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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Sassysnsd: you sparked one of my pet interest - Astrology. In fact I have taken a course on it and am now studying another online course on a specific astrology topic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One thing about Astrology is that it is more than than the star or sun sign, usually the whole chart has to be read to understand a person. And a chart involves all the other planets including the moon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For those who are not keen to read this, pls skip my post, should have put this as a spoiler, but I dun know how to do it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Usually I would have jumped in to write about my fav star's horoscope but for Yongseo, I was abit cautious because the attraction between the two of them is not very obvious when I first look at their charts. And the lack of time of birth really take away some essential information on compatibility.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































These are the planets placement in their charts:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: sun in cancer, moon in aquarius (provided he is nt born in midnite), mercury in gemini, venus in cancer, mars in leo, jupiter in gemini, saturn + neptune + uranus all in capricorn and pluto in scorpio.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: sun in cancer, moon in capricorn, mercury in cancer, mars and venus both in leo, jupiter in leo, saturn in aquarius, neptune + uranus in capricorn and pluto in scorpio.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Base on these infor, you can google for more infor on their individual personality.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From what I can see, Yong has an obvious liking of Hyun, but it is not so obvious the other way round. Sharing the same sun sign help them to understand each other and sharing the same type of mars allow them to do things in the same manner as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In anycase, the time of birth is very important and can change alot of things in the analysis. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Forgive my long post, but if you are not interested in astrology, just skip it.

































































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Guest _hachimitsu

annyeong  ^_^

ahh it has been awhile since my last post... sorry for not spazzing much but i do read all posts whenever i'm free. i hope someone still remember me, keke. 

I still feel overwhelmed by the birthday episode. Such a heartwarming one.. T_T. Will there be any sight more heartwarming than this (for yongseo)?? Daebak-ness overload! I'm running out of vocabulary to express my feelings hahaha. All gogumas here already wrote almost everything I'd like to write. Thank you, Thank you!^^ I don't know what to expect for the upcoming episode. MC Kim's tweet surely add in all the suspense.. uwahh the feeling of anxiety, exciting! Let's believe in yongseo, ok? 

By the way, dropping by to share this. I'm quite similar with hyun when it comes to love, boys & skinships, but I hope that one day, Yongseo can do simple things like this oncam/offcam.


Pic credits to dreamyboo for the picture of yonghwa (seeee, i told you i read every posts! keke~ :D), and... well i'm not sure about hyun. My korean friend gave it to me so i suspect it came from DCgal? 

(psssttt!! Calling for dreamyboo , Queen of Yongseo Fanart Fan! LOL :D)

I'm working on new artworks but it will take awhile before i can share it with you guys. Uni life is killing mehh T_T

Happy Goguma-ing!!  :wub:

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Guest ordinary_arie

annyeong goguma villagers..:D

out from lurker mode just to share this...

CNPINK credit to: yongsarang@youtube

A cnblue interview..u can see CNBLUE boys n of course leader Yong dance in pink for CF.. not many scene but still it's interesting to see him dance in pink..isn't??:P kkkkk. but, I prefer him in that rocker style,totally awesome :wub:

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Guest sassysnsd

Sorry in advance as I don't know how long this post will turn out or how interesting it will be.. Germbaby this is mainly for your request :)

To be clear- I am no astrologer, just a Goguma that reads a lot of books. Qwenli you certainly know more than me by the sounds of it. Thank you for their charts! I wish we could find out their times of birth though. Sorry in advance for my beginners astrology, I'm just sharing something I found :) Please feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong.

Firstly as Yong is born on the 22nd he is on the cusp, meaning he was born right near the change-over from Gemini to Cancer. I had to do some research to see if he was actually a Cancer or Gemini because the change-over time changes from year to year. Thankfully Yong is a Cancer! That is good news everybody.

Anyway.. Here is YongSeo's compatibility based on Astrology from "A Compatibility Guide" written by Nellie McKinley. Please keep in mind astrology is very complicated and this is only based on their Star/Sun signs as Qwenli mentioned we would need to read their whole chart to to understand them. :)

Ms Cancer + Mr Cancer

Mr and Ms Cancer are warm, sensitive, emotional and vulnerable people who have a mutual rapport and understanding. They instinctively feel what the other wants, making this union particularly compatible. Cancerian males and females have a strong drive for security and acceptance and share a high level of emotional understanding. They find much comfort in each others arms.

Ms Cancer is extremely assertive and will not hold back if she needs to air her dissatisfaction. 'Shape up or ship out' is her motto although it rarely comes to that, as most Cancerians are reluctant to leave a union once firmly ensconced. Loyalty is of upmost importance.

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Guest lunasol




annyeong goguma villagers..:D


out from lurker mode just to share this...


CNPINK credit to: yongsarang@youtube


A cnblue interview..u can see CNBLUE boys n of course leader Yong dance in pink for CF.. not many scene but still it's interesting to see him dance in pink..isn't??:P kkkkk. but, I prefer him in that rocker style,totally awesome :wub:






OMG Thank you for the link. They looked awesome in all the three themes! 




I loved the sexy rocker style, especially Yong's rocker hair with the ponytail! I think it looks good on him. Now that I think about it kind of reminds me of taiwan actor Mike He hair in Devil Beside You.




For the country farm boy theme, well Yong now has field work experience!! Its funny that their instruments were a mandolin instead of guitar and bass, and Congas instead of drums!!?!?! Congas are originally Caribbean instruments, not country music, but I guess it went with the earthy style of the theme biggrin.gif hahahaha






And Yes, CNBLUE has become CNPINK wink.gif At least we have gradually seen Yong's conversion wub.gif hahahaha. Seohyun and her sisters will be happy smile.gif Also, the boys are dancing better! biggrin.gif


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Guest weizhen_sj




annyeong goguma villagers..:D


out from lurker mode just to share this...


CNPINK credit to: yongsarang@youtube


A cnblue interview..u can see CNBLUE boys n of course leader Yong dance in pink for CF.. not many scene but still it's interesting to see him dance in pink..isn't??:P kkkkk. but, I prefer him in that rocker style,totally awesome :wub:



Thanks for the link!!! kekekez... i really like Yong's rocker hair and style..


I watched it a few times and i realise Yong dance the best in CN Blue, he seemed that he really can dance... I believe it's because of Hyun's teachings... haha.. they all look so cute in CN Pink... Is this a new CF? cant wait for it! :)


And Hihi to all Yongseo shipper, I've been following Yongseo since the start of WGM but i only came so into them recently..


i call myself yongseo shipper too!! >.<



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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jake appa tweet this week about yongseo have a twist kinda give me idea about jealousy  :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so i made this today, hope you like it  :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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kekekeke glad that u noticed it too, shawie~! :D it seems like it huh... i mean yong's bros approve of hyun doing that shoulder-hi-5 thingy. AWWWWW~

sophiapia, thanks for the sched update :D

hachimitsu~!!! it's been a long time since u posted! uni life must've been hard for u eh. there, there... HWAITING yahhh! :w00t: kakaakak u know me too well lar LOL! but seriously, thanks so much for remembering this fanatic fanart-fan here. am very touched! :wub: i hope to see this kinda pic of yongseo soon! xD KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at ur pic!

ordinary_arie, thanks for the link! LOL at yong wearing buin's fav colour while dancing! *nosebleed* kekeeke xD and dang!! what long hair he has now! he looks so cool tying his hair up KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t: (he didn't wear his couple ring though <_< )for translation of the vid posted by ordinary_arie, pls proceed to the SPOILER

credits: saturn@cnblue soompi

MNET WIDE entertainment news - CNBLUE filming mobile phone CF



MC: Who suits most for a model who has various posture and face expression?

all: Jung Shin

Jung Shin : Why me?

Jong Hyun: I don't know about his various pose or face expression, but he has good body suits for a model.

Yong Hwa: He didn't have good face expression before. But he practiced so hard. Now, in front of camera, he bites his lips.

MC: Show it to the viewers.

(Jung Shin shows sexy pose)

Yong Hwa: Jong Hyun has unique pose for photo taking, his lethal weapon.

(Jong Hyun's lethal? pose)

MC: Is that it? scratching head?

Yong Hwa: To stimulate maternal love.

(Filming of 3 versions, rock, country and cute version)

MC: Whose beauty becomes double on screen than in real life?

(All point Yong Hwa)

Jung Shin: He is the best photogenic in 21st century.

Yong Hwa: I was selected as number one celebrity of best photogenic. Do I look that ugly in real life?

Jong Hyun: The title of related news article was, 'Jung Yong Hwa, should he cry or laugh?'

Yong Hwa: I am timid blood type A, so I was hurt. So I'm going to decorate my real shape more.

MC: No, you look great in real life.

Yong Hwa: Please explain them.

MC: Dear everyone, I'm not joking. He has face of fist size, this big eyes and sharp nose.

Look at his nose! Ah! I was cut!

Yong Hwa: Eh blood!

Narration: Jung Yong Hwa is one of famous flower guys. He is much more handsome in real life.

But who is talking on the phone?

Yong Hwa: Ah it's so embarrassing. Nothing to talk.

Narration: The ticket of concert tour of 7 Asian countries were all sold out.

Min Hyuk: We've never visited those countries. It was first time. But they all sang along the Korean lyric of our songs.

Jung Shin: If we have chance, we want tour to...

Yong Hwa: Universe. We will work hard until aliens listen to our music and feel happy.

MC: Wow tour for aliens. That's so expected.

Yong Hwa: We will keep working hard so that we can be loved by all people.






cr. chiara@cnblue soompi


before i go to bed, do take a look at this...


Sensibility of the members, the 4th version of things that came-up to their mind whenever they heard about journey. This time on their Asia Tour, the theme is “Journey”. Please illustrate it with your own image.

[A Journey]

(1) Away from where you live, visiting other area.

~ Journey. “Let the cute child to do ---“

(2) Despite temporarily away from home.

(From Daijisen)

Life itself is a journey

Jung Shin

People always go traveling somewhere. I think people grow up while experiencing various adventures along the journey, through the happiness and also the sadness. So with that in mind, it’s not about who do we go with in the journey but how do we live the journey moment by moment.

Walking along the rail where no one walks

Jong Hyun

Recently I’m very busy, I could not even consider myself to think about this thing called travelling. But sometimes, I do have a thought to take on a holiday to rest for a while. Walking along the rail where no one walks, this is currently the hard journey I’m on. Sometimes there is a feeling like wanting to escape… Sometimes even while traveling; we need the time to think of various things. Now whether I’m on the right path or not, that’s the question I can only ask and answer by myself while I’m on this journey.

Performing on the stage itself is a journey

Yong Hwa

The sea, hometown, amusement park, etc; there are many good places for a trip. Previously, after a long time I had a chance to return to my family in Pusan, I was very happy. But somewhere in my heart, I keep thinking whether the members and staffs were doing well, it is always stuck in my head. Though going on a trip is good thing but, still for us, I feel that the journey itself is on the stage.

Recommend to go on a journey alone

Min Hyuk

On my childhood time I went traveling overseas a lot with my parents. During high school, I often went on a trip alone just with my camera. Going to unfamiliar places; I think that is my happiest holiday. Everyone, if you have time, rather than watching TV at home, I recommend you to travel to the nearby places alone. If I can have a holiday, I surely would like to go somewhere. I’m looking forward to the holidays.


On 2009, they did Indies activities in Japan with mainly live street shows. On January 2010 they officially debuted in their home country, Korea. They still continue doing Indies activity in Japan.


Japan Indies 2nd single “I don’t know why” had been released on September 16th. In September, their first Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka Tour, which was the release tour for the single, was successful. Currently they’re on their Asia Tour. On October 28th, an event will be held for Japan fan club members only.

Source: PatiPati Magazine Vol.311

japanese-Engtrans: AzureAoi @ CodeAzzuro

wahahah what he mentioned are the places that he went with hyun! i dunno if that's coincidence or what not! but i choose to believe that he was thinking of hyun while answering the Q. :w00t:


raindrops!!! 4 words... THANK YOU AND DAEBAKKK!!! xD

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dreambyoo i actually wasnt going to stop by the thread yesterday night because i was so tired, but of course i had too. hahaha. i watched your YONGSEO Way Back Into Love again today :)







raindrops_919 awww i love it love it love it! thanks for sharing :wub:







found this from the CN Blue Thread:







thanks to chiari for the gifs and saturn. for the translations, these two are amazing people!







M WIDE NEWS CF Photoshoot Interview - CN Blue





















MC: Who suits most for a model who has various posture and face expression?







all: Jung Shin







Jung Shin : Why me?







Jong Hyun: I don't know about his various pose or face expression, but he has good body suits for a model.







Yong Hwa: He didn't have good face expression before. But he practiced so hard. Now, in front of camera, he bites his lips.







MC: Show it to the viewers.







(Jung Shin shows sexy pose)







Yong Hwa: Jong Hyun has unique pose for photo taking, his lethal weapon.







(Jong Hyun's lethal? pose)







MC: Is that it? scratching head?







Yong Hwa: To stimulate maternal love.







(Filming of 3 versions, rock, country and cute version)







MC: Whose beauty becomes double on screen than in real life?







(All point Yong Hwa)







Jung Shin: He is the best photogenic in 21st century.







Yong Hwa: I was selected as number one celebrity of best photogenic. Do I look that ugly in real life?







Jong Hyun: The title of related news article was, 'Jung Yong Hwa, should he cry or laugh?'







Yong Hwa: I am timid blood type A, so I was hurt. So I'm going to decorate my real shape more.







MC: No, you look great in real life.







Yong Hwa: Please explain them.







MC: Dear everyone, I'm not joking. He has face of fist size, this big eyes and sharp nose.







Look at his nose! Ah! I was cut!







Yong Hwa: Eh blood!







Narration: Jung Yong Hwa is one of famous flower guys. He is much more handsome in real life.







But who is talking on the phone?







Yong Hwa: Ah it's so embarrassing. Nothing to talk.







Narration: The ticket of concert tour of 7 Asian countries were all sold out.







Min Hyuk: We've never visited those countries. It was first time. But they all sang along the Korean lyric of our songs.







Jung Shin: If we have chance, we want tour to...







Yong Hwa: Universe. We will work hard until aliens listen to our music and feel happy.







MC: Wow tour for aliens. That's so expected.







Yong Hwa: We will keep working hard so that we can be loved by all people.







posted above by dreamyboo








































:lol: hahahahahaha those pink outfits are killing me! and his dancing hahaha. i wonder if hyun will approve. and that ranch/country theme is super cute! hahaha. ducks, too ;) lol and yong is most photogenic, but not in person? i didnt know about that. his still freaking handsome! but am i too biased? hahaha. that rocker theme is pretty intence but i like the spikes! and the scene where his on the phone, how can you look so hot on the phone?! lol and i wonder what he said during the "phone conversation"? yong, if you dont know what to say, think about hyun!







okay thats all i have for today. see everyone later!














LOL hahahahahaha dreamyboo you must have posted that right when i found it too! hahahaha.


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heya panGG~!! :D LOL... u're quite a funny fella there. btw, how's ur MV-making doing? ohya talking about the interview, LOL i wonder if yong really looks so much better onscreen than offscreen? some fans say that he looks good IRL. gahhh i wanna see him face-to-face! but it seems like their tickets are getting more & more expensive i dunno if i'll ever get to see him IRL >.< oh! about yong's hair being tied up... i wonder if hyun will think that it looks dirty 'cause remember the time they went to the sauna xD kekekeek she asked JS if he did wash his hair xD

oh, for those who has not seen it here's the YT link. although the audio is disabled again <_<

fmv yongseo

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Guest ordinary_arie
OMG Thank you for the link. They looked awesome in all the three themes! 

I loved the sexy rocker style, especially Yong's rocker hair with the  ponytail! I think it looks good on him.

Thanks for the link!!! kekekez... i really like Yong's rocker hair and style..
ordinary_arie, thanks for the link! LOL at  yong wearing buin's fav colour while dancing! *nosebleed* kekeeke xD and  dang!! what long hair he has now! he looks so cool tying his hair up  KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  :w00t: (he didn't wear his couple ring though  <_< )for translation of the vid posted by ordinary_arie, pls proceed to click SPOILER

you're welcome guys..yeah, iknow that hair style really good on him. that hair style that makes me forgot Jonghyun(my bias in CNBLUE) for awhile <_< .kkkk.

dreamyboo thank u for d trans.. :)

raindrops_919 thank u for your "Yong & Hyun story". I like it :wub:

*sorry for bad english :sweatingbullets:


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heya panGG~!! :D LOL... u're quite a funny fella there. btw, how's ur MV-making doing? ohya talking about the interview, LOL i wonder if yong really looks so much better onscreen than offscreen? some fans say that he looks good IRL. gahhh i wanna see him face-to-face! but it seems like their tickets are getting more & more expensive i dunno if i'll ever get to see him IRL >.< oh! about yong's hair being tied up... i wonder if hyun will think that it looks dirty 'cause remember the time they went to the sauna xD kekekeek she asked JS if he did wash his hair xD







oh, for those who has not seen it here's the YT link. although the audio is disabled again <_<







fmv yongseo













hahahaha my MV making isnt going yet actually. i'm thinking of actually purchasing a mv maker and so i can learn all the tricks of the trade. hahaha, but we'll see. and i'm sure i'd love him if he did or didnt. but he MUST look good if our hyun is so besotted by him, right? :wub: hahaha. and i want to see him too. cn blue needs to come to the US! i would definitely go see that. even if it is all the way across the US in California!







Picture spam! just caps of Yong during the interview. cant wait to see this cf!







too cute~














who are you thinking about yong?





















most photogenic?














yong duck~!!














i really love this ranch/country theme. hahaha, i'm such a southerner. hahaha





















rockstar baby~

















































its in reverse order, sorry, but too lazy to fix it now. hahaha.


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u're welcome, ordinary_arie~ but full credits to saturn! ^_^

panGG, hopefully cnblue will be able to meet up with yong's idol, bon jovi! then, who knows u'll be the 1st US goguma to ever shake hands & snaps a gazillion shots of him in the US! well, i've a feeling cnblue can make it there one day. they seem to be a very promising group. and lately, hyun seems to be oozing with superior aura around her wherever she goes. she's like one high-class young lady who does whatever she wishes with a pure heart & pure thoughts. she's a person who doesn't hide her true self. i salute her! and yong too!

ahh it's bedtime! really hafta zzzzZ now. eyebags are getting worse @_@

wokehhh goonite gogumas!

i spotted u woollylamb! hahaha ahh but too bad i'm off to gogumaland now...catchup with u soon! :D

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































Oh my GOD  :w00t: Yong's new hair is way too HOT *i'm dying*
































































































































































































































































did my eyes betrayed me?? CN Blue dancing?? :w00t::w00t::w00t:
































































































































































































































































@ dreamyboo, panGG, ordinary_arie : THANK YOU  :wub:
































































































































































































































































here's part 2

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Germbaby

DAEBAK THEY MATCH! SassySNSD Thank you very much for posting . I am so happy that they match. I hope these two love birds are reaaaaal! Hyun is getting prettier day by day. And what's with Yong's ponytail. So cute!

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Guest _hachimitsu


I was about to head to gogumaland till I saw the video posted by ordinary_arie. LOLOLOL CNPINK!! I want to watch that CF, NOW! I wonder how the final outcome of it will look like? I thought the scene where yong was sitting at the window with a mobile phone came from a drama. Look at his eyes, yong seobang are you thinking of hyun buin *melting* aishh the CF is gonna be super spazz-worthy kekeke. 

dreamyboo heyya!! ofcourse i remember you. haha yeah uni life is like this i guess. I think you're working already, no? (I'm same age with yonghwa btw) omo, i forgot to type this in my previous post, i didnt know you made fan MVs!! YT is such a meanie for disabling the sound. I watched it on that other site you upload the vid, awesome! I want to make one in the future.. but i have too many video assignments already so i'll leave the Fan MVs it to goguma experts like you and others~ 

rainydrops awhh i can't see the picture... maybe it is my connection?? hmmm will view it again later. i know ur work is daebak!^^

panGG thank you for the screencaps of the interview... seeing yonghwa and the CNBLUE members in different styles is very refreshing! I hope FNC will make more MVs for their songs *sigh* i really like your rocker yongseo artwork, please make more! :D (u're from the states?? I lived in Canada + Florida few years ago before returning to my hometown. dreamyboo is my countrymate hehe. Miss these places ahh...)

Thank you to all yongseo shippers for interesting posts everytime i come here. There's too many of you, spread the yongseo love! I've got nothing to share now... so i'll just post this new pic of seohyun few minutes ago from DCgal/Seople. 


Yongseo hwaiting!

EDIT: uhh topped the page. Reposting some stuff 

CNPINK - CNBLUE interview for new CF in M WIDE NEWS 101410

credits: yongsarang@youtube & ordinary_arie@soompi

aannnd gif of CNPINK dancing... countryboys CNBLUE & rocker yong. lol adorkable cnblue! (I reup it in imageshack)




credit: chiara@cnblue soompi & dreamyboo

and this one too if you dont mind kekkeke... 


Have a nice day dear gogumas!   :wub:

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Guest who_art_thou








First time posting here.. :)


When I first watched episode 27, I was spazzing because when they were holding hands at the end,


I thought yong~ said 'Chuahe' (I can't spell it. ahaha. I meant the korean word for I like you)


I kept repeating it and kept smiling.


Then I saw MC Kim's tweet about the unexpected twist,


and I thought maybe he finally confessed. haha


(Yeah I know, I'm obsessed)


But then I stumbled into this forum, and read that it was just a question. hehe


Oh well...  I'm still so happy about them. :)


Also, about their 'ok' sign,


maybe they made a deal to show the ring every performance to show that the ring is still there. haha


They don't want another flying ring incident. LOL


I really loved this video. Yong~ actually smiled when he showed the ring. :)


thanks fara_m7 for this link! <3



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Guest weizhen_sj









i think i'm a bit slow in the 'ok' sign thing but some thoughts that i feel like sharing..



his ok sign at 12 July's perf with his wide smile makes me wonder about what's in his mind, and it seemed so obvious... keke...



if it's not a code between them, i dont think he would suddenly smile with his ok sign..






and that all links to the sign in the concert... when he looked up and smile widely again with his sign..



it's so hard not to think that its all related to Hyun... :)






i love the gifs from shane09, especially the one in the sushi parlour.



i've been watching it over and over again and i think that Yong actually hugged Hyun from her back or at least put his arms round her waist when he was saying he's just joking.



any same thoughts out there?



Yong is so into Hyun, he's afraid that buin might be angry and i think that action comforted Hyun that 'you are still my nicest buin'...



Since that ep is flimed after the holding hands, they are more comfortable with each other and Yong definitely became even sweeter to Hyun...



and i'm so gonna get diabetes from this.. haha...



thank you shane09 for the gifs! >.<



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YOU GUYS!!!! HOW COULD YOU???!!!!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was trying to get some good 'ol sleep but then I first decided to check on a few soompi pages only to find out that you, yes you - to name a few culprits - dreamy, raindrops919, PangG, _hachimitsu ---------
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































.... filled that page with gifs, and pics of the overly HOT Jung Yong Hwa!!!!Waaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ohhhhh boy, I'm so hyped up!!!!! That guy.... uuugh!!! Like MY PERSONAL BRAND OF HEROINE (wwwooooh! twilight much??? haha!). how can I ever get to sleep now???? huhuhu.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but really..... thank you for posting guys!!! **hugz**

































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Guest glitterspark
















































panGG: actually i do have the link to the fancam-































in case you forgot what you commented on, i reuploaded the pix from my previous post
















































yongseo's performance starts at 4:45, look closely at 6:54... with this, i am 101%- no, 200% convinced that they are dating!

















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