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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301



It wouldn't hurt reposting the links of these amazing FMVs from no other than two--- goguma1207 and dreamyboo---amongst the many, talented Gogumas in the thread.


YongSeo - Pyramid

cr: soeulmate1001

goguma1207 [aka soeulmate1001] I have been a long silent fan of your FMVs but I somehow missed my chances of acknowledging your works by properly giving my thoughts about them. I am never late to show my appreciation, right?

I had a mixture of emotions while watching this latest work of yours entitled--- "YongSeo - Pyramid". I was all smiling yet at the same time felt my eyes getting a little wet specially when I saw the SNSD Unnies in bridesmaid attires and the CN Blue dongsaengs in their suits. The editing is flawless. The transitions are perfectly smooth.

CN Blue - Let's Go Crazy (Yongseo Version)

dreamyboo, "Let's Go Crazy" is one of my faves from the boys' songs. Your FMV gave me a very light "feel" as an over-all impact. I specially like the inserts of the SNSD unnies and that of SeoHyun with Yoona goofing around during the RDR MV shoot.

@redtulip, thanks for the brief translation of the part that some of the gogumas here [including myself] had been groping in the dark about. I just wonder what the couple had been discussing [at that very instance before the Adam couple appeared]? YongHwa sounded very manly with his retort saying, "Don't talk about that topic " while SeoHyun seems to be in her usual whining self saying, "Must talk about it.".

I hope you all continue making/producing these wonderful pieces of creations--- artworks, gifs, banners, FMVs, fan fictions and many more. To me, every "Sweet Potato [Goguma]" in this thread is simply a "gift" to each and everyone. And I am thankful that I am able to enjoy the abundance of these "gifts".


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Hello everyone :)

I still want a copy of goguma1207's [aka soeulmate1001] 2 videos.. the 2 I'M IN LOVE videos..

Please PM me a download link.. I promise I wont reupload.. I will just sink it in my phone together with the other fave FMV i have.. pleaaase hear my plea. :)blush.gif

Can't wait for later's WGM Chuseok special :) I really hope it's something new.. something we haven't seen yet kekeke




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Hey, everyone,
































new fanfic, and it's asdfjlkeajgefge, oh my god. Seriously.






























































































































Including the drabble with Sunny and Sungmin. :)






























































































































































It's insanity by jesa.
































Enjoy and don't forget to review.






























































































































Best regards,






























































































































OMG!! I am officially in love with this author.. UMPPHHHHHH.. it's so good. Thanks for sharing this Trent!
































Sigh, I can rewatch those FanMVs over and over. Thank you goguma1207, dreamyboo and every amazing movie maker, fanfic writer, artwork designer, goguma detective, spazzer. You make me proud to be a YongSeo fan.
































Edit: I think this news article says the 21 broadcast is a rerun. Can anyone confirm?
































Source: ekgib.com
































MBC, 시간대별 ‘예능ZONE’ 눈길
































MBC는 연휴기간 시간대별 ‘예능ZONE’을 마련한다.
































오후 4시 40분 ‘440ZONE’에는 인기예능 프로그램의 베스트 에피소드를 재방송하고 6시 10분 ‘610ZONE’에는 명절특집 프로그램을 방송한다.
































이 에 따라 21일부터 23일 4시 40분에는 각각 ‘우리 결혼했어요’, ‘일밤-뜨거운 형제들’, ‘무한도전-WM7’ 재방송이 전파를 탄다. 이어 6시 10분 ‘610ZONE’에는 ‘여배우의 집사’(21일), ‘아이돌스타 트로트 청백전’(22일), ‘2010 스타댄스 대격돌’(23일)이 방송된다.































































Here is another mention of the Chuseok Specials but mainly mentioning JoKwon and Gain. So, yeah I dunno. Please kind translators help us out!
































Source: edaily

특히 MBC `우리 결혼했어요 시즌2`에서 브라운아이드걸스 가인과 커플을 이뤄 인기를 끌고 있는 조권이 지연과는 어떤 호흡을 보여줄지 관심이 모아진다.

































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































Writing in my mobile, but cant help it I have to comment. Redtulip thank you so much for the translation, now I really want to know what they were talking about. We can really appreciate YH is blood type A. I think he likes to keep his problems to himself, but I like that SH is naking him talk in the open what is bothering him. Sh, girl dont give up the important thing in relationship is to have a good communication and be open about the issues that bother us.
















































































































Thanks for sharing my felow gogumas, love you all!!!

















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just watched the fmv by soeulmate1001 and OMG it was beautiful. i was like "AHH!" so lovely. really. :wub: and the song fit so perfectly. great job!
































































































































































































and i feel awful because i was so excited about the tweeting this morning, and I WOKE UP SO LATE! so late i almost didnt make it into work this morning at 9.

































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aaah my first post on this thread :D 
















































































































































































































































re-runs on the 21st and 23rd?? oh noo i was so happy that i don't have to wait till saturday to watch yongseo  :(:tears:
















































































































































































































































i hope it's not true..still yongseo hwaitiiiing :)

















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GOGUMA1207 aka Soeulmate1001


I absolutely loved ur YONGSEO-PYRAMID video, OMG it is a work of art! As what my line of work always says: FABULOUS DARLING, FABULOUS!!!

So looking forward to their wedding photoshoot, PLS...S WGM PD-nim, if u are reading this, pls....s make it happen NOW!

Ooo.... I can't do live-streaming tomorrow morning, got meeting thus need to be at work on time....BORING...G :wacko:

But whoever is doing live-streaming pls do update on what they are showing tomorrow and I will keep checking my iphone :w00t:

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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to everyone for the links, pics and everything! :D



A new fanfic by Jesa? :D Can't wait to read it!






Welcome new spazzers!! :D And please don't forget its against soompi rules to post one lines (you must post more than 20 words) and to quote pictures (just delete the img tags) ^_^






EDIT: Sorry I'm a bit confused. They are going to show WGM this week right? (besides Saturday) but is it going to be a re-run or another ep?



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








GOGUMA1207 aka Soeulmate1001









Flawlessy awesome vid, really love your work. The beautiful fanmade vid ever, now i really can't wait for YongSeo's wedding photoshoots wub.gif



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Guest mimayree




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Guest SophiaPia






hello every1 and thank you all




today is another special day i can't wait :) hopefully another sweet episode.




@redtulip thanks again for the translations (from Baidu). OMG! i wonder what's the topic and hubby Yong  don't want to talk about it hmmm! i guess it's because it's edited that's why it's hard for us to know :( 




btw, yukilovesyou where are you? what happen to ur youtube account :( we miss u :)




catch u all later 






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Ok, more news on the Chuseok Special.. Please any translator can confirm?
































Source: edaily

MBC도 21일 `세바퀴 스페셜`과 `무한도전 스페셜`, `놀러와 스페셜`, `우리 결혼했어요 스페셜`을 줄줄이 편성했고 22일에는 `MBC스페셜-승가원의 천사들` 앙코르, `추석특집 뜨거운 형제들`, 23일에는 `추석종합선물세트 세바퀴`, `추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜`, `추석특집 황금어장 스페셜`, `추석특집 무한도전 프로레슬링 WM7` 등을 방송한다.
































I believe it says there is a WGM Special on 9/21 and then a WGM Chuseok Special on 9/23. So yay!! Hope its true we get to see new stuff and not reruns
































Also, rumor mill says RDR/SNJ subs for Episode 24 may be out Thursday.
































Edit: Annyeong and welcome to new posters!! So excited when I see new names. Thank you for joining us here ^^
































crystal hope you are having a good trip. *hugs* (or are you back already? *scratches head*)

































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Goguma1209, Genvx: I did not post it on Baidu, some Chinese fans found your MV and upload there. Me only a lurker in that place. Full of praises for you two. Let me know if you need any translations of the postings there. I felt that for "No Ordinary Love" MV, they should credit it properly.






One posting for Pyramid MV that a chinese fan posted that jumped out at me.



"If the ending is  going to be so beautiful, no matter how many years, I can wait"





Me too, Me too



I just realised that the in the MV, the colour of the SNSD girls and the CNBlue boys matches too. Destiny???



Me currently in the office working, can't watch the show live today, so I am courting on you all to spazz and show your love for them today. Will be stalking the thread later. Go Go Go.


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Hi guys!














































































































































































































































































































I finally finished Chapter 7 of DESTINED TO LOVE YOU... Thank you all for your patience.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If the link doesn't work (because I may be doing it wrong) you can find it in the fanfix forum of soompi














































































































































































































































































































Thanks for your support. Comments welcome!














































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Fighting!!!

















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I have a question for you guys..

I know there are many talented writers on soompi that write about the yongseo couple. i also know that sweetpotatodays has a whole  listing of all the people who do write about the couple but they all link to separate journals. So my suggestion is that we create one main listing where everyone can post/comment. My question is that would you guys be interested, authors and readers, of a livejournal community for the YongSeo couple specifically for fanfics? or is there already a community i don' tknow about?!? lol.

thanks! would love for some feedback!


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Guest _d3seohyun

@genxv, dreamyboo and goguma1207....awesome videos!

any confirmation yet on whether they're airing reruns or something new?

I think SNSD has a concert in Taiwain for next month. It'd be great if Yong can finally attend his buin's show :D *crossing fingers*

adding a couple more pics of Seobaby from japan...




c: snsd thread

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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a question for you guys..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know there are many talented writers on soompi that write about the yongseo couple. i also know that sweetpotatodays has a whole  listing of all the people who do write about the couple but they all link to separate journals. So my suggestion is that we create one main listing where everyone can post/comment. My question is that would you guys be interested, authors and readers, of a livejournal community for the YongSeo couple specifically for fanfics? or is there already a community i don' tknow about?!? lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks! would love for some 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I so so so second your suggestion. And if there's anything I can help with, let me know. Sometimes I forget the links of some fics I happen to stumble upon. Most of the time I do just some random LJ surfing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And we have to start compiling FMVs too. There are really precious ones out there in youtube.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There is also some serious lack of Yongseo art. I found some really good ones a few pages back, but now that the thread is 1000+ pages long, I can't imagine how I could find that page again. Heh.

































































































































































































































































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I love those screen caps and gifs make by everyone here, make me realised that there are a lot of things happenning that I did not catch. Actually, I think part of the reason why we are being treated to so many "close encounter" is there are no cameras following them. Yes, they knew that they were being filmed, but there were no crew, it was dark and they did not know where most of the cameras were. Hence, they only had each other (except for the ghosts) and may be more "daring" if you know what I mean.


Sorry to cut your post. I agree that the darkness and no crew in the school probably gave them a courage to show their  closeness to each other (maybe they usually did like that but not in filming, who know?  :P) I wonder if Hyun realised the cameras captured them in several angles, especially in the last room where they gotta take their own picture. Its funny the cameras didn't miss the perfect shots , especially their backs when they were sitting on the couch and  her wrapping her arm on yong's waist. The cameras could capture both their fronts and backs. I also doubt hyun was encouraged to do so (Show her affection to her hubby) becoz she didn't expect the hiding camera and the self cam in the room could see her arm on his back. In fact, she could just let yong embrace her alone when taking a picture. When they sat on the couch , I noticed hyun put her hand on the couch behind him , not on his back. She could just pose like that to take a pic, couldn't she? But no, she chose to put her hand on his waist. I think she bagan to like skinship and had  learned to express her affection to her hubby same as him treating her. 


U know, when u ever start the skinship, even a bit , it wont stop just once. U will be addicted to it  and want it more and in higher levels.   


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Guest Hannahpham


I'm done all 7 parts from j2dlee's translation...hope you enjoy!! ^^

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7     

and let's me repost this picture again ...(",)



Thank you so much!


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Hi guys!














































































































































































































































































































I finally finished Chapter 7 of DESTINED TO LOVE YOU... Thank you all for your patience.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If the link doesn't work (because I may be doing it wrong) you can find it in the fanfix forum of soompi














































































































































































































































































































Thanks for your support. Comments welcome!














































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Fighting!!!































































































































































































Sorry... here's the correct link. I hope you enjoy it... happy reading..

















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