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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Yonghwa, “I like to wear a lot of rings” (09.24.2010)











In the Korean Drama “You’re Beautiful” where CN Blue‘s leader Jung Yonghwa played role as ‘Shinwoo(信宇)’ and the other CN Blue members had a presscon yesterday. Yonghwa and SNSD‘s Seohyun are a make believe couple in a reality show. They also bought a couple ring which he didnt forget to wear. With that Yonghwa said ” Yes, this is our ring” Yonghwa and Seohyun are in “We Got Married” program that lets them experience the life of a newly married couples.

















Minhyuk’s aunt is a Taiwanese and visited Taipei 101 last year.

















Yesterday, Yonghwa was wearing two rings but the ring on his left hand was suspicious. When asked “What does the rings mean?” He smilingly answered “I like to wear a lot of rings” He then asked the reported ” Dont you know what does this mean?” Then showed it and says “This is the my couple ring with Seohyun. Im scared to lose it so that’s why I’m wearing it”.

















Aside from Yonghwa, it wasn’t Minhyuk‘s 1st time to come to Taiwan, but actually it was his 2nd time. He took part in his aunt’s wedding and visited Taipei 101. There will be fan signing event today. The tomorrow evening is there mini live at NTU sports centre at 7.30PM.










































Yesterday, Yonghwa was wearing two rings but the ring on his left hand was suspicious. When asked “What does the rings mean?” He smilingly answered “I like to wear a lot of rings” He then asked the reported ” Dont you know what does this mean?” Then showed it and says “This is the my couple ring with Seohyun. Im scared to lose it so that’s why I’m wearing it”.:wub:



































CR:cnbluestorm & Geesamantra@ pantip






MC: What does'nt ring mean?






YH:( he smilingly answered)....I like to wear a lot of rings!!!! <<<<<< Really !!!Yong  It's  your true












But i don't think soooo... 555555








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Guest my_fluffy




hye all gogumas.. i'm not post anything since ueno juri ep back then... huhuuhu.. but, truthfully i am enjoying reading yours spazzing and spots abt yongseo... i miss yongseo right now... so, i watch fmv that post earlier, the one with brian mc fadden song "like only a woman can..." i straightly fall in love with the song.. it just suits yongseo too... :wub:




and then i'm tracking the original song, so i came across brian mc fadden and delta goodrem live vids... arg... so sweet esp i this vid





     (it is not related to yongseo, but, somehow i wish its them singing :D)






how i wish seohyun and yonghwa will have chance to sing like this couple... seohyun in piano and yonghwa playing guitar n sing love light n stare at each other with love... :wub: argghhh... please... made this wish comes true!!! :)



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Cherryhana88... omo!!! what awesome pics! *wild imagination still ongoing* ekkekeek thanks so much for the pics & FMV~! BEAAAUUUTIFUL~! :D *SAVES THEM ALL*

panGG... i'm with u on the guy's hand thingy! LOL i luv guys with hands like yong...ohohohohho those hands look so delicate & yet still masculine in another way :wub: oval-shaped nails, long fingers... deng FINE! >.< aww... thanks for posting the fmv :wub: *huggle-wuggles*

sun_sun, i'm loving the pic~!!! whoa our goguma world is filled with many talented gogumas!!! am thankful that i found this thread! jyeaaaa~ xD

pollykpy, thanks for the info~! ekekeke yong sure knows what the crowd wants!

Yong : you knew it but you purposely ask this right ?(not sure what the reporter answer as they had cut out that part)Yong : I just knew it, and yes, this is the couple ring. I wear it all the times because I fear I'll lose itOnce again, how sweet..... :wub:

*waves at lovekin* :D where have u been???? busy with ur yongseo fiction? i see that u have a different siggy!!! kyaaaaa~!!! luv ittt!!! ahems... do u happen to be doing anymore siggies? or issit that u'll only do siggy when requested?

alucard81, thanks for the info~! ackkkk were there only 2 stars given for them to choose? isshhh i personally don't like both of them though :vicx:

SophiaPia, thanks for the scoop~! ^_^ heh heh heh guys won't make promises unless they really like the girl eh. deng, hyun's so lucky to have a guy like yong loving & caring for her~! they're both lucky.

someone (sorry forgot who -.-") wanted the translated lyric of LIE... here it is:

Wind blow away your tears, seasons also follow suit

Let go everything and leave the painful piece of memories here

Let go everything and leave it here, i’m forcing myself

Let’s say goodbye here. I will understand

The loving past (that side view)

Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)

Having an unreachable future

Love is gone. The heart is also gone. The days that we were in love are gone.

Can only lie repeatedly

Want to forget your name, but still can’t forget

Gone but not all are gone

Let go everything and leave it here, i’m forcing myself

Let’s say goodbye here. I will understand

The loving past (that side view)

Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)

Having an unreachable future

Crying and fighting back the tears repeatedly for days

Destroyed but not destroyed yet. Thinking of becoming stronger

Crying and more crying, tomorrow will be better

Cry until the tears are dried

The loving past (that side view)

Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)

Having an unreachable future

Crying and fighting back the tears repeatedly for days

Destroyed but not destroyed yet. Thinking of becoming stronger

Crying and more crying, tomorrow will be better

Cry until the tears are dried

The loving past (that side view)

Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)

Having an unreachable future

Forward, let’s walk forward and continue the glory forever

Forget, let’s forget everything, it will be alright if it’s you

Gone, my in love days are gone

Forward, let’s walk forward and I won’t forget you forever

Translation Japan – Chinese : Baidu

Chinese – English : jacinthoriya@twitter

pancakes&flappyjacks, thanks for the detail ^_^ kekekeke heechul's so funny! hyun has finally grown more matured. just look at all the attention she's getting. the boys there seem to be very fond of her keekekek... don't worry yong, hyun is in the good care of her SM bros xD

heartbreak_warfare22, didn't we see a bicycle near yongseo in one of their japan pics? they could have ridden on it during their WGM filming there? but there's only one in the pic... kekeekke *imagination running wild* xD

hi blue_rain4~! thanks for the link!!! :D

whoa... i'm way past my lunch break! -.-" wokehhh...cya guys later!

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the preview is out




















<U>용화♡서현 : 두근두근 MC!!</U>













용서의 우상?! 우에노 주리를 만나 즐거운 시간을 보낸 용화♡서현!













한국음식을 맛보고싶어하는 우에노 주리를 위해













종갓집부인 현부인! 김치전을 만들겠다 선뜻 나서는데...













과연 용서표 '바다맛나는 김치' 로 우에노 주리의 입맛(?)을













만족시킬수 잇을까?




















용서부부가 MC로 떳다?!













아픈 티파니처형을 위해 용서부부가 지원자로 나섯다!













콩닥콩닥 떨리는 맘을 주체하지 못하는 새내기 MC 서현!













두근두근 '민폐엠씨' 타이틀을 갖고있는 용남편!




















과연 이둘은 부부공동MC를 무사히 마칠수 있을까?







aarrr fake preview :(







thank you I.said.hi for the correction


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it looks like tomorrow episode are showing the continuation of ueno juri ep and then they will go back to the date where yongseo mc-ing at music core. at least they get back to the right timeline without having to wait for another week.



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the preview is out
































<U>용화♡서현 : 두근두근 MC!!</U>
































용서의 우상?! 우에노 주리를 만나 즐거운 시간을 보낸 용화♡서현!
































한국음식을 맛보고싶어하는 우에노 주리를 위해
































종갓집부인 현부인! 김치전을 만들겠다 선뜻 나서는데...
































과연 용서표 '바다맛나는 김치' 로 우에노 주리의 입맛(?)을
































만족시킬수 잇을까?
































용서부부가 MC로 떳다?!
































아픈 티파니처형을 위해 용서부부가 지원자로 나섯다!
































콩닥콩닥 떨리는 맘을 주체하지 못하는 새내기 MC 서현!
































두근두근 '민폐엠씨' 타이틀을 갖고있는 용남편!
































과연 이둘은 부부공동MC를 무사히 마칠수 있을까?































































having "fun time" with Uneo Juri!
































Because Uneo Juri wants to try out the taste of Korea Hyun attempts at making Kimchi again while Yong is worried about Hyun's kimchi tasting like sea water.
































The Yongseo couple are coming out together as MC's?!
































The Yongseo couple are filling in for Tiffany who is sick.
































*heartbeat* Seohyun's heart is shaking(? for a lack of a better term) because this is her first time/she's still a rookie at MCing.
































*i acutally wanted to see more of the horror special!! more skinship please!!!

















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Guest i.said.hi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ uhh you guys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that preview is fake. it was made as a joke by a yonseo fan at dc wgm

































































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have someone share this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is Yonghwa's dog, jjingie..so adorable
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































despite the red ribbons, it's a male.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JJINGIE looks a bit like seohyun..the pigtails and the eyes! LOL :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong should bring jjingie to meet hyun..i bet hyun will love jjingie..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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just made this! hope you guys like it
































































































































so if you did like it, here is a wallpaper! :) my first one ever, please be nice. lol
















































































































































drat, i forgot i had topped. will post it again (sorry!)
























































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*waves at lovekin* :D where have u been???? busy with ur yongseo fiction? i see that u have a different siggy!!! kyaaaaa~!!! luv ittt!!! ahems... do u happen to be doing anymore siggies? or issit that u'll only do siggy when requested?






laugh.gif hahaha, you're sweet~




i do!  i changed it a while ago, though.  i've been around, but life got in the way.  still have to sort things out, but it should settle after this weekend.  phew!  mellow.gif  i haven't been able to write or create anything because of it, although i've managed to read a lot of the posts here.  god forbid i don't keep up; this thread is so sporadic!  sometimes it doesn't budge but, when it does, it somehow jumps 10 pages.  wacko.gif




i can do more signature banners!  i don't know if i want to create a bunch and kind of put up a preview for grabs, but we'll see!  i'll let you know when i have free time to accept requests.  smile.gif


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Wow, Yong has a dog. Wonder how it will interact with Hyun. It'd be cuteness overload I think. Cant wait for the meet the family episode.





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the preview is out (from wgm website)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 묻지마(?) 생일 나들이!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































모처럼 용 남편의 제안으로 나들이를 가게 된 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































사실 이 나들이에는 생일을 맞은 아내를 위한 요옹의 야심찬 계획이 숨어있고...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이런 용 남편의 계획(?)을 모르는 현 부인, 목적지도 모른 채 남편을 따라 나서는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 사람을 태우고 어디론가 향하는 버스 안~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데, 두 사람 사이에 심상치 않은 이상 기류(?)가 흐르다?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부 결혼생활 최초! 현 부인의 솔직한 심경 100% 고백!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































혀언이 요옹에게 직접 털어놓는 섭섭했던 사건(?)은 과연 무엇?!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Yukilovesyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the preview is out (from wgm website)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 묻지마(?) 생일 나들이!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































모처럼 용 남편의 제안으로 나들이를 가게 된 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































사실 이 나들이에는 생일을 맞은 아내를 위한 요옹의 야심찬 계획이 숨어있고...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이런 용 남편의 계획(?)을 모르는 현 부인, 목적지도 모른 채 남편을 따라 나서는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 사람을 태우고 어디론가 향하는 버스 안~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데, 두 사람 사이에 심상치 않은 이상 기류(?)가 흐르다?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부 결혼생활 최초! 현 부인의 솔직한 심경 100% 고백!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































혀언이 요옹에게 직접 털어놓는 섭섭했던 사건(?)은 과연 무엇?!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ Thank you s0leill123 for the preview! I did a little translation.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong and Hyun's birthday outing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Husband Yong brought his wife out for her surprise birthday party that he prepared, and wife Hyun is completely clueless about it. Yongseo couple went to some place on a bus, but something went wrong with the atmosphere between them. For the first time in the marriage, wife Hyun has a confession to do. What would it be?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please correct me if I made mistakes :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest desirenhope
























Hi, saw this on twitter.
















Can anyone translate it? it does not look good the way I see it base on Google translation. LOL!








Yonghwa with PSH in Taiwan. No idea what it means.
















I don't mean to cause any unhappiness or anything. its just that i feel a bit panicky like any of u here, and i just want to find solace and confirmation. that's all. seriously i mean no harm. i feel affected reading stuffs like this and it bothers me a lot since i am a fan of this couple and follow their every news closely.









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Guest monie1909

Hi, saw this on twitter.


Can anyone translate it? it does not look good the way I see it base on Google translation. LOL!

Yonghwa with PSH in Taiwan. No idea what it means.

Edit:yeah, i read that in dc.Hope you are happy bringing the news here twice.Based on google it said Yong Hwa and PSH are expected to date in taiwan.Reason:Yong Hwa flight back on sunday,diff from other member is suspicous and PSH will go to Taiwan tmrw,Saturday>so the writer said possible for them to date on Sat and Sun afternoon.

Below are the fan account on PSH and Yong Hwa meeting on 12th September.PSH spotted wearing baseball hat and leather jacket(isnt that Yong Hwa and the boys ideal type are?).They were heard laugh on something they watch on the Iphone..

This is basicly what i understand from google translate.

Edit2: Dont be mad at me,i'm just translating the post witout the spoiler.Good news,i'm sucks at Korean language,and google translate isnt accurate too,so it might be 60% inaccurate.And the writer,i assume he/she is just a regular fan like us with opinion for it is a post from dcinside.

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Guest waetoriya




Jossa updated her fanfic and it's really lovable. <333


Buses and Trains


I'm sure everyone's excited for tomorrow's episode! I'm guessing it's the fishing trip, but starting it with Yonghwa celebrating Seohyun's birthday. YEAHHHH cant wait to watch the show tml :)


About PSH and Yong, I hope it won't create another chaos in this thread since I think this topic has been discussed earlier. We gogumas should support the YongSeo couple no matter what the outcome is. For now, let's just enjoy the show. :)))


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oh dear..it's starting again....
























i can now expect by tomorrow that this thread would jump to a few pages and i would be reading some snarling comments..
























regarding the preview: woot woot!!! it's the birthday episode..yehey! and yong nampyeon preapared a surprise for it..but it seems like something happened..will this be the 1st time we will see the couple having a misunderstanding? what will yong do? what is it that hyun is about to confess? hope something juicy but from the sound of it "something went wrong with the atmosphere"..uh oh:sweatingbullets:
























regarding the PSH news:
























desirenhope: don't mind it..there are people who call themselves as reporters who waste their time creating a scandal..let's just pray for our couple...
























monie1909: uhm..i don't think she meant any harm c;
























but still expecting this thread to jump tomorrow...





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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































^ Thank you s0leill123 for the preview! I did a little translation.
































































Yong and Hyun's birthday outing!
































































Husband Yong brought his wife out for her surprise birthday party that he prepared, and wife Hyun is completely clueless about it. Yongseo couple went to some place on a bus, but something went wrong with the atmosphere between them. For the first time in the marriage, wife Hyun has a confession to do. What would it be?































































































































































































Please correct me if I made mistakes :)































































































































Oh wow. Thank you. I literally screamed reading this!
































































We've seen Yong in WGM. He's sweet and all but I have yet to see him prepare an event for his buin. The one event for Hyun happened to be from his dongsaengs (the sweet potato cake). I cannot wait for tomorrow hehe :) I hope WGM PDs will be considerate enough not to cut a lot of scenes. I've anticipated the birthday event for so long that it will be disappointing if it's only shown for 10 minutes (right?).
































































YONGSEO makes me high! Yeah! *yongseo-style american high five to all gogumas* :wub:
































































Oh, a random thing. I show my 11 years sister the yongseo fan mv with the pyramid song (I forgot now who made it, sorry, but you know who you are, you awesome person
































































My sister actually dropped tears watching it. I guess she's also a Yongseo shipper. Yongseo couple are such excellent individuals i don't mind if my sister look up to them.
































































This comes from an overprotective sister ke ke.
































































































































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Guest waetoriya
































While waiting for tomorrow's episode, why don't we feast on some videos first? :)
















KyuHyun & SeoHyun - Call With All My Heart
















Behind the scenes of SM Town Concert.
















Seohyun taking pictures with her brothers
















Melon Award backstage Seohyun & manager
















If you watch both the videos, you'll notice that the same manager is with her again, the one with glasses and nerdy-looking. Seohyun is known to be the manager's favourite girl in SNSD, as said by SNSD themselves. I just want to share this titbit cause I felt that Seohyun is loved by everyone around her, which includes her members, her managers and her SM Town brothers. <333









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Guest SophiaPia






@yukilovesyou thanks for translation :) so it's means tomorrow episode is the bday of Hyun, not Euno Juri? or both anyway, just wait and see for tomorrow. What happen to yukiandjudy2 account in YT :( 




hmmm re: that news i don't know who is PSH. But i don't want to lie if i read this kind of article i feel Jealous for Hyun. It's just that i feel Hyun will not cheat on Yong. If she has boys w/ her it just a work. Maybe it's re: work as well this PSH and Yong whatever. Oh! well maybe i forgot this WGM is just make believe marriage, but i don't know why i feel this kind of jealousy for Hyun (am i crazy?sorry) at the end of the day i think both YongSeo are free to who they like, love o date whoever they like. Ok fine hubby Yong date whoever you like, and i hope Hyun will go on date who ever she like also :(:(  SORRY IF I FEEL WEIRD. I JUST FEEL STRANGE IN THIS ARTICLE. Sorry i just answer that article.




anyway, back to the main topic here the YONGSEO couple. WHAT IS THAT CONFESSION THAT HYUN MAKE? Need to wait tomorrow.




re: the new couple RING. My guess is maybe is Hyun who gave the new Ring. Coz 1st time they meet. Yong suggested to Hyun why not be engaged 1st. So, they went to this store and buy the proof of their engagement. 1st couple socks, couple cup/mug then YONG SAW THE CHEAP RING wear it. Then it's fits and we know what happen. Then  epi 18 we all know that the OLD RING esp. Yong RING got broken and looks disaster already :) and Hyun is touched of Yong gesture about how important that ring to him. SO I WAS THINKING HERE IT MIGHT BE HYUN GAVE THE NEW RING TO YONG LIKE A GIFT. SHE PROBABLY CUSTOMIZE THE RING FOR BOTH OF THEM. Coz, maybe Hyun thinking Yong gave her a guitar also, then Yong likes ring. So i guess maybe Hyun gave the ring. I could be wrong, maybe it's Yong but we will see in the coming episode. :):)




cheers to all


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