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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin




Brief translation on the Preview




Could Hyun find the buried gift?

THe lovely couple enjoyed the snacks happily together after the hardwork in the farmland.  They had planned to have a good time in the fishing pond nearby.  The newbie-fisherman-couple loved the activity much.  The environment became tranquil after the sunset.  By having black eye circles,what was the first gift/event Hyun prepared for her hubby, Yong in her lifetime ?  The underlying truth of the lyrics of Love Light would be unveiled too.


Credit:  Baidu Bar Goguma Couple






omo! excl.gif haha, so just for kicks (before i saw this translation), i re-watched the latest episode when seo and yong discuss the topic of skinship.  and you know how it cuts to her interview?  the way she goes about explaining what troubled her about the idea of holding hands seemed to me a foreshadowing, as if her present to him would either be mild skinship or something intangible – say, banmal.




of course, that's just me being wub.gif and rather delusional in the process.  taking into account the date this episode was aired, seo has quite a bit of time before she's that comfortable.




but after reading this and looking up the english translations for love light, i think her present to him has something to do with the star jewelry that we often see around here.  it's fitting!  some excerpts of the lyrics that i found from k-pop madness:





ou’re the president of my heart
you’re my chests’ star embroider





you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky





you’re a darling



you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky





you’re lovely



you’re more blinding than the sunlight up in that sky



i am hard-pressed to trust articles that make up their own interpretation behind seo or yong's motives for doing anything, but it's a viable explanation that she drew inspiration from those lyrics.  i mean, who really knows, but it's nice to dream!




wouldn't it have been just fantastic if he had written love light after this episode?  so instead of seo drawing inspiration from a song (hypothetically speaking), he got the inspiration from herwub.gif AIYA I'M DYING.


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heyo panGG!! yes... yong's smirk is veryyy lovely! in fact, everything about yong is LOVELY! :w00t: ooOOo yong's wink is to die for!! *DIES IMMEDIATELY* xD kamsahamnida for the pics~

oh ya... i'm using quite a few movie making softwares (MOVIE MAKER2.6, PINNACLE, SERIF, & can't remember the other one... all pirated :P SHHHHH! :vicx: ) u planning to make MV soon?? i think u'll make an awesome MV maker~! oh, i'm from Malaysia :)

genxv~! thanks for the vid... hyun is sure beautiful anyhow we look at her. be it internally or externally. but i guess her inner beauty is what makes her very beautiful all the time :wub:

GeumJanDi, thanks for the news & the link~ :)

magdal, thanks for the lovely MV ^^ do u know who sang the female version of Love Light?

hihi_hehe, sally7, heartbreak: thanks for the trans! daebakkkk~ like sophiapia, i can't wait for tomorrow!!! TGIF!!!!!!!

ahh so Love Light was written with hyun in mind eh! I'M GENIE FOR YOU GIRL~ majority already speculated that!! KYAAAAAAAA.... CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE! if only i could just sleep till the time comes for me to watch yongseo in WGM... that would be great! no need to wait at all! >.<

dang, SHABBY GIFT is still lingering in my head... what could it be!? >.< something very normal like what we girls usually give guys for gifts; accessories or perfume? gahhh IDK! :crazy:

AND i've a feeling based on the previous ep that yong's the one who bought the couple rings. he did say that "we'll need to replace them". moreover, it seems like hyun just knew about what happened to yong's wrecked couple ring on the bus... so i don't think it's hyun. ahhh but i could be wrong <_<

edit: kekekeke miel! my bad, my bad... wokehhh only hyun can ogle yong! LOL~ xD LADIES, YA HEAR THAT! ohhh u're sharp! i didn't realize that she was wearing a skirt with star-design! WOOT! :w00t:

lovekin~!!! *waves* erm... so u think it's some kinda star-shaped accessory from hyun? hmmmmmmmm... U MAY BE RIGHT!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAA yahhhhh i'm also dying here!!! my DUGEUN DUGEUN is getting more & more rapid as the time passes by slowly..........GAHHHHHH :wacko:

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Guest lovekin




ahh so Love Light was written with hyun in mind eh! I'M GENIE FOR YOU GIRL~ majority already speculated that!! KYAAAAAAAA.... CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE! if only i could just sleep till the time comes for me to watch yongseo in WGM... that would be great! no need to wait at all! >.<




dang, SHABBY GIFT is still lingering in my head... what could it be!? >.< something very normal like what we girls usually give guys for gifts; accessories or perfume? gahhh IDK!  :crazy:  




AND i've a feeling based on the previous ep that yong's the one who bought the couple rings. he did say that "we'll need to replace them". moreover, it seems like hyun just knew about what happened to yong's wrecked couple ring on the bus... so i don't think it's hyun. ahhh but i could be wrong  <_<








lovekin~!!! *waves* erm... so u think it's some kinda star-shaped accessory from hyun? hmmmmmmmm... U MAY BE RIGHT!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAA yahhhhh i'm also dying here!!! my DUGEUN DUGEUN is getting more & more rapid as the time passes by slowly..........GAHHHHHH  :wacko:






oh how i wish it was written about her!  but i double-checked so i don't get my hopes up for nothing, and it was written way before this time.  articles of the album in which the love light track is on were released in may.  so ... math-wise, it doesn't add up.  tongue.gif  but that's okay, because it shows that seo did research.  or something.




i think it's a star-shaped accessory.  at least that's what i'm guessing from previous posts.  some members were talking about how seo or yong were wearing some star jewelry.  but i don't know ... i don't think i remember anymore.  sweatingbullets.gif


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Why do I feel like Seohyun's gift might have something to do with the black eye circle (dark circle under the eye?) since that is mentioned in the text preview. Maybe some treatment packs or vitamins? That'd be kinda her style, no? Something practical, sensible, and thoughtful :)
















I am kinda hoping that her gift would not be skinship or a kiss (cheek or otherwise)... that one should come slowly and naturally. It feels like it's too early for them to kiss (even if it's on the cheek, which I actually think would be sweeter than on the lips), hand holding might be fine, and it feels like that would come any day now but a kiss is... (not that I don't want it to happen, but... so soon?)
















But well... anything goes with our couple, so... yeah.
















Wondering though what kind of underlaying truth about Love Light would be unveiled tomorrow and I am looking forward to how the discussion on it come to be. Did Hyun mentioned it first? Or did Yong? Why?
















The two of them look so lovey dovey in the preview from last week's ep that I have been waiting agonisingly everyday for Saturday to come, and then there's MC Kim's twitter comment >< He sure knows how to tease us audience.
















It is also partly because of his twitter comment that I feel like Hyun's gift would not be skinship, I don't think skinship would make MC Kim all smiling from ear to ear, his reaction to skinship would likely be more along the line of "O.O ooooh!!" if skinship were to happen. But maybe that's just how I would view it, as something that's not bad, something to look forward to, but not necessarily something that would make me all that giddy. But then again it would depend on how the skinship is initiated.
















By the way... this is kind of unrelated, so I am putting this under spoiler, but... someone mentioned before that MC Kim's full name Kim Jung Min? Is he the same Kim Jung Min as this

Kim Jung Min?
















[edit] I remember kay77 asked about that kiss on the cheek rumour a few pages back? I don't think anyone has answer her(/him?). I am actually pretty puzzled over that rumour too, as in where does it come from?
















I have only started lurking in this thread around late June or early July so there's high chance for me to miss that rumour's origin (I have been trying to read the thread from the start, but I got kinda impatient at around page 100 or something, so I am taking a break from that right now) but... what I remembered happen was that you were all talking about what you would like the YongSeo couple to do next, and someone mentioned a kiss on the cheek, and like maybe 2 or 3 pages after that, someone else was asking about a kiss on the cheek rumour.
















And then everyone was like what really? where? when? but nobody as far as (the posts that) I read (and I think I read every single posts since the time I started to lurk here) nobody ever says who that rumour came from.
















I back-tracked a bit but could not find anything about that, but since everyone was talking about it as if it's an accurate rumour, I thought that maybe it was something that I missed or come from an earlier post. But, now even kay77 who came from the Korean fandom is asking where it came from...
















So, if someone could verify (or unverify) it..?
















[edit 2] @ panGG Ooh, he looks so... cool and rock-ish there XD and he married Tani Rumiko (neat~ heard of her before since I was originally a fan of JPop - and still am, looks like the marriage is still going strong, good for them
















You do spoiler like you do the bold tag, a [__] with the word 'spoiler' in the ____ area (without the apostrophe) and end it with a [/__] with again 'spoiler' (without the apostrophe) in the ____.
























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miel_1301 STARS! thats for pointing that out, just now noticed it!






dreamyboo :wub:wow your from Malaysia? awesome! i have a good friend from there, her name is asma. and we really are 12 hrs apart! crazy! haha. and i'm TRYING to learn how to make videos/movies. its hard. haha. and i dont have a good program. my loser movie maker always screws up on me. but thanks for letting me know haha.






lovekin thanks for sharing the STARS too :)






seriously cannot wait :wub: yong~ hyun~






Yukai YES to your spoiler. lol (sorry dont know how to do spoiler thing)












thanks to klaritia and chiari from the cn blue thread here is a video of cn blue in japan for their concert/fanmeet. but you dont hear much because of the narrator, but you get a peak at "i dont know why" at 0:33 and its only like 3 seconds long but it sounds so good! there is also a short interview with the guys too. and of course RINGDINGDONG~ but its very hard to catch it! haha. made a few caps.






video is here ----> CNBLUE JAPAN






beginning of interview... it took me forever to cap that little spot!












you cant see it from the cap, but he has it on here.












and OMG~ yong are you kissing your ring?! :wub:












okay goodnight, i really need to get to bed!






yukai i've tried that before but lets see...

okay, lets give this a try shall we?! haha. but i didnt know he was married to a japanese lady. thats really cool! and first time i saw him was when on the heroine 6 variety shows! he was so dorky and funny! but too bad they took out that show now. him and kim jong min from Kyote were too good together. haha.


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Guest lovekim
















Here's my version (YongSeo biased)














YongHwa SeoHyun: Their destiny at the fishing farm














Yong's heartfelt gift still buried in the soil, will Hyun be able to find it?














Being proud to have completed their planting task, YongSeo couple polished off their snacks in no time and they decided to go to a nearby fishing farm to enjoy a great time together.














First-timers at fishing, the YongSeo couple got into the fishing mood. Soon, the sun begins to set and creates a tranquil atmosphere.














Taking this opportunity, SeoHyun carries out her first ever Surprise Event for her husband~














Being a novice in dating & relationships, what would be SeoHyun's gift and event which she painstakingly did overnight, that gained her dark eye rings?














Also...the truth behind the song lyrics of "Love Light" composed by Yong seobang is revealed. The events at the fishing farm to be revealed~!














Credit: Sweet Potato couple baidu bar


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Guest Cherryhana88
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyong gogumas....
































































































































































































































































woah, this thread is moving really fast, you gogumas are so up-to-date. Sorry if I couldn't contribute anything for you gogumas,though I really wanted to.If only I wasn't so busy with my uni life.It seems like I'm way behind,a lot of things to catch up with this thread.
































































































































































































































































Reading all of your posts makes me excited for tomorrow's episode.Can't wait for Yong to reveal behind the lovelight song.
































































































































































































































































Love Seohyun's latest daum pics, she looks even hotter with the rock-chic style.
































































































































































































































































Love, love love everybody rocks,rocks, rocks.
































































































































































































































































p/s: I made a MV, but it's nothing compare to my previous one, I'm really disappointed with this one.But I hope you enjoy it.
































































































































































































































































Yongseo-Nothing on you MV

































































































































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Aah, so it's Seohyun with the dark circles not Yonghwa. Since the ep was recorded not that long after the vocal nodule thing, and he looks pretty worn out I kinda thought it was referring to him, guess not then.
































































































































But what could it be hmm... a handmade(?) gift that take a whole night to make... or is it that star shaped thing after all? painstakingly going to the shop and have it made according to her directions? (or did (the super strong) Hyun bend some iron herself to do it?).
































































































































Wonder what it is...
































































































































A super awesome picnic basket? A muffler? (kinda not the correct season though, that and a muffler would probably take longer than overnight to do?) A handmade Hyun to Yong birthday wish card?
































































































































@panGG looks like you succeed with the spoiler tag
































































:D, yep, according to that wiki page he married Tani Rumiko, a former member of Hello! Project (a... uhm, compilation(?) of female idols under Up-Front Group). I don't know much about her, and there are not tha much info about her either. It kinda makes me wonder where I've heard of her name before since I am not a fan of most of the idol groups in Japan (both male and female). Their bands and soloist however is super awesome XD
































































































































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Ahh I've been spazzing on Twitter, but honestly this preview is killing me!! Saturday seems so so so far away!






























































































































I'm not at all surprised she cracked it at Yong for not messaging her now that I've read the preview and knowing that she stayed up to 'make' (?) his present. She lied pretty well on the bus when saying that she doesn't have a present planned for him. I can just imagine her sitting in her dorm waiting for that message while making her present!






























































































































Nothing really to share, but just wanted to get that off my chest because I am SOOO excited about tomorrow that I'm even contemplating not going to a wedding just so I can live stream! But of course that can never happen....*sigh* I'm just going to have to rely on our awesome spazzers both here and twitter to know what is going on.






























































































































Tomorrow is going to be EPIC!!!

































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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from http://bit.ly/abj3G1 and http://bit.ly/ctEz8P
































































































































































































































































credit DC married gall
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@yongseofacts she went to driving school for practice^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr @cheesevill twtter
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest graxhaie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yup!can't wait for tomorrow...i think hyun's gift is something that can't be bought because she work hard on it and gained those dark circles...well, maybe it's not the skinship we've been thinking...but i'm still hoping!hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fighting Yongseo Fans!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey visit my blogspot...hehehe, i have updated it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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while waiting..you can read it there...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look at the right bar and the sequel is there...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MY First and Only Love for Seohyun's POV
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My Last and Only Love for Yonghwa's POV....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


Someone wrote this on twitter:




omg jonghyun: Actually, we all know whether Yonghwa-hyung is really taking things serious (wgm's yongseo relationship), we just can't say (:about 3 hours ago via web 




Is it true??? Did JongHyun say that? If he did when? Please, Goguma detectives CHECK or is it just a fan's wishful writing. If it is true is he indirectly saying that they are real? What do you think?



I know JongHyun and MinHyuk just debuted (yesterday?) as actors with the short drama "Acoustic" (with 2am Seulong) and they appeared at the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) for it. So if it is true one possibility is that he said that when they were interviewing them about "Acoustic".


Now thinking about it this movie is not Yongseo per se, but the actors including Seulong are in some way connected to them or the show so here is the links for the drama teaser and music video.


Acoustic Teaser




High Fly - JongHyun and MinHyuk song for Acoustic








I thought it was just a JongHyun and MinHyuk song,  but I just saw the video again and I think it classifies it as a CNBLUE song as group.  Maybe it is one of the songs in the upcoming album.








Las thing!  It is 7:00 am here and I know I wrote this in a rush because I gotta go to a meeting. But, I really want to watch the Acoustic movie and I can't wait  for Yongseo's new episode!! Gogumas, I KNOW that no matter what happens we will be ECSTATIC!! So prepare yourselves with pillows nearby in case you swoon from the rush of emotions w00t.gif hahaha




EDIT again: Gotta thank qwenli!! Thank U for your confirmation!


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lunasol - I just checked out the chinese forum and yes seems like JongHyun said that. It was stated as being in an interview by a Taiwanese magazine Yi Zhou Kan this week's issue no.489!




























































I think I know why Yong always wears the ring because he is really like Hyun and is interested in her and have to convince her of his sincerity, hence he make sure his wearing of the ring is known by everybody. Oh, Hyun - I hope you do reciprocrate his love, he is so charming too.




























































Cant wait for tomorrow's ep too. By the way when was Love light written and recorded? It was a while already isnt it?





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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































I check this thread as soon as I wake up, and what I find??? It was dark outside so I was squealing in silence in my room... I almost die of a heartattack... Thanks to all for the preview and translation... My work day is going to be a total blizz...












































OMG I am literally counting the hours to the next episode.












































I think she made something to him, I dont know what but I really think she made something to him.












































@lunasol: I dont know if it is true, but I am taking it with a spoon of salt... If they are not allowed to tell, why would he made that statement... But I really think the CN BLUE boys know something, remember how Minhyuk wrote in the board that YH likes SH. That have to mean something... :wub:





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I've been contemplating this since yesterday. We heard that this coming Saturday's episode will be daebak and I want to surprise myself with what would happen. I know that we have been anticipating ever since that twitter of MC Kim came out but i decided to hold out longer. A surprise would be even better with prolonged anticipation and without any clues!








The moment I saw the short written preview for tomorrow that just came out today I just went down the screen so as not to spoil the surprise. So, I decided not to read this great SeoHwa soompi forum not until two hours after the Saturday episode comes out. I hope by that time somebody has posted the links to the epi. I want to see this epic episode of the YongSeo couple without any hints of what would happen.








Now, who's with me? Come on! I challenge you! See you tomorrow, 19:15, Korean time... :)








hacker8...signing off...





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Guest Caliope


STOP... :w00t:










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Guest sassysnsd

Kerube-Chan "remember how Minhyuk wrote in the board that YH likes SH.  That have to mean something..." I totally missed that info! Do you have any more info on that? Thank you for sharing it again though :)

And thank you for everyone who is sharing the great translations and everything.. All the amazing posts! I'm so excited for tomorrow.. I can't wait!

The boys just posted this pic on his twitter~ Yong and Jungshin chingoo, I think they are in Busan but I am not sure.. So cute! http://twitpic.com/2vnnxl

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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































@sassysnsd It was something that happened in the episode were SH visit CN BLUE is house. If you see the ep. there is a whiteboard beside the couch, the CN BLUE boys wrote some messages to SH, one was translated as "Hyung likes SH". Later there was a pic posted from DC in wich you can see Minhyuk writing in the same side the message was.... Cant post images because I am in my mobile.












































About the Love Light issue, if YH wrote a least a line thinking of her I will totally love it. And this give me hope, he could have wrote "I dont know why" thinking about her.





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








CNBlue talks about their hyung and Seohyun. SNSD unnies talks about Yong. even a message to Seohyun "Do you like Yonghwa? tell me and unnie will help you." even some SuJu members (forgot their names, sorry.) talks about the couple in Sukira radio (I think). TRAX Jungmo oppa teases Seohyun that the reason she doesn't want the kiss scene for the MV Oh my Goddess is because of Yonghwa. hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.



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Guest Crystal392



I just woke up and the first thing I did was grab my iTouch and check the thread xD

Thanks to everyone for the info, pics, etc!!!

About the kiss on the cheek rumour: I also don't know where it came from or who posted it, but I remember a looong time ago (don't know when) someone said 'Theres a rumour seoHyun gave Yong a piggyback ride' and I don't know if it was the same person or not but also someone said 'Theres also a rumour about a kiss on the cheek'. But of course almost none believed it because they barely had skinship but the piggyback rumour turned out to be true so maybe the kiss on the cheek rumour is true too :P

About stars: For some odd reason lately Yong has been wearing lots of stars accessories. He seems to have developed a star obsession kekekekeke

About the preview: OMG I'd seriously die if he did write 'Love light' fore Hyun~. But I don't want to get my hopes too high xD hehehehe and I think Hyun's gift is a super special dinner made byher ^_^ They are putting really lots of effort in their marriage. Like Yong could have just organized a romantic dinner but he bought her two rows from a Goguma field... How awesome is that? I can't wait to see his other gift and what did she bring for him :)

One more day one more day!!!!

And OMO seems like bros and sis in law are getting bolder ;) First Minhyuk who wrote that on the board and what he began to say on Shanghai when Yong told him to shhh; also the SNSD girls and the messages they left to Hyun at their fanmeeting, almost all of them mentioned Yong! And now Jonghyun.

YongSeo <3


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