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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I am just thinking we will probably never know if Yong seo are actually a couple in real life until many years later when they hv a recap on their career. They will probably date each other secretly given their idol status.















But isnt it so nice to go on this program,given their busy schedule, they would not have a chance to see anybody else. Whereas this program give them all the excuse to enjoy a date!















It is like matchmaking and how nice it is to actually fall in love with the person you are paired up with? I think the producers are brilliant in pairing them. Maybe they check thru their horoscopes or something. :)















Cnblue is arriving in Shanghai tomorrow and having a concert on Saturday. I happen to be living in Shanghai now, will try to go catch the concert if I can and take pix.


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DJHinata dont cry because then i'll want to cry and then.. oh heck! lol thanks for the picture samples ;) and first fancam i've seen of yong at jgs's fanmeet.
































































































































































































qwenli i agree. if they were to stay together, it'd be in secret. but as long as their together that's all that really matters, right? :wub: and i agree that the pds are pretty amazing for this pair up. its like the ultimate celebrity matchmaking! since koreans are big on the matchmaking and makers. :lol:

































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Guest sassysnsd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen to so much CNblue right now~ Did Yong actually write lovelight for Hyun? & is there any proof? That I'm Genie for you girl lyric is pretty :wub: I didn't know anything about it until reading a comment about it just then on youtube.. Because didn't Yong sing it to Sulli too? -_- Thanks!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest monie1909

Listen to so much CNblue right now~ Did Yong actually write lovelight for Hyun? & is there any proof? That I'm Genie for you girl lyric is pretty :wub: I didn't know anything about it until reading a comment about it just then on youtube.. Because didn't Yong sing it to Sulli too? -_- Thanks!

i'm too lazy to do any fbi work now.he did sing to sulli but i think during 'you are my lovelight' or sarangbit part he change the lyrics.but i'm not sure,i just watched the vid once and thats what come across my mind..but,i'm not sure too if it meant anything.if any fbi goguma care enough,maybe someone can try to do some fbi work on that .if i heard that correctly,maybe it meant he wont simply said to any girl that they are 'his lovelight'.Ooh..i cud heard it wrongly.as i said,i'm too lazy to care about such thing but if any of you find anything interesting on that,please feel free to either correct me or agree with me.Just sayin,i wont take that seriously.

Edit Some korean goguma hawk eye in dc post this caps.I havent notice this scene before.Hyun hand on Yong arm..:wub:



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20 idol singers unite to sing the G20 Seoul Summit theme song

Ahead of the prestigious 2010 G20 Seoul Summit this November, it was revealed that 20 idol singers from popular K-Popmag-glass_10x10.gif groups of today have been recruited to sing the theme song for the event.The theme song titled, ‘Let’s Go‘ had been made specially for the event which will take place from November 11 – 12th at Samsung-dong’s Coex, for the discussion about the world’s economy.

The idol group members who will lend their voices include Gyuri (KARA), Seohyun (SNSD), Junsu (2PM), Changmin (2AM), Jaekyung (Rainbow), Jonghyun (SHINee), Sungmin (Super Junior), Kahi (After School), Luna (f(x)), JiEun (SECRET), Junhyung (B2ST), Gayoon (4minute), Min (miss A), G.O (MBLAQ), Bumkey (2wins), G.NA, Son Dambi, Seo In Kook, IU and Anna.

Korea is hosting this event for the first time and hopes to transfer a message through this song to youths that they should take on the world with confidence. With the growing influence that K-pop idols now wield on the young generation, there were no better candidates than them to do so.

The solo recordings were done from the 24 – 25th and all 20 of them came under one roof on the 26th to record the chorus portions.

‘Let’s Go’ is scheduled to be released in early October and footage of the idol singers recording the song will be edited into a music videomag-glass_10x10.gif.

Source: IsPlus

credits: allkpop

ps. hi im new here, i read this on allkpop just wanna share>_<

pps. seems like seohyun is really getting popular and her talents are being recognized...so happy!

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Seohyun is definitely getting more and more popular these days. She's really blossomed into a beautiful woman and I have a feeling Yonghwa has played a part in that! Waiting for Saturday is becoming harder and harder!






























Anyway, here's a new ad with Seohyun and Sooyong....can anyone see what I see?








































































































I wonder what Hyun was whispering to Sooyong about at the end....was she trying to search for her Yong?









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Hi.  This is my first time posting but I've been reading this thread for a long time now.  Wanted to say thank yous for the translations, videos, screencaps and fanarts.  When I started to watch this show, I knew a bit about Yonghwa from YB but nothing about Seohyun.  After watching the show I feel like I'm Seohyun's big sister.  I'm now an addict because I wake up at 3:30am to watch uri couple on livestream even though I don't understand a word of Korean.  So I really appreciate Jdlee's translations.

Thank you for the post about the SNSD first official fanmeeting.  Wow, I found the unnies messages and seohyun's reactions to them very intering and curious.  5 of 8 questions is somehow related to yong or wgm and 1 related to marriage.  Seohyun's reaction on the message about a member being curious as to when and who she will marry is interesting to me.  Like the MC, I wanted to know why she sign~ and she did not seem to want to talk about it cause she moved on to the next message straight away.  I wonder if she too has been thinking a lot about this questions lately since she also has been feeling like she is "old".  Like others, I'm also wondering what could have happened that day in japan that she says she'll never forget and made her show her loyalty to her members (and cry).  Also, her ending message to the fans was curious to me. Besides mentioning wanting to grow old with the fans (which is super cute) she also mentions about not having to think about them cheating on her.  She didn't have to say that and usually her messages thanks fans for supporting snsd and to continue to support the girls.  Don't you have to have a bf to worry about being cheated on? It seems that these days she's worried about marriage, growing older and fear of being cheated on (jealousy?).  Then again...maybe I'm just over analyzing things.  I think that's another symptom of being an addict.  I'm glad her unnies are supporting her though.

I agree with everyone.  She has become more beautiful this year.  The changes from when she started wgm - which was only in February of this year - to now is awesome.  I'm glad that she's also becoming more popular and branching out to composing and rearranging songs (ITNW piano piece).  I think thats Yong's influence on her since its Yong's talent to compose music.

About Yong singing love light to Sulli - I also watched the video and compared it to the origin song with english subtitles.  Yong changed the lyrics when he sang it to Sulli - he changed the words "love light" and "darling".  He sang her name in place of "love light" and "darling".  He did not do that though when he sang it with Seohyun.  So that might mean something.

Sorry for the long post.  Thank you again to all gogumas.  I am excited for this weeks ep.  Hyun is one tough girl when she's angry.  Oh, can't saturday come quicker?

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Anyway, here's a new ad with Seohyun and Sooyong....can anyone see what I see?





I wonder what Hyun was whispering to Sooyong about at the end....was she trying to search for her Yong?



silis7noy2 posted a translation of that in the SNSD thread


Soo: "Ah. Unnie want to go on a trip somewhere~"


Hyun: "Me too~"


Soo: "Where do you want to go?"


Hyun: "Uh... I want to go to Namee Island"


Soo: "Namee Island? Where is Namee Island?"


Hyun: "Namee Island..."


Soo: "Namee Island"


Hyun: "Um let's try to find out"


Soo: "Daum Daum"


Hyun: "Daum... Ah Daum!"


Hyun: "How do you do this?


Hyun: "Nam . EE . Island"


Soo: "Hey it wont work if you speak like that. Just speak naturally"


Hyun: "It seemed like you had to pronounce by syllables"


Soo: "Nah. Namee Island~ See~"


Hyun: "Oh it worked!"


Soo: "Yes~"


Soo: "Ah this is that place, where they filmed that drama"


Hyun: "Yes there is bike riding there. Couples go there to ride it I'm going to go ride it for sure"


Soo: "Really? It's hard when you ride that by yourself"


Hyun: "Heh~ Of course it's going to be the two of us going"


Soo: "With who?"


Hyun: "Heh~ you know~"


Soo: "Who?"


Hyun: "You know who~"


Soo: "Unnie won't go. Unnie is busy"


Hyun: "Not you unnie"


Soo: "who then?


Hyun: "Me"


Soo: "Yeah so you and who else?"


Hyun: "You know~"


Soo: "Who?"


(Hyun Whispers to Sooyoung)


Soo: "What?"


(Hyun Whispers more to Sooyoung)


Soo: "What? Ok speak to here"


Hyun: "No I can't~"


Soo: "Come on. Ah who is it?"


Gee... I wonder who Seohyun was talking about wanting to go to Namee Island with and ride a bike together... :wub:



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Japan is cool, partly because it has sweet potatoes.
































































































































































































































































































































by greeentee
































































































































































































































































































































While Soshi was in Japan dominating all sorts of charts and making fangirls squeal with their debut Genie, it appears that CNBlue also had activities in the land of the rising sun. Because the schedules of the two groups overlapped, YongSeo were able to go on a date for an upcoming episode of We Got Married.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some pictures of the recording were uploaded by fans, and it looks like sweet potatoes are gaining a lot of interest in Japan. It’s not surprising though, considering 95% of Shibuya apparently know our girls, in addition to CNBlue debuting in Japan last year. A staff commented on the skill level of Seororo’s Japanese, and that they looked more natural as a couple in Japan. Oh Yongwha… you are one lucky guy. Do you know how many sandwiches you’re ruining?! (JeTiHyun ftw.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With regards to the girls’ schedule, Soshi will be heading back to Japan in early October after their short break in Korea for the Chuseok Holidays (a Harvest Festival similar to those of other Asain cultures). The girls will be preparing for their Gee promotions in Japan, which as mentioned earlier, is set to be released on October 20th. Due to the number of activities they have lined up, the girls will also be traveling between Korea and Japan to fulfill their roles. Keeping in mind that SNSD are in Taiwan on the 16th and 17th for the continuation of their ITNW Asia tour, as well as in Singapore on the 23rd for Korean Pop Night, they’ll be moving around quite a bit over the next little while.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And while we’re on the topic of Japan, the girls were featured on an issue of Nikkei Business, a popular Japanese business magazine. The article inside compares the growth and success of Korean companies to Soshi’s recent debut in the Japanese market. It was noted by an SM spokesperson that the influential magazine is subscribed by even the CEOs in Japan, and it appears that SNSD is the first artist or celebrity to be ever featured on the cover. That’s certainly good news for the girls (and moreso for SM), as it’ll help them gain exposure for Japanese CF opportunities.
































































































































































































































































































































cr; dcinside, baidu, fanwonder, kanki@soshified.com/forums, tagged, sports.khan.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































by: greeentee@snsdkorean.wordpress.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Timpa : thanks for the translations :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































who else they talking about of course hubby Yong w00t.gif  the couple write in their list they want to ride bicycles and the unnies always teasing SeoHyun baby about her we got married life now :) the 1st thing will came to our mind is always hubby Yong kekeke!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@GeumJanDi : thanks i wonder how's SeoHyun school schedule and wgm schedule if the SNSD will be busy like that i hope it will not affect her school and wgm show coz i really love her to stay longer in wgm. I guess after all this promo both snsd and CNBlue can relax and rest. For sure they will prepare for coming winter. Special shows and for their personal life. I remember wgm season 1 Lettuce couple prepare for winter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Common saturday :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest Arsaphes
































Awww. did she whispered her husband's name to Sooyoung lol
































i'm so excited for this saturday >.<

















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Guest DJHinata

hahaha Yonghwa and his brothers !! 

childish Yonghwa ~~  i love him watching doing this kind of stuff , he is so cute and also his brothers 

Timpa thank you so much for the translation *w* !! Hyun so cute kekeke

Do you remember piggyback?



keke goguma eagle eyes and photographers ninjas daebak !!


everytime ,when i watch this episode or  remember , i'm starting to laughing so loud , Hyun, touching yonghwa legs omg hahaha .what if she touched his butt? what an embarrasment! keke

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goguma1207, thanks for sharing the vid~! and timpa, for sharing the trans~! ^_^ hyun has indeed blossomed tremendously in such a short period of time! that is what i call the power of love or should i call it GOGUMA LOVE~~ wahahahah owhhh sorry for being mushy! xD but how come the vid looks like a CF to me? or issit a BTS of a CF? after hyun's 1st whisper, it looked a bit commercial (sorry, no offence... just my honest opinion)... it seems like she didn't really move her mouth at her 2nd, 3rd whisper? it looked like they were both acting... or am i just thinking too much?! besides, why would she wanna make it sooo obvious that it's yong? gazillions are watching... or uri yongseo are already confident enough to face the world & make a declaration of their budding love? and 'cause of that, they don't mind being obvious? if it's that, I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD! :w00t: or am i just over-imagining things.... :blink:

DJHinata... one sentence for u.... I LOVE THOSE COMPILATION OF YONGSEO PICS!!!! *hugs u for that* :wub:

thanks, GeumJanDi~! for the info on yongseo in japan~! ^_^

sassysnsd, only cnblue, & probably hyun know who LOVE LIGHT is for. according to many, it was written for hyun. but yong told the media that it was composed based on his 1st luv. MAYBE it's a one to one ratio. yong could have changed some of his original lyrics. but i'm sure I DON'T KNOW WHY is for hyun KEKEEKEKEKKE :w00t:

wow...it's like we have new goguma spazzers everyday~! kekekekeke WELCOME all!

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hahaha. i just watched e daum search ad of seohyun n sooyoung. hahahaha. they purposely keep us in suspense. i rewatched it so many times to see if seohyun was mouthing yonghwa. hahahahaha. i hope there is a continuation for tt man.




















anyhow. i love the way they progressed. altho, really, e timeline is a lil fuzzy. e birthday one was before e UJ ep n all tt.. hehe. i wished they went on another variety prog tgr. or even do a cf tgr. tt would be so cuteeeeee. keke





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Guest sassysnsd

dreamyboo thank you :) it's kind of annoying he said "I'm Genie for you girl" if it's for his first love then. Haha IDK, I'm too protective over Hyun... but THANK YOU!! & also is it weird that they sang it together if Yong said it was based on his first love? I need to stop over thinking things! It's so burdensome.

That new Sooyoung and Seohyun cf OMG (btw dreamyboo it is a cf!) :) Maybe we will see our couple go to Namee Island to ride bikes.. She must be talking about Yong right!~

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Thank you very much  goguma1207



































Finally ,when she said some name put it on SooYong's phone.  I see her mouth like she said, "Yong Hwa." Ki Ki












Seohyun, She looks really cute. If I were a boy. I would love her.


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sassysnsd, u're welcome & now it's my turn to thank u! LOL no wonder it looked like a CF sweatingbullets.gif pabo me! oh, about LOVE LIGHT lyrics... don't worry, yong could have changed some parts to something else. for example, I'M GENIE FOR U, GIRL could have been added based on how he was feeling while editing the lyrics. before this song came out, he already met hyun & he was instantly hooked by her phew.gif

wow~ yong looks so handsome in that vid! thanks for sharing, DJHinata! :D

*waves at jnj* :P spotted ya

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i already been to Namee Island, and reminiscent the favorite scene.. hehee...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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must be soooooo romantic...

































































































































































































































































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silis7noy2 posted a translation of that in the SNSD thread
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Ah. Unnie want to go on a trip somewhere~"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Me too~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Where do you want to go?"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Uh... I want to go to Namee Island"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Namee Island? Where is Namee Island?"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Namee Island..."
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Namee Island"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Um let's try to find out"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Daum Daum"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Daum... Ah Daum!"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "How do you do this?
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Nam . EE . Island"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Hey it wont work if you speak like that. Just speak naturally"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "It seemed like you had to pronounce by syllables"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Nah. Namee Island~ See~"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Oh it worked!"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Yes~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Ah this is that place, where they filmed that drama"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Yes there is bike riding there. Couples go there to ride it I'm going to go ride it for sure"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Really? It's hard when you ride that by yourself"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Heh~ Of course it's going to be the two of us going"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "With who?"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Heh~ you know~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Who?"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "You know who~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Unnie won't go. Unnie is busy"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Not you unnie"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "who then?
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "Me"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Yeah so you and who else?"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "You know~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Who?"
































































































































































































































































































































(Hyun Whispers to Sooyoung)
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "What?"
































































































































































































































































































































(Hyun Whispers more to Sooyoung)
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "What? Ok speak to here"
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: "No I can't~"
































































































































































































































































































































Soo: "Come on. Ah who is it?"
































































































































































































































































































































Gee... I wonder who Seohyun was talking about wanting to go to Namee Island with and ride a bike together... :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from eps 1,what they wanted to do most for their activity

































































































































































































































































































































































































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hi gogumas!!


haven't visited this thread for 2 days and it jumps to 10 pages?!


serves me right!!! hehehe


d3, u surely have eyes for details! hugs to u..


what we fail to see, your caps say it all.


i, for one, will always look out for their skinship first, thats my top priority :P ,


but thanks to your caps, they make me feel for them more,


just like when j2 and redtulip comes in with their translations.


your caps captivated the most significant moments.


the image of hyun lifting up her face (acting aegyo or to contain her tears)


and yong's sad look on the bus can't seem to leave my mind...


i'm being sentimental here...forgive me gogumas.. blush.gif


guess what? i posted something crazy at MBC wgm site,


asking if pdnim can produce a DVD of WGM Unedited Version.


i don't think PDnim will buy my idea, but yeah, ...*shrugs*


some posts caught my eyes..will come back with my thank u's later.. :)



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