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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fazie86




Hii gogumas...




i've been lurking here for time being...but thins getting HOTTER every second of it.. what make me think that?coz there is so much aout BOICE that critic Yong..




what make me sad is that,,we here start to complain and start to critic back those people... as for me,,what we can do is,,we stay CALM, and give our SUPPORT to YognHwa and Seo Hyun... because for me,,when we critics those haters, they will feel satisfied and they want more and they will continue to provoke with more negative thing..




Here, i would like to say something about fans..i believe in each country and each culture, we have our similarities and differences. But what i want to concentrate here is about FANS OF MUSIC INDUSTRY..in my country (FYI i'm Malaysian), there mostly no 'idol'. But the way we(fans) treat singers/artist are just support their music and their popularity in term of voting them in a poll so that they can win the awards:w00t:..basically that will do. But, for Korean music industry, i believe they have their own way to handle their favorite singers or person. So,,what i try to say here is, please don't blame those anti's too much since it's their way to show their 'LOVE' coz why would they care about Yong&Hyun if they watch or follow WGM.blush.gif




For better or for worst, all we care is our LOVELY couple. They are our treasure...please be strong to all...







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Guest gettawa

Hi every YongSeo Lovers :wub:

== I want to share my love to every one here 

I thaugt we are great family and goguma family will show every support to YongSeo

and I would like to say thank you everyone, every clips  every pictures ,

you make me so happy every time when I came .... :wub:

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They are a newbie band - they will rise above it. It's always difficult in the beginning. As for Seohyun - maybe she's still busy in Japan. They are probably texting or something. I wouldn't worry too much, really. :)

I read that Jungshin posted something on his board that made Boices very angry. What was it?

Best regards,


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Guest Shane1430276559




Does anyone here have a video of YONGSEO during the DREAM CONCERT 2010?....





Plz. I really need it...blush.gif



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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















I seriously don't get it why there are alot of haters regarding this matter...... YES I understand that the BOICES may view WGM as scripted and not real, and in fact only to satisfy PD and viewers. But these fans need to support their idol no matter what...... I myself is a SONE and because of watching our yongseo, I honestly started to become a BOICE. Therefore, there is no need to bash yonghwa for just "writing love light for hyun"
















can't they see that yonghwa is really committed in this show and after just 1 month debuting in korea, suddenly he joined WGM. In the end, like all of us know, and perhaps the CNBLUE members,, Yonghwa takes this show seriously. how great is it to think that a rookie group leader can hold on to so much schedule without leaving WGM itself.
















I saw this on CNBLUE Soompi thread that "Love light is jumped up to top ten again in digital charts! Isn't it  great? It should have been aired 4 months ago. We (BOICES) expected wgm could  help promotion of Love light more." -----------> cr to saturn. for his/her post














Lastly, I just want to say that I hope that the anger of these korean BOICES has no effect on WGM, because I believe we still want to see YONGSEO COUPLE right????? :wub: :wub:





















P.S : fazie86, you are a malaysian?? nice to meet you, I'm also a malaysian
















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Guest archiehon
























































Hi there, just to get something out of my chest.








































Having antis shows that our YongSeo is POPULAR and admired bcoz people would always find a reason to hate something beautiful and honest. Although we feel that some of them had crossed the line we should just take it as matured and educated people . Therefore, I'm thinking, YongHwa is only a quarter of the group. The fans still have 3 hot -blooded - cute - handsome - talented  males to drool over. they will get over this issue. Then, again, they may provoke another unpleasant issue to rant over but hey, life goes on. I'm sure any idol in Korea should have prepared themselves to face any kind of provocation or issue. If the company felt the ep was too risque they might have talked about it to the WGM pd. They have a lot at stake with this group to take any risk. I'm sure it is not such a big issue. Signing out but still lurking around








































Love, Archie.

















































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








to wash away the worries because of the "news" lately, I decided to watch episode 27 again. I remembered their psychology test back in episode 9. Hyun chose walking while holding hands. and they did at the end of episode 27. and at the back room interview, she said that linking arms was awkward, but she never said that holding hands with Yong was awkward. instead she compared it to his dad's hand. although it was a first for her, she really liked it. notice also that after the arm linking, Yong put down his hand and Hyun, without awkwardness, her hand kind off slided along Yong's arms to reach his hand. it was very natural. then Hyun sang her favorite SNSD song, Kissing you.


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Hi hi ~~ jnj & wollylamb


here's the gif that requested (correct scene or not)


hope u will like it





Yes! That's the exact scene & favourite Hyun's facial expression of this episode. shane09 thank u a thousand times. ~hurries to save gif~ *YAY* jnj we got our gif gift from shane09! ^_^





dreamyboo: just call me any name u're comfortable with...i just hope it's not along the lines of poop or something... blush.gif







nazweena tweeted this earlier: "Jungshin said thank you for the sold out tickets to Japanese fans in Oricon blog just after FNC cancelled fanmeeting in Korea. So the fans in Korea get angry and frust with Jungshin."


naz dear, I hope you dun mind me sharing this here. Seriously i feel it's an overreaction from some fans. I feel for the boys.


Edit: I see a longer form of the story from crinkle_twinkle. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes I really wonder if those fans are genuine. If they are, why blame the boys for everything? Some things might not be within their control. They are after all only on the cusp of adulthood and follow instructions from their managers. *sigh* Hope they won't be so sensitive & lighten up a little. There's more to life than hounding idols for each & every little thing they deem wrong. :P Okay get over & done with that & keep this thread a place for blissful yongseo lovers. :)



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Guest alexia92






anneyeong gogumas..I'm sorry that this post will be a bit out off topic here.I'm directly this questions to boices and yoong oppa's fans especially.I just read the post from saturn at cnblue thread.I've been following cnblue thread sometime after wgm.And saturn has similar role as silis unie in snsd thread.So,i assume that i can take her word?

She said that Yoong Oppa is known by korean boices as "FNC's marketing director Jung".It bother me actually.It pretty obvious from my prev post that i'm Seohyun unnie bias.I'll say i just start to accept Yoong Oppa whole heartedly after 8 months of watching wgm.I used to have doubt on his personality but reading everyone post here,i truly believe Yoong oppa's fans describe him sincerely as this sincere,honest,great person.But,somehow saturn post bring back the doubt.Because as much as i enjoy wgm,i wont really feel hurt if they didnt end up together or if what happen between them is not real.But,somehow saturn post bring back It just that when saturn said Yoong Oppa known as "FNC's marketing director Jung",i wonder what is his real motives when filming wgm?is it as saturn said just for marketing purpose or he truly being himself in the show?i need an insight from Boices and yoong Oppa's fans who know who he really is?I rather believe that the he is being genuine and honest with his character in wgm because thats the reason i start to like him despite many people outside said he just using seohyun and snsd as to gain popularity because i believe what i saw him in wgm is real and lot of Yongseo's fans edify that.But,that statement is somehow bring back the doubt because it come from Boices who well recognized and she is not bias.I just need some insight on this.Who is Yoong Oppa really is?is he truly what he show in wgm?or his characters in wgm were solely created to fit the image for self promo and marketing?And understand my point,its not about he truly like Seohyun unnie or not,it is,is he being himself?It matter to me if someone clarify this,because i'm a new fan,my faith and believe is not as strong as older fans.I need some reassurance especially from boices and yoong oppa's existing fans to tell me who he is?


Sorry,it took me forever to put the post in spoiler..sigh..



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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's just continue supporting YongSeo guys...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The news is upsetting, but since both Yong & Hyun are getting popular because of the show, they're bound to have haters.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And we can't do anything about it. Let those haters stew over nothing... it's their loss, our gain, right? ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's keep spreading positive vibes in this thread... :D





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jungshin thanked the Japanese Fans for buying the tickets in their Japan Concert. The Japan concert tickets was sold out.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Korean Boices were upset because they bought the fan meeting tickets, then FnC cancelled the whole thing at the last minute.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The korean Boices felt that it was rather insensitive for Jungshin to thank the Japanese Fans, while theirs was cancelled.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even though, CN Blue probably had nothing to do with the cancelled fan meeting, they were being blamed also.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa apologized about it though. You know how sensitive korean fans are. I mean, just look how some fans went crazy about Love Light.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess it's probably one the reasons also why Yong looked rather sad or upset these days.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I too, watched ep 27 again. Looks like watching YongSeo has become a remedy for depressing or nonchalant days to me.




By the way, I don't know if you guys noticed but by the end of the episode, when they were finally holding hands and swinging them blissfully, I think I heard Yong ask Hyun "Johahe?" (Do you like it?)




Excuse my deluded mind @_@


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miel, i too wonder what made hyun said 'so you should keep hold of her'

and because they were both speaking at the same time..that remark didn't get to yong.

fengz, i like your colourful and meaningful post. pls post more..

raindrops, i think u need to expedite in giving out the wedding invitation cards!! :lol:

vicky, loving the gifs. hugs. that is the happiest moment!

shane, hugs & kisses from me to u!! thank u soo much dear!

woolly, we got our present and its not our birthday too.. ^_^

haeanna, tks for the links, d/loading them now

in regds to the news that yongseo_fighting shared, i understand that the writer

just wanted to share her frustrations.

BUT i still want to believe that there are more supporters than haters

so until we know the truth, lets not start to hate or attack anyone,

no more posting hated pics pls...the concerned party are not here to see them (i think)


and as to why yong looked gloomy, my imagination tels me that yongseo had their first

fight because hyun didn't wear her ring to school... :P:lol:

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Guest crinkle_twinkle

































































miel_1301, as usual, ur post is full of daebak-ness~! :wub: and thanks to d3 for capturing all those critical moments that u posted. however, i still don't understand why did hyun suddenly say "u should keep hold of her". what does that mean??? i don't get it? @_@
































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post... :sweatingbullets:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I didn't get it at first too. So, i waited for RDR subs...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In RDR subs, Hyun said "You Should Cherish it."






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She probably means for Yong to cherish the gift (story book & ring) she gave him.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































RDR Subs 1






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello everyone!

I had to work this weekend so I didn't get to join in on spazzing after that wonderful episode. I couldn't concentrate on my work because of Yonghwa and Seohyun. There are many thoughts running through my mind right now, especially after the weekend, but I am going to hold my thoughts on everything else and focus on something so beautiful and so precious.

There were so many beautiful moments in last Saturday's episode of WGM that I can't possibly begin to mention them all. Seohyun has totally won me over in this episode. All my doubts about her is totally gone. I've been rewatching the episode today since it is finally my off day. There are two scenes that I've repeating over and over again.

One of the scenes is one that Yonghwa and Seohyun taking a walk along country road as they are blowing dandelion seeds and playing with a puppy. Those of you have read my post of last couple of weeks know that I am a Yonghwa fan before and formost and I had some doubts about Yonghwa in WGM. Well, that scene took away some of the doubts. He looked so peaceful and totally enjoying himself, doing something so ordinary and so simple. There they were, two of the most popular and in most demand young stars in Korea, and they were able to simply be themselves and truly enjoy doing things that most people just take for granted. That scene is one of the most beautiful moments in WGM, imo.

Another scene that really moved me was Yonghwa's gift to Seohyun and her mom as well as his letter to her mom. That scene really had me in tears...because of something in my personal history with my mother and this one video of SNSD I've watched.

I guess I can now say that I have never really been a fan of SNSD in the past. In fact, anybody who has an access to my personal blog and my youtube site knows that I had some problems with some of the comments they've made, dating back a couple of years or so. I've never really gave them a chance. Then, WGM with Yonghwa and Seohyun came along. I got curious about Seohyun and her relationship with her SNSD sisters so I beging watching some of their past interview videos. That is when I came across an episode of Chocolate with SNSD, one in which Seoyun's mom came out as a surprise quest. I couldn't finish watching that episode of Chocolate because I was in tears by the time I found out that SNSD girls' one forbidden word is a word "mom". It was at this time that my misconceptions of SNSD were washed away.

My mom was the most significant person in my life. She holds all the beautiful and precious memories of my childhood. I didn't get to spend much time with her before she died because we were separated when I was eleven due to the problems my father and my mom had. Just as when I thought that I will be spend more time with her when I got old enough to move out on my own, my mom got sick and died before. Even now, so many years after she died, she still holds the most precious part in my heart. She once gave me a cross necklace. It is something that I treasure the most and I never take it off because I felt as though that she will always be with me when I have that necklace so near my heart.

I was reminded how special my own mom is and how SNSD girls think of their moms when I saw Yonghwa giving a gift of matching necklace to Seohyun and her mom with a letter thanking her for Seohyun as well as promising to treat Seohyun well. That once again had me in tears. He could have given Seohyun a couple ring for both of them. He could have just given Seohyun more expensive piece of jewlry with the money he bought two necklaces. However, it a gift for Seohyun and her mom. It was more special Birthday gift, a true gift from his heart, because it was for Seohyun and her mom. Seohyun, he is for keeps. ;) The guys like Yonghwa don't come along very often. :lol:

*** Those who left me messages, I am reading them carefully, and I'll answer them soon! :wub:

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Guest yoreizei










@alexia92 Only GOD and Yong knows that. :sweatingbullets:






But I gotta say, if Yong and Hyun only acting on WGM, they're the best actor & actress in the world.






Eyes can't lie. And in YongSeo we believed.






And can you keep your post on spoiler? Don't bring the negativity to this thread >.<






Make Love not War






Did anyone notice on episode 13 that aired on 2010.07.03 (After GangHwaDo filming), WGM staff used Love Light as theme song for episode 14 preview?






Maybe the staff went crazy like us about Yong's confession about love light at that time. ^^









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My feel is that the korean boice are jealous. They cant believe or rather cant even imagine Yong being in a relationship. I would have think that Hyun coming from a top girl group herself and being so fabulous will escape persecution but sadly it still happened.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can imagine how crest fallen Yong and even Hyun will be. Can you imagine being in love, coming open about it and all your family and friends dun support you? Such a terrible thing.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Its true, being a fan means being supportive, even if you dun agree or understand the choices that your idol makes, at least keep your anti thoughts to yourself and not drag the person you love down.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My msg to Yong is - stick to your dreams, your heart and your love! Dun ever remove that ring unless you are no longer with Hyun anymore!!

































































































































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Guest archiewinky
























































hi there fellow yongseo addicts!








































I've been a silent lurker for a long time and with all these daebak posts i've read, 








































i couldn't help myself but to post too and share to you what i feel about our lovely couple. 








































Actually, this is my first post here in soompi.








































I never knew anything about wgm until i started liking seo hyun.








































And i never knew anything about yong hwa and cn blue until wgm.








































I'm so happy to have been able to discover this forum.happy.gif








































Just like many of you guys, i also get hurt when someone would post anything bad about yongseo.tears.gif








































It really hurts since i'm really a yongseo-biased. 








































Anyway, i'm so uber happy with the latest episode! 








































I squealed a lot the whole time. 








































And for a long time that i've been a fan of this couple, i've influenced a lot of my friends to become a yongseo lover too since i always tell them stories about our couple.








































Even my brothers and my sister like them as well as my room mate who got hooked with the couple too.








































It just shows that they have good chemistry.wub.gif






























































































































































































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My deepest thank you to j2dlee for the translation and sun_sun and yuki and redtulip and all the other awesome gogumas. love to read all your posts.








well in episode 27 hmmm... yeehhh... welll...








I loved everything about it :)))








the realest couple ever to me, it is truly such a fun ride being on the Goguma ship.








One thing I noticed and nobody else shared it yet, i think, was the TMYW part.








What was it again? SeoHyun said something like YongHwa uses








lyrics that he likes and it will show in his composing?








she is too observing him and thus they've come to know each other very well. ahhh I love them








More power to YongSeo Couple!!! and haters to the left what are they doing here anyway,tsk









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Anneyeong to everyone :wub:












I was planning on not saying anything and just be contented reading the posts and watching the videos shared tonight. However, after watching the videos from Jump Guru, I changed my mind and decided to post. So please excuse me if I end up posting a long one. I just need to express what I'm feeling right now :(.












I pity the looks of the boys, they look so tired and sad, and looking at Yong makes me feel sadder, I can see in his performance that he seems to lack the energy, he is not the usual Jung Yong Hwa who puts in an energetic performance each time he's on a show, it looks as if he is out there performing because he has to and he's got no choice. As the saying goes in their industry " The show must go on, whether you like it or not ". That's why, it's quite unfair for some of their so called "fans" to say something bad about him just because the story behind the song "Love Light" was revealed in last Saturday's episode. Although the authenticity of that said story is still in question as someone posted on previous page which says otherwise. I also tried visiting the CN Blue thread, though I only read a couple of posts, I have not read anything negative from that thread. So I would presume that those who are spreading this nasty stuff are those who are insecure of what Yong has achieved for himself and for his band. The one thing I don't understand though, is why would some fans be so angry if the song was completed because of Seohyun. Does it really matter? Aren't they happy that Yong was able to do that because he's inspired. Isn't that a positive thing? Fans should be worried if he's getting linked to someone who has a bad reputation. As we all know Seohyun is the precious maknae of one of Korea's well loved group. She's pure and innocent which makes Yong lucky if they end up together in real life :wub: . Though, I'm more biased to Yong, I'm getting to like Seohyun more after what I saw last Saturday. She seems to make Yong happy.












I guess, Yong just have to remember, that his detractors are just a small percentage of the thousands of fans supporting, loving him and his group. And that the Goguma planet is here to support him and Hyun till they need us :wub:












To Yongseo Hwaiting!












(again guys sorry for the long post)



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








@alexia92: Im neither Boice nor Sone. but I grew fond of both Yong and Hyun and eventually, CNBlue and SNSD. the FNC marketing director Jung statement I believe was just a joke. saturn said so in her post. and if you follow CNBlue's activities and interviews, when the other members describe Yonghwa, it almost like they are describing the Yonghwa we see in WGM. a guy that loves having fun, laughs a lot, likes playing pranks, and is charismatic and very caring. I remember Minhyuk saying that when he had a tummy ache, Yonghwa rubbed Minhyuk's belly. in Making the Artist: CNBlue, they call Yonghwa "fun-maker" there are dozens of interviews talking about how Yonghwa is when he is with close friends like interviews of Simon D, the cast of YB, and other people close to Yonghwa. also in the episode when Seohyun visited CNBlue dorm, she asked how Yonghwa was like at home. Jungshin answered that Yonghwa is the same but he is nicer to Seohyun. Jungshin is the youngest, but he can joke around Yonghwa carelessly and sometimes "spills the beans" about his hyung's feelings for Seohyun. you can't joke around very carelessly like that unless you are very close. and I think Jungshin speaks banmal to Yonghwa. and in my opinion I'm pretty sure that the Yonghwa we see in WGM is who Yonghwa really is.


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