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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest wallpaperfood

ah! i just rmbr something!

seeing yongseo at the darkroom interview, reminds me of this clip

where they gave interviews abt DFBS.

hear the man's laughter at the end of hyun's clip?

sure sound like yong's... :wub:

does this mean they did their darkroom interview on the same day?!  :w00t:

patate, photobucket may not be the best solution after all..

That's what I thought at first too, especially since it sounded a bit like that sound Yong makes when laughing, but after listening carefully to Yong's as well, you can hear the same man laughing. I think he's one of th PDnims there ~

Because if they were watching each other's, I'm pretty damn sure you'd be able to hear Hyun laughing (her laugh is charactersitically very clear and bright, hard to miss).

But aww, it would be nice if Yong had seen Hyun doing that imitation of a scary lady/sharks bgm hahaha. The chemistry in the room would have been INTENSE if they had recorded thier interviews together, don't u think?!!! hehe

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Guest miel_1301
















































Here's an article about the G20 Seoul Summit
















[NEWS] [10.12.10] Photos from the “Group of G20″ recording revealed
































Twenty idol singers recently came together to form the “Group of 20” team and sang the theme song for the upcoming G20 Seoul Summit, “Let’s Go.”
















“Let’s Go” is composed by Shinsadong Tiger, Im Sang Hyuk, Eddy, and Yong Jun Hyung, with the album named after the number of idols that came together from each group (or solo).
















The idol group members who will lend their voices include Gyuri (KARA), Seohyun (SNSD), Junsu (2PM), Changmin (2AM), Jaekyung (Rainbow), Jonghyun (SHINee), Sungmin (Super Junior), Kahi (After School), Luna (f(x)), JiEun (SECRET), Junhyung (B2ST), Gayoon (4minute), Min (miss A), G.O (MBLAQ), Bumkey (2wins), G.NA, Son Dambi, Seo In Kook, IU, and Anna.
















Pictures of the recording set were revealed on October 12th, looking much like an all star team.
















SNSD’s Seohyun commented, “It’s an honor to be able to participate in such a meaningful project. I hope that our song will attract more interest from the public towards the Seoul G20 summit and enable it to have a successful opening.”
















“Let’s Go” consists of a fast and bright rhythm in order to target the youth. The song hopes to help the youth better understand the rather difficult task of understanding the G20 summit. The fun house rhythm gives the song addictive qualities with a piano riff that anyone can easily follow.
















Those that participated in the song were completely voluntary and will earn nothing from the project. All profits made from the album will be donated to multicultural families and the neglected.
















The song will be available from the 15th through online music sites.
































credit + photo: Sports Chosun
















via allkpop































A bonus...





























































































Another testimony of the "beauty" of Seobaby as posted and quoted by 2uss@snsd thread
































Second fan account in Odina Magazine, apologies for any mistranslations! Go here for the first one about (cont) http://tl.gd/6ek1du
















Second fan account in Odina Magazine, apologies for any mistranslations! Go here for the first one about Sooyoung: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/6e11lp
































Lots of cuteness, overwhelmed by emotion
















(28 years old, female, Writer, Soshi history: 6 months)
















“Someday, I want to see SNSD perform live in Japan.” August 25, that wish finally came true. I carefully studied the timing of the interludes of their songs, I watched my favorite Genie PV and television performances to the bone, and memorized the dances until the appointed day arrived. Forgetting that I am nearing my thirties, my body and soul filled up with spirit. But when the opening’s video introduction was going I was excitedly waving my penlight around, however, the moment the 9 girls materialized on the stage doing the Genie intro, I froze. Because they were just too cute! The girls on the stage were a combination of both honest cuteness and burikko that no one else has! [TL note: burikko is similar to aegyo in that it is consciously acting cute] I shocked myself as I found tears unconsciously flowing... I haven’t been moved by cuteness to tears since I saw “Gake no Ue no Ponyo” [TL note: an animated Miyazaki film].
















Though all the movements of the formations were already input into my brain, I was stunned and didn’t know who to watch. (I love all 9 so it wasn’t a big problem). In the end, I particularly watched my especially favorite Yuri; her facial expressions and burikko poses are really cute, and her dancing is really amazing.
















The one I was most surprised by though was Seohyun. That girl is really THAT beautiful?! No no, from the beginning she was always beautiful, after all, she has that beautiful shine about her.
















Yoona’s loveliness I cannot fully express with words. Her face was small and slender (her neck was long!) and her dancing was powerful. Though it felt like the Gods were being dwarfed, Yoona was the one who waved towards the fans the most. That’s when I realized “Ah, I should wave my hands too!” and I felt my attraction grow. It wasn’t just Yoona though, soon everyone, was like one perfect large figure. If someone saw it they wouldn’t believe they were in the same world.
















As I was filled up with emotion, suddenly in the blink of an eye the showcase was over. Next time, I want to observe the Soshi performance in a calmer manner. This time though, I’ll wave my penlight with everyone else!
















Translation credit: ramunemarble@twitter
















Picture credit: bekkychan@twitter
































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Guest constantia11

Okay! Just now, I watched the episode again for the 13th time!!

Even so, my heart still flutter with all the sweetness.

So, I don't really care whether Yong composed the whole lyrics of Love light for Hyun or just the rap part.

I don't speak Korean, so I only relied on the translation.

But even the MC (who are native Korean) made the conclusion that the song was made for Hyun.

Well, it does not matter.

What matters the most is that the chemistry is there. and Yong is honest about him thinking about Hyun while writing it.

I totally love Yong's sincerity towards Hyun and love the way he is treating her.

If I was Hyun's mother, I would never for a second hesitate to accept Yong as my son in law (the mother daughter necklace is a sign that he respect her mother though they never met)

I myself a mother of a 2 year old boy. I really want my son to grow up to be a decent and nice man like Yonghwa.

And I would like my son to meet a nice, pure and angelic girl like Seohyun one day. She is a daughter in law every mother on earth wants her son to marry to.

IT still way way in the future, so for the meantime, I would just enjoy watching these lovebirds, my favorite couple, making more memories and to love each other more.

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Hello fellow gogumas here! as usual this thread always flying every weekends! keke..








I'm just finished watching the unsubbed video of episode 27,i know i'm late but i can't find the subbed video,actually there's from RDR sub at twitvid but it lagging so much and broke when loading~ (btw,can someone PM me the YT version one?)








i can't stand the sweetness and pure love for these two,i can't smilling watching this episode,the linking arms(well hyun looks very stiff when linking her arm to yong) and yong bravely move themself to hold hyun arms,daebakk! i love this episode the most,well still donno what will happen later,there's will be another most favourite episode in the future hehe...








sadly,after reading backtrack pages for a while i can't believe either boices and sones strikes each other about the song, i admit that C.N Blue will be more and more popular because of this show, regarding on SNSD whose being popular first,but isn't that a positive stuff? and for Boices who didn't believe about the song are written for show? hello its not me or other person who say that, it's Yong his self person you adore the most,and agree with fellow yongseo shipper here we must make love not war rite?:)








reposting baby_bo's adorable gif again^^











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Guest shane09











Mianhe! Mianhe! Thanking shane and soleil [a.k.a patate} for all their wonderful gifs has been in my mind but it somehow slipped. Hugs to both of you. Just one thing, though, and my advance sorry if you already made a specific gif that I want [but maybe just missed seeing in the thread]. Is there a gif of that quite heartbreaking moment when Yong was looking at SeoHyun with that kinda teary eyes while SeoHyun was getting the storybook from her bag? Oh! That scene never fails to leave my eyes wet. If you already made one, can you please re-post it?








Is this the one u asking for ???











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Guest soshisoshisoshi








I don't know wheteher this videos has been shared in this forum, but there is no harm to share it again right...............




It seems like this week is a "LOVE LIGHT WEEK"








[special Edition] 사랑 빛(Love Light)-C.N.Blue MV (ft. Seo Hyun)








aaaargh, saturday please come faster!!! it's killing me!





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Guest sun_sun



_d3seohyun  I'm appreciate^^ ...You can use it (vids) everyone can use it...it's property here at soompi seohwa thread ^^ >> I love your cap

SaRangBit  (LOVE LIGHT) started here>>









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Lately,, we got information Yuri will appeared on RUNNING MAN,,
































and just now, I got this..
































Yurui912 [Rumor] Yuri participated in the recording of WGM2 to support YongSeo couple. #SNSD #sone































































Saw this news at the SNSD thread, doesn't Yuri have a drivers license as well?
































Sounds like an exciting episode!

































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[Rumor] Yuri participated in the recording of WGM2 to support YongSeo couple. #SNSD #sone

5 minutes ago via web












source: Yurui912@twitter























this is definitely going to be fun since the last time yuri being together with yongseo couple was on their previous music core mc stint. is yuri going to be assisting them for the road test or cheering them up as an avid cheer leader? i wonder if yuri going to observe yongseo couple with full of envy. that one is surely unavoidable. :D





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Guest eintann


baby_bo & Phan2~ the slow mo gif of them holding hand is really adorable..


feels like adding the words... "and they live happily ever after" :wub:


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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about YongSeo and Yuri shoot WGM together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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just remembered yuri with yongseo couple in mu core



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia





thanks @blueshoes 



any english translations i tried google translations but not sure if that's the right translations :) i'll leave it to the experts kekeke!



still no preview for saturday episode? Aigooooo! Saturday pali pali !



still watching the epi27 everyday raw and sub :) still can't get over it. I wonder what is the episode this coming Sat.


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Guest Durianzi

Hi to All lovely SeoHwa fans!

This thread has been so busy with happy moments of YongSeo...I love it!

Actually, I have been very touched and impressed by those who have been posting supportive messages for our couple.

No mother what others say, we should give a lot of love too Yong and Hyun, and CNBLUE and SNSD.

I believe this is what this thread is for.

In addition to today's shooting of WGM, another excited news has come!

Wooo..thank you very much to goguma1207 and blueshose for sharing info!

Even though I love all the YongSeo WGM episodes, I DO love the couple shooting with their brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws!

Every time someone from each group joins the show, the new facts are revealed, don't you think so?

E.g. the train photo in Yong's room, Hyun singing her hubby's song while taking shower, etc....

I simply can't wait to see how it will be with Yuri=)

Before I say bye to every one....I want to share my fav song with you....

Sorry if this has been already shared.

"Wonderful Night written by Eric Clapton"


[Lyrics] [MV]


It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear.

She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair.

And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"

And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."

We go to a party and everyone turns to see 

This beautiful lady that's walking around with me.

And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"

And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

I feel wonderful because I see

The love light in your eyes.

And the wonder of it all

Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.

It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head,

So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed.

And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,

I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.

Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."

I listen to this song every day while driving =)

The lyrics really match our couple and there is a word "love light" in it.

I love Kalil Fong方大同's version of this song as well.

Khalil Fong方大同-Wonderful Tonight MV

He is one of my fav Chinese singers....

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Guest SophiaPia





I miss YongSeo already. I saw this video SM concert in LA and it's Seohyun and Yoona video, SNSD singing kissing you. LOVE LIGHT & KISSING YOU is now in our mind coz of epi27 :)  But start at 00:30 it's the lovely SeoHyun what a lovely lady. No wonder hubby Yonghwa writes a song thinking w/ his wifey Hyun look at this video. Beautiful indeed. From the face, body, hair, legs, height, GODDESS



credit to lksmjcnt




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so i've been MIA for a few days and it jobs like 30 pages! haha. i have so much catchy up to do. this is going to take all night... i know it! (whew... that took me almost 3 hours to read everything!)


woollylamb your story was so beautiful. i hope one day i'll find a man like that too~ (sigh)



panGG u're finally back! was wondering where you disappeared to the past few days. :sweatingbullets:





thank you for your kind words. i was afraid to have bored those who weren't interested in listening to an ole dino's anecdote. marriage is definitely not a bed of roses, but i'm sure your special someone, who complements you, will eventually come your way. blush.gif





towards the end of the episode, Yong seemed to have experienced a case of limited vocabulary which alternated between "Seo Joo Hyun" & "Jashik". :lol: Sweet wifey totally got you wrapped around her pretty pinky eh? ^_^





I had a really lovely time with the latest episode accompanied by loud squealing & happy tears shed. Thank you YongSeo for being so genuine and sweet.





faithful goguma villager, woollylamb, signing off...








Had to scramble to find something to share.



here's a really cute yongseo comic:








Credits: fyseohyun@tumblr & rippergirl


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hi gogumas! i'm doing some backreading, so don't mind me replying

to some posts..i'm feeling hyper today!!

i swear this thread should be called THE RUNNING THREAD! :lol:

okay, did someone just said yongseo hands were intertwined!

ack!! really?! *went back to scan baby_bo's caps* tks baby_bo!

yes! they did!! ack!!! :w00t::w00t:

from arms, slide down to hands and now the fingers gripped!

oooh...i'm tingled all over with joy!!!

well done, FBI gogumas!

d3,(hey! chingu) u and hyun seem to be fascinated by yong's lips! :P:lol:

me? i want his cheeks more!

at certain times, i thought the cheeks look like an egg..round and smooth!

and tks for capturing their sweet moments by the lake.

yong's seducing eyes against buin's sparkling eyes..sparkling eyes won!!

genxv, tks for posting hyun's latest pic.

buin is loved by all ages. :wub: so hyun got her license already? congrats to her.

abt your Q why yong tripped after the staring match?

well this is so not yong who has no qualm looking at girls,

BUT hyun is not just any girl..

erm..i think he suddenly feels ...shy?

well, for all we know, cupid could be somewhere near them at that moment,

shot its arrow at yong and beong! :w00t:

soleil chingu, err..u back using the old id? and just when i'm getting used

to patate... :P:lol: tks for the gifs again

yong closing his eyes like that...aigoo, melts heart! ^_^

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








I've been reading some posts regarding the rumors of Yuri filming WGM with Yong and Hyun as well as her appearance in Running Man. I hope its true. Yuri is playful and I think she is one of the members that is most likely to "spill some beans." I remember Yong and Hyun's stint in MU core. Thinking about the rumors regarding Yuri, if Yuri now has time to do other shows, that would mean that the girls now have spare time, meaning Seohyun has time as well to film WGM.


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Guest lunasol




I totally agree - once I realised the Ueno Juri ep would have been filmed after the whole ep27confession ep, I replayed it like mad to spot more signs of intimacy (and i was pleasantly surprised).




No wonder, in ep23&25, Yongseo seemed more comfortable:




(7) The way Yong placed his hand on Hyun's back when introducing her as his "wife"

(8) He said "Optoke Seohyun ahh" and lay his hand on her shoulder






Sorry to cut your post. That part was also meaningful to me because he is talking to a foreign person who he must have believed didn't recognize who they were. He could just have said: "She is SEOHYUN" or "She is SEOHYUN from SNSD". But no, he put his arm on her back like a BF or husband will do and introduced her as his wife. For me thats a sign that he really thinks of her more than just a colleague working for a show. He wants to say that she is his wink.gif hahaha




constantia11: I agree with you. I think everything got confusing because she was specifically asking about the genie vs TMYW part so now people got confuse if he answered more about it because of her question or because it was the only part written after meeting Hyun. However, what we should take notice is that he CLEARLY stated something like the song converted into LETS WRITE A SONG, WHILE THINKING OF YOU, something that was translated in both j2dlee and rdrsubs, and as you said the MCs, who are natives, even understood and were spazzing that it was for her.    

A small # of people are saying that he said that just for show. Others are just in denial, so lets just ignore them. He is an Idol and he knows what may be the repercussions of saying she was his inspiration, so if it is not true why would he say something like that? He could have continued with a safe answer such as the song is inspired about being in love or when you first fall in love or something along those lines as he said in an interview previously. But still, he didn't even answer YES when SHE directly asked him if it is a song about first love. Also, just look at his behavior, face and comments while she was trying to ask him in a roundabout way if it is for her or not. Even saying to her ask me with CONFIDENCE. Do you think he will tell her something like that if it is not really based on her?? Because it would have been cruel of him to say something like that and then answer "Well, it is a song I wrote thinking of my first love". And she was even stammering, so that scene was not acting.  



So in the end, YONGHWA, the songwriter/composer, has stated his inspiration for it was SEOHYUN and that is FINAL!!! biggrin.gifwub.gif (imagine the sound of a judge hammer here hahaha biggrin.gif)






I would have prefer them to be alone together, because that is when they feel more comfortable in their own little world. But at the same time, Yuri will be good. She is one of the girls who has not spent real time with them doing normal stuff (MCing doesn't count). As heartbreak_warfare22 said, she is playful and probably will tease them smile.gif. She was the one who made a comment about Hyun not losing to other girls in the SNSD fanmeet, right?



slurpeeslurp-: Hey, that would make more sense about Yuri being there with them if they are going to pick their Gogumas. She, along with Sunny, are the two members who got a LOT of farming experience while recording the Invincible Youth Show.




wollylamb: OMG that drawing is so funny. I can't stop laughing. I don't think the pasta was bad but Jungshin and MinHyuk may have been biased in their rating because they also prepared the pasta. On the other hand, Yonghwa's extremely high rating of 9.5 was obvious that he just wanted to praise her and make her feel good biggrin.gif


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Guest slurpeeslurp-






hey, got this off baidu..


yonghwa is rumoured to be sitting on the driver's seat (?)


o.o yongseo couple is still filming - rumour has it that they may be going to dig the gogumas from hyun's birthday farm O:


time has really flown past...


their gogumas are ready (:



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