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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bananaleaf
















awwwwwwwwwwww X a billion. best episode ever! I watched without eng sub but I was grinning from ear to ear. :lol: thanks j2dlee for the translation!








My favorite parts were the hand holding and the ring exchange. chandler bing from friends would say...can they BE any cuter? hahha





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Guest cloiee18


Hello YongSeo fans. I just want to share this :)






Seohyun: Yonghwa, I give you this ring as a reminder that all that I am, will forever be a part of you and as a symbol of my love for you as we embark on this journey together.






Yonghwa: Seohyun, I receive this ring as a reminder and a symbol that you will always love me and be a part of me.












Yonghwa: Seohyun, I give you this ring as a reminder that all that I am, will forever be a part of you and as a symbol of my love for you as we embark on this journey together.




Seohyun: Yonghwa, I receive this ring as a reminder and a symbol that you will always love me and be a part of me.










cr: FYmaknaeseohyun




&& sorry for breaking the rule a while ago :)


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omg this episode is daebak!! for the goguma couple....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my relation with my girl... is so much alike with their relation... really..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i hope yong and hyun's relation would progress even more...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they should just date in real life.. or they are now dating XD lol...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for the subs already :D

































































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Guest Ae-Rin
























Ahaha, DJHinata, you made me laught so hard with your tribute to MCKim! But this is so true! I was excactly like him while watching the video.








Okay, now I've read the whole translation (thanks again to J2dlee), I can say for sure that I love Seohyun even more now! She really made efforts to please Yong for his birthday. What she did was so meaningful. You can really feel the trust in her eyes when she looks at him! She has changed so much since the show started. She grew up from a child to a beautiful young lady.








And Yong is so amazed by what she did that he looks like a little child. So cute. Like many of you said, maybe their relashionship was kinda slow, but it allowed Seohyu to trust him, and now, she is able to open up to him.








Those to look really good together. YONGSEO HWAITING! :)








Nat-sshi: Ouaiiis, une autre française! ^^ It's nice meeting other French goguma lovers around here! I'm from Lyon, by the way!









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OMG. I was teaching all day yesterday but this thread kept staying in my mind. I keep wondering, are the Gogumas in Soompi spazzing now? And this thread is the first I opened after I finished my day. I just had to read, "Necklace, Love Light, held hands". It was on my way home and I was grinning and chuckling like an idiot looking at my cellphone screen. People might think I'm crazy but I'm used to the stares now, LOL. That's what I do every morning reading this thread on the minibus.








I haven't even watch the episode yet. I've only read j2dlee's translation. And I'm already super happy! Oh my God. I finally understand why WGM staff kept on postponing this episode. Because it sounds like the climax of a love story. Seriously, is there any other thing sweeter than this? Sweeter than them? I don't think fanfictions will ever surpass this episode. This is Daebak 1000x.








They have come a long way from their first meeting. Remember when they said "Ottoke?" many times then? And now they starts to act like a real couple.








Okay this is super biased. But I believe they are together. I BELIEVE IT!!!








They look real. They sound real.








If they are not, well then I won't stop praying that one day they will.








I'm so happy for both of them. I'm so happy they could meet each other through WGM. They are working in an industry when it's so hard to have a relationship without jeopardizing their career. So it's amazing that they could meet in WGM.








Just reading j2dlee trans when Yong said, "Just say it with confidence, did you write the song for me or not?", got my heart beats so fast. What will happen to me if I watch the video?








And I so badly want to see the holding hands.








I'm going to see this episode today. I hope I won't pass out after seeing it.








Thank you so much for the translation and all the lovely spazzing. Everybody in this forum always made my day!


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I had something important to do after watching this episode, and I couldn't really concentrate because I kept thinking about Yongseo. I couldn't wait to hurry home and watch this episode again.

I think this was the most beautiful episode of any K-drama I've ever watched. I guess there is some "reality" in Yongseo story in comparison to other dramas. They are like this most perfect fairy tale couple ever. I think Yongseo ruined me for K-dramas.

They are just too precious and beautiful that my heart aches. :lol:

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Guest calculator

I'm a little bit confused :unsure:

Is it only the rap part that yong was thinking of seohyun

        OR Is in the rap part that he thinking of Genie thus he write the all song about her?

edit:           thank you maretta for your answer

                  i'm so happy :)


I guess the whole song, he wrote the song while thinking of seohyun but when it came to rap part, suddenly, yong Genie line came out as well..."

hope that answer to your question...


He was writing this song before he started We Got Married, but the lyrics weren't made.

So when he started writing the lyrics, he thought of SeoHyun before he started adding the lyrics from the start.

He wanted to give out some hints, which was adding the Genie for you, girl part on there.

That means the whole song is made thinking about his wife Hyun.

You're welcome!

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I think this was the most beautiful episode of any K-drama I've ever watched. I guess there is some "reality" in Yongseo story in comparison to other dramas. They are like this most perfect fairy tale couple ever. I think Yongseo ruined me for K-dramas.








I feel the same way, too. Of, course K-dramas have better editing, better lines, better timing/blocking, better lighting but they cannot beat the sincerity of this YongSeo episode because, precisely, there is something real between Yong and Hyun. No K-drama can top this for me. I don't even know if WGM can make an ending for the YongSeo couple that can top this episode. When they were walking, holding hands, fading from the camera, it was like they were heading off towards the sunset or disappearing behind the rainbow. :wub:








Yes, I think K-dramas are ruined for me, as well. :blink:








P.S. j2dlee, i'll pile another thanks to you!








P.S.2 Our couple are still a hot topic in soompi!













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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































thanks calculator, i just read a news that comfirm this at snsd thread
































































































































































































































































































































i will use now photobucket hope it will be ok :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































Yonghwa wrote “Love Light” with Seohyun in mind
















































































































































































































































































































CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa confessed that there was some hidden meaning behind the lyrics of ‘Love Light’.
































































































































































On MBC’s “We Got Married” aired on  October 9th, Yonghwa confessed that  he was actually thinking of his  virtual wifey, Seohyun while composing  the lyrics of ‘Love Light’, the  5th track in their mini album ‘Blue  Love’ which was released in May this  year.When Seohyun asked about the  lyrics of ‘Love Light’, Yonghwa  explained, “The music of ‘Love Light’  was written some time ago. When I  thought of you (Seohyun), I started  to put in the lyrics for the song.  For the rap part, I thought of  SNSD’s ‘Tell Me Your Wish’ and that was  how ‘I’m genie for you girl’  came about”. Upon hearing Yonghwa’s  confession, Seohyun seemed really  happy and smiled shyly.
































































































































































In this episode, the Yongseo couple had  fishing activities and  exchanged their couple rings. Fans of the show  finally got to witness  the Goguma couple walking arm in arm and holding  hands with sweet  smiles on their faces.
































































































































































Netizens commented, “They really look good together” and “A beautiful couple”.
































































































































































Credit: joongang.co.kr
















































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lizramyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry i dont really understand the part where
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGWHA said that he started writting the lyrics since the rings event..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WHAT RING EVENT he meant??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont really remember does he mean when they bought for the first time the rings??

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Yes.

Y: Then I started WGM with you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Oh…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: When was it…?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: When did you start writing…?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: The day when we did the ring performance…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Yes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: That day, I started writing the lyrics.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































someone helps me bubb

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Allow me to say something ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you guys so much for translating, caps, gifs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and thanks for being here for YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've not recovered yet, where to start??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A letter from Yonghwa to Seohyun's mom? His couple necklaces?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The event Seohyun arranged for Yonghwa?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The brand new couple rings ( isn't it really rare that a girl buys rings for guys?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, Love Light, IT IS !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When the song was released, we, goguma, got the FEELING, didn't we?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even, Yongwha said "it's about my 1st love", but we chose to believe that it is for Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And...WE WERE RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I cried, not like tears flowing down, but I cried inside ... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I started listening LOVE LIGHT then KISSING YOU, but on my mind the picture Yonghwa and Seohyun were holding hands is floating :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now I know why I love YongSeo .... they take time to get into each others' hearts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































June 29th, the day of HISTORY

































































































































































































































































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Guest glitterspark
















































DJHinata : i really love your tribute to the goguma kingdom's hero- mc kim~
















kay77 and hacker8: AGREED! no drama can EVER make me squeal as much as this 20 min segment which only airs on saturdays... i can really feel the intense stares even from the computer screen.
































1. unconsciously humming to love light
















2. dreamt of nothing but yongseo
















3. watching the episode for more than 5 times
















4. searched for the lyrics of love light and kissing you immediately after watching the episode
















am guilty of all those signs XDDDD
















this sounds really selfish, but can anyone cut the audio part of hyun serenading yong with love light and upload it??
















her angelic voice made me tear up... :tears:
















thanks alot to the kind soul who is willing to do it :)

















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Guest cole.cole
















































































hi to all yongseo lovers! i was like all smiles, teeth flashing and unconscious after watching this. and i was saying repeatedly.. "ah! ah! ah! aaahhhhh~ahhhhh!' while watching the show i think it gets harder and harder to breathe for me, my heart still beats the fastest due to this one. and i was like 'ah! ah! aaaahhhhh! ah~a!" again and again and again and again. at first, sweet holiday was my favorite but now... i am so lovin' love light. i can't help myself. i don't know what to feel. i had mixed emotions as to cry, to laugh, to be super happy... ah! again, hahaha. they are really really really kewl(cool)! the best that there is on WGM and all shows i've watched from korea, ah! again. hahaha

















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Guest adorkable_baby






OMGeeeeee!!!! Is this ep cool or what?? COOL!! haha..


I was giggling and squealing all throughout the ep.. Sigh... What lovely and dreamy ep this was...


I had this vibe that if not for the cameras and millions of SNSD fans everywhere Yong would have kissed Hyun..


I mean seriously..... don't you think you would have already kissed your partner if she did something like this for you??


keke.. I'm such in a giddy mood..


what a way to start the morning...


over an out gogumasss * goes to watch th ep again* *squeals >.<~~~~~*



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I'm pretty sure what he means by day of the ring performance is when they both had the 'mission' to show off their rings on Music Core. I think it was in the beginning of March. Seohyun co-hosted Music Core that week with her and Sooyoung filling in for Yuri and Tiffany being present as the regular co-host of the show. That was when CN Blue performed and Yonghwa kept showing off his finger with the ring as much as possible and then Seohyun tried as well and Sooyoung even pointed at the ring.

















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Guest .:love_ya:.







Gogumas! >.<





This episode is so daebak that I've re-watched it so many times already,





but I'm still speechless lolz





besides, you guys already said everything! lolz





every time i was about to post something, some other goguma got ahead of me lol





Huyn said Yong once said "aren’t you asking about my past too casually?". I assume he said that when they were talking about his first love in the train? He didn't want her to know too much then, but he wants her to ask confidently now! lol maybe i'm thinking too much, but it feels like Yong wants uri Hyun to know more about him as they walk the days of their journey HAND IN HAND! hehe. Are you showing us your heart, Yong~! you're not hinting something, right? (sure deny it all you want, i only trust what i see hehehe)


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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































I have this episode in repet in my computer, specially when SH sing for YH without the mask... The way he was looking at her, OMG , this is totally to die for. :D












































Because he begin to write the song way before we got married, my only expectation was that the rap was the new part (Written for her), never in a million and gazillion years could I have though that he wrote all the lyrics thinking about her.












































And as somebody mentioned, this time around they cant look at each other, but August 29, the special stage, boy they were all lovely dovey looking as each other.












































To remember that happy day, here are some fancams:










































































































































@J2dlee I cant thank you enough, you are the very best, thanks for all the effort you put in this. We really appreciated.












































To all the other gogumas that keep sharing, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

























































































Me encanto el homenaje que hiciste a MC KIM yo estaba tan emociada como el, es tan emocionamete saber que hay un fiel Goguma entre los MC... Buena suerte!
























































































I want to point something out, YH said in the Black Room Interview that he didnt know this side of her, and he began to wonder if he really knew her.












































But in the September Black Room Interview he said with confidence that he was sure he was the one that knew about SH the most... I am wondering what happened in this 3 months to make him say that... They are killing me slowly, I totally love them... They make me happy!!!












































Wonder what the people in Korea think about what happened in this episode...












































And just for fun, someone shared this fanmade vid before, but I find it soooo funny, I think in one point that was my reaction, but in silence because It was 3 in the morning in my country!!! :w00t:



























































































Edit 2: I raise my hand too, I got teary eyed the first few times I watched it, but I really cried after reading the translation... They were happy tears, the best kind of tears!!!





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Thanks for staying up so late and doing the translation for us J2dlee u are an angel!


I've been repeating this week's episode for don't know how many times already, just can't get enough of it!!!!


This couple complement each other so well... Both are sensitive types and I think cos they are both detailed people, so they 'cater' to each other's needs, if u all understand. If a relationship one is less caring and insensitive, the more detailed person will always be sad/ hurt in the long term. Thus, I truly believe both Yong and Hyun are really made for each other! Yong's expression in this episode says it all... Love is in the air, at that moment in time, that is all that matters....


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Guest Crystal392






I just remembered once YongHwa was a guest on a show were one of the MCs was the female MC from WGM (it wasn't NaYoung, I think it was MC Park) and there were lots of seniors and they asked Yong~ about WGM and they told him to ask them something because he was a 'newlywed' and he said he wanted advice (some of the other guests were already married) about how to talk about his past relationships or something like that. Does anyone remember that show? :o I remembered that when I read love_ya's post ^_^



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Guest pretty_92868












As I wake up this morning,the first thing that comes to mind was to check this thread for the translation of this new episode and luckily you guys didn't disappoint me,thank you very much esp to j2dlee,you made my day complete.




Thank you very much also to those who share the link for the videos,caps,gifs,pictures and artworks, you are truly lovable just like our YONGSEO couple.




I'm not really a good writer as you guys and I'm not good at expressing myself but I have to post it how I really appreciate your work in this thread.I check it regularly so I don't miss a thing.Again "THANK YOU VERY MUCH"





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