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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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ichigo_kawai: a very special hello & hug! arigatou gozaimasu, lovely chingu. finally, we’ve landed! our apologies because we have nothing to contribute if and when we happen to top the page. hope not!








































anyeong gogumas! we are not really newbies here, just lurkers and readers since first season of WGM. we are j-b believers and YONGSEO true addicts. first, thank you very much to everyone who has been making us very happy since first day of YongSeo couple. you ladies and gents are the best YongSeo lovers. talented, cool, disciplined, respectful and yes, very intelligent. we don’t have to list why we all adore and love Yong and Hyun very much. instead, we want to tell you our wishes:








































--to international gogumas, we wish you’d stop apologizing for “bad English”. it’s not our first language either. we love hearing from you. hugs!








































--to guy gogumas, we wish for more male views. we really appreciate your “educating” us about male mentality.








































--to Yong seobang, we wish you were just being this extremely good “actor” and that buin should have noticed how your eyes were avoiding hers (you were really lying, huh?) and going panchak-panchak while bickering with hyun buin. we wish we were not imagining the mischief dancing in your eyes and smiles.








































--again, to Yong seobang, we wish you did plan a super special event for your birthdays and just maybe, you prepared a couple gift somewhere along the line of couple panjees or any kind of matching jewelries will do.








































--to Hyun buin, we wish you’ll accept your Yong’s sweet & loving hugs & other affectionate gestures. don’t get distracted, don’t look elsewhere and just accept, respond and reciprocate.








































--we wish for WGM YongSeo episodes meil-meil.








































............SIGH SIGH SIGH.... if wishes were horses..............








































good day or night... and sweet potato dreams to all. AGAIN, THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH GOGUMAS!








































Lissa, Lin, Leigh, Cheng & Mixy









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She really cute,right?? ^^  I agree that she look like this cartoon...so cute...I found this cartoon at DC Married [Credit : 각성의꽃받침]  ...  mixed by me


and I just notice something that Hyun's hair a little change ....



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GeumJanDi - 'with' their parents or 'to' their parents?? Have they already gone to Busan????































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the meaning of the article is seo hyun and yonghwa first together overseas trip
































































































































































































































































































without their parents/family,usually they go overseas with their family
































































































































































































































































































but now both of them in a foreign land together for the first time.

































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Anyway, does anyone notice that in the pic of fishing trip there's no ring on Hyun's finger? If my eyes were true then we'd see new rings on next episode. Can't wait for next Saturday :wub:



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linlixeng, i like your post. pls share more.


from what i can rmbr, the only matching couple thing they had that day


were the mosquito repellent! :sweatingbullets:


yes! all of us are so anxious of the surprise that awaits hyun


btw, what's a j-b?


sun_sun, i was thinking...


maybe they went to play on the field first, u know, plucking sweet potatoes..


then hyun hair gets all messed up by the wind, then someone had to tie it into


a simple style before they continue their fishing trip?


K1, i don't see yong wear it too, at the beginning of the episode.


deugun deugun... ^_^



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hyu~n's banmal dilemma on the fanmeet:




































































Seohyun couldn't use her formal polite language on the rolling papers since then everyone would know it's her, so she put 알러뷰 ILuvU at the end of her messages but that made everyone figure out it's Seohyun anyway keke. In the front row Seohyun's parents were totally laughing out happily everytime Seohyun's messages with ILuvU were read. Seohyun was sitting embarrassed with her head down face covered in hair and Sica was patting her arms and back and told her "I love you~~~ Saranghae~~" each time her message was read kekeke




































































credits: silis7noy2@snsd soompi thread




































































알러뷰, hyu~n!!!! :wub:




































































sorry if it's a REPOST :sweatingbullets:


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For the Gogumas who are interested to know what is Yonghwa doing while watching Trax's Oh, My Goddess performance in Inkigayo this week. Not very good but you can see something. Watch it. Start at about 2.25 but need a long time to buffer.

Some fans are guessing that Sulli and Yonghwa were talking about Seohyun based on lips reading. I hoped everyone can rest their fear about the little girl. I read that she actually made a comment in the HahaMong show that both Yonghwa and Jikwon are man with wife






See the difference?


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redtulip, not very good as in vid not very clear or not very good


as in yong was doing something else vicx.gifcrazy.gif


clumsy, tks for sharing.


so hyun is still not okay with the banmal thing..its okay.


if yong can wait, so can we...



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks redtulip : so watching that bts video, i was thinking the start of the video while his sitting he feel sleepy/tired :) then Sulli chatting w/ him of something and they looking on that vtr together w/ JoKwon. Then while Trax singing still chatting w/ Sulli then preparing to interview 2NE1. Hmmm! don't know what will i say to this video :) maybe on that vtr is SeoHyun face (while Trax performing)

































































































































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Guest kudougirl












Hello goguma aliens :DDDD
























redtulip Really??? I hope Sulli and Yong are discussing about Hyun...  rolleyes.gif








I admit, I don't really like her since she said that Yonghwa keeps looking at her. dry.gif








But I don't hate her. smile.gif








K1L1On1Mr4 yaaay!! new ring... how romantic wub.gif



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sassysnsd, piru1804 - thank you for the clarity of info. Looks like I was crazy by this info. Thank you thank you.:):):)

dreamyboo - thank you, because my poor english so that I could do was make fanart. kekekekeke :D:D:D

bonus from me before I go to bed, I edited it many months ago, so sorry this old picture, hhehehehe :lol::lol:


wait for Saturday, because Saturday I will always be crazy


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Guest bonbon31




kudougirl : Hi, Sulli said Yong keeps looking at her when? On the TV show? Can you show me! But I think she know Yong has Huyn already,hehe!:rolleyes:



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from the photo that they took at the fishing store, i noticed that not just hyun's hair changed. so did yong's hair. did it rain ? what made both of them changed their hair.

go to field or go to fishing ? very curious what they would do. to plant sweet potatos for hyun ? fishing is the smoke ? do you remember when did yong start to wear his ring after a long time he didn't wear the ring ? i remember it's some time close to the end of the promotion activities of "bluelove". when is it then ? early July ? they had their concert close to the end of July, i think. one of the items in their "to do list" is "to earn money to buy a new ring." yong could not wear his broken ring anymore, so he bought new ones for himself and his buin ? somehow, i think it's unlikely that the new rings would appear in this ep

fom the phone call yong had with the field owner (i suppose so, any yongseo fan knows the owner and tell us what had happened, really can't wait for another five days for next ep), i realised that the surprise yong was planning would make hyun really happy. yong in the middle of his conversation naughtly made noises like "ke ke ke". this playful boy knows "not sending his buin a birthday message" would make her unhappy and he chose to take the risk of making her angry with him. he must be very confident that what he planned would make hyun to be the happiest buin in the world. yong, don't disappoint me. i am waiting for your playful idea. but to me, not sending hyun a simple birthday message is really too cruel to her. i cannot take it easy if i were hyun. i could imagine how sad she was on her birthday.

does anyone the schedule of cnblue on 28 june ? really curious what yong did that day. i checked some of the cnblue related websites. only other cnblue members had schedule,but not for yong. is it possible that yong went to the field to prepare for the surprise. hyun in the backroom interview said that what yong prepared was "too much" too much romance ? too much surprise ? too much fun ? anyway, i am sure hyun was happy with the surprise. looking back now, their relationship has improved a lot within these three months, but as we know, due to their tight schedule they did not film much so they did not meet much (supposing they only meet when they have to film). so i guess something must have been happened to speed up their relationship. what's that ? many question marks in the mind ? many "y why y why ".

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Guest kudougirl
















































bonbon31 of course she know... kekeke. hyun is yong's... laugh.gif
















she said that in hahamong show... but i read the news in cnbluestrom blog.

















































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Hey in fairness to SULLI:



















I remember at one show... she and her whole f(x) group acknowledged Yong as their Hyun-Unnies Boylet-Oppa-Nampeon! So no need to hate her.










thanks to clumsy unnie - i can say that about sulli now. hehehe. :rolleyes:



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Just finished rewatching the latest episode of our fave couple, and i'm not sure if someone posted it already, but, I just can't get over how this couple looked at each other after Yong asked Hyun if she's jealous, and, Hyun said, she's not because she's not like "someone" (preferably referring to Yong...hehehe), I just like how their eyes meet it's as if saying something to each other :wub:





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thanks redtulip for the info :D... i wonder what went thru' his mind while they were waiting for their turn to MC.

kudougirl, thanks for the info... although it doesn't really make me feel so good about it. <_<

i remember yong ever mentioned that sulli is his ideal. and in the sushi ep, yong told hyun & PD that an ideal is just the type that he likes. i also have my ideal. yong is one of my ideals if based on his definition wahahaha :P . although i have a bf, i do look at my ideals a lot of times... i mean com'on who won't wanna miss a chance to look at a pretty boy??? (sometimes behind my bf's back of course kekeke :P but hey, he also looks at other pretty girls, hmph LOL!) but my heart still belongs to my bf :wub: . we're human beings who love to see & admire lovely creations after all. so no harm to it actually unless the intention is there. moreover, that was before he became MC in Inkigayo. he just reassured hyun on 1st september that an ideal is just ideal. so let us be rest assured too. ^_^ (btw, when did yong started to MC Inkigayo?? was it in July?)

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Guest hallyucraze






prncsscharming Off to read ur fic on livejournal!!! hahahahahaha!

Good thing I'm an adult! LOL.








Oh my.... i havent finished reading but.....i didn't realized, when u said adult... u meant adult!!! OK, im traumatized!!! seriously!!! :ph34r: huhuhuhuhu. ok back to the soompi version. Starting today.... i'L be an angel!



KIDz... read the SOOMPI version ok???????? :D

I have my eyes on you!!! I'm watching you kidz!!!!




Annyeong Lenovo!! And Prncsscharming!!! gasp! when I read the one at livejournal.. I wasn't prepared of how ADULT it was... but it was truly ADULT!! However it captured the intense moment of them together after being apart from so long... N how Yong wanted to bridge that gap...



And thank u for the PM... It was well written & much improved all in all. keep it up! Can't wait for the next episode where all the members gather together.. there's gonna be mayhem!! :sweatingbullets



*oh n yes... KIDZZZZZZZZZ!!!! Like lenovo unnie said... STICK TO THE SOOMPI VERSION OK!!! This is your other Unnie warning u guys!! hehehehe!




Have a great goguma week ahead u all!! ;)



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i find this clip of yong very funny. just realized that he's extremely good at imitating ppl LOL~!






:) that was awesome- does anyone know who he was imitating in the first clip? he sounded so good!





K1L1On1Mr4 My favorite scenes on latest episode is when Ueno Juri left YongSeo house. About 'I' conversation initiated by SeoHyun, they talked in very soft voice, and their eyes are really reflecting love, care, and worry about other's feeling. Just look at SeoHyun's eyes you'll find some love, curiousity,and worry there. She really feels something inside her heart upon Ueno Juri's presence




It was pretty quiet after UJ left, no squealing like a fan or anything. I liked when Yong first turned to look at her. blush.gif I agree it was interesting to see Hyun ask about the 'I' thing and then watching her eyes blink as he answered; showing she's nervous/concerned about what he's going to say. Maybe feeling some tightness inside but then acting like it's no big deal!




The bus ride conversation was interesting in how it developed... and I love watching that end shot of them, sitting there, mulling things over-- and the apologetic tone of voice Yong used to say whatever he said to Hyun before they cut out. (does anyone know what he said?)




Re: the TRAX/Inkigayo BTS video, it looks like Yong likes the song at least! I'm sure that whenever he hears it, it will also remind him of a certain *someone*... :wub:


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Guest kudougirl






lenovo I don't hate Sulli laugh.gif



really?? they're SM family after all.. kekeke.


shawie829 i love that part too!!! they're so cute biggrin.gif


dreamyboo yup an ideal is just an ideal. we don't have to be with our ideal, right? true love is unexpected wub.gif


hallyucraze wooooooooow i'm curious with that adult fic but i can't open it. haha



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