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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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dreamyboo i decided to stay up all night just to watch it! it started here at like 3:30 am OMG. i know. and so after the short rerun clip, and i say short because it wasnt even the whole part, it was cut differently, i just went straight to bed sadly :(
































































































































































































but now its all better because of that picture of yong and hopefully hyun eating ice cream in japan. how sweet that they are together in japan :wub: without their respective sisters and brothers. almost honeymoonish, dont you guys think? i know that both groups are busy in japan right now, but just think... its like their away from home and they are suppose to be on their "family holiday" and spending it together... makes me want to squeal!! :)
































































































































































































aneng thanks so much for sharing the picture.
































































































































































































hm... so there is a special on thrusday too? or another "special rerun" (sigh)? are they still showing a regular episode on saturday or no? cause i'm confused on this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































how did i know i was going to top when i dont have anything to share. (sigh)
































































































































































































here is a repost of the picture from aneng of the japan filming
































































































































































































































































































































































































and i never saw this picture of their apartment before(might be during my creeper days when i hardly checked on the forum) and just saw it yesterday night (while waiting for the "special" wgm rerun) while looking through snsd's 3rd soompi thread. i love the house! so cute and friendly. :) very hyun-ish and yong-ish!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in the 2nd picture you can see the NAVY uniform in the bottom left reflected in the mirror.

































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Hi, Happy Goguma lovers!

You’ve got to listen to this,

Listen from 8:40 to :44

diodanooo1's channel, the link posted by genxv

8:40-44, just before Yongseo comes out of the building,

H: Eww…….

Y: Seo Hyun-a, shall we hold (hands)?

H: Wait… Eeeurgh!!!

(In Korean:

H: Eww…..

Y: Seo Hyun-a, jabeulkka?

H: Jamsi…Eeurgh!!!)

You have to listen very carefully, since the chat is mixed with Na Young’s ‘You should redeem yourself, Yonghwa ssi.’ (Go away, Nayoung! Yong is a man alright without your help!!)

Someone in the DCgall pointed this out, and I had to listen about 10 times with a headphone on.

So~ It was Yong who initiated holding hands- I’m not surprised, but was wondering when, where and how they ended up(?) holding hands while watching the show.

Feel like I witnessed/heard their very first moment (a proper holding hands)!

I can’t get enough of his ‘…jabeulkka?’ (Dugeun~ Dugeun~)

Yong, well done!! Forget about Yong Choding, our Bold, yet Caring Yong has returned!!

I was browsing dcgall and found this link.


There's a .swf file on that link .. it repeats this part kekke

still can't hear clearly what yonghwa is saying.. NY should have just stayed quiet lol


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Is the person sitting behind Yonghwa Seohyun? From her legs, I'd estimate her to be a girl - and haircolor seems to be hers, too. Any comments on that? Was she already identified?

Best regards,


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Hi Gogumas! I´ve returned to my lurker mode^^, but I just want to say: Is that Girl SeoHyun?... of course SHE IS :wub: who else? haha... but I really think is her because of the way she is sitting (her legs) is so Seohyun- ish. Besides Yong is pretty close, and even more important, My goguma sense is telling me... is SeoHyun ^^.




















Here http://www.twitvid.com/I3X5Z at 00:35.. her wrist is the same shape, and hair is same too ^^...




















Thank you all gogumas for amazing things... you are the best ^^




















"lurking mode again":ph34r:





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Guest riaheaven
















what will be the next episode about? is it a continuation of last week?









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Annyeong! I've been spazzing all day over the Japan news! I'm a happy, happy Potato :P
































All week I just had a good feeling that they were going to film overseas and I'm glad I kept the faith. The whole Sweet Potato connection is really nifty. Thank you WGM PDs ^^ and THANK YOU amazing posters for the pictures, translations and fan accounts.
































miel wow, your analysis and scenarios are FBI-worthy. I'm with you and redtulip: I'm 90% convinced now Hyun went to see the CNBLUE concert in Shibuya. I wonder if she spent most of her time after SNSD promotions were over with Yong/CNBLUE.. Kya :wub:
































j2dlee thank you for translating those super-sweet moments. Hope you never get tired of translating and hearing us thanking you because well: THANK YOU! What a gentleman Yong is.
































crystal aww.. hope u feel much better soon dear. Take in more Goguma Love medicine *hugs* Thank you for the pics! DJHinata nice work dear! thank you for sharing your artwork.
































shane your video captures perfectly all the sweet moments from the special. Aish... since when did they get so super-touchy? Love it!

Yeah redtulip, the bench really caught my attention. I was like why these two adorable person sitting so close without any tiny gap between them? Like being glued to each other?
































True naz!! Joined at the hip now, is it? kkkkk...
































SweetGoguma_7 for episode 1-7 you can watch online at the SNSD.SeoHyun.Forever facebook page or download the episodes here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html (scroll down to the download section). Credits to kubih for reuploading them.
































hi dreamyboo *waves* Saw your question about the project. naz please feel free to add to this ok?
































































- YongSeo Fans Trip to Korea
































- YongSeo Merchandise / Couple Gifts
































- Project Collaboration with YongSeo Korean Fans (DC Gallery)































































Yes, you're right these are are still at the ideas stage. The fan trip is probably closer to hopeful wishing :lol:
































As for gifts and merchandise, yes we are going to do this. We now have a Paypal account to collect donations (Just send Paypal payments to seohwa.project@gmail.com). Any amount would be hugely appreciated. Whatever is not used for the project will be donated to a worthy cause.
































The project collaboration with DC Gallery is something we are working on now. One of the korean fans there is helping us out so hopefully we can work together on something exciting.
































Also I saw your question about learning Korean, I'm very much a beginner myself, but like you are already doing I started off learning the hangul characters, then I read a lot of Korean news (mostly YongSeo, hehehe) and used an online and paper dictionary to translate. I also found some free resources online to learn grammar and some kind posters here hv answered questions I ahd too. And that's as far as I got. Work has been really busy, so I haven't been able to add more to my learning lately.
































Oh, I see so many familiar names. Hello!! and new names too: welcome!! Happy Goguma Day =)
































edit: annyeong baby_bo! Oh, I am sooo with you on the Wedding Photoshoot. That will make all my gogumawishes come true! Kyaaa~

































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Hello genxv :P

Our couple has grown so close now.. The awkwardness they had during the first time they met are all gone. Well, YOnghwa's patience paid off :) It's so obvious how close Seohyun is to Yonghwa now :) One solid proof is the "jealousy" thing and the "trust" seobaby is giving yong..

Kyah!! genxv, i have the same gut feel that somehow the 2 will really shoot in Japan. And im glad it came true :) So far, YOngSeo never failed us in grating our wishes. I also hope Seohyun really went to Shibuya to watch cnblue's concert! that would be so much fun!!! taping from the 20th to 21st daebak!!

Now all we need to do is wait for





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just wanna ask...

what was the special all about?

did someone uploaded the vids already?

if someone did may i ask for the links?


Just watch the old clips :P

It's actually just reedited reruns.. haha!!

What i mean is it's old videos that were edited..

We thought that yesterday's episode was the WIFE RE-RUN RE-EDITED 'SPECIAL'





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something that I'm glad for special horror episode, was that uri couple got really longer time on air, and more suspense. for others couple already less suspense... hehe
































































































but i do hope for equation time, really hope they got longer and diff question, so that we all can see how hyun terrified of all sodakos just like other couple.
































































































since i try to solve the question yeah... less than 1 min, fin already.
































































































from this episode, they really..really comfortable with each other....
































































































and 1 thing, hyun really.. really "loud"...hehhe. when she terrified...

































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Well, to those of us who have watched all the previous episodes seeing re-runs with no additional comments is disappointing. In April or May when the strike was going on, I believe we saw an Adam Couple special which showed clips from their first day until the Hong Kong trip, what made the special interesting was that it had Jea(as special MC), Kwon, and Gain all sitting together watching the clips. So you got reactions from them to it, it wasn't just a 're-run/recap'. There was nothing original about this 'special'


The thing is I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm sure there will be people who haven't watched all of the We Got Married episodes, or maybe weren't even watching it at all who saw the special and deciding they liked/enjoyed at least one of the couples and they got caught up to date on them. So perhaps the "re-run/recaps" they're airing will help the We Got Married ratings for when the show goes back to new content.



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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit as tagged / 용서부부의 고구마하우스★
































































































































































































































































shared by yongseo.exteen.com

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































this guy is sharing an umbrella with seohyun looks like yonghwa....is that possible???? im pretty much hoping for them filming in japan...
































































































































































































































cr: http://blog.daum.net/uk-00/198































































































































































































































It was confirmed sometime ago that he is one of their managers. SNSD Manager.
















































































































About filming in Japan today we received the good news with a photo in wich we can see them filming in Japan. (Just backtrack a few pages on the thread, the photo have been posted there.)
















































































































On another note Clumsy just updated her fic... People run there it is a total must read... I almost die in the process :)
















































































































The link: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=335264&st=1140
















































































































Just scroll down, chapter 25 is up.

















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Hello Gogumas! After being very busy I decided again to come out of my lurker mode and post the following. Just notice the first photo. I am sorry for the rest of the photos but they are stuck together in a collage posted by Newsen about SM flight and concert in LA (http://www.newsen.co...009211734021001).  






cr. Newsen




Do you see the difference between Seohyun with Yong biggrin.gif compared with other guys?? Seohyun is with SJ members Heechul, Siwon, Leeteuk and Kyuhyun, guys that are her 'family' and she has known and trained since little, but by looking at her you feel like she is keeping a certain distance with them (arms crossed, looks shy, her face not shining with the happiness you see with Yong). Even Heechul told Yong in his radio show that she is a dongsaeng he is close to, but still you see the distance. She is almost not touching the other guys and from watching this you will never expect she will take a photo like she took with Yong in the horror special, specially with her arm around his waist (not once but 2 times plus the practice scene!!! wub.gif). Also notice that even though she has the dress for the duet, the guy standing next to her is not Kyuhyun as some will expect but Heechul. In other words, Yong and those Gogumas (not me) who were somewhat scared or angry about her with Kyuhyun onstage have definitely nothing to worry about. 




Yong is definitely now seeing the fruits of his patience. There is a proverb that says "As ye sow, so shall you reap". Meaning literally the way you plant something and take care of it, is the way you are going to obtain the fruits. In other words, you get back what you give. Yong with his patience has gained her trust. She may not speak Banmal but her actions clearly shows that he is the only guy she have ever gotten really really close to so Yong should be very happy biggrin.gif. Not only she is not shy with him but from the Ueno Juri episode, most recent episode prior to Japan, we see that she is constantly giggling and chirpy. She definitely is happy being with himwub.gif.




Oh and the SM concert in Seoul was days after (Aug 21?) the recording of the horror special (Aug 17?), which means he got to hold her hand first for a long long LONG time and naturally, and not planned for a performance.




EDIT: I don't understand Korean, but according to google's incomprehensible translation, is the Newsen article saying that they are going to broadcast something about the SM trip on MBC? I doubt it but if that is what the article is saying then it would be interesting to see if Seohyun was using her ring everywhere she went or talking on her phone to...Yongrolleyes.gif Well, we saw her when she got back to Seoul suspiciously talking on her pone, right? Maybe it was just her parents but we still can wish and have hope.




Thanks jessyblue, genxv!!! More evidence about her happiness with him!! Just look at her smile in that second photo in Japan!! biggrin.gif


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Oh wow, thanks blueshoes. I didn't realize how close both their events were. So they had another train ride together to Saitama eh? Kyaaa!
































Dear Gogumas, asking for your help again.
































A YongSeo fan from DCInside asked if we could post fighting (supportive) messages for our couple on the iMBC site. If you can please help, that would be wonderful! It's a good way to show how much international fans support Yong & Hyun
































To post a message, go to the Message Board and click on the pencil icon at the bottom. You will be asked to login.
































































If you don't have an account, signing up is really easy. I believe jnj posted instructions earlier (sorry if I got this wrong, but thank you to everyone who shared the instructions). Hope you don't mind my repeating them and a copy is posted here:
































STEP 1: Click on the purple button at the bottom of the login form. This will take you to the registration process. (If you're not on the login form just go directly to the Join page.)
































































STEP 2: On the next page look for the "Foreigner Living in Abroad" section and click the purple button
































































STEP 3: Next you will see the Terms and Conditions page. There are two checkboxes you need to check. Then click on the purple button at the bottom of the page.
































































STEP 4: Create a username, password and enter your contact information on the next page. Most of the fields are labeled in English, so this should be pretty straighforward. The last two input fields that are labeled in hangul are for your home/office address
































































Submit and you are ready to login and post happily. Hope we can also show our support there. Many, many thanks for your help. Also, if oyu want, you can post mission requests here: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/mission/
































Also, 추석 잘 지 내 새요! Happy Chuseok! To friends who are celebrating, may you have a joyful holiday
































(Also, may Thursday's episode be an actual Special, hehehe)
































Edit: lunsaol I had the same thought too when I first saw those photos. Maybe its the way she is hugging her arm there.

































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Guest Crystal392






Thanks everyone for the pics and translations. I wonder when will we get a confirmation that the girl next to Yong~ is Hyun~. I am 99.9% certain it is her, there was also a guy with a camera. Probably part of WGM filming crew :D






I enjoyed reading all your posts and observations.






Because I haven't seen the ep yet I specially love your posts that talk about the latest ep :P






Thanks to everyone :D



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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































































i cant wait to see the episodes they filmed in japan(:

































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I'm so happy to see these pictures, cannot wait to share with everyone here. 































































Wow, thank you so much for sharing these jessyblue!!.... uri YongSeo look so happy there! Look at those smiles.... makes me smile too!

































































































































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