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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Korean Artists Gets Nominated For Billboard Japan’s Top Artist Of 2010 -
































































































Korean groups TVXQ, JYJ, SNSD, and CNBLUE have made it onto the nominee list for Billboard Japan’s Top Artist of 2010.
































































































Korean group TVXQ, known in Japan as Tohoshinki, unit JYJ, and newly debuted female idol group SNSD, also known as Shoujo Jidai have been nominated for this year’s “Billboard Top Pop Artist 2010″.
































































































































































































The standard for being nominated was to have a #1 single on the Hot100 Billboards, Hot Airplay, top single sales, or at least one top album in 2010.
































































































The voting will begin November 1st 2010 and will close on November 15th. Fans will be able to vote through the website or using their mobile phones.
































































































The Billboard Japan Music Awards will be held in Tokyo on February 6, 2011.
































































































What do you think? Will your favorite groups be able to stand up to the multitude of Japanese pop staples such as Ayumi Hamasaki, ARASHI, DREAMS COME TRUE, Yama P, and Gackt? Or trendy groups like Ikimono-gakari, GIRL NEXT DOOR, VAMPS, Kaela Kimura, and YUI?
































































































cr : gokpop
































































































Source : Billboard Japan









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Guest justine kim








hello there! i'm a silent lurker here.




.. and i reallllly love the sweet potato couple! ♥♥♥




i just want to ask where could i find those past episodes of them with english subs? .i want to watch it again but i cant find a link. :(




.thanks! :D



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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































@ichigo_kawaii. OTL the reverse scene is just too epic! lenovo i bet is celebrating with that reverse scene right now hahahaha\
































































and for that problem, hmmm. i wonder what was it. but you know, i love it when seo will confess something since i think her aegyo will just explode and yonghwa will just melt. i hope they will go biking today. please
































































and this is kinda late answer...
































































i want YONG and HYUN to meet the parents' of both parties. with that, i think it's impossible for them not to miss each other after this whole thing.

















































































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Hi all Gogumas :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my 1st post in this thread. I'm all-the-time lurker for a year (as jang keun suk's fan).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now can be said that I already addicted to this couple like happy pills and always come in this thread and get off with happiness everyday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to you all for news, pic, gif, fanart,and fanfic. These made me smile ( sometimes my check about to burst like crazy) :D:D Good job dears :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Patiently waiting for today episode. So much exite :P

































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301



So everybody is excited with today's episode.

At last, we'll get to see the Fishing Trip [birthday Episode] , filmed last 29 June 2010, that we've all been dying to see. We have another 3-month gap here again from the time of filming to the time of airing. I think the Fishing trip will be spread into 2 episodes again. PDnim just enjoys killing us with her suspense and cliffhangers. And I also think that the second part of the Ueno Juri episode will still be shown simply because there has to be a closure of the episode. The Fishing Trip I guess will take the second half of the couple's airtime.

Thanks genxv, panGG and redtulip for the preview trans.

Quoting again what jnj quoted

"Hy~un directly confessed that she felt sorry/disappointed to Yo~ng about a particular incident. What could it be?!"



"Usually she would keep her feelings inside and not express them but this time with a lethal expression she asked for an explanation about rumors from Yong-nampyeon"

Wonder what could the "issue" be that might have caused Seobaby to display such "lethal expression"?

I just hope that the preview is not hyped-up again just like what genxv said like what happened with the Thailand Trip issue.

And in as much as I really love Seobaby to pieces I would pay just to see her "ballistically angry". Hahah! I am so so bad. But, realistically speaking, yeah, knowing how calm and serene Seobaby's disposition no "matter of discussion" or "issue of argument" will keep going/dragging for long.

genxv, hugs to you for giving the link to the Live Streaming of SBS. Because we've been deprived for quite a while of SNSD's variety show appearances I bet many Gogumas will tune in. Thanks again!

Happy viewing to every Goguma. Oh! Geez! I bet this thread will jump pages like crazy again after the episode is aired.

MUCORE is on now!


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Guest princessjulia
































































Finally got some free time to comment after always lurking. I would like to say thank you to those who found time to visit my blog, read the fanfic I wrote and gracious enough to leave encouraging words. Thank you, thank you! wub.gif
































Anyway, few minutes more and we're off to Goguma world!
















Why do I have this vague feeling that the reason for Seohyun's disappointment is her not being invited during Yonghwa's birthday or anything related to his birthday?
















I dunno, I may be wrong. Just a hunch though. Happy watching later you guys!
































(Uh-oh for some reason my TVU network is not pulling up the channel to watch WGM...MBC right?)
































edit: finally got it! but it's heavily lagging...

















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princessjulia i know what you mean. last time i stayed up to stream it live, it lagged so bad. i thought i was going to miss the show! but today, especially for the new episode i started streaming an hour ago. lol. but its nice to listen to all the artist on music core. too bad cn blue or snsd arent on. :(
















































so excited!! less then an hour left :wub:









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Guest _d3seohyun

w00t.gifw00t.gif!!!! *jumps around waving to everyone*

hope everyone is present :D

i wonder if we'll get to see a birthday cake for this episode.

i want them to be playful and put icing on each other's faces then help each other wipe it off..

preferrably with each other's lips but hands will do kekekek

i've always wanted a scene like that. thought it might happen during their housewarming party with the unnies and jungshin chingu but i guess it was too early for that. or maybe during the cooking session after the thailand trip (gah i'm still so in love with that episode)...or when they made kimchi, but nope my desire didn't get fulfilled. but loose no hope coz everything between these two is possible :wub:


@ lexi_yOongSeeororo . awww someone finally made an mv with that song. thank you but your video has been blocked by mbc alread :(

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Guest magicaL.chubi3




if you want to watch wgm click here, i think this was already shared but there are new goguma member so i'll share it again. WGM will be in a few minutes GOGUMAS! :w00t::rolleyes:




i forgot, this would only work in firefox and ie. :)


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just saw a preview of the episode and it showed clips of the juri ueno episode. please tell me there is something wrong!! oh gosh... oh gosh.. oh gosh... not that i mind watching it, i just prefer to watch the birthday/fishing episode instead!! (sigh)









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live streaming now and saw a lil preview for WGM. i think it will be continuation of ueno juri epi...




tears.gif so anticipating of the new epi after reading the text preview tears.gif




anyway, happy live streaming everyone :D



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Guest _d3seohyun

hahahha i'm loving the episode already.

talking with their eyes is up a notch.

the mention of chiaki again...daebak reaction!

ohhhhh the guest calling yong oppa...hahhaha seobaby's reactio...daebak!!!!!

yong on seobaby's side :wub:

and this was before they parted for three weeks early in sept right? gah!!! :wub:


i jumpsed around when she left the house hahahha

i was smiling like a fool when the two were left alone just sitting on the couch gah!!!

he didn't call her or greet her during the day of her birthday right? ohhh i think seobaby really spoke her heart out but of course still calm and smiling :D

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Guest magicaL.chubi3




oh my~ i don't wanna spoil but i can see some jealousy in seohyun's eyes, when Ueno Juri said oppa and when yonghwa ask seohyun to take pictures with Ueno Juri and him, haha! the result was blurry, you can really see that seohyun was jelly(jealous) . lolz. seohyun's eyes got big. i so love it. :):w00t:


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Guest magicaL.chubi3








wah~ finished watching yongseo's part! for the first time i saw seohyun angry but trying not to...wah~ it's daebak! :rolleyes: though we need to wait for another saturday to know what happen next. :rolleyes: *singing* seohyun got jelly~ seohyun got jelly. * hehe~



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About the live streaming
























I've learned the lesson that I need to leave it open at least 1+ hrs earlier on my comp. Its like reserving a seat for yourself before it will get full when there are more viewers haha  
























OMG ! the epi is full of talks that I really love it. I can't wait to know what they discussed in the bus . It sounds serious. Jinwoon even ohhh @ hyun's saying . 





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Guest shenibabi




omo i love this ep


huyn suprises me a lot


she showed so much expressions eps when yong asked ueno juri called him "oppa"


and seem yong forgot her birthday


cant wait next ep


they're so cute



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okay so i definitely loved this episode, but it was too short!! gosh.
















































i know i said i wanted the birthday/fishing episode, and i do, boy do i! but i loved that we got to see jealous seohyun. and does anyone else love the bickering between yong and hyun during the bus ride? i wish i knew what they were saying thou! because yong looks like his in a tight spot, and after he is planning this trip for them too. poor guy, but i love how their bickering and i think its going to help their relationship grow more! and plus, you only bicker with the ones you love right!
































































































noo i know what you mean! it was like jinwoon was like "ooohh~" because hyun just shut yong down or something. cant wait for translations and subs :)
















































jnj me too! me too~! i'm glad she left when she did. i'm glad they didnt extend it too much.









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okay, i seriously want yongseo to meet tamaki now!

aigoo...yong ar...now i see the fanboy side of u...

can u all see that fiery look on hyun?

am i the only one that glad to see juri leave the house? :phew:

don't hate me, its just the jealous me saying that now...


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