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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chilipadi_22








































































saturdat palli palli come!! the goguma villagers here cant wait any longer!
























































maybe the unexpected twist could be hyun~ speaking informallky to yong~ ?? but i guess it will be quite difficult as hyun is a very well-mannered girl. heehee^
























































but i will still wish to see hyun speaking informally to yong. MC Kim sure knows how to arouse the viewers with his tweets. haha:)
























































i really wanna see the goguma couple lovey dovey.
















































































































cant wait for the japan episode, cant wait for the episode where they perform together for the first time, cant wait for .......
























































there are just so many things to wait for! and that is why we are all looking forward to every saturday. especially after the latest episode.
























































i will die without having see something about them everyday. heehee^^ thats how into them i am. i bet everyone here are also right???

































































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thanks aneng for the pic.
































































































































clearly seen that hyun has been wearing;































































































































































































































































1. birthday necklace































































































































































































































































2. "wedding" ring































































































































































































































































3. BLUE shirt
































































































































is this have any meaning...HYUN???
































































































































to be more precise, when was this video been recorded?? anyone knows???

































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Thx  for Hyun~~ pict ... she wearing the Necklace YH gave her and if i not wrong she wear the Ring ... too ^^ Ring Dig DOng

And to @  Rouenna for your help ^^



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Guest .:love_ya:.







hihihihihi Hy~una, mwoya? are you gonna be scolded by someone if you're not wearing the necklace? lol





CN Blue new album got postponed? :( yong~ is gonna have more time for Hy~un then ^^





I can't sleep so I'm just re-watching the epic episode and found this ^^







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Guest magicaL.chubi3
















































































































G20 MV was released already. Anyway...out of topic but according to allkpop SNSD's Jessica already have a twitter, i wished Seohyun too~ hehe~ :)









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Guest SophiaPia





aigoo! it's because i'm still high on epi27, i'm kinda nervous what will be the episode this coming saturday. at the moment epi27 is the best so far. They should top up that epi27 :). Hopefully in the coming episode there will be more than the epi27 :) 



Yongseo reversal/twist? hmmm! i hope their not feel awkward again :( they should be lovely dovey after that bday trip, exchanging gifts, holding hands. No more awkwardness this time. It' s all started on epi27. They should be lovely dovey. Hmmm! i wonder what it is in that MCKIM tweet. Is it ok if it's always Saturday :)












3) BLUE TOP :)



Really if u will think about it, YONGSEO COUPLE IS NOT THINKING THAT THIS IS MAKE BELIEVE MARRIAGE. THIS IS REALLLLLLL kekeke! Even in the I don't know why album of CNBLue hubby Yong wearing the new couple ring kekeke! he can't remove it if he like coz it's not wgm show BUT HE WEARS IT. YAHOOO. PEOPLE SAY IF U LIKE  THE GIFT FROM UR PARTNER IT'S MEANS U LIKE THAT PERSON AS WELL. U TREASURE THE GIFT U TREASURE THAT PERSON AS WELL. YONG QUESTION NOW IS I DON'T KNOW WHY I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOVE U BABY w00t.gif



and i think the recording of G20 summit is only recently. so from time to time she's wearing the necklace and the couple ring. she might not wear it when they are dancing in the stage afraid it might lose. so fair enough if sometimes we don't see she's wearing the necklace and ring. CHEERS TO ALL


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Guest SophiaPia





News about hubby Yong will have new show MCing again night after night, and news as well nxt yr he might do another drama, then their 1st priority cnblue album, concerts, live performances. HOPEFULLY IT WILL NOT AFFECTED HIS WGM SCHEDULE  W/ WIFE HYUN :( 



It's good that Hubby Yong and CNblue got lot's of work, promotions. But i hope WGM W/ HYUN WILL NOT BE AFFECTED :(


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Guest wallpaperfood

And talking about Yuri, I want to ask, Who was the unnie who said "if you like YongHwa unnie will help you"? hahaha I want that unnie to be with them :rolleyes:.

Sorry to cut your post!

I'm pretty sure it was Taeyeon unnie who said that :P

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Guest Rouenna
















































































































@Anink Welcome here. You'll get the hang of posting in no time. :) Just kindly edit your first post (click Edit button) and then remove the %7Boption%7D tags on the photo links because quoting pics is against soompi rules, hence the -signs in your post. Then you can just write something at the bottom of the reply you quoted. You'll be fine then. :D
















































































Re-watching the latest episode now and just noticed that on their conversations after Hyun sang Lovelight, the minus one keeps on playing at their background. I don't think it's part of the scoring during editing (cause the layer of sound is a bit different). If not, then prolly Hyun's mp3 keeps on playing on repeat beside them as they talked. Gah, they're setting the mood on their own. :wub::w00t:

















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with Yong schedule just like "roller coaster" recently,
































































































































with live performance
































































































































preparing their new album (even thou it's been delayed :( )
































































































































tv show (heard he been guest for other Running Man ep, can any1 confirm it)
































































































































fan meetings (28th oct in Japan, right)
































































































































recent news (too many of them erm...)
































































































































newest shows (with Daesung).....
































































































































being a leader....
































































































































too many responsibility i think....
































































































































hope Hyun will take a good care of Yong..
































































































































maybe make a lunch for him...
































































































































to make it better, cook for him at their own house...(really hope the next filming will be at their house)
































































































































or prepare vitamin/supplement for him
































































































































































































































































how bout Hyun schedule...
































































































































did any1 know bout it...

































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Guest SophiaPia





Credit to sweetpotatodays blog sched. Kamsahamnida



Oct 13SNSD @ Kiko Citizen Awareness Cultural Festival (i hope we can see any fanvid of this)Oct 16[Episode 28]Oct 16-17SNSD @ Into the New World Concert in TaiwanOct 16CNBLUE Fanmeeting in Seoul (i think this is cancelled right?)





Oct 23[Episode 29]Oct 23SNSD @ Korean Pop Night in SingaporeOct 28CNBLUE @ Japan FanmeetingOct 30[Episode 30]















with Yong schedule just like "roller coaster" recently,



with live performance



preparing their new album (even thou it's been delayed :( )



tv show (heard he been guest for other Running Man ep, can any1 confirm it)



fan meetings (28th oct in Japan, right)



recent news (too many of them erm...)



newest shows (with Daesung).....



being a leader....



too many responsibility i think....



hope Hyun will take a good care of Yong..



maybe make a lunch for him...



to make it better, cook for him at their own house...(really hope the next filming will be at their house)



or prepare vitamin/supplement for him






how bout Hyun schedule...



did any1 know bout it...




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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I know most of you re-watched episode 27 again. I did. and I noticed that when they drink the rice wine, there was only one cup. meaning they shared that single cup. also Yuri is the SNSD member that monitors Hyun in WGM (read it somewhere that she made kimchi fritters when UJ episode aired), wonder what her reaction was? **@wallpaperfood: I don't think it was Taeyeon. I read a few pages back that it was most likely Tiffany who wrote "Do you like Yonghwa, unnie will help you." she was very helpful from the beginning when Hyun was asking Taeyeon and Tiffany on how to know her husband's personality (episode 1). Sorry but this is a bit off topic, but it reminded me of Yong and Seohyun. I was watching Running Man ep 5 and 7. the oldest guy (Sukjin) has a wife and his wife still calls him "oppa" and I remembered Hyun instantly because she calls Yong "oppa" too. and in episode 7 where Yonghwa was a guest, he found 3 out 5 Haechis on his own. If I recall correctly SNSD sang a song about Haechi (I think Haechi is the title of the song, not too sure about it) for a CF. and out of the 3 Haechis that Yonghwa found, 2 reminded me of Hyun. 1 was in the Orchestra pit (Hyun likes classical music) and the other one is in the library (Hyun likes books). I hope Yonghwa remembered Hyun when he found those Haechis in those places. also he was wearing the couple ring that episode.





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Guest SophiaPia


I know most of you re-watched episode 27 again. I did. and I noticed that when they drink the rice wine, there was only one cup. meaning they shared that single cup. also Yuri is the SNSD member that monitors Hyun in WGM (read it somewhere that she made kimchi fritters when UJ episode aired), wonder what her reaction was? **@wallpaperfood: I don't think it was Taeyeon. I read a few pages back that it was most likely Tiffany who wrote "Do you like Yonghwa, unnie will help you." she was very helpful from the beginning when Hyun was asking Taeyeon and Tiffany on how to know her husband's personality (episode 1). Sorry but this is a bit off topic, but it reminded me of Yong and Seohyun. I was watching Running Man ep 5 and 7. the oldest guy (Sukjin) has a wife and his wife still calls him "oppa" and I remembered Hyun instantly because she calls Yong "oppa" too. and in episode 7 where Yonghwa was a guest, he found 3 out 5 Haechis on his own. If I recall correctly SNSD sang a song about Haechi (I think Haechi is the title of the song, not too sure about it) for a CF. and out of the 3 Haechis that Yonghwa found, 2 reminded me of Hyun. 1 was in the Orchestra pit (Hyun likes classical music) and the other one is in the library (Hyun likes books). I hope Yonghwa remembered Hyun when he found those Haechis in those places. also he was wearing the couple ring that episode.



yes! heartbreak, even in the latest RM w/ Yonghwa i think RM11 he is wearing the new couple ring and he even touching it or playing w/ it like what his doing in come to play episode. And on RM11 he is the hero again in blue team. they even cheer him w/ the song love love love kekeke! Everyday we all find something relevant to our YongSeo couple :) i hope if not today, they meet again in the future and on that day they can be real hubby and wife already. DESTINY :)


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101013 KIKO Concert
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Must be his new show
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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thanks to everyone for all the goodies and information about yongseo!
























































i finally have something to share now too! yesterday i found the perfect picture of YONG for my rockstar picture!
























































i hope you guys like it (it took me almost 3 hours to finish it, lol)
























































it started out looking like this:
















































































































i had to ghetto rig her arm, lol
























































then became this!
















































































































this is the complete wallie with love light lyrics :wub:
















































































































1--the guitar i made it by finding a very simiar looking guitar and just blending it in, lol
























































2--again i ghetto rigged hyun's arm, lmao dont stare too hard at it, then you'll understand why its so deformed looking
























































3--when i started putting it together i really wanted more of their body to show because it looks like their body is all cut off, but its there, just blended in too much :(
























































4--stars stars stars stars!!! my rockstars!
























































5--challenge!! can you find my watermark/name in the picture?! lol
























































i hope you guys like it. it was a lot of work.
























































its the middle of the week, only 3 more days and we'll get some more yongseo action!!! cant wait.









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Guest SophiaPia





Thanks aneng that is quick :) cheers



SeoHyun wears the SNSD ring and the new couple ring DAEBAK. And that could be Yong new show. Good luck to hubby Yong, i wonder when did they tape this? Coz yesterday they filming wgm right? i'm just wishing hubby Yong schedule will not crush w/ his wgm w/ wife Hyun :( i don't want YongSeo to end right now :(



Thanks pangg it's really lovely :) i hope they sing another duet in stage. This time Hyun w/ keyboard and Yong in guitar.


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"your mind is so different from others"








seohyun, really surprises us, everytime. we might see her as a conservative girl but actually she just have a mind of her own. and when she thinks of something she wants to do, she's going to do it no matter what.








were not we surprised when she sang lovelight to yong? were not we amazed when she gave the ring to yong? isn't serenading and giving out rings delegated to men? but that is dictated by society. and hyun isn't just somebody who can be dictated.








Way to go, gurl!








luvtokki, i love your post! that's what we also experience when we like someone and we want to know more about them, right? we fish for info that might tell us about her/his past relationships, wishing that s/he has gotten over them. we also want to create memories that are firsts for both of us. :wub: giddy :wub:








Ah! So we have ourselves a new slogan now
















I like!















also, KEEP THE FAITH is a song by Bon Jovi, Yonghwa's favorite. Here's some relevant lyrics dedicated to all of us supporters of YongSeo..and i might as well dedicate it to all the trolls passing by :D (woah! soompi does censor. have to spell differently.)








Everybody needs somebody to love








Everybody needs somebody to hate








Everybody's bittching








'cause they can't get enough








Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain








Faith: don't let your love turn to hate








Right now we got to








Keep the faith





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@SophiaPia: I would worry too much. filming yesterday was said that they harvested their gogumas. and also, Yong and Hyun proved that they can still manage to film WGM even if their respective groups has tons of other activities to do, for example SNSD's Genie promotions and CNBlue's series of concerts in Japan. I remember reading here in this thread a few hundred pages back that before their respective Japan activities, Yong and Hyun would make time in their schedule. and they are even more involved in fixing WGM filming time that their own managers (Im sorry, I said this one before but I really find it sweet and amazing). I just hope that they can take care of their health. but WGM filming is not really "work", they enjoy filming and gives time to relax a little. I think both of them are in Korea right now. probably before they go home or when they arrive home, they would tell each other. remember Hyun practicing banmal in the back room interview of episode 18 (Yong-chicken dancing genie). she was saying questions like "did you eat?" "how was your day?" "what time will you be back today?", I think she asks Yong those questions. she wouldn't be practicing it if she doesn't ask it often to him. hope I'm making sense.





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hacker8 you said it all! she's choosing not to go with the regular because she's such a direct and honest person. even if she is a little timid. lol and the lyrics excerpt you posted were the perfect lyrics! thanks for sharing.
























































so just curious (because i've been kind of lazy) since cn blue performed a few times in korea, and it looks like yong will be on a new variety show, does that mean the "listen to the cn blue" concerts are done? cause i havent checked up on their schedule in a couple of weeks. i'm such a bad fan. lol.
























































yongseo fighting!









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Hello dear goguma lovers(: wonder if this was ever said but I just wanna share a thought. I realise majority of the time a lot of attention is focused on a happy yong proudly flashing his couple ring but in fact hyun is very proud of hers too. Say for example the G20 mv that we noticed her ring and necklace and colour of her outfit. But even during the backroom interviews, the ONLY accessories she wore are the necklace and ring! Hahaha.


I think we all agree that they seem like they are falling into the river of love and maybe even drowning in it because they are so awesome and sweet. I mean honestly! Which guy in his right mind who write a song that seems like a love confession for a girl he doesn't like and publish it as one of the hit tracks in his mega album and shyly admit it and which girl in her right mind won't fall in love with a guy who treats her right and make her feel things and do things she had nv felt or done before?? And which couple would constantly wear their couple accessories practically 24/7 if it doesn't mean anything to them? Because I know I fell in love like this.


I'm proudly obessed with goguma and the people around me think I'm insane HAHA. Especially when I keep smiling to myself. But its funny how my friends can't help being infected too and a few of them who aren't even korean fans in the first place can't help getting hooked and addicted hahaha! And a lot of them have love light on their fave playlist.^^ I really hope I can stay in goguma world forever and always be their guardian angel. (: saturdays are daebak with them! <3



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