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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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lenovo, agree with U, no more PSH again.

Let me wrap it up by pointing out the radio interview for CN blue by Heechul (Youngstreet?) on 28 May

WHen being asked which one he chose , 1/ PSH, 2/ Hyun? Yong answered 3/ at first. But after Heechul said that "are U in love with both?" Yong IMMEDIATELY said 2/ , and every CN blue member nodded with this answer

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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit http://www.wretch.cc/blog/capatw/16962001
































































































































































































































































scary :ph34r:

































































































































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i love the recent pic of Yong and Hyun during Japan's filming..
































































































it shows the caring side of Yong that i adore so much...
































































































he care so much about his hyun buin, she's always his priority when filming WGM blush.gif
































































































yay, they went back together in the same flight..
































































































few hours that can be spent together without the camera filming them, that's a precious time^^
































































































regarding the PSH issue, they are really close but i believe they just good friends..they spend tons of time together during filming YAB,so they bound to be close..































































































































































































friends can hang out together..man and woman can be friends without romantically involved































































































































































































PSH is close with JGS and Hongki too..
































































































case closed ^_^

































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Hi all, 
































































































































































































Thanks for yongseo's lastest pic in japan . I doubt  where hyun's left arm was ? hehe 
































































































































































































If they really flied back to Korea from japan together, it would be as same as Jossa's lastest one shot fic :D The best news today.
































































































































































































I luv the couple's synchronized walks. Like husband, like wife. They are really meant to each other. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































I luv to follow up their relationship. This couple is like my personal heroine (borrowed the words from Edward in Twilight Saga, one of my favourite romantic novels lol ) 
































































































































































































Saturday also becomes my most favourite day since yongseo couple was made. They might not be funny or have overloads of  skinship like other couples but  the sweet  moments when our couple are together are deniable addictive and seem so real to me. their episodes might not make full of laughs but u surely  smilewub.gif, squeal vicx.gif , screamw00t.gif and finally spazzph34r.gif when u watch them.  

































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hello gogumas =)
















































































































































































































































i'm a turkish goguma and i love this thread!! thank you for everyone for the news and pictures of yongseo couple.
















































































































































































































































aah i can't wait for the next episode :D

















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Guest lovely_ocean












Thanks for all the news from Taiwan.




I am really happy to know Yonghwa holds his precious left 4th finger a special meeting.




I read in Japanese site that when Yonghwa was with Seohyun eating sweet potato ice cream, he said to a fan [meccha oishii; means very tasty] with smily face. so cute.




About PHS thing, I think it's just anti turning up now and then to mess things up cause they want to make Yongseo marriage end somehow.




Any of the romour cannot to be true. You know the WGM rules, you cannot have a relationship with other person while they are on the show. If the romour was true, PD would have found out by now and Yonghwa would have left the show already.




So relax and ignore the antis.



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i know there has been a translation for the new episode already but here is another one! this one is from the sweet potato days blog. and hopefully no one minds reposting pictures of the fishing trip/birthdays!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from the looks of it, this translations is saying that hyun is maybe upset about something yong did, again, maybe while the other one that someone had traslated in this thread made it seem like it was something hyun did. hm... i'm confused and i dont understand korean so when i watch it tonight its going to kill me because i wont know what is going on!! lol.
















































your welcome lenovo.
















































and lmao ichigo_kawai that is epic! lol. love it :) and thanks









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on blueshoes' pic:










MANLY HANDS.... and the hairs on it!!! uugh!!!! **faints**



















ahahahaha! Good Lordie!!!!



















somebody stop me!!!!! hahaha




















panG - thanks for the preview pics/summary!










ichigo --- reverse scene idea is goooood!!!! so goooodddd it's gone bad. hahaha! bad for the mind at this time of the hour that is (12am here). kidding! i'm making crazy comments agen.










well, in fairness to Yong.... SEOHYUN smiled too!!!! aigooo this two!



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Guest ichigo_kawai

@ Lenovo I'm totally agree with u.....^_^ hugs for u  :wub:

So for all goguma shippers I made this gifs....ke..ke..ke.

1 yong..hyunnnnn......


2. And how about reverse that scene ke..ke..ke (upppssss)


Ehmmm...yooong what are u thinking when this scene? ohhh...he's smile is very bright.......

And Hyuuun...What are u thinking and what's u feel? I think they can't forget that's moment all the night...ha..ha..ha :wub:

@ dreamy_boo "waves" I like your video....^_^

@PanGG: You are very talented... I love your design.... ^_^

@Hanna: Thanks..for sharing thats wallpaper in here.... :wub:

@Bluswim_ boo..: Thanks dear...that's lovely....


@Lenovo ...you are trully night shipperss..ke..ke..ke..

@PanGG: Thanks.....

@ Teoki66: welcome......^_^

@DJ Hinata....Thanks for watching my video..thanks for your comment....And Your Design.. love it so much....

oh.....I see naz unnie......unnie I miss u so so much.....

@ Blueshoes: thanks for sharing thats pic

@Lovely_ocean: Thanks for sharing the news

@Parisita: Welcome

@Dreamy_boo: ke..ke..ke you are night shippers too.....:P


another gif (one of my favorite moments)



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omo... thanks for sharing that panGG!! hah! i think it could be 'cause of yong's sizzling photoshoot with that HAWT model incident... he admitted on TV that he didn't tell hyun about it! :crazy:

blueshoes, that pic is too detailed! LOL... just look at those thick hair on his fingers... ooowhh i'm soo loving yong's hand. :wub: acckk lenovo, u'd better stop right there! don't move an inch! LOL! he's hyun's rememberrrrr xD

ichigo-chan~... *huggles* u're so kawaiiii!!! :wub: and oh!!!! what a gif!!! ekkeekekek BEWARE WILD IMAGINATION IS TURNED ON kekekke xD

deng, where are all ur nightshifter gang, lenovo!?

thanks for the scoop lovely_ocean ^_^.... btw, how do u pronounce meccha??

hi teoki61~! :)

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dreamboo really?! lol i didnt know that! maybe we'll get to see a jealous seohyun! thanks for letting me know
































































































hello PariSita! and welcome :)i have a Bulgarian friend, but his always mad, we call him the mad bulgarian, lol. but you seem very nice! :)









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Guest PariSita
































































































































































































































































































































































































hello sweet potato fans !!
































































































































i'm yongseo fan from Bulgaria(Europe)
































































































































i love them!!
































































































































nice to meet you yall
































































































































































































































































excited for tomorrow episode ;)

































































































































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Guest lovely_ocean
































































> dreamyboo
































meccha's pronounciation oh i don't know if I can tell you right.
































"me" similar to member’s [me] sound.
































"cha" sounds similar to charm's [cha] sound. tʃɑ sound.
































extra "c" between me and cha is because when this two words come together, we add unvoiced stop consonant "tsu" sound.
































Meccha used to be a western japanese (Around Osaka) diarect but we tend to use it as a replace ment of Totemo as it sounds more interesting.

















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Hi! I love how this thread keeps spazzing!!
































































Hi PanGG! those translations were done by my non-expert self and after double-checking it's been revised. Also thanks for the pics and news posted earlier ^^
































































YongHwa♡SeoHyun: Questions(?) Birthday Outing!
































































Finally Yong-nampyeon suggest that they go out on a trip!
































































The fact that the trip is for his wife's birthday is something that Yong's trying to hide....
































































Hyun-buin who is unaware of Yong-nampyeon's plans, without knowing the destination just follows her husband~
































































The two board the bus and head towards somewhere~
































































However, the atmosphere between the two is a little odd?!
































































It's a YongSeo couple marriage first! Hyun-buins 100% honest confession
































































Hy~un directly confessed that she felt sorry/dissapointed to Yo~ng about a particular incident. What could it be?!































































































































Sorry about the confusion guys. Can anyone help this beginner out 섭섭했던 is similar to 'feel sorry' right?
































































So, what could this mysterious incident be?
































































Here is a rundown of events that happened between the filming at CNBLUE's dorm and the one at GangHwaDo:
































































June 15 : [WGM Filming] Shopping at Home Plus with CNBlue
































































June 19 : [WGM Filming]SeoHwa couple guest MC on MBC Music Core
































































June 22 : YongHwa's 21st Birthday
































































June 22 : Yong's guest appearance on WinWin is broadcasted.
































































June 23 : CNBlue events in Japan
































































June 24 : CNBlue back in Seoul for music shows
































































June 24 : Yong talks about Hyun's honest character in an interview. "I think she makes a good partner"
































































June 24 : Hyun tapes a star call & talks about playing the guitar on WGM
































































June 25-26 : CNBlue events in Japan
































































June 26 : Broadcast of MBC Change the World Quiz
































































June 27 : CNBlue playing a show in Busan. YongHwa was asked about his marriage
































































June 28 : Hyun's 19th Birthday (20th for Koreans) and fan-meeting
































































June 29 : [WGM Filming] Fishing on GangHwa Island
































































I saw redtulip and scatterbrain guess that it's the WinWin recording and I have to agree.
































































Rough summary: Yong was asked whether he liked Taeyeon who was one of the hosts or SeoHyun more. (Of course SeoHyun) He then said "questions like these will make SeoHyun feel sad" causing the whole studio to go "awww.."
































































Edit: princessjulia[/b[ thank you for the fanfiction!! Can't wait to read it. You can check out the FanFic FAQ and rules here. Fighting! ^^






























































































































































































































































Also, the cutest thing:






























































































































































































































































Yon~ng Oppa Fighting!!!
































































































































































































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Guest mimayree


for tomorrow'a episode,wonder what seohyun will be upset about....what i can remember, during that period:

- the WinWin broadcast where Yonghwa was asked to choose between Taeyeon and Seohyun

- the music bank special stage

- yonghwa didn't wear his ring during that period

can't think of anything else...

What about Star King??? uhm There are many times I mean many shows

we're Yong seen with a girl.


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hello genvx!! thanks for the translation update and the schedule! i had forgotten what was going on during that time. and that fighting .gif is super cute. thanks!
















































+edit TOPPPED AGAIN?! will be back later with something, hopefully.
































































































as requested by jnj!!! their a little plain, i know. but i wasn't entirely sure if you wanted just a picture or a wallie. so i'm posting up them all! lol.














































































































































































































































































and just to share again, here is the SWEET HOLIDAY wallpaper.
















































yongseosholidaysm.th.gif yongseosholiday.th.gif









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Guest Earthprincess








They said to stop with the PSH talks but I would just like to comment. And promise, I won't be promoting anything this time.








I ship the Shin Hye and Keun Suk coupling too and also just recently fell in love with Goguma. I'm a hard core ANJELL fan and the best thing I love with ANJELL (all four of them) is the friendship they have built. That kind of close relationship among equals in different stages of their career in show business is pretty rare so I really admire that.








I think it's not fair to think Yong would betray his honor for a silly rumor of being in a romantic relationship with Shin Hye. It's been one of his best traits to stay true to his word. He had consistently said Seo Hyun is important to him and he holds her dear. So, let's all respect that and believe that.








It's also not fair to think of any malice with Shin Hye being friends with Yong as I think her bubbly and friendly nature is just one of her best traits. She's friends with most people she works with. So with Yong and Galleria, I'm sure they just hanged out for fun. And they did so because they miss having that friendly time.








That said -- Yong had said too that he misses hanging out with his ANJELL friends because the recent catapult to stardom with CNBLue had already rendered him having no time to spend with his former buddies who also support him. So, if he spent a day with Shin Hye to bond after a long time, that's not entirely wrong. And I'm sure that's something that Seo Hyun will approve as Hyun-a is very much a supporter of great, meaningful and long lasting friendships.












As for Taiwan, there's a mix up in the schedule, Shin Hye is arriving on Sunday as opposed to what she tweeted recently. I guess that means there'll be no time for scandal. So, rest those hearts Gogumas. ;)





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Hey no problem panGG! I'm still trying hard to learn all the grammar stuff so please excuse my attempts.
































































Here is another article about Episode 25. Edit: rough translations by me and please correct meif I'm wrong ><
































































Source: Newsen
































































‘우결’ 정용화-서현부부, 더블 생일 소풍서 애정전선 ‘흔들’ 왜?
































































MBC '우리결혼했어요' 정용화 서현 부부가 오랜만에 교외로 나들이를 떠났다.
































































MBC We Got Married Jung YongHwa and SeoHyun go to an outing to the countryside after a long time (apart?)
































































두 사람은 최근 같은 달에 단 6일차로 생일을 맞이했다. 이에 정용화는 이를 기념하기 위해 나들이를 제안하고 나섰다.
































































The two celebrate the birthday in the same month only 6 days apart. Jung YongHwa proposed that they go on an outing to celebrate.
































































가벼운 나들이 복장으로 나온 서현은 정용화의 야심찬(?) 계획은 알지 못한 채 목적지를 정확히 밝히지 않는 남편 손에 이끌려 버스에 올랐다.
































































SeoHyun came along dressed in light clothing, YongHwa did not reaveal his ambitious(?) plans but takes her by bus to an unknown destination
































































그러나 모처럼 만의 나들이임에도 불구 둘 사이의 애정전선(?)에 이상 기류가 흘렀다고. 바로 며칠 전 서현의 생일 날, 정용화가 서현을 섭섭하게 만든 일이 발생한 것.'
































































However, despite the long-awaited outing the atmosphere between the two is slightly turbulent(?) It was just a few days since SeoHyun's birthday, but SeoHyun feels sorry/regretful that something happened [er.. this part, the grammar is troubling me, so take with a grain of salt]
































































평소 속마음을 잘 표현하지 않던 서현이지만, 이번만큼은 '치사하다'는 표현까지 해가며 솔직한 심경을 털어놓고 용 남편에게 해명을 요구했다는 후문.
































































Usually she would keep her feelings inside and not express them but this time with a 'lethal expression she asked for an explanation about rumors from Yong-nampyeon
































































과연 서현을 서운하게 만든 그 사건은 무엇이며 정용화가 단단히 삐친 서현의 마음을 풀어줄 수 있을 것인지. 또 지난 방송에 이어 우에노 쥬리와의 만남 2탄까지 25일 오후 5시 15분 '우결'에서 확인할 수 있다.
































































SeoHyun feels dissatisfied about the incident and what will Jung YongHwa do to appease her feelings. [And then the rest is about Ueno Juri and broadcast times]
































































[뉴스엔 엔터테인먼트부]
































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지































































































































Note: so this article has me completely confused now because it seems Hyun is upset about something Yong did instead of the other way around. So experts out there can you help some fans out. Pretty please? And well, in the end we shall find out in about 12 hours yeah?
































































Hope to spazz with you guys during the live stream!
































































Hi Earthprincess thanks for stopping by and sharing.(you are from ANJELL haven right? ^^)
































































I agree with you on all your points and I like ShinHye a lot, I think she is adorable. Just so friendly and vivacious. That's good how close the ANJELLs are. Lenovo dear, umm.. sorry for mentioning it too, hahah. Like many have said, even if they meet it's perfectly cool right? Poor Yong, he needs friends too! (and so does Hyun) XD
































































Let's support the couple no matter what. Fighting!

































































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Guest miel_1301



YongHwa at the Fan Signing Event in Taiwan, 24 September 2010


Aigoo! THE RING is becoming as famous as the owner now.


Woah! Jungshin Chinggu has a "couple ring", too? With whom?

Cr: on pics

From SNSD thread

SNSD will appear on Star King tomorrow with 8 members (without Yoona)


Yoona has a different schedule?

At long last, we'll be seeing Seobaby and her Unnies on a TV Variety Show. Star King is on what station?



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