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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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miel!! *waves* Thanks for those super-HQ pics and SNSD news. LOL at the boys showing off their rings
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really excited to see Hyun and her unnies. Feel like its been so long since they have been on a variety show and well, its her turn to get interrogated about Yong! kekeke

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Star King = SBS

Seohyun.... very upset??? O_O

Wowwww... I can't wait ^^

OMG!! I love his hands... (CENSORED: Mode Pervert)... xDD

Thanks everyone for the news, translations, links, pics and more.

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Guest is2kwharss501

ahhh finally i catched up in the yongseo news! this thread moves like the speed of light!! i was at page 1044 2 days ago now its all the way at 1057! i use to post in here but im slow at catching up. ima try to contribute more!

when i read abt PSH & yonghwa then i see some videos of seokyu i just want to say something. when i see yonghwa & shinhye's news abt them being together or the song is written for shinhye instead of seobaby... yeah as a yongseo fan YES i feel jealous of seobaby.if its really written for shinhye then we listen to LOVE LIGHT's "im geine for you girl" (: && when i see news abt seokyu i would be like awwww what abt yonghwa seobaby? i LOVE YONGSEO & yes i do ship seokyu too. i cant choose between them. they both look so good together. && in this video CLCIK it seems like the SM family is going for seokyu. well, i think its FAIR for yong & hyun to have their friends & their "scandal". yong got shinhye & seobaby have kyu. its fair right? they can hangout with opposite sex friends (: lets just support YONGSEO and no one else here YEAH? we can believe what we want! LOL gosh im bad at explaining. T.T

hmmm I TOTAL laughed when heechul said "did u leave out yonghwa" i thunk yonghwa & heechul is close or they're friends (since they mced together) yonghwa have his spies around seobaby! he can have her news when his spies are around! heechul can be one (:

oh also im so ahppy that yong is showing off his wedding ring! i dont think its his first time he explain abt his ring XD! overall i think yong is a loyal guy. he might not ne as loyal as jinwoonie but hes loyal XDD

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Who's excited??








I have been waiting for this birthday trip. I have good vibes about this trip. I believe next to Jeongdongjin trip is this trip. This is another turning point on their relationship. CAuse as far as i could observe, they've grown much closer after the bday trip... and i mean waaaaaaaaaay closer kekkke




Gosh news are funny,




FIRST. PSH, i don't buy the rumor! lol! why? im a jgs fan and i can sense something between him and shin hye.. lol! if rumor was about psh and jgs i would believe it, but with yonghwa? lol! come on guys..! hahaha




SECOND, THE RING! lol at yonghwa! but can't blame the taiwanese media though.. cnblue is quiet popular there SO AS SNSD.. so i was expecting that kind of hype in taiwan since THEY ARE SO INTO LOVETEAMS :) kekekke hope it doesn't upset some cnblue fans, its just that taiwan is so much into lovey dovey things.. if you guys knw what i mean :)





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Quoting from panGG's post, but see it is an image so... sorry I won't have exact words about preview tomorrow!


Anyway, wanted to comment that it looks like Yong is taking Hyun on a surprise trip for her birthday only she doesn't know it is for her birthday or where she is going... so it seems to me he's setting something up! In the photos it looks like neither of them have their rings, but, perhaps he is going to give her a new ring on this trip and for her birthday? And kind of make it all romantic? at least how much a fishing trip can be romantic... ;) But I'm sure there's something else, too. :wub: I'm guessing he bought new rings


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wow! thanks miel_1301 for the pictures. he's multitasking: signing autographs and flashing his ring~ lol and that picture of jungshin is funny. :lol: and i agree with Caliope when about the hand. OMG~ right? and i've already talked about the hands and i was searching through my pictures and came across this picture from the your beautiful making:
































































































and i'm just thinking WOW~ for someone who isnt 'athletic' you sure have some nice arms! oh god just imagine him picking up his buin, and sweeping her off her feet. ahhh!!!
















































so excited for today's episode!!
















































(now running off to work!)









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Guest pollykpy
































































Hi SophiaPia & dreamyboo : glad that the news that I'd translated bring some joy here. It's my pleasure.
































































Hi panGG : love your work, it's cute and lovely.... :)
































































Some goguma fans stated in Chinese baidu site that Yonghwa's flight back to Korea this sunday is actually 7.45am and not in the afternoon as previously announce, in fact it's the dongsaengs leaving in the afternoon, CNBlue official website made a mistake and mix up both schedule.
































































And Yonghwa will be MCing Ingikayo on sunday too, they said Ingikayo official website already announced this.
































































Not sure how true the news are though. :sweatingbullets:

































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i really don't wanna say this....but i have a feeling tht yong doesn't have that much of muscle on him anymore....and hte reason being tht his arms seem quite thin when i see him on the show nwdayz....and wen wud the poor guy actually have time to work out??? his schedule is jam packed!!!
































































































































































and i can't wait for 2days episode!!! it'll b amazinggg!!! i realy wanna knw wht hyun says...and waiting for star king as well....she has to be questioned abt him!!!

































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Oh, thanks for that news pollykpy. It makes more sense that Yong leaves early because he has his MC-ing job. And thank you for the news about the Taiwan press conference. Kyaaaa~
































































baby_bo I am SOOOOOOO excited! We YongSeo addicts can never get enough rite? Haha
































































I think the preview at http://news.joins.com/article/384/4473384.html?ctg=15 say the same as the offical iMBC one but also has this: SeoHyun wants some explanations on rumors.
































































































































SeoHyun, I salute you for not beating around the bush. U Go Girl! I'm sure Yong-nampyeon has some good explaining to do XD
































































Edit: miel Star King is on SBS. Here is the TVU channel http://www.tvunetworks.com/watchTV/#c=81037

































































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Yo pple! How's everyone in here? Still hanging on? :sweatingbullets:

Oooo... SNSD on Star King? Cool! What time will it be on (Korea time)?

Thanks genxv for link.

So looking forward to tomorrow's episode with Hyun's birthday outing trip. I think most likely the front part of episode, WGM must still conclude the Ueno Juri's part, then show the outing/fishing trip beginning. I presume cos last week's ratings wasn't as high, so wise choice to do it this way. :sweatingbullets:

Anyway, keep the faith and keep loving Yongseo! :wub::wub::wub:


EDIT: I love all the news esp. the one abt Yongseo couple travelling back together from Japan. Awwww......1 That just made my day! Thanks

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LOL Since I noticed that some are admiring YongHwa's hands and arms, here is the video were the photo posted by panGG was taken. In the video although you see a lot of Hongki you can still see him doing push-ups and other stuff, as well as the rest of the boys (prior to Jungshin being in the band). I think now he doesn't have a lot of time to exercise but I think he is athletic. He is into basketball, running (he mentioned that he was in a track team when he was little), and he love snow sports (you can see the photos and he mentioned before meeting his buin that the place he will take his girlfriend was to snowboard and that he will teach her). 


We just have to wait until winter to see him with Hyun in a ski resort!! wub.gif Can you imagine them playing in the snow together?!?!?! Falling down, him picking her up. Then at the end of the day sitting together in front of a fireplace!!! Ohh, so romantic!!wub.gif Lol Well, we can wish for it, right? biggrin.gif






posted by janecjapor in YT who credits: cnbluesoul of YT, ponky77 of YT and http://blog.naver.com




Edit: Totally out of topic but I noticed that they have my flag (Puerto Rico) in the graffitis on the wall behind them!! When he is posing drinking water, is the flag on the right that you see on top of the bottle of water (flag with star and white/red stripes). Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean! A very long distance from S.Korea!! I am sorry, I just got excited sweatingbullets.gif. Is something you will never expect and I don't understand why. It really took me by surprise hahaha


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Ahhh, PSH. Now, I get it. Thank you, mochiling, lenovo. Sounds a lot like a PR gig - I wouldn't worry too much about it. Plus, he shared a plane with Seohyun. That sounds good, doesn't it?

On other news, there's now a community for Goguma fanfictions over at livejournal (kudos to forevermyworld for creating that - do you Soompi? ;) ). I encourage everyone to post/comment - maybe, with the approval of the respective esteemed authors, we could collect all Yongseo fanfiction there - I think that would be most comfortable for all the readers. Just a suggestion, though.

To start things, I have posted a fanfiction there. Hope you like. :)

Goguma fanfictions

Best regards,


thank you trent! for pimping the community, and also to be the FIRST brave soul to post. so yes to all gogumas the first official fanfiction community is now open Gogumafics. We welcome all to post/comment!

and yonghwa doesn't look it but that boy has great arms blush.gif


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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you for all the amazing goodies. you guys are all awesome!

sharing a couple of caps from the SMTown bts

I think the oppas have been noticing that one of their precious makanes have been blooming lately :wub:

and Heechul knows too well why :wub:

Look at her oppas' smiles (Kyu, Siwon, and even the manager) when Heechul mentioned YONGHWA.


and I think I saw Seobaby's cheeks turn red kekekkee



@baby_bo. *wave*

her oppas definitely know something kekeke heck the whole SM Family knows something LOL

and i bet she had already shown all the pictures she took in Seoul, L.A. and Shanghai to her nampyeon :wub:

her hubby was probably the reason why she was going around taking a lot of pictures in the first place...so her hubby would feel like he was touring with her all along hahahah

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@ _d3seohyun yeah seohyun was all shy..




here's a cut of that part kekeke







Heechul is so cute.. he was like shouting yonghwa's name lol





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Guest Earthprincess












thank you for all the amazing goodies. you guys are all awesome!sharing a couple of caps from the SMTown btsI think the oppas have been noticing that one of their precious makanes have been blooming lately :wub: and Heechul knows too well why :wub:






Look at her oppas' smiles (Kyu, Siwon, and even the manager) when Heechul mentioned YONGHWA.












and I think I saw Seobaby's cheeks turn red kekekkeehttp://img707.imageshack.us/img707/5705/sm24.jpg













Haha!! Yes, I saw this too. Heechul is too funny to bring Yong Hwa up. And I felt like there was a momentary pause from everyone with their sheepish smiles and then Hyun turns red. Such a natural reaction by a family who knows something. I think Heechul is also Goguma. :)











Oh, and I have to say I'm so ecstatic over them flying together from Japan!! That's definitely great news.





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yeeeeeeey finally i can post in this thread :)
































































































































































































































































 i've been following you since the beginning of we got married i have to say that i love all your comments and of course our goguma couple!
































































































































































































































































i'm tunisian and here in tunisia there isn't many poeple who watch asian programs because we are really bad at english but for me i've managed to study english so i can understand the subtitles and that's how i found we got married and  fell in love with yongseo couple :)
































































































































































































































































i'm waiting for the upcoming episodes and i'm counting on you guys for the analysis w00t.gif love you all wub.gifand see you tomorrow (it's midnight here)

































































































































































































































































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hugs panGG. thank u soo much dear.

yong with both his jjing jjing...hehehe


deugun deugun...the prev is a suspense

tks for trans gen & panGG

'Hy~un directly confessed that she felt sorry/disappointed to Yo~ng about a particular incident. What could it be?!'

so hyun did something this time...

another version..

'Usually she would keep her feelings inside and not express them but this time with a lethal expression she asked for an explanation about rumors from Yong-nampyeon'

so yong did something again?


based on yongseo timeline, i don't see the intimate photoshoot that yong did.

so that couldn't be it. hmm..

what rumours did we hear of yong during that time?

such curiosity is killing us...


what could it be gogumas?


cr dc

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Hmmmm ... I hope this isn't about the tapestry again. *lol* I'm sorry. I'm solely operating on coffee currently and that has messed up my mind. Given how happy they were during the Chuseok Special and the Ueno Jury Incident (I felt so sorry for Ueno Juri - Yonghwa practically hid behind his wife!), I don't think it's something major or lasting. :)

Best regards,


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Guest raindrops_919


annyong  ;)




just want to say thank you for last night share on this thread, i love you all  :wub:




i'm so excited about WGM today, i have a lot things to do with my work stuff but all i think about is WGM *omo, it's sound like i'm in love or something* :wacko:




anyway, what time will it be aired? since it's 2 hours time difference between my place (Indonesia) and seoul south korea *dugun dugun*


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Trent, I don't think its going to be anything serious either. The last time WGM made such a big deal out of something in their preview it turned out to be really pretty minor. This was the Thailand incident where Yong didn't tell her that he was going overseas.
































































Hyun really wasn't that upset at all, or at least she got over it quickly. That's MBC for you, trying to hype up stuff for viewership... kkkkk
































































For me as long s Yong & Hyun are in the same room I will watch it no matter what they do. It could be a whole episode of them eating sushi and just chatting and staring at each other and I'd still find it DAEBAK :lol:
































































Anneong raindrops! I'm going to join you in being super-excited!! Only hours to go now! YAYYYYY. Edit: Oh sorry,somehow overlooked your question: WGM airs 5:15PM KST
































































jnj yah I'm rally confused too - I'm hoping one of the beloved experts can clear this up for us. Did Hyun do something, or was it Yong? Based on the part about SeoHyun asking for clarification of rumors I have a feeling it's something involving Yong. Also that photo of Hyun is so hilarous and PERFECT!! ROTFL
































































Lets stay tuned and find out ;)

































































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