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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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yong be careful hyun is watching you//
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hope jong hwa wont be sad about this// k kk k

































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panG woah!!! awesome eyes you got there....... that is so funny!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong must have thought to himself when he visited, "Am I having vivid dreams or are there really pics of my wife hanging everywhere in this place????"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or better yet.... "PUT THOSE POSTERS DOWN!!!!" LOL!

































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some people witnessed Seohyun w/o a manager in her school.
































































































































































































































































i remembered yonghwa always said he will go to her school to replacing
































































































































































































































































manager oppa :D

































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haha.fans really know seo hyun loves goguma..































































































































sorry boys...im already married...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































duck hyun 'pout'

































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the same?..hehe
































































































































































































she's so pretty her...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kamsahamnida d_????? i luv SeoHyun baby when she do pouting kekeke! pout pout pout i luv it :) (sigh) i want saturday already :( 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Jeumjandi : i think SeoHyun she want's to be independent sometime, like what she said in epi 9 to hubby Yong sometimes we need to be independent" :) i guess SeoHyun want's to be normal like others. Being in SNSD very popular group their life is change all the girls actions been monitored by the media suddenly the privacy is gone because they are now popular artist not only in Korea but also outside Korea. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But i guess SeoHyun want's to be like normal person, normal student.  The SeoHyun that her classmates or friends  knows even before she become the maknae of SNSD, so i guess that's why most of the time she don't have manager in School. Because in school she is SeoHyun not the SNSD member, she is SeoHyun the normal student, the normal girl :) which is lovely indeed.

































































































































































































































































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Guest constantia11

I came to find this video.

The story of the song matches with our lovely couple.

love it a lot

credit to popangel94

sorry if this has already been posted before.

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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and my random find of the day! lol i rewatched a performance by cn blue during a special on music core and as i was watching i kept thinking, hey, is this place "carribian bay"? because it really looked like the cabi song video. and then as i was watching it something caught my eye, and i was like "wait!" and then i saw it and was like "no way?!" but i really think it is carribian bay because i swear thats his wife's picture in the background! sorry if this was post before, but it seriously just caught my eye just now. lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and plus that very bad quality picture really looks like this one :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry , i have to say she is not Seohyun
































































































































































































































































After School UEE and Ga Hee – Ocean World CF

































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392
































































































Thanks to everyone for all the pics and videos you shared :D































































































































Awww panGG thanks for sharing that, for a sec I believed it was uri Hyun~ but then I realized it was UEE -I love her too!- xD
































































I miss our Hyun~ and Yong~ soo much.
































































This Goguma Planet has been filled with lots of love, it seems it was only a couple of days ago we reached page 1000 and now we will reach page 1100 soon :P
































































*group hug*
































































Btw, welcome to Goguma Planet new spazzers!!! *throws lots of confetti* :lol:
































































sorry for my pointless post blush.gif I just wanted to say hi to all my Goguma family

















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Guest _d3seohyun

hello gogumas! enjoying every single posts :D tnx, tnx, tnx!

Boy was I wishing I was caputring a failed backhug here *sigh* :lol:


Something magical always happen by that sink...maybe one day :wub:

will post the rest of the caps later.

about the Japan filming...already next weekend? I was hoping we'll get more than two episodes worth from the fishing/birthday trip <3

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Guest DJHinata


well here some interesting pics about yonghwa  ♥


Super Cute 



i'm seeing double


i think this photo was taken when he took the second driving test


Super Cute yonghwa With his brother ♥


Duck lips ~ 


♥~Sarang Sarang Sarang ~♥

have a really nice day ! Thanks to the girls who posting the amazing photos of our couple

i'll doing very soon  more YongSeo couple artworks ~  


de donde eres ~ tengo curiosidad de que parte del mundo hablas ~

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Credit : DC Married 선덕선덕

She's so BEAUTIFUL...she's not a baby anymore ^^

This Saturday will be first event that Yong do for Hyun...I'm so excited to watch it,   cannot wait to see Hyun's face because she was upset  a lot on the bus if she know the reason that why Yong didn't message to her on birthday...Umm., I'm imagination now. (",)


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! sun_sun thanks for sharing that photos of SeoHyun. She is lovely lovely indeed yes! she is not baby anymore, she is really becoming more and more beautiful now a days. No wonder her unnies noticing that coz it's true biggrin.gif I luv her simple make up, outfit here and her hair she look sexy in that hair w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! hubby Yong it's ok if u call her mine :) 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2 more days.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest sassysnsd

This thread moves so fast I love it! :rolleyes:

I used to be a silent spazzer but I think this is my second or third post now :) My first posts were just a small translations.

My fellow gogumas are amazing! All the active posts of pictures and analyzing keeps me going between episodes.

I'm seriously having trouble waiting though for this weeks episode. & I am so excited about the Japan epi bc there is so much positive stuff surrounding it such as the Sica rolling paper and didn't one of the workers say they had a good time- "expressing their love more freely" or something like that :wub: OMG haha!!

Anyway excuse my random post just wanted express my gratitude to my fellow gogumas and my excitement! Please keep posting!

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OMG! sun_sun thanks for sharing that photos of SeoHyun. She is lovely lovely indeed yes! she is not baby anymore, she is really becoming more and more beautiful now a days. No wonder her unnies noticing that coz it's true biggrin.gif I luv her simple make up, outfit here and her hair she look sexy in that hair w00t.gif

OMG! hubby Yong it's ok if u call her mine :) 

2 more days.


Hahaha... maybe he didnt say it out loud but I think I saw in his eyes Every Ep. and everytime he show his couple ring...Do you agree??? ;)


Credit : DC Married

EDIT :  Please someone whom can understand Korean goto see at this link  http://gall.dci.......&no=493436&page

            I think they said about Seohyun at school... Thank you.


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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong :) I don't know if this photo of Seohyun in Japan has been posted but..


Do you see bling bling on her left hand? :)

Edit: Ah I just saw that miel already posted the photo. Mianhe :(

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Guest DJHinata

Love is ..











a8b341bd3561e7044ca32e99b923e9b4.jpgyonghwa wear sometimes a cap like this






Here i am with this beautiful collection !! OMG when i saw this only was in my mind YONGSEO COUPLE and my Soompie unnies , i was laughing so hard , everything is so yonghwa !!

i'm not the owner of this artwork ! But i really want to share this beautiful work with all of you ! please visit to the real artist ! http://hjstory.deviantart.com/ 

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Guest miel_1301



Credit : DC Married

EDIT :  Please someone whom can understand Korean goto see at this link  http://gall.dci.......&no=493436&page

            I think they said about Seohyun at school... Thank you.

Thanks sun_sun for the additional captures of SeoHyun from the NHK-E Interview in Japan. She's really one gorgeous lady now.

I guess this is the translation of the fan account posted at DC narrating about SeoHyun at the University.

Translations of course through the kindness of silis@snsd thread


Seohyun was at school today. This account is from April though, anyway here's the translation~




I was dining at a restaurant near school and Seohyun was also there dining at the next table..

Um... At school I've seen quite a few celebrities but she was really really pretty.. I saw her up close like 50cm away. Her skin was radiating light.. *tremble*

And looks like Seohyun doesn't hang around with boys too much.. All her school friends there were girls..

Seohyun's friends were all looking cute and nice but Seohyun alone stood out like young noble lady..

Anyway unlike other celebrities she comes to school regularly and she smiles and happily obliges to autograph and picture requests, people at school compliment her greatly..

I got an autograph too..^^



And being able to earn money Seohyun was paying for the bill.. Yeah I wanted to become her friend.^^

Anyway going to this school I have little happiness like this.


And because I topped the page, so I'm sharing these...

A few more captures of uri SeoHyun from the NHK-E Japan Interview broadcasted on the

29th of September 2010





cr: http://coldnoodles.tumblr.com/

+silent_scream@snsd thread

Lovely...Lovely...Oh, So Lovely, Seobaby!


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Guest sassysnsd

I got this from the SNSD thread @ soompi and all credit goes to sillis7noy2 for the translation :)

Seohyun was at school today. This account is from April though, anyway here's the translation~

I was dining at a restaurant near school and Seohyun was also there dining at the next table..

Um... At school I've seen quite a few celebrities but she was really  really pretty.. I saw her up close like 50cm away. Her skin was  radiating light.. *tremble*

And looks like Seohyun doesn't hang around with boys too much.. All her school friends there were girls..

Seohyun's friends were all looking cute and nice but Seohyun alone stood out like young noble lady..

Anyway unlike other celebrities she comes to school regularly and she  smiles and happily obliges to autograph and picture requests, people at  school compliment her greatly..

I got an autograph too..^^


And being able to earn money Seohyun was paying for the bill.. Yeah I wanted to become her friend.^^

Anyway going to this school I have little happiness like this.                                                 

:D So proud of her!

edit ____

sorry just as I posted this I saw it was posted just before me! Must have been at the same time.. I don't know how to delete this whole post (so sorry im a newbie!!!!)

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















hey DJHinata. I really like the pictures you posted. the ones that reminded me of YongSeo was the following: *the guy gave the jacket (episode 10, Yong gave Hyun his scarf) *the guy waiting at the bus stop (episode 9 and episode 25) *courage (episode 3 and Chuseok horror special) Yong was scared at the amusement park but was really couragous in the Chuseok special. *the picture where the girl was sitting on the couch watching TV. (maybe Yong is like this on the inside but is having trouble suppressing his feelings) * the guy is in bed (maybe he thinks about Hyun before sleeping) * the guy marking the calendar (he is always waiting for the next time they would see each other of film WGM)





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