄버거 사이
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































더블 생일 이벤트 이후, 용 남편의 지정 미용실로 옮기게 된 현 부인!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 사람은 약 한 달 만에 같은 미용실에서 만나게 되고..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그러나 오랜만에 만났음에도 불구하고 현 부인은 내내 뾰로통해있는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































알고 보니 용 남편의 만행(?)이 현 부인을 충격의 도가니로 빠뜨렸기 때문?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한 달 동안 혀언의 마음고생을 단단히 시킨 요옹의 변은 과연 무엇?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 그런 용 남편에게 대처하는 현 부인의 특단의 조치는?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이 때, 두 사람에게 주어진 미션! “부부 첫 합동 무대를 성공적으로 치르세요!”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 용화♡서현은 마음 속 앙금을 풀고 멋진 듀엣 무대를 준비할 수 있을까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glitterspark
































































HAHA i love your theory! i think what sets yongseo apart from the rest is that the other couples have an open mindset towards the opposite sex and relationshps.
















The thing is that hyun initially has zero interest in dating and guys... I think that's one of the reasons why yong tries so hard to get close to her. Hyun is also doing her best to improve their relationship and change her mindset.
















That's why they have to try harder than the other couples... In the process, they develop a 'stronger' foundation than the other couples, and have serious feelings towards each other.
















About the linking arms part, i went back to YT to see the other fancams- not exactly linking, but yonghwa was pulling hyun towards him (HOLDING HANDS OMG)
















dreamyboo, panGG: maybe i'm too desperate for them to get together... but unless they're really close they wouldn't behave like that off-stage right? HEHE
















goguma1207: HAHA thanks for the links... LOL @ at the poor bodyguard

































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Guest lovekim
























































































































Jung Yong Hwa SeoHyun, WGM brings you the BTS of their first stage collaboration!








































































































(OSEN news report) We reveal the preparation process of our highly anticipated Jung YongHwa and SeoHyun's stage collaboration at the 2010 InCheon Hallyu Wave Concert.








































































































On the 16th, MBC broadcast of WGM, will show how YongHwa and SeoHyun made their couple performance a success! 








































































































SeoHyun had a change in salon/stylist and turned out to be the same one as YongHwa. The last episode showed them celebrating double birthdays at GwangHwaDo, and a month later, they met at the salon and received their first stage collaboration mission. Furthermore, that day would be their 200th day Anniversary, and would give that performance a deeper meaning. After knowing this, YongHwa kept on asking SeoHyun is she knows that it would be a special day. 








































































































But, today's SeoHyun is different from her normal behaviour. Seems to be at odds with YongHwa and in a not so pretty mood.








































































































What can the reason be? Sweet Potato Couple's 200th Day and stage collaboration preparation process, to be broadcasted on the 16th.








































































































Credit: Sweet Potato Couple baidu bar









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from what i understand, having a very little knowledge in korean, there will be some scenes of our couple at the salon? not really so sure, and prolly get into a hmmm small argument?? again, NOT REALLY SURE. ND I SENSE SOME JEALOUSY COZ THERE WAS MENTIONED TWO PEOPLE THEY WILL MEET??? gaaah, forgive me for my sooo poor translation. tears.giftears.gif plus their preparation for their stage perf. AGAIN APOLOGIES FOR TRYING HARD TO TRANSLATE. HOPE WE CAN STILL RELY ON SOME MORE ACCURATE ONES. tears.gif

































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But, today's SeoHyun is different from her normal behaviour. Seems to be at odds with YongHwa and in a not so pretty mood.What can the reason be?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun, could it be??????? ---- PMS?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hahahaha! Reminds me of somebody really. And i'm not gonna say it's Lyra - clumsy unnie! keuk keuk! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, this must be about Yonghwa's photoshoot with that lady. hahaha! this is gonna be fun!!! Jealous Hyun!

































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Guest lovekim









from what i understand, having a very little knowledge in korean, there will be some scenes of our couple at the salon? not really so sure, and prolly get into a hmmm small argument?? again, NOT REALLY SURE. ND I SENSE SOME JEALOUSY COZ THERE WAS MENTIONED TWO PEOPLE THEY WILL MEET??? gaaah, forgive me for my sooo poor translation.  tears.giftears.gif  plus their preparation for their stage perf. AGAIN APOLOGIES FOR TRYING HARD TO TRANSLATE. HOPE WE CAN STILL RELY ON SOME MORE ACCURATE ONES.  tears.gif








































































































Ooh...thanks for the trans!








































































































Hmm....two people that they will meet? I wonder who....








































































































I'm very very curious now...lol!









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