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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Just dropped in to share this FMV I've been working on.















YongSeo - Pyramid






























Hope you all enjoy it and allows your imagination to run wild!
























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there's so much to be happy about with this horror episode, but there were a few parts that told me that being around the other couples was helpful for the yongseo relationship. in the episode, we see hyun still trying to grasp her role as a wife and yong coming into his own as a husband. seeing other couples in action seemed helpful, particularly for hyun. 




















  1) hyun's reaction to victoria's cheer for khun, before the sit-ups. with the adam couple calling each other "yeobo" and victoria's "appa", it made me think that maybe hyun's recent backroom interviews where she mentions "yong nampyeon" was a direct result of what transpired in this episode, especially after seeing her reaction to victoria. some of us have also wondered why she wasn't referring to him as "yong oppa" anymore and when she started using "nampyeon" in reference to him in interviews. i want to think hyun figured it out on this episode. 




















  2) who knows if it's because they were around other couples or if they were already on the road to being touchy, but it seemed like yong bumped up the skinship in this episode. with the other couples around, it seemed easier for him to express himself in that way. with the other couples feeling so comfortable with skinship, he capitalized on the opportunity. as a result, we see a lot more of him leaning into hyun, the hand holding (woo-hoo!), and the little gestures he does (resting his hand on her leg, rubbing her arm, fixing her helmet, helping her with the t-shirt, etc.). what's awesome is hyun doesn't protest, look uncomfortable, or pull back. 




















  3) although they were in a group setting, these two were in their own world and on the same page from the get-go. maybe their early arrival had something to do with it or maybe they're just in sync when they're together. what we saw in this episode... the trust, the care, the sweetness they showed for each other throughout is evidence of this. what i found sweet was when hyun was asked how many sit-ups yong did. she said 41 and some people might have had an opinion about him having less than 70 or maybe yong was self-conscious, but she said, "it's okay". his sense of humor kept her laughing and their offline conversations while other things were going on illustrated how much they're truly in their little world. the trust factor and yong's reliability in this episode, i think, also contributed to the shift from "oppa" to "nampyeon". 




















  4) the look yong gave hyun after she won the wrestling made me melt. the one thing that came to mind is when a husband looks at his wife in disbelief and amazement of what she's capable of. the missed hug didn't really matter to me, but that look told me everything. he was in awe with her. his arm around her shoulders as they walked off the mat confirmed it.




















 that's it for me. happy spazzing everyone!











































 back to lurker mode





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Just dropped in to share this FMV I've been working on.































































































































YongSeo - Pyramid






























































































































































































































Hope you all enjoy it and allows your imagination to run wild!






























































































































































































































i super like your video..its so nice..
































































hope you could make another one.. :D

































































































































































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Guest victoria1_1




annyeong.. aishh cant resist to slamdunk some trolls kekekeke^^


Cant believe i'm posting again after posting those goodies and caps. Was planning to post only when new artwork is available. ahhh. anyway, welcome to our yongseo thread  :wub: (gogumaland? goguma planet? LOL we have soo many names~)


As a fan I am also happy with our couple's progress. About 7 months ago, even "holding hands" seems like something impossible for this couple, but hey, look at the more recent episodes. They started to show their trueself, and slowly but most importantly gain trust and respect from each other. I saw people put minus on some posts, most probably they are non regular yongseo fans in this thread? so I just want to express my opinion on this. I believe most goguma fans will agree with me. 


I saw lots of new spazzers (and lurkers?) so I'll try to write this in the most simple, short and diplomatic way I can. Please forgive me if I somehow offend anyone.


Many of us mentioned this almost every few pages: All three couple in WGM are unique. Adam couple is one of those a hilarious and laidback couple, Khuntoria reminds me of my seniors friends (just figured out i'm younger than them ops..) who's mostly same age with this couple - a free spirited couple who wanna enjoy life and love, while our Yongseo couple, they're like love at first sight. One day, you somehow found something precious and you don't want to lose it, ever. I still remember there was a pool or something about this couple, and most of the people said Yongseo reminds them of their own first love story. Slowly, but surely. Those babysteps in any romance fairy tale is what Yongseo is made of. 


WGM, obviously is a show. However, what's reel and what's real, we dont know. I love this couple, that's the most important thing. What's so special about WGM is, there's missions, or "couple guidelines" given by the PD, but there's no script. So the couples here don't have specific "characters" that have to be. At some point "faking" might not even exists. They can be cautious (its a show on national TV, yo!) but they are also just being themselves. 


A person's LOVE STORY is affected by your personality. That's where our 3 couple represent: Couples with different personalities, background and goals. Even in real life we'll see different type of couples. If you're a fan of seohyun, SNSD, yonghwa, CNBLUE, been following this couple and read news and updates of them (in this thread especially), then things such as "skinship" and "intimacy" must not be taken lightly. We all have different cultures, different opinions, different persons who came to love yongseo. But hey, they are different too!  Yonghwa respects Seohyun. Everytime they meet, he see her true self and by now he understand her even more. That's why their skinships happens slowly, to let her be comfortable of such things. To gain her trust. To have skinships worthy of being skinship. Because in this kind of love story, everything is precious.


and bam! Their duet few weeks ago, holding hands infront of an ocean of fans (not to mention national TV, and the internet) with zero awkwardness and those really happy smiles and sparkling eyes. This thread had more than 780 people during that special night (eh.. why does it sound wrong hahahaha~) another bam! The latest episode few hours ago (filming date a bit earlier than the duet), blimey.. I was LOLing, smiling, and occasionally went awwwwwwww or sometimes went gaga and yelled DID-THEY-JUST-OMG?? Need to remind you all of the other sweetness? nah, Gogumas are awesome spazzers, I'll let you float around gogumaland happily   ^_^


SO. Asking Seohyun for more skinships? I like that, but I want to see her own  interpretation of "skinship". Yongseo style. A skinship that happens when it should happen, and not to please other people. Saying Yong missing out soo many times compared with other couples? Eh hell no. I think he's the happiest person that night. Didnt he showed off his couple ring (after oceanprince's epic yell^^) with that giddy smile during Listen to CNBLUE in Singapore (after filming of today's episode)? Yongseo has many precious moments together, some of which we might see it soon, or some only for them to know.


Whats my point really? Other than the above things, I hope all fans (new and old) will love and respect yongseo as the way they are. Support them in WGM and outside of WGM. We are not some psycho fans and we wont let any "trolls" feel happy when they want us to be unhappy. (hoookay so we're kinda delusional but a goguma can dream~ its Gogumaland, yo!)


And as mentioned in my previous post,  yongseo surely gain lots of new fans after that epic episode. me likey~


Did i bore everyone? HAHAHA I'm sorry I love this thread and those 'little2 posts' is plain blehhh, so,



I have to say that I'm sorry if i offended everyone with my previous post. Its just wishful thinking on my part that they can be like the other 2 couples where they really potray the lovey dovey couple type of chemistry.


Sorry again.



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aigoo, looks like youtube has suspended another link


okay, dreamy, try the link below. i do hope someone will share what i see

My link

focus on yong's left hand @03:13.

did he just pat hyun's bum, like telling her to hold the plate?

tell me if i'm wrong, 'cos the curiousity is driving me :crazy:


no trent, not the one where yong pats hyun's thigh, that was @03:19,

and not the ring either. i've passed that stage. ;)



d3, u with the eagle eyes, need to see this too and clarify again.

its the part right after yong nudged hyun's arm.

cap it if u can pls... :)


victoria, our yong seo can't 'potray' that kind of chemistry,

but they surely 'display' their affections in their own sweet way..

i hope u see the diff btwn 'potray' and 'display'?

have sent u another PM. tks for replying the firt. hugs

peace :)


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Guest Crystal392






d_: Thanks for sharing those pics :D Ring Ding Dong ftw! hehehe


goguma: You videos are always amazing. Can't wait to watch it :P


Thanks to everyone for the pics, links and everything :)



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Guest miel_1301



I was waiting for a goguma/gogumas to do/make extensive screen captures--- frame by frame--- of the wrestling match between Seohyun and Victoria and the scenes [of Yong Hwa and SeoHyun] that followed suit after Hyun’s win over Vic.

Allow me then to post the caps and please pardon the not so aesthetic superiority of the captures, as obviously screen capturing isn’t my territory as many gogumas in here are the real experts with _d3seohyun being the unmatched “QUEEN”.

But just so to share my insights because this is my most fave scene from this WGM Special Horror Episode.

YongHwa at the onset of the wrestling match already made mention that it seemed that the activities prepared by the WGM crew had been catered for the Khuntoria to which JoKwon agreed. And we also saw that small talk between Yong and Vic when Victoria made mention of a wrestling match she had with Narsha [was it Narsha?] and upon learning that Vic won the match he concluded that she is a “champion”. Because if indeed we are going to use “built” as a basis, then realistically speaking it looks like Vic has some advantage already as compared to Gain and Hyun. While YongHwa himself did not hide his apprehension having to wrestle with Nickhun.

I know for him at that time it was not so much about the winning, but rather how he and Hyun would be able to pull through with the wrestling match.

So that for him ending up beating Nick was enough saving grace but seeing his Hyun who likewise ended up defeating Vic was too much than what he might have probably bargained for. The “gods” might have worked in favour of them specifically for that match. And if because of that alone he is thankful for it was indeed a “sweet” victory for them both.




We can see YongHwa and Nickhun closely looking at their respective wives' legs' maneuvering.




Close up shots of Vic and Hyun's legs positioning.


Yong must have seen and felt the "good" sign favoring Hyun.




The "FALL"



Yong's jubilant reaction after seeing wife's victory. This is very very reminiscent of how he spontaneously reacted after Hyun pocketed the last ball in the pool scene in episode 21.



Yong was simply unable to contain his emotion that he had to advance towards his "target"--- the very "object of his delight"--- Hyun.

Nick was also somehow unable to hide his pleased reaction at SeoHyun's win over his wife.



The two wives [Vic and Hyun] on the ground catching their breath and regaining some strength.





This scene really had me scratching my head. I was wondering what Yong was doing to his buin--- was he trying to assist her to stand up? Because it looked more like he was pulling her, dragging her to stand on her feet while Seohyun's right arm was still around Vic and as she was still apologizing to her.

It was pretty clear to me that the reason why he rushed (again) towards Hyun after the fall was not because he was feeling concerned or worried that she might have hurt herself for the obvious reason that Hyun was at an advantage position on the ground.

There seems to be a sense of urgency on Yong's part that he really wanted to release his pent up emotion again.


I find this brief moment, split-of-a-second scene intriguing as I somehow sensed that he was addressing someone in front of them--- their director, I suppose. Could he be giving a "sign" to the PD? Or could he be asking for a "stamp of approval" that he wants to do "something" to Hyun as an expression of his delight over the situation?

It might have been another "failed" spontaneous hug as YongHwa has to be reminded of his self-restraint [once again]. But in this particular instance I do not view the self-restraint as self-imposed, but rather as dictated by a third party.




Aww! Poor, boy! Again, he had to content himself with showing his wife his appreciation of her "win" by simply communicating with his "eyes" and asking "Ottoke?" [How did you do it?]. Hyun just never fails to amaze Yong even in the most trying situation as she almost always manages to come out of it shiningly.





But there's no depriving this boy totally, as he might have felt that he couldn't have possibly let go of such a "rare" situation that merits his true appreciation though expressed in a "half-way through" manner. And so he settled for what I personally call a "half-hug". For clearly to me, he just didn't want to give Hyun their usual HI-5s, nor their modified HI-5s, nor just a pat on the shoulder or back. Hence, he found contentment in putting/wrapping his arm around her shoulder and drawing her closer to him.





In these series of captures, to me it seems like their PD was purposely not highlighting or intentionally not putting emphasis [albeit even trying hard not to show these shots clearly] on Yong's arm around Hyun's shoulder walking so close together, seemingly in a pretense or guise that he is simply assisting Hyun and leading her the way.




And in these three captures, even if the backs of Yong and Hyun are before the camera, one can clearly sense that the "interaction" is limited only to three people--- Yong, Hyun and Jungshin-- as we can see a happy Jungshin smiling at the couple as they approach towards his direction.


And the next thing we saw was the camera immediately focusing on Victoria.

These captures are from the third version of those scenes in this episode. We all know how the PD/crew would edit and give a final product. I notice that whenever there is a particular scene that might have happened unexpectedly or surprisingly, the PD would be showing us 3 to 4 versions for emphasis or to highlight that specific scene. They would always show us captures from different angles of the different cameras.

I will try posting the captures from the first version if I still will have the luxury of time.

Many of the gogumas here may have spazzed about these scenes, hence, mine might have been a delayed reaction. But there is no such thing as "REDUNDANCY" on this thread for this couple, right?

And again, my apologies for the poor quality of the caps as I am no such "PRO", even perhaps a neanderthal [hehehe!], at all these editing/adjusting/photoshopping etc.etc.etc.


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Just dropped in to share this FMV I've been working on.































































































































YongSeo - Pyramid






























































































































































































































Hope you all enjoy it and allows your imagination to run wild!






























































































































































































































Hello there :)
































































Did you make the vids?
































































I like the 2 videos for I'm In Love by Narsha.
































































Can I ask for a download link for both videos? I want to download it and put it on my phone.. pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee. PM me the link..

































































































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Guest _hachimitsu


I have to say that I'm sorry if i offended everyone with my previous post. Its just wishful thinking on my part that they can be like the other 2 couples where they really potray the lovey dovey couple type of chemistry.

Sorry again.

@victoria1_1 hello.. nice to meet you.^^ SInce you quoted my post, I feel responsible to make a short reply..

Dont worry, I can tell you are a yongseo fan too~ It is okay to have such wishful thinking, and many gogumas want both yong and hyun to be lovey dovey too - at their own pace, Yongseo Style.

I hope that old post of mine will not discourage you from posting more and spazzing with us here. Yongseo fans here love our couple soo much. We dont always share similar opinions, and that's why we keep on reminding everyone to respect every single goguma soul, and not to bash other couples because we know how it feels when other people bash our yongseo couple. There were some haters, like, real haters came here sometimes so that's some reason why I posted that one. I love everyone in this thread, I really do  :wub: 

Quoting the words from yongseo's couple t-shirt... MAKE LOVE NOT WAR~

 p/s: can someone post the WGM special schedule for this tuesday and thursday??? *excited* Thank you~ and HAPPY 222th DAY TO OUR BELOVED YONGSEO~ (Dont forget to trend it as - YONGSEO - on twitter on Monday 20th September at 9PM KST if you have an account.)

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I have to say that I'm sorry if i offended everyone with my previous post. Its just wishful thinking on my part that they can be like the other 2 couples where they really potray the lovey dovey couple type of chemistry.


Sorry again.



There are four things that got me out from my lurking mode. This is my second time to surface this thread.


First, for Victoria1_1, I’m glad that you have been humble enough to say sorry. I feel you. It’s not easy to let go of that word and I know you mean well for our YongSeo couple. You, saying ‘sorry’, I feel that the balance in this thread has been regained. As I’ve said before I’m more of a fan of the Goguma fans than a fan of the the YongSeo couple because of their dedication to the couple and for making this thread flowing with Love, Love, Love. For me, this Goguma planet is an alternate universe where worries are non-existent. If the YongSeo couple has their Avatar world, I have the Goguma Planet for my refuge.


Second, for those who understand Korean, what does “helojo” mean? I think I’ve heard it before and I thought it means “break up”. I ask this because this is what I’ve heard over the conversation of Yong and Hyun when the Adam couple were approaching. This I got from the collab translation of snjeung and rdrsubs My link


00:36 Kwon: You should have worn pants instead~


Yong: Let’s not talk about that


00:37 Hyun: Ah, helojo!


Notice that what Hyun said was not translated. So, please, does anyone knows what she meant? Maybe j2dlee, Redtulip, and others know?


Third, inspired by goguma1207, don’t you think it would be nice to see the couple wedding photo shoot with their unnis and dongsaeng as their entourage/secondary sponsors? I’m sure it would be a riot episode as well!


Fourth, this might be a stupid question for some of you but I have to ask, because (1) I am curious and (2) others might also not know that’s why they keep on doing it. The question: what do you mean by “no quoting of image” and “remove image tags”? What does it look when the image is quoted and when it is not?


That’s all and much thanks for keeping this thread alive!


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repost from caliope

21TH September (Tuesday)... WGM Special Chukeok 1


23TH September (Thursday).. WGM Special Chukeok 2




21th September: 추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜

Broadcast September 21 4:40 p.m. to 6:10 (Korean Time)

We Got Married Thanksgiving Special Feature (in google translation)



23th September: 추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜

Broadcast September 23 1:40 p.m. to 2:55 (Korean Time)

We Got Married Thanksgiving Special Feature (in google translation)



gogumas, come join us at twit, since its our couple's 222 day ann.

*i am feeling giddy from twit and posting here. ah, must be age catching up on me*


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while i watch WGM horror movie, i can see our couple is like a real couple!!

makes me hope...

i hope,,,they can still like this forever... >,<

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ROFL!!!! jnj~!!! u're so funny!!! kekekeke xD but ok lemme get this straight... bum = buttock... right? uh i don't think so... i made the gif slower hope that'll help u to understand the scene a bit better kekekekekekekeke *hugs u for being so funny* :w00t: oh ya... u know i thought u guys were gonna have "TWEETY TIME" at 9a.m. so i went in but later though... no wonder not many were around LOL! blimey! @_@



miel, i luv ur analyses! u never cease to amaze us with ur analytical mind! ^_^ yong was really taking advantage of every situation that he could get just to be lovey-dovey with buin... kekekeke

hacker8...hi there~! by not quoting images means that when u quote someone's post that already has an image in it, just remember to remove this tag --> %7Boption%7D

so that the image won't appear in ur quote. hope that helps :)

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u went in when there's no one dreamy?!! yikes!!

but i think they need u there now...

don't tell me the rest got the time wrong too.. :crazy::lol:

okkkay...tks for s l o w e r caps.

now i can rest in peace...opps! not that rips!! :lol:

why am i always spotting the wrong thing? :sweatingbullets::rolleyes::lol:


trent, i think soleil or shane posted this.

its when jungshin was demonstrating the ame in the bus?

come to think of it, both of them were fixing each others hair while

wearing the helmet.


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@hacker8: When there's an image in a text you quoted, just remove it. Usually, you see something like this in your quoted text [image]something.jpg[/image]. Remove that. It saves other people bandwith, doesn't clutter the thread ... I imagine it's for those reasons you shouldn't quote images over and over again.

I just wondered: There's suppossedly a scene where Yonghwa fixes Seohyun's hair - when? Where? Could someone gif it? I haven't found that AT ALL!

Best regards,


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I'm done all 7 parts from j2dlee's translation...hope you enjoy!! ^^

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7     

and let's me repost this picture again ...(",)




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@hacker8: When there's an image in a text you quoted, just remove it. Usually, you see something like this in your quoted text [image]something.jpg[/image]. Remove that. It saves other people bandwith, doesn't clutter the thread ... I imagine it's for those reasons you shouldn't quote images over and over again.

I just wondered: There's suppossedly a scene where Yonghwa fixes Seohyun's hair - when? Where? Could someone gif it? I haven't found that AT ALL!

Best regards,


Trent, here's the scene when yong fixed hyun's hair. those tender touch... kyaaaaa :P


waseh...thanks so much sun_sun~!!! u're fast!!! :wub: *hugs for the effort*

edit: how come i don;t see many of us twitting...HELLO IT'S TWEETY TIME, IS IT NOT? jnj... u there? *knock knock*

btw, here's a clearer version by RDR and SNJ (not sure who's SNJ though)


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Guest bonbon31



@hacker8: I also agree with you about the conservation bw yong and Seo before Adam couple coming. I'm wondering what were they talking about? why did yong said lets not talk about that? And I also can heard Seo said something like Break up. Can someone help us investigate this. We need your helps!

i read news in Cnblue thread. Yong will be in Taiwan next week but they will fly different plane when they come back to Korea.Yong will stay at Taiwan longer than others about 6 hours. I am wondering what will he do in Taiwan? 



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Guest SophiaPia






@bonbon and harker, i want to ask that too it's just that i forgot :) yeah! they talking about something when adam couple arrived. And on the translations Yong said: I don't want to talk about it but don't know what Hyun said. Hmmmmmm! i wonder what are they talking about. Looks like Yong cut the conversation when he pointed that adam couple is coming while Hyun saying something. YongSeo investigator where are u kekeke! we wonder what happen there :) maybe Hyun asking again Yong past, about his past GF why they break up hahaha! 




hmmm! i wonder why Yong will stay a bit longer in Taiwan


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