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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia





Thanks heartbreak i guess i worry to much :) obvious that im YongSeo addict kekeke! oh! yeah! i remember that Yong & Hyun will fix their schedule to film wgm not their managers. Knowing Hyun Nutritionist or health conscious for sure she will remind Yong about his health. 1st time they meet (epi 1) she straight away ask Yong about his health. Sweet wub.gif

@SophiaPia: I would worry too much. filming yesterday was said that they harvested their gogumas. and also, Yong and Hyun proved that they can still manage to film WGM even if their respective groups has tons of other activities to do, for example SNSD's Genie promotions and CNBlue's series of concerts in Japan. I remember reading here in this thread a few hundred pages back that before their respective Japan activities, Yong and Hyun would make time in their schedule. and they are even more involved in fixing WGM filming time that their own managers (Im sorry, I said this one before but I really find it sweet and amazing). I just hope that they can take care of their health. but WGM filming is not really "work", they enjoy filming and gives time to relax a little. I think both of them are in Korea right now. probably before they go home or when they arrive home, they would tell each other. remember Hyun practicing banmal in the back room interview of episode 18 (Yong-chicken dancing genie). she was saying questions like "did you eat?" "how was your day?" "what time will you be back today?", I think she asks Yong those questions. she wouldn't be practicing it if she doesn't ask it often to him. hope I'm making sense.


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Guest chilipadi_22








































































dunno if this has been posted but this was what i just found:
























































"i just read at baidu forum for goguma couple,
























































1.yongseo depart from their home in a blue truck,yong in the driver seat
























































2. fan nvr see yuri, only yongseo and fliming crew, the manager oppa nve
























































follw also.
























































3. the destination is the field they plant their goguma
























































4. now fliming still on going"
























































has yong gotten his driver's license alr??? can anyone ans that??? thanks! :)









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Guest miel_1301
















































Thanks aneng for the inital captures of SeoHyun with her Unnies at tonight's event.






























































13 October 2010 SNSD at KIKO Public Awareness Cultural Festival































Another solo capture of Seobaby...















































Oh! Lovely...lovely sparkling eyes!































And a few shots with her Unnies...
















































































































SeoHyun and her Unnies are looking great as always.
















CR: on photos































panGG, Those are awesome pieces of art works you've got there. I love them!!!

















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Thanks heartbreak i guess i worry to much :) obvious that im YongSeo addict kekeke! oh! yeah! i remember that Yong & Hyun will fix their schedule to film wgm not their managers. Knowing Hyun Nutritionist or health conscious for sure she will remind Yong about his health. 1st time they meet (epi 1) she straight away ask Yong about his health. Sweet wub.gif
































































I was actually worried about their schedule as well but you guys just assured me!






























































































































































































































































Poor Yonghwa has been looking so tired and they keep adding onto his schedule. I'm sure WGM is more like a holiday than work! Actually watching the "Let's Go" MV that Seohyun is in, she was looking pretty tired as well.






























































































































































































































































So proud of Korean Yongseo fans though when I saw all the photos of the special lunch that was given to them when they filmed. Looks like the fans are feeding our two favorite people really well!






























































































































































































































































Hmm...where did you get the news about Yonghwa and Seohyun fixing their own schedule? I can't remember that!






























































































































































































































































Ah lots of random thoughts, looking forward to Yonghwa's new show!

































































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Guest yoreizei




















Hmm...where did you get the news about Yonghwa and Seohyun fixing their own schedule? I can't remember that!


















Ah lots of random thoughts, looking forward to Yonghwa's new show!











Sorry for cut your post..






If I'm not wrong, I think it's from WGM PD interview couple months ago (after JaeDongJin Episode aired).






CMIIW :sweatingbullets:



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it actually doesn't mean war or fighting...

ban jun or 반전 means a twist or unexpected ending...

basically saying that there is an unexpected/twist in the yongseo story

O.O my imagination just ran wild...

MC Kim tweet again?! tks for sharing it here, genxv. hugs!

and juhee for translations..

degeun degeun...what does he mean?

from my understanding (after watching too many banjun dramas) it IS

really something that u didn't expect! hmm...now what can that be..

this guy is such a teaser...

and look at all those foods! can yongseo finish all that? :sweatingbullets:

my hats off to the korean gogumas for taking good care of not only our couple,

but the crews too.

d3...as always..daebak caps!

btw, did u do caps of the scene where yong said they should walk arm in arm?

i hope your eagle eyes can cap the part where hyun wanted to hold yong's hand

instead of his arm..

chingu... u r jjang!

regd the news of yong in another show with daesung, (tks aneng!)

i'm happy for him, but at the same time, am also concerned for his health.

but thinking again, since he can relax with buin during wgm filming, i think he

should be fine..

oh! the pic that u shared?

could he be caryying both his and buin's cell phone in that pocket ^_^

panGG, i am soo saving that wallie! thumbs up! :D

hacker.."your mind is different from others" also means that she is unique.

yong did say this abt her when they first met right?

just like us, i think yong find this part of her v charming indeed.. :wub:

didn't yesterday we read that hyun went to the farm with yong?

and now we see her performance pics..and she's glowing too...

tks for posting it here miel! i like the hair colour!


and a BIG WELCOME to new spazzers..

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Anyeong gogumas!!


Now after a weekend of spazz worthy episode. Our ship shaken, but still we stood firm and tall. and in the end we prevailed! :lol: here come an update of




thank you and enjoy..kekeke


Back to lurking mode :ph34r:


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imblue i love your post! lol. i know EXACTLY how you feel. and what its like to be smiling to myself and everyone around me thinks i'm crazy. thanks for your lovely post! :)

dunno if this has been posted but this was what i just found: "i just read at baidu forum for goguma couple,1.yongseo depart from their home in a blue truck,yong in the driver seat2. fan nvr see yuri, only yongseo and fliming crew, the manager oppa nve follw also.3. the destination is the field they plant their goguma4. now fliming still on going"has yong gotten his driver's license alr??? can anyone ans that??? thanks! :)
























































yong driving?! maybe... that would be totally awesome if they both did end up getting their license! so one doesnt feel left out or sad, since they were suppose to get it together in the first place. as long as they both have it together now! and they are heading to their goguma field?! how awesome. ITS HARVEST TIME!!!
























































miel_1301 thanks, i worked really obsessively last night. hahaha. and thanks for the pictures share of hyun.
























































random thinking.... since its the getting close to the end of the year and soon the awards shows and end of the year music shows are coming up, i wonder if mbc, or heck any of the other big channels, is planning anything for our yongseo couple...? i know its still in the future but gosh, you would think they are already planning and i hope they give us a special stage. that would be DAEBAK. but hopefully they wont pair up hyun with anyone other than her husband because we know yong would NOT like that one bit. hahaha.
























































saturday hurry please. pretty pretty please.
















































































































jnj *waves* hello! :) was wondering where you were. lol.
















































Group of 20 reveals “Let’s Go” MV
















































Having revealed photos and a teaser for the theme song for the upcoming G20 Seoul Summit this November, the full MV, which features 20 idol singers coming together as a Group of 20, has finally been revealed today.
























































The theme song is titled “Let’s Go“, and the idol group members (or solo artistes) participating include: Gyuri (KARA), Seohyun (SNSD), Junsu (2PM), Changmin (2AM), Jaekyung (Rainbow), Jonghyun (SHINee), Sungmin (Super Junior), Kahi (After School), Luna (f(x)), JiEun (SECRET), Junhyung (B2ST), Gayoon (4minute), Min (miss A), G.O (MBLAQ), Bumkey (2wins), G.NA, Son Dambi, Seo In Kook, IU, and Anna.
























































The song will be available on October 15th via digital download through various online music sites, but check out the MV below first.
























































Source: jackhklee@Youtube / Prismatic7Forum@Youtube
























































Tip: Tommy















































































































from allkpop
























































videos are here:
















































































































G20 LET'S GO Making
























































the song is REALLY good! too bad yong didnt get to participate (sigh) lol
































































































caption: seohyun: "junsu, i'm married now!"
























































__________junsu: "all you have to do is say no" (looks at fist)
























































lol junsu use to like seohyun too. sorry i know i shouldnt have posted this, but i couldnt help it. SORRRRRRYYYY!!!
































































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shane, hugs for the yong choding gif.

have u make one where yong slipped the ring onto hyun's finger,

and it got stuck half way thru'?

i don't see that in my growing gifs collection (tks to u and soleil)

i'm greedy blush.gif but i can't help it... sweatingbullets.gif

wow, its been 5 days since epi 27 aired, and i am still struck by their love.

so, every night, lying on my bed, i listen to the entire episode in mp3,

and it really relax me, and gives me a good night rest.

has anyone tried this before?


hi there panGG!

tks for the MV links. i see 1 or 2 hyun's fanboys there.

oooh..i got to spazz this at her thread... ;)

any idea how these singers got to be chosen?

dreamy, link's not ready is it? can't view it now..

how do i save from dailymotion?

guys, want to know something?

out of all the songs i have in my ipod, Love Light is NOT there!! :crazy:

am soo going to hunt for it now..

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
































































































































































































































































since i'm so happy with all this news about uri YONGSEO, i started made Yong & Hyun story.. this is the first one..
































































































































































































































































well, you may feel it a bit out of date, but i try to make it in right time line, first thing first  :huh: but i hope you like it  :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































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panGG...uwahhhh daebakkk!!! luv it!!! thanks for PS-ing them! i've always wanted this... i think i did request it from u. kamsahamnida~ u're da best! *saves* xD

hacker8: haha what coincidence! whatever related to yongseo seems to pop up quite randomly. it's like a sign! i wonder... does this mean SOMETHING??? *something's brewing in my head* xD

imblue, u're right who in their right mind would do all those things if they're not in love?! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AT THE THOUGHT! :wub:

chilipadi, ur info is the only info that states yong is driving & the others all stated hyun as the driver. but i'm hoping urs to be true though xD I WANNA SEE YONG DRIVES HYUN TO HIS PARENTS' HOUSE! BUSANNNNNNNN xD

thanks miel for all the pics~! hyun's looking gorgeous as ever! she's glowing! she seems to outshine the rest :w00t:

sophiapia, soeulmate, jnj: i'm also concerned about yong's sched. i wonder how long will he be able to stay like that without much rest. if i were him, i'd go insane! if u notice his photoshoot in the YOUEASY BTS, he seems so tired & i dunno... he gave a hint of annoyance/frustration/stress. i hope after today's rumored filming, he'll be recharged~! :D

i actually wanted to post this MV during the times of "turmoil" BUT youtube is getting smarter & sneakier that some things are labelled as copyrighted. gahh tried to find the non-copyright audio, but to no avail & i'm tired of redoing the whole thing many times with different formats & download sites that i tried Dailymotion. and PHEW!!!! FINALLY I'M ABLE TO HEAR THE SOUND! ahhh sorry for venting my frustration, i made this MV with the thought of making all the gogumas who watch it HAPPY too. so i hope u guys will feel happy after watching it 'cause i do. here's the link :)

Yongseo FMV - Way Back Into Love
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Guest readsandgeeks
































































































































































Hi Gogumas (:
































































































































am a lurker here but just to add on to the happiness:
































































































































RDR & LL - YongSeo
































































































































For those of you who didn't manage to catch this performance on tv, it's in HD.
































































































































For those who have watched it, ENJOY again! <3
































































































































Also, thank you to everyone in this thread for translating, subbed videos, fanmade mvs, artwork, information from other sites, insider info, etc etc..There's a whole lot to list but you guys catch my drift, right? ;)
































































































































Goguma hwaiting~!

















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jnj i know! thats what i was thinking too (go back and look at my spoiler lol) and i'm actually not sure how the singers were selected. but its more of the younger generation, which is cool, but it seems like a lot of popular idol groups, and thats why i'm surprised yong didnt get chosen too. it maybe that he was busy with cn blue activities but who knows.
























































raindrops_919 OH I LOVE IT! show more, more more please!
























































dreamyboo lol i think you did request it, you had mentioned for me to come up with something rockerish with them. so i did! i've been trying to find a really good picture of yong to use and yesterday chiari from the cn blue thread posted up some and when i saw it, i knew it was THE ONE!!!! hahaha. i'm glad you like it thou :) btw, the music video you posted isnt working hm....









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jnj, panGG: omo........ that's weird, the link's working fine in my PC? hmmmmm <_<

btw, jnj u can use keepvid to dl from dailymotion. that's what they say i never tried it myself though ekkeek :P

and oh from that Let's Go MV, hyun's wearing yong's gift!!1 KYAAAAAAA i wonder if she ever wears it before that daebak ep aired? it seems like she only wears it after the ep airs! is she telling the girls something like BACK OFF YONG'S MINE! :w00t:

lemme try this... FMV Yongseo - Way Back Into Love

i hope it's working 'cause i've worked hard on this the last few nites & i was excited to share it with u guys but UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES just had to come my way so i hope u guys will be happy after watching it. :D

edit: raindrops i luvvvv it!!!! what u did... LUV LUV LUV ITTTTTTTTTTT *SAVES* :wub:

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Raindrops...thanks for sharing that wonderful collage (pls. correct me if i'm wrong), they look so good together all the time, that's why it's an understatement to say that the photos you've posted might be out dated...I don't think YongSeo's photos can be outdated :wub:.












If it's not too much to ask and if it's okey with you, can I ask for a copy of this thing you made.  I honestly don't know how to save files or whatever in the computer :(, I'm always depending on my husband when it comes to stuff like those :)... they are really a beautiful couple, and I guess you just posted one of their most beautiful shots :)  thank you :wub:



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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































@ panGG : i'll post when i'm finish with part 2..taking capture is quite tiring, hoho.. thank you   :wub:
































































































































@ shawie829 : sure, you can save it =) you can right click on the image and then click save image, or you can click image properties to see the url and open it to see the image in original image host, if you still can't save it, just pm me your email, i'll attach it and email it to you =) thank you  :wub:
































































































































good GOGUMA night, all.. catch you tomorrow! happy GOGUMA !  :w00t:

































































































































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raindrops, do u intend to do epi per epi wallie?

cool! keep them coming!

besides the ring, we should now look out for the chain too eh?

but as far as i can rmbr, hyun seldom wears the chain.

BUT who knows, after epi 27 is aired, she might put it back on again.

maybe she gets tired when ppl ask her to show the ring, so by wearing the chain,

anyone can see it.

wow guys, our imagination is really running high!

oh well, whichever that makes us happy... :lol:

aigoo, dreamy, u suggested something which u haven't tried?

jashik...*i'm saying this with lots and lots of affection, like what j2 ever called me too*

but the other link u shared still not working for me..

is it your new MV?

wil read your spoiler now and share what i think, panGG

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dreamyboo downloading as i'm typing, will have to watch it later thou. have to get ready for work! thanks for the links!







raindrops_919 lol sorry if i seemed like i was rushing you! please take your time to make it beautiful, and i agree its so time consuming to make caps! hahaha.







found this on chiari's blog






Jung Yonghwa & Uee joined SBS ‘Night after night’ as an MC













CNBLUE Jung Yonghwa has been added to the MC list of the new SBS variety show “Night After Night”.







A representative from official SBS staff confirmed to MyDaily on Oct 13th, “Yonghwa will join ‘Night after Night’ as an MC.”







Currently, Yonghwa appearance in various entertainment programs has took a big success. He’s currently in SBS Inkigayo as an MC with 2AM Jokwon , and f(x) Sulli, and also in MBC ‘We Got Married’ with SNSD Seohyun as a virtual couple.







Now through becoming the MC in “Night after Night” he is expanding his wings in the variety shows world.







‘Night after night’ has 6 artists as MC in total, including Yonghwa, Myungsoo, Tak Jae Hoon, Kim Jae Dong,and after-school UEE. Like the title of the show suggested, this show is expected to this program is hoping to make viewers’ night more enjoyable.







This program will be one of SBS fall lineup shows and it has been garnering attention now that the ‘YaShimManMan’ PD has agreed to direct the shows.







‘Night after night’ first recording will start on Oct 13th in SBS Ilsan production center,and scheduled to be aired in November.







source: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?newsid=201010131824511117&ext=na







Translation: Henna (omonOona@twitter)







Pic source: jyh dc gallery, thanks Dita for the tips













must be OFFICIAL since it looks like his filming already.














jnj its more for laughs, lol, then anything. will come back later to read your reaction thou. hahaha.


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