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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392



About the poll posted by AsianKateBella:

To the ones who want to vote (

http://www.wowkorea.jp/news/poll/Polls.asp?PollID=56 ) YongSeo option is the third ( チョン・ヨンファ-ソヒョン ). Just click on the button that's beneath the options and then select the third option "チョン・ヨンファ-ソヒョン - YongHwa & Seohyun" and the click on the submit button (if I'm not wrong is the one that's on the left). Our couple is second with 419 votes ^_^ but remember polls are just polls... ;) if you get what I mean xD All the couples are precious ^^


Saturday please come faster! hehehe I am also dying of curiosity here!! I wonder what did the MC see!!




Purestupidity: Fate? :) I'd like to believe so! hehehe :lol: Thanks for sharing those links :D


jhetd: Awww the cuts that were uploaded at youtube have been erased by MBC :( But you can download the episode here: http://codenameblue.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/2010-10-04-mbc-come-to-play/ ^_^


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Guest athrun_azzoe






aaaah, cant wait any longer for tomorrow. what was yong's surprise for hyuun?




for translating and information KAMSHAMNIDA




yongseo shipper are DAEBAK, ceongmal DAEBAK :bd


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in yong's bday letter to hyun, he wrote uri hyun, which means our hyun.































































































































































































































































i was thinking...why didn't he wrote my hyun instead.































































































































































































































































in korean context, whats the diff btwn 'our' and 'my'?































































































































































































































































j2? kay? anyone?
































































































































about JNJ question..
































































































































i dunno how to explain it...if im not mistaken, in korean 'uri' also shows some kind of belonging...bec I remember in one of strong heart ep..when seunggi called yoona(snsd) 'uri yoona' everyone in the studio are making great deals of it...so i guess 'uri hyun' also means 'my hyun'....:D ...
































































































































From my limited korean knowledge also:phew:  , i guess it is true since I remembered that i've to refer my house as 'uri jib'  when I learn Korean language in university...hehe....but i may be wrong though since I've didn't study that much :wacko:(yes,im regreting that now) 
































































































































I know that somebody had point out about this...but I need just need to say sorry for my bad bad bad english...(thats why I cant spazz like you guys)...:(
































































































































Nevertheless, I luv uri yongseo and all of you:D ...thanks for making my day:)

































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rise & shine gogumas...erm prolly to some it's gogumaland already :)

panGG~!!! LOL... i think we have a time difference of 12 hours! awww there, there! it's ok take ur time! ;)btw, u r from the US?

Ah! I'm getting so antsy about the next episode.. I need to keep telling myself it's only 2 more days.. :sweatingbullets: But, ever since the MC tweeted that the episode was daebak.. it has made me more curious! I'm looking forward to the next episode! ^^ I really wonder what Seobb got Yo~ng.. she said she hoped her gift wasn't shabby. So, I don't think it's couple rings? I mean.. how can couple rings be a shabby gift?! :lol: So maybe it IS skinship(maybe Seohyun thinks something like that is considered shabby compared to a REAL gift?! Who knows! *o*)... w00t.gif I have so many imaginations in my mind of what it could be, but I guess we'll all have to wait until Saturday! I can't wait! :wub:

u've got a point there, uhohxev! when she mentioned shabby my thoughts of her giving yong the ring kinda vanished immediately. but then, yongseo are known for their unexpected actions so i won't wanna put too much bet on this. kekeeke i just don't really dare to predict what's gonna happen anymore 'cause my predictions seem to always not come true when it comes to yongseo! >.< LOL!

ohya, jnj & constantia, sorry i told u guys that i'll give u the link to the scene that u're puzzled about in my fmv... BUT i totally forgot it! :sweatingbullets: actually that scene is taken from this clip, i pasted hyun in it kkekeke. so here u go:

YH clip

oh, before i go back to work >.<... here're some pics to ogle at :wub:





cr. uploader

u can find them in this blog: http://blog.oricon.co.jp/kawa-lily2/

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































Hey, everyone.
































































It's been soso long, but I just wanted to say drop by really quickly saying that I've been watching YongSeo religiously, and I CANNOT wait for this week's episode. Also, to quickly answer aallyyaa. For reasons I'll never understand, when one refers to another person in the Korean language, the possessive noun is "Uri." This, as you said, generally means "our," but in the aforementioned context, it translates out to "my." So Yong was referring to Hyun as "my" Hyun. smile.gif
































































Miss you allblush.gif

































































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jnj and allyana I just love the sound of "Uri Hyun"... yeah, she's yours Yong ^^




dreamyboo thanks for posting those pictures of Yong and his CNBLUE brothers. He's looking really good!




Sorry if this has been shared. Here is a video of SNSD arriving in Shanghai. It's too bad the picture is a little blurry because I can't see if the ring is there Hyun looks so pretty in her dress and so friendly waving to fans




Credit to: blackyurivn and as tagged on video









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dreamyboo thanks for the pictures. i love yong's little smirk so much :wub:and yes i live in the US, east coast, North Carolina to be exact. where are you from? (sorry you probably have mentioned before) lol also i wanted to ask you what program you use to make your videos? because you know how much i love them! lol






so what can i say? i want saturday here, and soon! reposting mc kim's tweet, because everytime i read it, it makes me smile "from ear to ear"! :lol:








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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































Can't wait to see saturday episode..  wonder why it's a "must see" episode ^_^

It's me Soleill123 but now i will use this account and pseudo

































































































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Seohyun proves that being famous is not a reason to forget about books.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD’s maknae, Seohyun is truly one good student.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Recently, netizens posted a photo on internet community sites entitled “Seohyun’s University Life” and in those photos Seohyun was seen doing some writings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Although Seohyun’s name was mentioned in the posts, her face could not be seen from those photos. However the netizen wrote, “Seohyun came to school (campus). Although she is busy, she still comes to school often. She’s really a good daughter”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ever since their debut in Japan, Seohyun and her Soshi sisters have been busy keeping up with their schedules. In addition to her promotional activities in Japan, Seohyun also has to film MBC’s “We Got Married” with her virtual hubby, CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizens who saw these photos commented:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- “It is not an easy task for her to handle both her studies and her activities as a singer at the same time as it requires great determination”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- “Seohyun seems to be a really good student”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thus, fanwonder.com really hope that our readers would take Seohyun as a role model. It’s really great that she spares time for her studies despite her hectic schedules. We know she’s going to do well on stage and in class.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: newsen.com































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think maybe (after snsd,dunno when that time came :( ) she will doing some jobs even maybe is she serious about it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she can do a job like prosecutors,lawyer,jurnalist or book author.

































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks GeumJanDi for sharing that news.
































































































































































































































































It's always good to have a fall back in the future. So to finish studies still the best. That's the best that we can give to our kids. If entertainment industry is no longer interested in you, u have other things to do. Like for SeoHyun her dream is to be Diplomat. I'm glad that SeoHyun want's to go to school and finish her studies. I wish her good luck in every thing she do. And the + points for SeoHyun is even she is popular but most of the people saying that she is friendly esp. in school they always say she is just a normal student like them. Very friendly. With that I luv u more SeoHyun baby :)
































































































































































































































































Tomorrow YongSeo day i hope the TVUnetwork is ok tomorrow :( Why is it a must see episode :) is it really KISS w00t.gifis the bday gift kekeke! I WISH AND I HOPE SO. I HOPE IT'S SKINSHIPSSSSSSSS kekeke! i need my YongSeo dosage so that my flu will go away hahaha! 
































































































































































































































































What will be the bday gift for each other?
































































































































































































































































- is it a new couple ring?
































































































































































































































































-is it a new couple necklace?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-is it KISS?
































































































































































































































































aigoo! i wish IT'S ALL hahaha!
































































































































































































































































cheers to all Tomorrow Saturdayyy PALIIIIIIIIIII

































































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Sight... this waiting is killing me! I swear ^^ haha... thank you guys for all the goodies today, these make the wait  better haha.
































































































I found this MV and Really like it, I don´t know if it was shared here, but watching it twice will not kill us right?, it is just too cute ^^ haha
































































































YongSeo Couple - Jung Yonghwa & Seohyun - CN BLUE love light Female Ver MV FAN MADE
































































































27 hours to go :sweatingbullets:
































































































Edit: hihi and Sally... thank you so much!!!! now i´m really going insane ^^ Need Saturday so badly!!!:wub:

































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Guest hihi_hehe

































































































































용화♡서현 : 낚시터의 연인

땅속에 묻힌 요옹의 회심의 선물! 혀언은 과연 선물을 찾아 캐낼 수(?) 있을까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































뿌듯한 마음으로 ‘두 줄’ 밭농사를 끝내고 꿀 맛 새참도 순식간에 먹어 치운 용서부
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































근처 낚시터에 가서 한가로운 시간을 보내기로 하는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































초보 낚시꾼 용화♡서현이 낚시에 집중한 새에 어느덧 사방은 해가 저물어 고요해지
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현은 이 틈을 타 난생 처음 용 남편을 위해 준비한 깜짝 이벤트를 펼치는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 연애 초보 서현이 밤새 다크 서클과 맞바꾸며 준비한 선물과 이벤트는 무엇?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고, 드디어 밝혀지는 용 남편 작사 ‘사랑 빛’의 진실까지~ 낚시터에서 생긴 일
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































대 공개!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: MBC































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the text preview is out
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and you know what .. I did a quick translations and see "LOVE LIGHT" in it ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here I got from translations "And, finally come out, my husband lyrics for 'Love Light' to the truth of what happened in ~ fishing































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Need translator to know what it is about XD

































































































































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Guest sally7







the preview from official site

용화♡서현 : 낚시터의 연인

땅속에 묻힌 요옹의 회심의 선물! 혀언은 과연 선물을 찾아 캐낼 수(?) 있을까?





뿌듯한 마음으로 ‘두 줄’ 밭농사를 끝내고 꿀 맛 새참도 순식간에 먹어 치운 용서부










근처 낚시터에 가서 한가로운 시간을 보내기로 하는데~





초보 낚시꾼 용화♡서현이 낚시에 집중한 새에 어느덧 사방은 해가 저물어 고요해지










서현은 이 틈을 타 난생 처음 용 남편을 위해 준비한 깜짝 이벤트를 펼치는데~





과연 연애 초보 서현이 밤새 다크 서클과 맞바꾸며 준비한 선물과 이벤트는 무엇?





그리고, 드디어 밝혀지는 용 남편 작사 ‘사랑 빛’의 진실까지~ 낚시터에서 생긴 일





대 공개!









I use google translate and it's something about "love light" wow can't wait this sat.





edit : oooops hihi_hehe beat me :D


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















used google translate for the text preview. hope Kay77, j2dlee or someone that knows Korean would translate the preview for us. based on google translate, Seohyun loved the buried gift, and Yong was pleased with Hyun's gift. they also enjoyed the sunset and mentioned the song lovelight. many speculations have been made about the song lovelight written by Yonghwa. and it seems it would be another thing to look forward to tomorrow's episode. We are all anticipating the buried gift, Hyun's gift to Yong, and now something about the song lovelight. and I really like it that they enjoyed a calm sunset. :) thanks hihi_hehe for the text preview. :)





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ohmygod! thanks hihi_hehe and sally7 for the txt preview and for your translations as well as heartbreak_warfare22 for translations too.






oh gosh! i seriously cant wait for saturday anymore! AH!! :wub:












aw man... its been so long since i've topped and have nothing to share!






reposting the offical website text preview thanks to hihi_hehe and sally7

용화♡서현 : 낚시터의 연인

땅속에 묻힌 요옹의 회심의 선물! 혀언은 과연 선물을 찾아 캐낼 수(?) 있을까?






뿌듯한 마음으로 ‘두 줄’ 밭농사를 끝내고 꿀 맛 새참도 순식간에 먹어 치운 용서부












근처 낚시터에 가서 한가로운 시간을 보내기로 하는데~






초보 낚시꾼 용화♡서현이 낚시에 집중한 새에 어느덧 사방은 해가 저물어 고요해지












서현은 이 틈을 타 난생 처음 용 남편을 위해 준비한 깜짝 이벤트를 펼치는데~






과연 연애 초보 서현이 밤새 다크 서클과 맞바꾸며 준비한 선물과 이벤트는 무엇?






그리고, 드디어 밝혀지는 용 남편 작사 ‘사랑 빛’의 진실까지~ 낚시터에서 생긴 일






대 공개!






cr: MBC











wink, wink--wink~!












daum picture of cutesy hyun~


















to hyun~!
























(sorry for big pictures sizes, will go resize them :D)






cr: to original postees :lol:


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Brief translation on the Preview

Could Hyun find the buried gift?

THe lovely couple enjoyed the snacks happily together after the hardwork in the farmland. They had planned to have a good time in the fishing pond nearby. The newbie-fisherman-couple loved the activity much. The environment became tranquil after the sunset. By having black eye circles,what was the first gift/event Hyun prepared for her hubby, Yong in her lifetime ? The underlying truth of the lyrics of Love Light would be unveiled too.

Credit: Baidu Bar Goguma Couple

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Guest alucard81
























Brief translation on the Preview




















Could Hyun find the buried gift?






























































THe lovely couple enjoyed the snacks happily together after the hardwork in the farmland.  They had planned to have a good time in the fishing pond nearby.  The newbie-fisherman-couple loved the activity much.  The environment became tranquil after the sunset.  By having black eye circles,what was the first gift/event Hyun prepared for her hubby, Yong in her lifetime ?  The underlying truth of the lyrics of Love Light would be unveiled too.




















Credit:  Baidu Bar Goguma Couple







































omo omo omo... the truth comes to light!!




















Saturday!!! can't wait!!





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Guest archiehon
























































Thank you Timnat2010 for the preview's translation. OMG! I'm so excited now I can't wait for tomorrow. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Could the secret be about who inspired the lyrics of Love Light cough*seohyun*cough? I'm really looking forward for saturday. Happy GoGoma Day! Goma...Goma....Goma.....:lol:









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101008 Seohyun Campaign Song - Let's Go Teaser (9s)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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so tommorow the truth of love light lyrics revealed ?

































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301



Omo! Omo! My heart is fluttering right now.

Thanks hihi_hehe and sally7 for the original preview text and thanks to Timnat2010 for the translation.


From the episode preview and the preview text, it looks like we will be IN for 3 surprises in tomorrow's episode:


1. Yong's [additional] buried gift to Hyun


2. the first gift and birthday event Hyun prepared for her hubby, Yong, in her lifetime


3. the underlying truth of the lyrics of Love Light would be unveiled too



No wonder MC Kim tweeted about YOngSeo couple. He too couldn't contain all the excitement after having watched the continuation of the Birthday episode.

@dreamyboo, thanks for those photos of Yong. But let us be reminded that we Gogumas here do not have any right to even ogle at YongHwa as he is very well taken by uri Hyun. Remember _d3seohyun's constant warning, "Back Off, ladies!!!". Hahaha!!!!

@jnj, from my having watched K-dramas for a long long time I got the knowledge that "URI" could both be used as singular and plural possessive pronouns, hence, it can both mean as "my" or "our". But then if I got such knowledge incorrectly, any one feel free to correct me. I just love that constant referral of YongHwa to SeoHyun as "MY HYUN!" as it really denotes possession. I remember he also used such possessive pronoun "MY HYUN" as a caption of their photo taken in the bank when they opened their couple bank account and such photo was put in a newspaper article.

And oh! before I forget. What are all these talks in the thread about "stars" accessories? I might have been lost in your discussions lately. What is the significance of the "stars"? Can any good soul enlighten me?

And speaking of "stars"... didn't anyone mention about Hyun's skirt in this DAUM ADS? Her skirt has "stars" prints.

So let me re-post Seobaby's photo [with her Unnies] shared by aneng some pages back...




Simply because she is THE ROCKER'S WIFE afterall!!!




I will be back later. Today, I feel like wanting to spazz until I drop. Hahaha!!!


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