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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thank you to the goguma who posted the subbed episode of Running Man! I got so into it! I love Kwonnie and Yong together and Yong was so good. Is it true he was invited back for another episode?












Yes, he guested for ep.11, I think it was shown just a couple of days ago. 












Sorry, this is not a Goguma thing, but, since this is about our beloved Yong, hope everybody here will excuse me for answering Sassysnsd :sweatingbullets:



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Guest sirius1430266457









I've been a huge fan of YOngSeo eversince I discovered them, I think in their 3rd episode. I thought they were a perfect match; aside from being both very good-looking, Yong made Hyun feel very relaxed around him, but recently, I feel like SeoHyun is becoming too good for Yonghwa. He's charming and very talented and they definitely have amazing chemistry but especially in these past couple of episodes, he's starting to annoy me, and I sometimes wish that Hyun would be partnered with someone whose personality is as equally strong as hers. Or a much better version of Yong...
















































































































































i hope yonghwa didn’t join this show too.so that I don’t have to read bad comments about yonghwa and see people scrutinizing every single thing that he did(yes im yonghwa biased).i love this couple but I cant stand seeing people leave bad comments like they know yonghwa and seohyun very well.who are you to judge who is more suitable for them??i always think that its destiny that brought them together..wgm maybe a show,maybe scripted too.we don’t know.but I bet they learn from each other a lot.
















































































































































I love cnblue very much.the only kpop group that I love and yonghwa is the reason that I know cn blue.i used to listen to other kpop group but lost my interest because of their fans.honestly I started to dislike seohyun after I read rude comments about yonghwa on youtube by seohyun fans.the ideal girl thing and few other interviews.then I think its just a stupid thing to dislike someone that I barely know.then after few episodes I started to love them again coz I realized that he's happy with seohyun and vice versa.well its their life afterall.maybe this is just a show,but I think they really appreciates each other.plus he meets the real seohyun.i only know her from wgm and some other variety show..so I think I don’t have the right to judge her.as long as he is happy im ok with it.
















































































































































You said yonghwa annoys you?well I think fan like you is quite annoying too.hehehehe

























































































































































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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































Ahhhh the new episode is just daebak!!! :wub:






















































































































































You can really tell that Yong made an effort to it.






















































































































































His gift is unconventional yet it worked and made Hyun one happy lady. :sweatingbullets:












































































































































































































































































































A lot of people seem to have issues about lack of skinship and "it's-for-the-show" relationship between them.






















































































































































Am i the only who's enjoying the lack of skinship between hyun & Yong??? ;)






















































































































































Don't get me wrong, i LOVE skinship. The holding-hands during the horror special made me spazz like a 16 year old.






















































































































































But for me, the whole lack of skinship made their relationship more real. :wub:






















































































































































I don't want to compare to them to the other couples, but with YongSeo, you can actually see their progress.






















































































































































It maybe slow, others call it boring, but i think, that's what make their relationship seem so real coz you can see the development during these past few months.






















































































































































You can't fake the progress we saw these past months. Sure, they have missions and stuff, but the way Hyun slowly open herself and trust Yong, you can't fake that. The shy glances, the happy laugh between them, you can't really fake all of that. The fascination in Yong's face when he discovers something new from Hyun, you can't fake that either. blush.gif






















































































































































You can see that through their "slow" progress they are building a strong foundation into their relationship. May it be for romantic aspect or friendship aspect? I don't know. But one thing is for sure, whatever they built in the show, will stay with them after WGM ends.






















































































































































I love skinship, but i don't mind if we don't get to see it often too... :sweatingbullets:




































































































































































































































































and for xiam9, please if you don't have anything nice to say, just keep your opinions to yourself and STFU. <_<









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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a lot of people here are aware that WGM is a reality show.  it's not fair to make cheap shots at the fans for wanting to believe that there could be something more.  i know i am probably one of the most realistic people on here – so much so that even i voice out my skepticism on a regular basis – but i try and do it as respectfully as i can, and that also means putting any of my thoughts behind a spoiler cut.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when i first started posting, a lot of my "realistic" posts were often given negative points, but after seeking an explanation, i changed my habits.  i've realized that the reasons for putting analyses that aren't always favorable behind cuts is to maintain the positive atmosphere the fans have for the goguma couple, not because readers here can't accept it.  you'd be surprised how many people are open to reading analyses; it poses a lot of questions many people like thinking about and like to answer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you're bored by the goguma couple, that's your opinion, but don't blame that boredom and contempt on the fans' desire to wish something more could happen.  

moreover, don't blame the fact that we don't seem to accept your critical analysis.  that last post you made wasn't an objective critical analysis at all; in fact, it almost seemed like an attack on the participants of this forum and on the subject of the forum itself, despite your claim that it wasn't your intention.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if i sound upset, it's only because i'm feeling protective of the people of this forum.  i may not share the same views as a lot of them, but at least what we have in common is adoring the growth that yong and seo have made together as a make-believe couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for quoting your whole post, it is quite long.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I just have to say you took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree with you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think people seem to forget that in this thread, we have SNSD AND CN BLUE fans alike. So you can't expect to hate on Yong or Hyun without your post being voted down. This is a Yonghwa AND SeoHyun thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look, if you have a negative opinion about 1/2 of our couple, I would prefer it if you guys take it somewhere else. We are here to celebrate and enjoy YONGSEO as a COUPLE and as INDIVIDUALS. You don't expect to post in a CN Blue thread and say that Min Hyuk annoys you and get away with that. Same as posting in the SNSD thread that you think SNSD would be better if they replaced Tiffany with a better version of Tiffany. This is a Yonghwa and SeoHyun thread. Coming to this thread to post something, wouldn't it be a pre-requisite to actually like them?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As to pointing out "realistic" hypotheses about our couple, I don't think it's a problem per se. Sometimes, we do get too involved in our fantasies that we MAY be losing grip on reality. But you know what, there are many ways to skin a cat. There is a way of bringing us back to the ground BUT cushioning the fall. Apart also from playing Captain Obvious, please make sure that whatever you have to say is constructive and not detrimental to this thread. I've seen posts floating around that, to be honest, don't belong here. "YongSeo couple are boring", "Seo is too good for Yong", etc. Okay, that's your opinion. But posting in this thread, your point is...?

































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Guest ahn_annann







sally7 thanks for the calendar , can you separate each months ? you know, I set them for wallpaper on every months





edit : thank you so much sally7 , saved..





j2dlee Big thanks to you for translate





_d3seohyun and everyone,I love to read all your discussion , thank you


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Guest crystalblue


WOW! how fantastic were the calendars that Sally 7 posted??? They really helped to clarify things for me since I kept getting stuff jumbled up no matter how many times I went back on this thread to try to make things understandable and now with those calendars, I am clear as day ! so thank you for being such an awesome goguma lover. I wonder how long it takes to grow those gogumas and if they'll show them returning to the field to dig them out? Yong Hwa is just so romantic manly man of a bf. Hyun must have been smiling and anxious to tell her unnies about the goguma patch gift. Her unnies must have swooned loudly again!


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































hi guys anybody knows today hubby Yong MC @ Inkigayo? What happen pls.? Is the Ring Ding Dong is up 2day? Is there any behind the scene again for today? I wonder is Trax perform again? I hope u can share here if there's any news about today inkigayo. Kamsahamnida 
































































































































Sally7 Thanks on that calendar, 20th AUG IN SINGAPORE. Fan ask Yong if u like SeoHyun OF COURSE I LIKE SEOHYUN w00t.gif That's it w00t.gif Question in my heart and mind been answered by Yong it's self DAEBAK :):):) so let's just enjoy our lovely couple.
































































































































To all YongSeo lovers just continue support our lovely couple, likewise in their individual work. It's true that we cannot please everybody some will like them some not. But for us here and other YongSeo thread they luv them so no worries about all negative views. In entertainment industry and even in our normal life there's always some people who is negative. So let's all move on and be happy. All we can see YongSeo couple are happy and for sure they like each other. I just think that way so that i will be happy :) like each other as lover or friend doesn't matter as long as YongSeo are happy. Love love love

































































































































































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WGM editing make confuse sometime I need to go back and check calendar before consider they reaction from each episode


here calendar from feb to sep





Hi Sally7!


I really appreciate your YONGSEO calendars ever since you made the first ones. When July was finished I was hoping that you would continue to make the coming months. They are good timeline reference of what has happened to the couple. Whenever I was confused I just go back to page 814 of this thread until I discovered that sweetpotatoblog also has them.


Again, thank you so much!


Hi sun-sun: thanks for timing and typesetting the episodes! You and j2dlee are a team!


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Guest sun_sun


Thank you j2dlee's translation ^^ This is just part 1 ...part 2 (end) will coming

Edit : Part 1 link


Sorry , It's a little late for this Part >>> here Part 2

much more love for this couple..I always smile when I'm subbing...Yong never miss to make Hyun laughs and also I always see Yong laughs out loud while he's with Hyun...This ep filmed few months ago..I really wanna see their date in Japan how change they are


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wowee! sally, tks for the calender! daebak!

it really helps when our emo gets tangled up :sweatingbullets:

*saved it in my fave folder*


tks for putting up the link, sun_sun. hugs


hi5 yongseo style, sirius!

and i thank u for not disliking hyun anymore.

i'm seohyun biased btw, and it touches me when ppl start to accept her.

just like u, tks to wgm, i got to know more abt yong, the boys(a talented bunch)

and also came to appreciate CN Blue's music.


to those who come here with the intentions of putting down

yongseo, as individual or as a couple..

u are entering the lion's den!! ;)



Make Love Not War....


sophia, yup he did. i saw bling bling on his wedding finger.


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Guest monkie2804

@sirius_feez: great comment. I was about to reply to that post too but yours is just so good ^_^ I still want to ask the owner of that comment what s/he meant by saying Yonghwa's personality is not as strong as Seohyun's. I wouldn't go into comparing who has a stronger or more interesting personality here since I love both, but I wonder why some people can't just see that after appearing on WGM, Seohyun has become more open to express herself, and turn from a girl to a lady [like a lot of people have said]. I believe Yonghwa plays an important part in there. Not only he can affect Seohyun in a good way, he also appears to be a good oppa or husband in leading her and taking care of her. I'm not sure what else people want from him.

I started as both a Sone and a Boice but i'm more on Yong's side since Seohyun wasn't my fav in SNSD back then [she is now though]. I didn't go to the extreme that I dislike her because of her fans' rude comments to YH, but I get really annoyed when people act like they know everything about Yongseo personally or just because of one small innocent action and they are quick to accuse YH to be cheater or something similar.

Sorry if my post sounds annoying and for my bad English ^_^

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Guest blackflower52




Hmm...there seems to be a lot of negativity in the last few pages. It's good to have different views, but let's try to keep it positive :)





Am i the only who's enjoying the lack of skinship between hyun & Yong???  ;)





Don't get me wrong, i LOVE skinship. The holding-hands during the horror special made me spazz like a 16 year old.





But for me, the whole lack of skinship made their relationship more real.  :wub:





I don't want to compare to them to the other couples, but with YongSeo, you can actually see their progress.





It maybe slow, others call it boring, but i think, that's what make their relationship seem so real coz you can see the development during these past few months.





I agree. I'm actually liking the slow skinship b/c it makes everything seems more special and real. It's like watching two people slowly fall in love with each other.  Even though it is a TV show, I think their affection for each other is genuine. The way Yong and Hyun talk and look at each other now is so different to before.





And also, let's not forget that Hyun is only 19 and loves sweet potatoes more than guys. Skinship may come quickly and naturally for most people, but for Hyun's it's different. For her to hold hands with Yong (in the Chuseok special) after knowing him for a mere 6 (?) months is quite spectacular. I think Hyun is gradually becoming more open to skinship and we have Yong to thank for that - he has always been caring and understands that Hyun is really pure, so he has never pressured her.





Although I started watching the show because of Yong and CN Blue, I have become a fan of Seohyun and even SNSD too (I only really got into kpop one or two months ago, and had a bad impression of SNSD even before that b/c of their fans and controversies). I love WGM (though Yongseo is the only couple I watch), because it allows celebrities to openly experience romance without the pressure of keeping their relationships secret from crazy fans, and it allows the audience to learn about love or be reminded of their past loves.





No matter what happens when the show finishes,  Yong and Hyun have already made a positive impact on each other's lives and I think even my life as well. I have learnt so much about love & life just from watching the show and reading the comments in this thread.





Thank you to everyone who contributes to this thread, I'm usually a lurker, but I will try to post more from now on.





Anyway, I am really looking forward to this Saturday.:D


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Guest gauri92
































































































































































































































i have to say that i find theirs to be the most realistically progressive relationship on the show, if that even makes sense...
































































































































































it takes time for a relationship to flourish...and when it does, it is stronger because of the time taken to get to know each other before taking things to a different level...
































































































































































and both are the kinds to take things slowly and gradually to make sure that what they have later is strong....they tried their best to make sure that their foundation is strong so that they could build on it later....
































































































































































and the lack of skinship as such doesn't bother me at all....i think that their comfort level around each other, expressions, gestures....just everything....is enough. they seem like a more mature couple which is very comfortable around each other

































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tks to j2 and sun_sun, i enjoy watching the recent epi even more.


uh oh...not the ahjussi too.


i :lol: at yong's expression.



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@sirius_feez- thank god that u don't hate seobaby anymore.. i know what you fell because sometimes, me also in your situation too.. but my case is seobaby...(super seobaby biased) its hurt sometimes to read when people keep condemning, saying this and that without knowing in the depth....That's why, don't jump into conclusion..that was really bad..and now, yong.. poor with him.. he always do the best.. and i'm glad, our seobaby be paired with him.. and In yongseo condition, no matter what, I'm never blaming them. that was crazy fans who need to be blame anyway..and we cant pleased evryone to like both of them...so, as gogumas, we hava to keep positive and we all know both are lucky to have each other, deserve to what they have now...



they completing each other...:P YONGSEO is :wub: :wub:



their love journey,its gonna be with them forever..with us too..



yong, u such a good hubby to our seohyun... and hyun, u such a good wife to our yong...keep supporting each other, okay? :P









@heroine- hi,i'm fan fan of JoongBo too... yongseo remind me of them :P (i'm crying when it comes to their final epi.. and know, i dont even dare to think about yongseo's turn.. just wanna enjoy every moment with them...)






jnj- hi, chingu!!! :P






tq for the translation, links, pics and all your post...have a nice day gogumas!!!





edit :


seohyun, "yonghwa oppa"


credit to thesonesource13


i found it cute.. both are checking each other eh..



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I've been a huge fan of YOngSeo eversince I discovered them, I think in their 3rd episode. I thought they were a perfect match; aside from being both very good-looking, Yong made Hyun feel very relaxed around him, but recently, I feel like SeoHyun is becoming too good for Yonghwa. He's charming and very talented and they definitely have amazing chemistry but especially in these past couple of episodes, he's starting to annoy me, and I sometimes wish that Hyun would be partnered with someone whose personality is as equally strong as hers. Or a much better version of Yong...

I am usually a silent reader who rarely post, but, after reading your post, I just couldn't stay hidden. First, let me say that I do appreciate you sharing your thought with us. However, I can say that I was very saddened when I read this.

I am a Korean who has been following Yonghwa since before WGM very closely and who has been a fan of Yongseo couple from the very first episode. I do follow both Korean fansites as well as overseas sites for Yonghwa, CN Blue, general Korean news and entertainments, and here at soompi. I can confidently say that I know what has been going on with both Yonghwa and Yongseo couple from both Korean viewers' point of view as well as overseas viewers'.

Reading your comment that implied that Yonghwa doesn't have strong enough personality or isn't good enough for Seohyun, after watching recent episodes of WGM, made me question if you know Yonghwa that well really, within WGM as well as outside of WGM. I also thought again of the reasons many of us Korean Yonghwa fans despereately wish Yonghwa to quit WGM as soon as possible because WGM tends to portray Yonghwa as someone who is as a somewhat of an immature (choding) person and tends to dismiss more serious and stronger side of his personality.

Those of us, Korean fans who has been watching and reading first hand all the things that Yonghwa had to endure since the debut and the way Yonghwa handled everything really know how strong person Yonghwa truly is. There is no way Yonghwa could have handled everyting he had to handle since his debut and be where he is now if he isn't a very strong, mature, and very focused individual. Overseas fans who aren't fluent in Korean and those who have to rely on translations can't possibly know how tough Korean netizens and media have been to CN Blue, especially to Yonghwa since he is the leader and the most visible member. In fact, they still remain very harsh and extremly tough. It is been so tough that I totally understood what Yonghwa meant when he said he nearly broke down after finish writing and recording "One Time" during CN Blue's first concert in Korea. To this day, I can't listen to the lyrics of that song without getting a little tugging of heartstrings, thinking of all the harsh words Yonghwa and CN Blue had to endure since their debut.

In addition, getting treatment for the vocal cord nodule while handling a full, killer of Bluelove album promotion schedul added more pressure and difficulties as well. In fact, the latest episode and the "CN Blue and Hyun pocketball" episode was filmed during the CN Blue's toughest Bluelove schedule when they were flying back and forth from Japan and Korea as well as during the time Yonghwa was getting outpatient treatment for a vocal cord nodule. Some of us Korea fans held our breath everytime Yonghwa had to sing on air during this time and during their Japan concerts in June because his health at the time and his vocal cord condition and the side effects of the shots Yonghwa had to take directly to his vocal cord as a treatment for a vocal cord nodule. This latest episode was filmed right after CN Blue's June Japan concerts. However, just watching this WGM episode, one would never know that Yonghwa was going through all this. That is because Yonghwa never let it show what he is going through personally in his works.

Remember that Yonghwa is a singer? Can you imagine how scary it might have been for Yonghwa, as a singer, to be getting a shot directly on his vocal cord while still trying to maintain his full schedule? All the while harsh netizens and media were trying to bring him down with every little gesture and comments he makes and trying to ridicule his band and their music? This is the time that I really became Yonghwa's fan because of how truly strong he is and how dedicated he is about his music. I come to admire him for his inner strength. Believe me. Not only is he charming and very talented, he IS a very strong person.

I am sorry that I've gone into so much about Yonghwa outside of WGM, but I felt as though I need to emphasize a part of Yonghwa's personality that is not shown on WGM first before I can go into Yonghwa within WGM. I said that many of us Korean Yonghwa fans wish Yonghwa would quit WGM as soon as possible. It is not because we don't like WGM or Yonghseo couple or Seohyun as Yonghwa's partner.

As much as I love Yongseo couple and have come to adore Seohyun through WGM, I am also one of those who always struggle between wanting to see more of Yongseo couple and wanting Yonghwa quit this show as soon as possible. Although WGM uses somewhat of "real variety concept", it is first and foremost "an entertainment". Not a drama but a "variety" show. Most of the general Korean viewers expect a "variety" show to be funny and to make them laugh. It was very clear from the beginning that Seohyun is not going to be the one to be "funny" or make people laugh on her own. Someone had to provide the "funny" and "make people laugh" part. That person had to be Yonghwa because he is the only one of the two who can do that. That is where "choding" and "jealous Yong" part came in, imo. Yongseo couple initially captured the viewers with an older, considerate, more mature Yonghwa leading younger and innocent Seohyun. Now,they've added another layer to that with "Yong choding" in last few episodes, and, lately, with "skinship issue" to keep veiwers entertained as well as keeping interested.

We have to realize that the writers and producers of WGM have a certain storyline they set to follow for each couple to provide "entertainment" for the general viewers. Although the show isn't scripted, it does still have a general guideline and purpose of providing "variety show" type of entertainment. I guess what I am trying to say is that how Yonghwa and Seohyun may be portrayed in this show is not all that is to them.

Again, I am so sorry for responding with such a long drawn out post, but it really upset me when people think of Yonghwa as merely as how he is portrayed on WGM when I know there is so much more to Yonghwa than WGM ever willing to portray as a husband of Seohyun. Knowing what I know of Yonghwa and have seen what I've been seen how Yonhgwa handled everything outside of WGM since his debut, it really saddens me when someone sees him as not strong person. I can't judge whether he is good enough for Seohyun or not because that is not for me to judge. However, I can judge, based on what I've seen of Yonhgwa these past year and what I've heard Yonghwa said in interviews and other shows outside of WGM, I know that Yonghwa is a very strong person.

Lastly, I want to also mention that Yonghwa would have been much different has he been partnered with someone else other than Seohyun. He is having to hold back quite a lot even from the very beginning because of his partner is Seohyun. Not that it is bad that his partner is Seohyun. However, many of general viewers in Korea is saying that Yonghwa may have actually flourished even more on WGM and may have become even more of success on WGM had he been partnered with someone who is more open and outgoing since he probably wouldn't had to hold back so much.

I love Yongseo couple and Seohyun as Yonghwa's partner. Regardless, I do get very sad when I see some people judge Yonghwa purely based on WGM only because there is just so much more to him than what it being shown on WGM. As much as I love Yongseo as a couple, those are the times when I wish Yonghwa would quit WGM already and may be consider taking a semi regular job on Running Man because Running Man has managed to show many more different sides of Yonghwa in mere two episodes than WGM has lately. >_<

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credits: jungyonghwa.net

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello Goguma lovers! Yesterday's episode was an enjoyable one for me.








































































I would like to address the poster who wished Hyun to have a better version of Yong. Who are we to say who is better for whom or wishing for a stronger version? Well, this ahjuma says, "Give me Yong as he is right now anytime and I won't give him back, except to Hyun!" :w00t:








































































There is a reason why older people like and respect Yong. Not Yong the idol, but Yong the person. Look at the hosts in Happy Together, Running Man and WGM MCs. Yong, in his own subtle way is a strong person. You have to really look at him to see it. His strength is not "In your face" kinda strong. He's got depth, that boy. And he's very charismatic. I suggest anyone that doubts Yong go and watch Running Man episode 7 and 11 and you will see another side of Yong. I was very very impressed with his strategical and analytical mind. And he stays cool under pressure! Now, with that kind of characteristics, I want him on my team in time of crisis.








































































Now onto ep 26... I'm like some of you who liked Yong's funny expression when the owner said that he likes Hyun. I had to hold my stomach while laughing, and I kept repeating his expression. He's like saying "What the hell?!" "Are you for real?!" "That's my wife you're flirting with in front of me!"








































































Dreamyboo: Wave back at you!








































































Edit: Kay77, thank you very much for that insight into Yong's character. I've only seen him in WGM, Running Man, Happy Together and the Making of (forgot the name of the show)... and I'm already very impressed with his maturity and strength in character. And he's only 22 (21) years old!









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Guest saranghaex130






Hey everyone~ :)




Hope you all had a great weekend, how can we not with our weekly dose of goguma? :P




Just re-watched the episode with subs (Thanks sun_sun and j2dlee for the translations! :])




and in part 2 at around 7:46 does seohyun wink?! The part where yonghwa is singing to c.n blue and she fixes her hat and then she very slightly winks? 




or am i just imagining it :P






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