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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is this thread back TO square 1?? :unsure: lol!!!
































































































































































































































































this is funny..
































































































































































































































































anyway, waiting for sun_sun's sub vids 크크크크 ;)
































































































































































































































































thank you again j2dlee for your translations.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































and trent, im waiting for your update :P
































































































































































































































































everyone have a happy sunday!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































I hope we are not back to square 1 as Baby_Bo said... Lets all be happy in the Goguma Land.
























































The only thing I can say about all this, that we Goguma shippers are not blind, but we choose to Believe. When you believe in something you do not need proof, you feel it with your heart.
























































And from episode one I have seen how this two amazing people have put a lot of effort in getting to know each other and take care of each other.
























































As the PD said in an interview in some degree the adam couple and kunthoria couple were put together because they stated in their interviews that they liked the other person. For Yongseo it was from zero and I love the way they have build their relationship, it is amazing to me.
























































I dont think that we "the goguma family" are a bunch of crazy people (well, maybe a little :)) - Nobody have said that, do not take offence, it is me talking - but the thing is we try to always look at the bright side, if looking at the bright side is called crazy well you can count me in.
























































At last, I totally agree with Goguma1207, a lot of people come here to distract themselve from the harships of real life (me included, because real life sometimes sucks) and this happy place can take away all my worries.
























































Yes maybe I am crazy, Yes maybe I am putting my expectations to high and Yes maybe in the end I am going to cry as hard as I cried for the Joongbo Couple but as they say "Just enjoy the ride until it last".
























































Happy Day my fellow gogumas!!!!
























































Edit: Yes and this is me been ultra super positive with something that I dont know how is going to end, but I am enjoying the ride until it last.









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It's been awhile since I last posted on this thread. That doesn't mean I haven't been here to read up silently each week though :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks j2dlee, redtulip, yukiloves, sun_sun and all translation/sub contributors. Your hard work is greatly appreciated and makes viewing so much more enjoyable.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I'm enjoying most each week is seeing how much closer Yong and Seohyun are getting. Keeping in mind that this is a reality program after all, I still find it very sweet and heart-warming to see much of their own personalities shining through even as they themselves are aware of how much public scrutiny they are under and the expectations that are placed on how attractive they project themselves on screen. Whether or not this make-believe marriage develops into a real relationship off-screen is difficult to determine by anyone else aside from the two people involved. But from experience and observation, I believe it's difficult not to at least develop some sort of affection for someone whom you share such intimate and beautiful experiences with, as well as someone who genuinely reaches out to you with kindness and care.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even in the context of a program, there really isn't any real need for Yong to go all out to organise such a meaningful birthday experience for Hyun. Many people in the first flushes of love don't even think outside the square when preparing a gift for their loved ones. For him to choose a gift he knows has meaning to Hyun says a lot for the person that he is. Neither is there any real need for Hyun to contact and send caring gifts to Yong when he became ill. That too also speaks of the person that she is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The two of them together ... I see a partnership of caring and support. They encourage each other through difficulties and cheer the other on to successes. In many ways, they are both old souls in youthful bodies :) True, I don't see any huge leaps in the development of personal closeness each week. But frankly, I like it better this way as it makes them more true to themselves. Inevitably, some things of course cannot be avoided and some actions could be magnified to ensure viewership. But on the whole, what I see is the personal growth of two beautiful people ... as individuals and as a cohesive partnership.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for all the spazzes, the detailed caps and gifs, and lovely analysis, everyone! It brightens my days whenever I do visit this thread as it reminds me of an ongoing party celebrating the beauty of living and love. :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392








About SeoHyun attending CNBLUE's concert, can you please quote the fan accounts or PM with the link where you read it?

:) I only read there were a couple of articles on korean portal news but, as you mentioned, there weren't pics and only one or two fanaccounts (that were translated). I was wondering if you could tell me where did you read all those several fanaccounts because I think I missed them on this thread :(

About critical analysis, well I guess everyone has different likes right? =P Personally I like reading all the posts and answer each one of them because I find every post interesting. I haven't done that lately because I've been really busy but I really enjoy this thread. As a fellow Goguma I feel a bit sad that you get bored with some posts but not everyone likes the same things right? I think being too critical in a negative way about YongSeo isn't something good because, after all, this is just a show as you said and they (YongHwa and SeoHyun) are people we don't know; while being delusional and extremely positive is something good because it cheers us up (to most of us I think). Whatever happens to the two of them (Yong&Hyun) won't have a big impact on our real lives so I think that's why most of us choose to look on the positive side and yeah, sometimes it seems that we've been blinded, but at least for me this is something that distracts me. I mean, I adore them because they manage to cheer me up and distract me in a positive way. This thread and YongSeo helped me get out of depression when my mom got very sick and my nanny (who practically raised me) suddenly died. That's why I love the happy posts and positive vibe this thread has and why sometimes when people say negative things here about Yong~ or Hyun~ it affects me a lot.


I agree with you about the last part, fans affect their idols a lot so we can't blame them if they act or not (and we will probably never know if they did really act or not). That's why, in my opinion, it is kind of pointless because you will never find an answer and be 100% sure it is true. Let's just enjoy them while they last and have fun (: I love them to death and want them to be successful and loved by everyone, but to me is like watching a kdrama. I'm obsessed with them, but I try not to take it too personally.


*Sorry for my long post blush.gif I wonder if you read all of it xD I hope you understood what I meant, English isn't my first language but I tried to explain what I thought the best I could. I hope I didn't write something wrong and make you feel offended, if that's the case I apologize in advance because probably I didn't explain correctly. If you have a doubt on something I said you don't understand just ask me. :)



prncsscharming: Chapter 10 already? I think the I only read chapter 1 and 2 :( I will definitely find some time this week and catch up with your fanfic :D


dancer87: Hey hi! I hope you will post more often! I love loong posts and enjoyed so much reading yours. Very interesting point of view. I also think the latest ep was like a very important 'stage' on their 'married' life/relationship. Call me delusional but I feel I can relate the frustation feeling from 'I don't know why' composed by Yong~ to this episode.


shane09: Your gifs are amazing as always! Thanks for making and sharing them :D


kyo0501: Hey hi! Welcome to Goguma land! :D


pancakes&flappyjacks: I feel it's been years since the last time you posted! hehehe or maybe it's because I haven't been checking the thread as much as I used to? :lol: I've been very busy lately *sigh* Hehehehe didn't Yong~ say he skipped his afternoon classes or something like that just to go to SNSD perf? xD




:lol: This thread moves really fast, I just finished replying to some posts and posted and now there are more new posts =P


Not that I'm complaining hehehe


It's good to express your opinion (of course always in a respectful way *hugs th.* ) =) I don't think we are back to square 1 right? We are a big Goguma family and we've been together for almost 8 months ^^







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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@th: we are aware that the WGM is a show. but to my understanding, WGM PD's just give them missions and the rest is up to the couple. that what makes the show interesting and that is why us fans can interpret that what we see in the show are real. their conversations are not scripted. if there were scripts, Victoria would not mention a brand that is not a sponsor of WGM (Khun's birthday episode), Kwon would not burp in front of GaIn and ask about if she farts. and GaIn would not answer that with "yes" (since they are idols, they should maintain their images).and Seohyun, based on watching other SNSD shows is not the best actress you could find (no offense). she is firm to her beliefs. like in the Horror movie factory, she was asked to act like she is angry with Tiffany, use banmal with her, and hit her with a pillow. all other members are pushing her to do that. she even asked if she can talk respectfully to Tiffany while hitting her. it took a while for her to do that and she was tearing up after. in the K-pop industry, you would do anything to be on top. but in the TRAX MV "Oh my Goddess" the plan was to have a kissing scene. in the entertainment industry, if a kissing scene is required, you do it. but Seohyun refused strongly. she is very honest and strong about her beliefs. so Seohyun in WGM and other SNSD shows or other activities that she does and the Seohyun that her unnies know, is the same and real Seohyun. **Now to Yonghwa. Yonghwa started to be known as a drama actor, so basically he can act. but after watching several CNBlue shows (example: Making the Artist: CNBlue) before he joined WGM, what we see him do in WGM, being "Yong choding" is what I saw in other CNBlue shows. in other international shows they do, he is always playful and joking around with his bandmates. so basically the Yonghwa we see in WGM is the real Yonghwa. **about Seohyun attending CNBlue's concert. it was confirmed in the news. and why aren't there any pictures of her? fans was there to attend CNBlue's concert, so their focus would be, well, to watch the concert. and Seohyun arrived at the concert hall about 10 minutes late so that the lights was off and left 10 or 15 minutes before the concert ended to avoid fans. so she was careful not to be photographed as she is well aware that that event is a CNBlue event, not a WGM event. **about Seohyun caring for Yong outside WGM. when he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules, she wanted to visit him in the hospital, but there were a lot of fans already in the hospital so to avoid controversy, he told her not to come. she understood it. and when Yong was discharged from the hospital and was given the "ok" to film WGM, Seohyun gave him propolis. we never got to see that event but it was mentioned by Yonghwa in an interview. he was touched by that act. and propolis is expensive. if you observe their conversations closely, you would see that they really contact each other outside WGM. **now talking about their popularity increasing due to WGM. it may be direct or indirect effect of WGM but when they are doing other events for their respective groups, questions about WGM is inevitable. an example would be CNBlue in Thailand. he was asked about if he misses Korea and Seohyun, he answered he does but after meeting the fans in Thailand, he would like to stay longer. he understands, as the leader of his band, that they are there to promote their music and not WGM. so he answers WGM related questions but later would focus on CNBlue's music.





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Guest Crystal392






More screencaps from the latest ep:









The letter


cr: 월하용서 @ dcmarried


Hyun~ is very happy and Yong~ looks nervous/embarrassed (?) :lol:








The letter....






The MC looks very touched :tears:





***Btw, did you notice the pictures they now use to identify Hyun~ and Yong~ on WGM (their little faces on the top left corner) are now different? :P



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Guest fazie86




Just woke up from my sleep..but what most interesting is that..i dream abput this couple. SeoHwa couple!!!




in my dream:




SeoHyun being interview by someone and looking awe full (almost crying) and her face look so pale (*she eating gugoma) :P




Interviewer: How r u feeling?


Hyun: I dont know. I hope everything will be ok...


Interviewer: How about Yong Hwa


Hyun: He's in a hard time right now. i hope he's ok. im hoping both of us wil be ok


Interviewer: i also wish both of u a very good luck




and then, my dream being drag into new plot when Yong and Hyun come out from a cab and Yong dressed formally (in black suit)




Hyun: Both of us need to made up our mind (she looking very tired and worried at the same time)


Yong: i know (he also look almost same like hyun but try to show his brave side)


Hyun: U must be strong


Yong: I know


Hyun: We must fight together. My father is not easy to handle


Yong: Ok (look very worried)




turn up, my dream is about Hyun father is not agreeing Hyun meet up with Yong and both of them try to convince Hyun father that both of them are serious in this relationship even though they are currently on WGM. Hyun father worried about the skinship of the couple since Hyun is his *baby girl..




until now..i can't believe what i dream about and found it as something funny... SeoHwa couple really come into me.. i become ADDICTED to both of them... somebody help me please....



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Guest toomuchsmiling
















I also have to say thanks to j2dlee, redtulip, yukiandjudy, sun_sun and any others that helped in translating and uploading the show.








Thank you all for contributing to translations at the parts where I couldn't understand what was being said. It is very much appreciated.
















This episode...rite now all i wanna say is DARN u PD for making us wait another week!!! :lol:
















btw, HAVE to bring this up b4 i forget, but SOMEONE needs to make a GIF of Yong's face when the farmer was all "seohyun is so popular". LOLOLOL. :lol: it was just too hilarious.








what was that expression?? :lol:
















Yes we all know this is a show. At the very least we can say they are very close friends now. As far as Yong though, I feel like he really does have feelings for Seohyun. I'm basing that on his previous love-filled (well SOME kind of emotion-filled) stares at her. Heck, there was even a stare on the bus after he separated her arms. Granted, it was only a side view, but it was still one of his looks, u know?
















And then another thing, I feel like it wouldn't be true if i were to say that Yong is just an honestly really deep/thoughtful/smart guy so it was just a brilliant idea of his to think of getting her goguma rows. No. I think Yonghwa is a deep/thoughtful/smart guy who geniunely seemed to think LONG and HARD about what to get Seohyun. What would be SPECIAL to her. because normally if guys are just doing it b/c they feel they have to (and b/c it will air) not b/c of any emotions, they would totally just get whatever is easy (card/flowers/etc) and fake it up. Yonghwa could have done that, he could have just gone to some restaurant in Seoul or something and treat her to a 3-course goguma meal. (like seohyun said, many people have GIVEN her gogumas) but he came up with something new/different. Even Jinwoon was like "who would have expected it?"
















I also think that Yonghwa probably thinks that Seohyun doesn't feel the same way (i mean, in her words she's NEVER even REALLY LIKED a guy in her life) so who could blame him for being mellow and more of a friend? He seems like he's just waiting to see if Seohyun has any reaction toward him at all, any changes she mite want to make (skinship) I think i KNOW that if Seohyun continues to be stone-ish with her feelings (which i think the Ueni Juri ep disproves), Yonghwa would let it continue as how it is currently. He wouldn't push anything she'd feel uncomfortable with for the sake of the audience/WGM.
















Since Seohyun is SO pure, people who want the instant skinships that Khuntoria has given, or the real couple feeling of the Adams will just have to remain disappointed/wait then. Since they can't be happy with what it is right now, because MOST gogumas here realize that Seohyun is making progress with opening up (some of us would even say TREMENDOUS progress) and with a GUY. It's exciting to us who feel like we know Seohyun (as fans who've seen her since earlier days) that we are seeing Seohyun develop from a girl who had absolutely NO interest in guys (Taeyeon said it on Win Win) to a girl who may be developing a first love here. (remember how on the first ep she was all "wat's first love? wat's the difference b/w like and love?") Seems like she is discovering the differences now. We as Yongseo fans hope/see this.
















^Kerube-Chan- totally love what u said starting after "yes maybe i am crazy". Joongbo REALLY made me cry too. :tears: ah, let's enjoy this journey of theirs together as fans and see how it ends up. :) <3
















silvergrey and heartbreak_warfare22- exactly! love what you guys say. ^^








crystal_malfoy- awesome shares and insight as usual! always look forward to wat u say. ;)









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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I'll shut my mouth after this post
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I choose to believe .... that's it ... I allow myself to be blind . I know and yet I choose to ignore. This life is realistic, and I am myself, but this thread and YongSeo give me happiness, I let myself stay in a wildest world with dreams.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And if you ask me why I'm crazy this much ... I'll say I choose to believe whatever I want to believe ... from the bottom of my heart, YongSeo is close, and they do things that mean something !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks !

































































































































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Guest Crystal392






fazie86: hahahaha when you start having Goguma dreams it means you are really addicted to them! I've only dreamt about them once and actually it was a dream about this thread, we were talking about uri YongSeo and were spazzing because they announced publicly they were dating... hahahaha xD






If I'm not wrong some pages ago a lot of Gogumas were posting 'symptoms' to know if you had been infected by Goguma virus xD I think one of the 'symptoms' is when you begin to have Goguma dreams! :P Dear, I think this means you have the virus ;)



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Guest .:love_ya:.






Just woke up from my sleep..but what most interesting is that..i dream abput this couple. SeoHwa couple!!!





in my dream:





SeoHyun being interview by someone and looking awe full (almost crying) and her face look so pale (*she eating gugoma) :P





Interviewer: How r u feeling?





Hyun: I dont know. I hope everything will be ok...





Interviewer: How about Yong Hwa





Hyun: He's in a hard time right now. i hope he's ok. im hoping both of us wil be ok





Interviewer: i also wish both of u a very good luck





and then, my dream being drag into new plot when Yong and Hyun come out from a cab and Yong dressed formally (in black suit)





Hyun: Both of us need to made up our mind (she looking very tired and worried at the same time)





Yong: i know (he also look almost same like hyun but try to show his brave side)





Hyun: U must be strong





Yong: I know





Hyun: We must fight together. My father is not easy to handle





Yong: Ok (look very worried)





turn up, my dream is about Hyun father is not agreeing Hyun meet up with Yong and both of them try to convince Hyun father that both of them are serious in this relationship even though they are currently on WGM. Hyun father worried about the skinship of the couple since Hyun is his *baby girl..





until now..i can't believe what i dream about and found it as something funny... SeoHwa couple really come into me.. i become ADDICTED to both of them... somebody help me please....









lol hahaha this is funny. It reminds me of the time when I was so obsessed with chemistry that I dreamed about molecules floating around in my room lol hehe this is why I wish everyday is a Saturday!!!! lolz


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Guest Crystal392






love_ya: That was such a cool dream! hehehe molecules floating in your room xD hehehehe






Awww I can't access dcmarried :( I still can't get over the fact that Yong~ gave Hyun~ two rows from a Goguma field! w00t.gif How awesome is that? Such a meaningful gift blush.gif:wub:


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, as long as there is respect everything will be fine ^_^


Let's spazz about the ep!!! Please someone post a gif of the scene toomuchsmiling mentioned :) *nudges at shane09* hehehe :D


aneng: Thanks for sharing the ratings from the latest ep. Yay they increased a bit :)



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































as far as i know that this is a show and make believe marriage, but i want to believe that YongSeo since they meet in this show and become we got married i want to think that they become friends we don't know what happen behind the scenes. After they shoot wgm. Who knows when they become closer w/ each other who knows they call each other or txt each other only them and maybe close friends knows behind the scenes. Remember SeoHyun give her phone no. to Yong and she said once she feel comfortable to that person she will give her no. then in happy together when Yong is 1 of the guest he said that "of course he got SeoHyun contact no." and i think in Taiwan interview Yong mentioned that he will tell to SeoHyun what happen in Taiwan. So i guess there's more behind the scenes and for me that is important. meaning not only during wgm they communicate also after wgm. It's impossible that YongSeo don't have feelings w/ each other whatever they feel w/ each other 3 o 4 months o 6 months that they been together as a make believe couple that's fine whether friendships, crush, or falling slowly i'm happy coz in a relationship u should start like this. Start w/ friends 1st then it's up to them to continue what ever they have right now. SeoHyun is getting more beautiful and from a girl to a lady of course she got inspiration :)  But right now, i need to enjoy the YongSeo and i'm hoping that they will stay longer in wgm. The longest couple in wgm. Lovely wub.gifwub.gif
































































































































Just look at the NEW COUPLE RING they always wear it , meaning they like to wear it and they are proud to show to the people that we got married. Yong reason he might lose the ring if he didn't wear it common do u think u will allow ur self to lose that lovely ring :) even the old ring when Yong lose it u can see in that video how was his reaction kekeke! if u treasure something from ur partner meaning u like that person :)
































































































































I reality  after filming wgm they can remove the ring but who knows they spoke about it that they should wear it all the time. knowing YongSeo couple remember when they had the old ring and promise that they will show it in music show kekeke! same w/ the New RING they have a promise w/ each other that they will wear it as long as they we got married or forever married kekeke! Cheers to all. YongSeo aja!

































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Guest fazie86




crystal_malfoy: i think so too.. i been attack by this couple virus..before this i just follow their story in wgm and i have to admit i love both of them n their r my bias. but only recently,,after i found this page, i become so addicted and i need to open this page almost everyday. i know...it's the same when i starting to like Kyuhyun SJ..




about the speculation, i do think that everyone have their own thinking. for me, either it is real or not we just need to wait and ready with their decision. it is hard to tell if they really dating or not coz in Kpop industry most of the idol are dating secretly.. they only reveal it after they retired or not in their peak anymore..



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Hello All, I came across this fan account from CN Blue's Shanghai mini live from Baidu and not sure if this has been shared? Please disregard if this has been shared, but I am definitely enjoying myself while translating it, as I am smiling ear to ear :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3 main highlights at the fan interacting session with CNBlue (credit Rosalie's account)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1) At the time when the boys are done with performance and interact with fans, fans had written their wish beforehand and the host will do a drawing of 8 lucky fans and ask CN Blue to make their wish come true. At the time when interpreter told CN Blue about making the fans wishes come true, Yong suddenly sang a line "Tell me your wish" (by SNSD), even if this is only 1 line, ALL FANS SCREAM uproar, I admit I was also screaming really loud and very happily.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2) A fan asked if Yong is a detail person? Yong answered he is from music composing and related he is very detail (fan was going to tell him this is such an safe official answer). The key was Minhyuk who was next to him added, he is even more detail when he treat girls. The even better highlight was, right after Minhyuk finished, he hold on to Minhyuk's shoulder, and smiled, the way he smiled was very hard to explain, seemed like Yong is trying to stop Minhyuk from telling more!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* oh GOOD JOB Minhyuk*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3) Another fan, who is the only one who mentioned about WGM, she said when she at WGM, Yong is very loving to his wife and to his family, at time when interpreter was translating fan's words, Yong was smiling all along, smile shyly all along, smiled looking down; as for me, I was screaming and smiling all along. Hahaha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I am forever very grateful to everyone who shared and spread Goguma / YongSeo love in this thread. Every time when I am a little "confused" with their progress due to crazy time line played out by MBC, i will only go back to the latest and remembered how close they were in Japan's shooting, how pretty Hyun turned, and how Yong mentioned he will never had his ring off. I am a strong believer and never a shaker at what I chose to believe in, things will happen the way should happen. Keep believing and the positive spirit going! :)

































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling
















^ppsf- woohoohoo! :w00t: see, the signs are all there, i'd have to say. It's not like Yongseo has to mention their spouse or sing a part of their song at the events they attend!
















Nope, i have to say it's real! haha, Yong is so amazing! he ALWAYS seems to mention/hint or SOMEONE mentions/says to HIM something about Seohyun. :lol::lol:
















P.S.- any fancams out yet?? :w00t:









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Guest Crystal392






fazie: I'm addicted to YongSeo and Goguma thread! hehehehe :P






ppsf: I don't think it was shared here. It's the first time I read it! :o Thanks soo much for sharing it ^^ Now I am also smiling from ear to ear :lol: I wonder if Yong~ is composing again.... ;)












Reposting ppsf post:









Hello All, I came across this fan account from CN Blue's Shanghai mini live from Baidu and not sure if this has been shared? Please disregard if this has been shared, but I am definitely enjoying myself while translating it, as I am smiling ear to ear :D






3 main highlights at the fan interacting session with CNBlue (credit Rosalie's account)






1) At the time when the boys are done with performance and interact with fans, fans had written their wish beforehand and the host will do a drawing of 8 lucky fans and ask CN Blue to make their wish come true. At the time when interpreter told CN Blue about making the fans wishes come true, Yong suddenly sang a line "Tell me your wish" (by SNSD), even if this is only 1 line, ALL FANS SCREAM uproar, I admit I was also screaming really load and very happily.


2) A fan asked if Yong is a detail person? Yong answered he is from music composing and related he is very detail (fan was going to tell him this is such an safe official answer). The key was Minhyuk who was next to him added, he is even more detail when he treat girls. The even better highlight was, right after Minhyuk finished, he hold on to Minhyuk's shoulder, and smiled, the way he smiled was very hard to explain, seemed like Yong is trying to stop Minhyuk from telling more!


* oh GOOD JOB Minhyuk*


3) Another fan, who is the only one who mentioned about WGM, she said when she at WGM, Yong is very loving to his wife and to his family, at time when interpreter was translating fan's words, Yong was smiling all along, smile shyly all along, smiled looking down; as for me, I was screaming and smiling all along. Hahaha.




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Guest Catkat

still very curious about the texts. it means that hyun's text to yong was really lost and it's true that yong did not text hyun on her birthday.

i feel disappointed if these are the facts. they met some day between their birthdays for the music bank program where they performed together with the other singers. it seems that even they met, they did not talk that much. it's totally out of my expectation. mabybe my expectation is too high. but yong is really cute. he texted huyn "it's my birthday" on his own birthday. that means he wants a message from her. so it's true that he felt sad when he did not receive hyun's message. can i interpret in this way ? yong actually cared whether hyun remembered his birthday or not and he was frank to himself, so he texted her reminding her. but he did not receive hyun's message, so he was sad. that's why he did not text her, not because of revenge but just not wanting to be "rejected". same as hyun, she cared whether yong rmembered her birthday, she asked him right away after getting on the bus. after the conversation in the bus, they finally knew the misunderstanding and realised that they both care each other.

after watching the horror ep and the uj ep, watching this ep makes me a little bit confused because of the sequence of eps. i have to remind myself to go back to three months before. their interactions at that time is really very different from their recent interactions. i would say, up to this ep, yong was still taking the lead and hyun followed his topics and emotions. she did not actually talk much, always reponded "ne...ne..." to accept yong's views. but now they are on the same level, talking 'equally' to each other. from hyun's previous reactions and responses, she was previously shy to accept their relationship and always humbly said "no...no...not like that". but i think she is different now. she does not reject to admit they are in good relationship.

i love the parts about hyun reading yong's birthday card. look at the shy hubby, you would feel the happiness of the hubby and his buin. i also love the part they were planting the goguma seeds and hyun talking about marrying with a goguma land owner. her voice is so soft. she is really married with the goguma two-row land owner yong.

i really admire yong's understanding to hyun. maybe hyun is a very simple girl and easy to be understood. but i always find that yong really knows what hyun exactly thinks. he really can read her mind correctly without any hesitation. he is really a sensitive and smart boy. just our lovely simple hyun missed this and finally made some funny responds.

about the reality issue, who knows what is the reality. i must admit that i was once very disappointed after watching the famous couple in season 1. not disappointed about the couple. they did a really good job. but disappointed about the reality. i told myself not to watch this program again as my emotions will be hurt. but here i am. i have to say, i need a lot of courage to watch wgm again. i watched the "senior" couple at an earlier stage but i am not really into them (no offence). i watched "you are beautiful" and knew about yong. i knew hyun and was not that into her at that time as i think she is someone very far away from me. but i love them both now - the playful and happy yong hubby, the gentle and thoughtful hyun buin. i do think about what i would be like after the end of this little couple. but i still want to show my support to yong and hyun. i won't forget the memories and the love feelings that the couple in season 1 and the yongseo couple in season 2 bring to me.

i think, in the future even after the end, i would continue to support yong and hyun from the other part of the world, like what i do for the couple in season 1.

all the best, yong and hyun. my little lovely sweet couple.


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Guest hyuksu






















I just had to comment and support heartbreak_warfare22's comment about Seohyun attending CN Blue’s concert.


















In season 1, Solbi pissed off some Shinhwa fans because there was WGM filming during their 10th anniversary concert and you could totally tell Andy wasn't too comfortable with it. Also before 2PM’s concert, Khun twitted that he wouldn’t do anything WGM related because the concert was only supposed to be between them and the fans. WGM did end up filming during their Busan concert and made some 2PM fans angry because Khun basically lied. Like heartbreak_warfare22 said, she purposely came to the concert late and left the concert early in order to not attract attention and I believe CN Blue fans appreciated her for that. Oh and wasn't CN Blue's concert the same night as the 2PM concert? It was reported that the other SNSD members attended 2PM's concert while Seohyun attended CN Blue's concert. I don't see why they would lie about it.



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Guest lovekin




i'm trying to absorb what everyone is saying abt last night's episode,

*tks for sharing your views, gogumas*  :)

bear in mind that this epi was shot in late june.

4 mnths into their marriage, yongseo had their first serious bickering,

talked openly abt their slow skinship, and what more, yong nailing hyun with his

"i'm different".

now coming back to the horror special, Aug, 6 mnths into their married life.

see how close they sat on the bus, with yong leaning onto buin, them touchly feely,

walking step by step, gripping each other's hand all the way till the last mission.






thanks for this!  it is easily confusing when the timeline is all out of order.  it makes it seem odd that they can be awkward one moment and closer the next.  i actually didn't know that this was filmed prior to the horror show.








a lot of people here are aware that WGM is a reality show.  it's not fair to make cheap shots at the fans for wanting to believe that there could be something more.  i know i am probably one of the most realistic people on here – so much so that even i voice out my skepticism on a regular basis – but i try and do it as respectfully as i can, and that also means putting any of my thoughts behind a spoiler cut.




when i first started posting, a lot of my "realistic" posts were often given negative points, but after seeking an explanation, i changed my habits.  i've realized that the reasons for putting analyses that aren't always favorable behind cuts is to maintain the positive atmosphere the fans have for the goguma couple, not because readers here can't accept it.  you'd be surprised how many people are open to reading analyses; it poses a lot of questions many people like thinking about and like to answer.




if you're bored by the goguma couple, that's your opinion, but don't blame that boredom and contempt on the fans' desire to wish something more could happen.  






moreover, don't blame the fact that we don't seem to accept your critical analysis.  that last post you made wasn't an objective critical analysis at all; in fact, it almost seemed like an attack on the participants of this forum and on the subject of the forum itself, despite your claim that it wasn't your intention.





if i sound upset, it's only because i'm feeling protective of the people of this forum.  i may not share the same views as a lot of them, but at least what we have in common is adoring the growth that yong and seo have made together as a make-believe couple.


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