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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I just noticed something again. (Lol, I notice a LOT of things lately @_@)




Now that mystery's solved, Yong writing "Love Light" with thoughts of Hyun, I think there might be a possibility of him composing "I Don't Know Why" in her honor as well. We all know him for being consistent with his statements (ie, his ideal girl: cute, feminine, honest and loves only him) that's why I can't see him as a liar since he continuously says the same thing time and time again. DBSK's Micky always changes his ideal girl's profile (still <3 him though), MBLAQ's Mir also follow this suit.




BUT border line is...!!




On Love Light's rap part, the lyrics are:




You’re the president of my heart


You’re my chests’ star embroider


I’m Genie for you girl


You make me stop breathing


whatever you want


because i love you


There’s no reason for my love you know




Compared to "I Don't Know Why" (portions of it)




I don’t know why, I don’t know why


I love you baby


I don’t know why I don’t know how


To put it baby


I don’t know how to do




Long time no see anything new down


Your way, can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news


I don’t care, I’ll understand


Long time no see anything new down your way?


Can you hear this?


She is not fussed about my news


Would you mind look at me boo




I think about you a lot take care, l wanna do


And I wish, don’t be silly she is popular


I think about you a lot take care,


Do you wanna do ?


Everyday I want you in my life all about you




The girl he is singing about/to is a popular one. He wants her to look at him directly in the eyes (ep 27 flashback), he wants to take care of her.... I mean, I'm just reiterating stuff but this guy... YONG~ is confessing so boldly to Hyun. Of course, that is just my imagination. However, deep down, I think the possibility of this being influenced by Hyun is very high.




End of random rant, have a good day (^-^)v


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Another scene that really moved me was Yonghwa's gift to Seohyun and her mom as well as his letter to her mom. That scene really had me in tears...because of something in my personal history with my mother and this one video of SNSD I've watched.








I guess I can now say that I have never really been a fan of SNSD in the past. In fact, anybody who has an access to my personal blog and my youtube site knows that I had some problems with some of the comments they've made, dating back a couple of years or so. I've never really gave them a chance. Then, WGM with Yonghwa and Seohyun came along. I got curious about Seohyun and her relationship with her SNSD sisters so I beging watching some of their past interview videos. That is when I came across an episode of Chocolate with SNSD, one in which Seoyun's mom came out as a surprise quest. I couldn't finish watching that episode of Chocolate because I was in tears by the time I found out that SNSD girls' one forbidden word is a word "mom". It was at this time that my misconceptions of SNSD were washed away.















thanks for this kay77








I found the video. Though I didn't understand a word since it was not sub, I cried watching it.








Seriously, how can you not like such a sincere girl like SeoHyun?








SNSD Chocolate Seohyun's mom





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ok dont want talk about others things,just the couple from last eps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyone know song/piano piece that played when they talked about love light
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think the song fit perfectly with the situasion /atmosphere in there.

































































































































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dear kay77, Episode 27 should be the favourite episode by far for most of us. :)





Too many sweet moments to name but one of my favourites was also the part with the dog named jareongi, simply because I love dogs & YongSeo looked so happy there. blush.gif





I can't imagine how much courage it took you to share the beautiful memory of your mom with us goguma villagers. Your post had me in tears just like when I watched the mothers-themed chocolate episode with SNSD. My heart hurts for you truly. The cross bequeathed to you will always bring you warmth and be a constant reminder of your mom's love for you. Thank you for the wakeup call to always treasure our loved ones in this lifetime. I hope you don't mind me giving you a virtual *bear hug*




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Guest DJHinata


I'm using those pictures to show, how tired look yonghwa, But i know that he gave 100% of him, I ♥ U

because my language is spanish and i can't speak very well in english, it's very hard for me to read all this bad comments, but please let's get continue to show our love to Jung Yonghwa and Seo JooHyun  and our Lovely YongSeo couple !

for my side the only  thing the  i can do for them right now is show my love here in soompi thread 

i really want to say thank you for all the people who support and showing their thoughs, please listen one again this song of CNBLUE and listen very carefully 

CNBLUE - The Way~ One Time~

I don’t know Why I’m here but baby even though we fail It’s worth

I know You know It is all about my music

Music Changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts

I know You know Your life is also the same Music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap

Boom Boom tap

Step by step by hum

you don’t care

I just like mic quitter bass drum

kick snare

Check up the one day

Four mans walked on street

In my dream

What bad at he time may actually

Be a blessing I just keep on

keep keep keep

It keep it keep it real

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

One time one time

We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

One time one time

I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

I don’t know much about the music

Even thought we fail it’s worth

I know you know It is all about my music

That changes our life with the

change of seasons you also change the life

I know you know

your life is also the same music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap

Boom Boom tap

Everyday Everywhere

we we will do

How we do? Just keep it real

That is our spirit We need to heal

One way only one way

I had nothing on except for my socks

But I’ll show you everything and I make you

We We We We We

We make you high

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

One time one time

We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

One time one time

I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

What What What

I can do it look at me Slow down and down

What What What

Can’t stop I’m ready

I will do relax your mind

What What What

I can do it look at me Show down and down

Are you ready(yes sir)

Let’s go to the world

Ready(yes sir)

Top of the world

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

One time one time

We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

One time one time

I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

One time one time

We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

One time one time

I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

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Guest misserika_xo
















































































































































































































AAAAAAH. just watched the new wgm episode.































































































































































































































































































































































they're soooo good together! omoooo. i love































































































































































































































































































































































itt. goshh. cant wait for more. they're































































































































































































































































































































































becoming more like a real couple now <3<3<3































































































































































































































































































































































specially loved seohyuns gift and yongs































































































































































































































































































































































reaction >__________<~






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*and he actually admitted that he wrote































































































































































































































































































































































love light for seohyun. daebak.

















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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































Yey lets talk about favorite scene... For me the top of the top was them holding hands and SH singing Kissing You from total happiness... I ddint posted it here before but I was watching this as a one sided love on Yong is part, the looks he gave her where to die for... He is so considerated and to thank SH is mom for giving birth to her, was the icing that make think that guys like YH are not easy to find...












































I love them as individuals and as couple.












































I want to loan a Joongbo phrase that I really like... This kind of things you have to feel it with your hearth... Nothing more to say.












































@ Kay77 Thank you for sharing your story, it make me reconsider a lot of things we give for granted.. It may sound silly but your post really to7uched and leave with a lot to think about. A really big hug for you, hope you dont mind. I really cried.





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@xia87: I heard that "aigoo" from Hyun. but from the sound of it, it doesn't sound that she was burdened or anything. she said it in a cute way and I think it was a response from what Yong was saying. I don't know what he said but Seohyun responded with that cute "aigoo"
































































































































































































































































Ehhh I was rewatching that part to listen the "I like it" (and I did ^^) and also noticed that part you are saying too. Yong said something just before her "aigoo", and I really want to know what he said ^^, someone can help... please?
































































































































































































































































kay77: Oh, I treasure you post so much, I really do, thanks Kay77 for remind us what are the important things in life blush.gif. ...
































































































































































































































































DJHinata: That song, the other day when you posted it, I got hooked with the lyrics and now, after watching the ep 27... I must be a very crazy biased Goguma because....:wub: (I won´t dare to say it haha).
































































































































































































































































And after reading all of your thoughs about Love light, I got a little confuse, then it is just the rap part he wrote thinking of Hyun? (I don´t complain anyway), but I got confused ^^, I want J2dlee to explain us about this ^^, are you here J2dlee?
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing Gogumas!!!, lets spread the love here, because, WE BELIEVE!

































































































































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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







hi Goguma lovers









long time no see!









Actually I dont want to write something here but after watching the jum guro cn blue I have to write my feelings.Im sorry for troubling u.









Yonghwa and the cn boys look so tired especially yong look so sad,thats not him at all,thats untypically for him..I feel sad for him .could it be he was scold by his manager and company cause he revealed he wrote that song love light while thinking of seohyun??the company knows if it was dedicated to Seohyun a lot of fans wouldnt support cn blue anymore...









what to do??









I really want to help yonghwa,Seohyun,uri Yongseo couple..









lets stay positive and support uri Yongseo couple wherever we can.....!!!









hugs and kisses :wub: to all goguma lovers







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cre kpopsecrets

































































































































































































































































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There are alot of Korean Boices are cheering up for YongHwa






maybe those that felt "betrayed" were only a few over-reacted fans ...






I think majority of Boice support him






I think..


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after marathon rewatching the ep yesterday, i continue rewatching tonight for several times already.

the part about they holdings hands. they were holding hands, at the same time swinging their hands, that's not like holding hands for the first time. they just felt comfortable with each other. the ususal shy hyun disappeared. she enjoyed the moment very much, holding hands, swinging his hubby's hand, singing her favourite song 'kissing you'. when walking up to the steps, she just like walking and jumping in the steps slightly, feeling very comfortable. we always focus on how yong is into hyun. but i think in this ep, hyun shows her feeling too.

when did hyun start to think of buying a new couple ring ? yong dropped his ring on 22 may. they filmed the apgujeong ep on 8 june. in that ep, hyun told yong she was moved about yong looking for the broken ring during cnblue performance. this ep was filmed on 29 june. i think it took two weeks to make the new couple rings. that means, hyun already had plan for her hubby's birthday. she is really a sweet wife. also she prepared yong's birthday card the night before they filmed this ep. that is on her birthday night. she did not think of how her own birthday was like but thought of how to make a birthday card with a ring hidden inside for her hubby. yong, you are not the only into this relationship. i now understand why you always say your wife is very thoughtful.

btw, i think hyun suits yong's schedule more than yong suits hyun's. hyun did skip some of the SNSD performance for filming wgm whereas yong never missed cnblue performance. i totally understood the situation. cnblue is still new and they cannot afford missing any performance in this crucial stage whereas SNSD has nine members and some of the members already have their solo events. hyun could execuse for some SNSD performance more easily.

one more thing, i agree with someone posted earlier. the way yong encouraged hyun to be confident to speak up what she wanted to know about love ight is really manly and brave. he was like saying to hyun 'why you are not confident that i wrote the song for you. it is you i wrote the song for. it is you.' i thought yong honestly revealed the truth because he wanted her wife to have confidence on herself. if hyun were confident at that time, he might be the one keep on going roundabout and we might not know the truth at the end.

there are so many details for spazzing... when i would go to bed, really don't know.

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Guest Caliope

A fan supports his idol...

As international fan BOICE, I feel very bad that Korean fans to attack them.

Spanish Gogumas.... Do you have a PM??

Chicas!! Apoyen a nuestra parejita


Please SATURDAY come on!!!


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Guest sprinkle_kitty








Hello, I have been tracking this tread for a while but I was being silent like a ninja lol




But yeah I have been watching all the Yongseo episode and this is by far the memorable!!!^^








Although they only had little skinship but the end when they held hands was so precious and memorable^^








Also, after I watch this weeks episode, I began reading this manga that I have been reading for a while and I realized how similar( I guess) the main characters in the manga is to Yong~ and Hyun~ LOL
















I was like "Wow they really remind me of Yonghwa and Seohyun's relationship (sort of)"




but yeah check it out and if you are interested I can send you guys the link to the manga and/or the anime^^





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Guest YongSeoForever












sprinkle_kitty: WOW!! We share the same feelings!! I actaully read the manga before coming to know YongSeo. ANd the first time I watched YongSeo, it reminded me of that manga!! It's pure love!





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Guest lovekin






okay, i'm not really here to spazz about the latest episode.  i think i've been doing that nonstop on my own since the weekend, and i'd be repeating what everyone else has said but this. is. urgent!




excl.gif someone clarify this for me, please!






there are rumors going around that the yongseo couple only has 5 episodes left.  i started seeing it in comments, but the rumor is becoming more and more prevalent in chat boards, etc.  they've not reached a year yet!




won't lie, i'll be really, really sad.  i mean, it hasn't been confirmed or anything ... but with the last season, when there were only X amount of episodes left for couples, was it announced?  i would imagine the PDs would announce something like this.  it's a bit concerning because there hasn't been a preview either.




i know.  so far, it's all hearsay and what with yong's sad appearance lately, things are pretty coincidental.





still ... tears.gif


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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been in this thread for so long but I'm not often post here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But after watched this ep and also read about Korean Boice situaiton ... I think I have to say sth.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 27 is really Daebak .. we can see everything from their eyes and action. I'm not gonna say too much
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because I think we all know that and it's not only us who noticed about this but some of Boice who
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anti this program also see that too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not Boice or Sone . I just love to watch the variety program and I like WGM but it's not
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































every episode that I love til I watch our goguma couple and it made me be a fan of both Yonghwa and Seohyun even thought i don't really like SNSD at first. I think everyone know why we love them so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I've been Luckyse7en for 7 years and I know well that mostly of Korean fans and International fans are so different but I understand both. I think before this episode on air Yong always knows this kind of
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































situation gonna happen. To be an Idol is not easy especially in the Korea. There are many pressure from
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































media and fans even though they're just normal ppl but it's the normal thing that they have to face
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if they still be in this industry. It still a long way to go for them and many obstacles are waiting on
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































their way too. We 'goguma fans' just can show our support even someday WGM will end but it will be Yongseo's good memories and our good one also.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will keep pray for them if they are really meant to be .. God will bless them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone don't be sad~~ let's make this thread lively and happy again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Stay strong our goguma couple ^ ^

































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[Wow, after watching Ep. 27, I really have more appreciation for Yong. How he thoughtfully bought not only a necklace for Hyun but also one for her Mom. Also he wrote an appreciation letter to her Mom for having her. Geez, as a Mom, what can you say other than I really would love him and really appreciate the quality in him and truly a gentleman. This I find in how his Mom must have really raised him right.
































































































































































As a Mom to two daughters, I too would hope someday my girls would find a man like Yong. He has shown how patient he has been with Hyun. And he has been standing by her. At first I kept watching to see if he really will be there for Hyun. And he has not disappointed me yet. There are incidents he has no control on his schedule that he forgot to tell her but hey, I am not perfect also.
































































































































































As I keep watching these two, a lot of people are saying Hyun has matured but I too see it in Yong. He has learn to be more patient and also understand what it is to be love by a girl who never ever gone out on a date. Let alone to have a date with a boy with more experience than her. He is smitten with her and I bet all my money in my hidden drawer that he would love to take her out on a real date (without all the camera, etc.).
































































































































































As for Hyun, her priority is still to get her degree. She now knows what it is like to be in love with a man and also how her heart felt when she is jealous. With her schedule and school, I know she will hold off dating (with Yong or not) until after she graduate. I am hoping she gives Yong a chance.
































































































































































Again as a Mom, I love watching these two and really giving me hope that there are guys out there like Yong. Sorry for the long post.
































































































































































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Guest mimayree




I really don't know what to say about fans being angry because their idol is happy.


I mean that's just ridiculous. 


I was very Happy on the last episode. and I never thought people would bash on them.


Let's Just Ignore the haters and Love them more. LET'S PROTECT OUR COUPLE.


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