Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe someone asked for the hair-brushing comparison, right? (So sorry I forgot your ign) And since I was free enough, managed to get some screencaps of it. Hope it helps!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And no posting of one-liners, please!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kyaaaaa, I almost died making those screencaps. Seriously. You can really tell the difference (or maybe it's just me since I stan these two SO MUCH).. I mean, it was sweet when he did it back then, but you know, there was this awkwardness - like he was being VERY careful when he did it back then, like many of you have mentioned before - testing waters, to see how she would react to such an "intimate" move.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT HEEEEEEEEEEY~~~ Just look at them now. LOOOOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So yeah, was watching todays episode for the 4809728572398473298th time, again. I have no idea but I really love the wrestling part. It was so entertaining. Seobaby's glowing while supporting her dearest husband...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And so, I was watching it, over and over again, and THEN I noticed this part, right after Yong wrestled Khundown, he automatically looked up, to this specific corner...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































which I believe was where Hyun was standing. Or you can call me delusional, again. Ahahaha. But if IT IS TRUE that he was looking at her, then AWWWW seriously. Despite whatever they are doing, there always have this tendency to revert their attention back to each other. Be it a glance, a light pat on the back, a Hi5 or whatever, I just love how they always keep each other within the distance, be it, mentally, emotionally or physically. Even if this instance I'm referring to did not happen, I don't really think I'm exaggerating, because since the start of the trip these two lovebirds just kept themselves glued together, in the bus, while walking and so on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh Yongseo, you have no idea how happy you make me feel. Sigh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And LOL.
































































































































































































































































Most epic pose by Yo~ong on this episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And oh oh, my shoutouts to j2dlee and redtulip24 for the subs.
































































































































































































































































shane09 for those fantastic gifs.
































































































































































































































































Welcome! to new Gogumas.
































































































































































































































































And to those I missed out mentioning I'M SO SORRY AND ILU. Yongseo Gogumas are precious like that! Hee

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































































Caps by me
































































































































































































































































































































































































Victoria and Seohyun are adorable together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He's like dragging her "she's mine!"

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest NilyxYongSeo






Thank you j2dlee for translation and everybody who post pictures ^-^


I have notice that YongSeo holding hand so fast after they had to let go of the hand to do something :



It was just after they had to wear their t-shirt





It was when they had to press the boutton on the camera, they didn't remove their hand




Then when they had to sit :




YongSeo are really CUT, I can't stop watching this episode xD I've never seen Seohyun and Yonghwa close like that x)




Thank you for your screen !!!!! *-*


And you're right ! Yong Oppa looks his Buin when he won xDDDD OMO Yonghwa you feel happy right ? xD



Link to comment
Share on other sites




























2dlee, redtulip Thank U guys so much, you are indeed our angels here ^^.  You all have said everything about the newest WGM´s ep. But I want to spaz about 3 things haha..




















Yong talking about to have a year of marriage  :wub: (hahaha I was so dead reading that). And about the couple pic, I still can see the shyness in Yong´s face, is the same face when he was asked about having Seohyun´s number on a tv show few months ago, and that melted my heart, Yong is so cute!, this guy is a sweetie...




















and last, If I  were not yongseo shipper I would be Seotoria hahahaha... http://i51.-/x4rdoh.jpg ( DeeOmfg´s cap). They look cute like that ^^...




















Thank U all guys for sharing everithing, pics, links, thoughts, spazz, and more spaz!. Thank U all




















I´m so loving YongSeo right now, even more... :wub:




















Edit: Posting this pics just because ^^...








































Both of them carring the bag ^^








































Yong´s face haha LOL





Link to comment
Share on other sites




Many many many thanks J2dlee




So many posts to read, yet so little time ;)


Loving all the caps posted. This episode is EPIC! Love every sec of it including other couples ...


Regarding Yong's placing both hands on Hyun at the Maths room when the door slammed, I think he did that not to comfort Hyun, but to comfort himself :) for his own reassurance. It's a reflex, really really sweet, both for them sticking to each other throughout the episode. What can I say? I love this couple so much....


Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest thereceivr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Does anyone know if subs are out yet? If they are, can someone please send them to me? Please and thank you :) I am sooooo excited to watch this episode!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites












Thanks so much j2dlee!




I hope the subbing teams somehow collaborate this time to combine ALL the couples into one episode, because that'll be so cool. But now, at least, I know what the Goguma couple was like, kind of! Yay for translations!!!!




I like how Vic and Seohyun are so close.... :) SM family, after all. It's cute, I mean, even though the couples are competing, to each other they are still good. It says a lot to the antis...even though fans may put them against each other, they themselves don't consider each other rivals or enemies (well, except when the competition is actually going ON, you know, haha).




Yonghwa was so brave!! And we ALL know how terrified he really is of this stuff (I'm remembering the amusement park right now), which makes it even braver, because it's something he fears yet he endures to protect Seohyun. So cool.




Ahh...when will subs come out? I want to watch so badly, haha.





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest whimsicalchild
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi everyone! I come bearing gifs XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gangsta Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Lol, you guys like doing this XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WOW, YONG! I totally wasn't expecting that after Khun could lift Kwon from the ground O.o
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Hyun too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was proud of how Yong took care of Seohyun. Especially when Hyun was cooking, and Yong guarded her by keeping watch ^^

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































































more caps haha~
































































































































































































































































































































Poor Jinwoon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yoong looks little pedo-like when he's smiling like that haaha
































































































































































































































































































































Honest smile :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When the door closed Yonghwa put his hand on their hands.
































































































































































































































































































































favorite cap<3

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites





more caps haha~




















♥♥PowerOf9´s pic
























OMG!  entwined hands??? anyone?? hahaha, Now I´m being a big delusional haha :wub: but if it is like that, then I can go to 9 clouds again!




















YongSeo fighting!





Link to comment
Share on other sites








Finally! The whole episode is done!! =3 =3 =3




# I didn’t revise my first two posts, just combined them into this one.




# Translation of the first 3 parts are partially done (but all Yongseo’s bits are there), but from part 4 to 7 (the horror mission) I translated everything but some caps.




# I translated Adam, Khuntoria, and Jungshin parts since there were requests. But I hope you guys don’t use it to compare Yongseo with other couples (in a destructive way).




# If subbers out there need my translation, feel free to use/edit it. But if you are going to bring this to other websites, could you please notify that it’s from the Soompi Sweet Goguma Thread?




Chuseok Special: The WGM horror show




Hyun: It’s so hot.




Yong: No one’s coming-




Y: we’re always punctual.




H: Yes.




Y&H: YEA~ (hip-hop greeting?)




Other couples join them




Y: It’s a bit awkward….




(In a bus)




Jokwon: Where’re we going by the way?




Y: Battle Royal! Battle Royal! A war!




Mission Card: As the Korean biggest holiday (Chusuck) is coming, today we’re holding the ‘WGM strongest couple tournament’ to give lots of joy and laughs to the WGM viewers.




JK: How long have you guys been married?




Nichkhun: 2 months.




Y: Half a year.




H: Yes, 6 months…




(Jungshin gets on the bus)




Y: Jungshin? Why?!




Adam: Did you know he’s coming?




Y: No.




Jungshin is a special MC for today’s tournament.




JK (pointing to the red circle): What is this?




JS: That I k-k-k-know.




Y: Ah, Jungshin-a. You look very uncomfortable.




Y(to Hyun): He’s really nervous now, seeing so many celebrities- Look at him sweating, he never sweats.




JS explains the games, prize, etc, only looking at his hyung.




Y: Stop looking at me, Jungshin-




The rule of the game: stay in a red circle for 1min.




Y: Jungshin-a, come over here. It’s okay, just try not to overdo it.




JS: I’m nervous…




Y: It’s okay, wait for a bit.




Yong’s turn




H: Yong fighting!




JS: He (Y) appears to have the slowest reflexes out of all (three men).




Y: What’s the use of competing against Beastly Idols (Jimseung-dol)?




Y: Speed bump! Speed bump! Oh, yea!




H: No, no, no!




JS: 31 sec!




JK’s turn




JS: Encouragement from a wife?




Gain: If you fall, I’ll be here to catch (embrace) you.




Y: When we’ve been married for a year, can (we) be like you?




NK’s turn




Y: There are kids outside, they’ll be thinking; ‘What is NK from 2PM doing in a bus wearing a helmet?’




NK win! 100 points to the couple!




JS: We’re almost there, will take a short break.




(on top of the bus: Welcome to the special horror show)




MC Park: But the couples have no idea!




JK: Where are we?




Y: It looks like a school…




JK: It looks a bit….It’ll be scary at night.




JK: I don’t think it’s in use.




Husbands are playing, doing a performance (?) while waiting for their wives to come out.




JS: This first round is sit-ups.




JS: Encouragement from the wives?




Victoria: Appa (daddy), fighting!




H: Yong, fighting-








MC Park: Yong seems struggling.




H: Well done.




Y: Where am I…?




NH 76, Y 41, JK 71. Now the wives’ turn.




Y (counting): twenty-nine, FORTY!




JS: Now, how many?




NK: 29.




Y: 40.




H:…? Isn’t it 30…?








NH: She’s done 28.




Gain, 16.




Another 100 points to the Khuntoria couple.




JS: The second round, a wrestling! 200 points for this one.




Y: I think this tournament is for Khuntoria.




JK: I agree!




Vic: I did wrestling before.




Y: Really?




Vic: Yes, with Narsha (from BEG).




Y: Did you win?




Vic: Yes, I was a champion.




Y: Did you hear that? She was the champion!




NK vs.JK




Y: Wow, why am I nervous?




NK wins.




Gain: Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?




Y: Now I have to wrestle with NK!




NK vs. Yong




JS: I think this game will finish in 5secs.




MC Park: I think Yong will lose.








Y: Did I win?




Vic vs. Gain




Vic wins in 3secs.




Y: What happened? I didn’t even see it.




Vic vs. Hyun




Y: Seo Hyun, show your power!








Hyun wins!




Y: Seo Hyun-a!




Na Young: How come this couple are so good at wrestling?




Y: She is a little giant!




Khuntoria 200pts, Yongseo 200pts. Adam 0pts.




JS: The next round is a relay race… with 300 points…the rule is….hang on a minute…




Y: Now you know how hard MCing is? Don’t you criticize me from now on.




Khuntoria win.




Y: When I was younger, used to be in a relay race team.




JK: Same here. If it were not with this darn sack…!




Khuntoria 500pts, Yongseo 200pts, Adam 0pts.




After dinner, in a room




JS: Next is a popularity poll. Seo Hyun, please go inside and follow the instruction.




Mission Card: It only has been a warm-up, the real horror show to determine the strongest couple will start now (It wasn’t a popularity poll after all. Just to tell each one about their ‘horror’ missions).




The light goes out…the voice says: ‘The horror show begins now… Everyone be quiet….’




NK: Please don’t do this to us….




JS: Now, the real tournament for the strongest couple starts. The couple who clear the each course fastest will be the winner with a prize.




Yongseo goes first, then Khuntoria, and Adam




JS: You start with the first floor, go through every room and up to the second floor then come back here.




The voice: It’s time to start. We’ll start with the first couple, Yongseo.




JS: Even I’m scared.




MC Park: But when they went to the ghost house the other time, he totally depended on her.




Seulong: He was so terrified.




NY: He should redeem himself this time.




(Hyun screams)




Gain: I really don’t like this.




JK: Let’s memorize where she screams.




MC Park: Wait, can we expect some skinship from the couples?




MC Park: They (Yongseo) are already holding hands.




MC Kim: You should, definitely!




Yongseo enters the building.




Y: There is a ghost.




H: First, a kitchen…




MC Park: It’s really dark! You can’t see anything in this darkness.




H: Oohahurr….!




Y: You stand behind my back.




H: No, I’m okay.




MC Park: Oh, Yonghwa is different today.




Y: Stand behind.




Y: Come out!




NY: I’m scared, shall we watch holding hands?




SO: What?! No, I mean…




Yongseo enters the room




Yong hubby leading his wife!




Y: Come out.




MC Park: The camera can see them, but they can’t see anything in this darkness.




H (screams): I’m startled!




NY: It’s always the sound that’s scarier.




Yong answers the phone




Yong: Yes?




The voice: Pull one string from the four, and check your mission.




Yong: What string? Where?




H: Be careful, be careful.




NY: Isn’t it a snake?




H: Ew…… what is it?




Y: A snake.




Y: Is it a sausage (sundae) or a snake?




MC Park: I thought it’s a sundae, too (*sundae: a type of sausage made of meet and bean curd stuffed in pig intestine)




Y &H: We’ve got it!




Y: A couple photo? With what?




H: There’s a parcel to find.




Y: Pay attention to where the light is?




The second room, a shower room.




MC Park: A shower room!




Y: Will be the parcel inside the curtain?




H: Yes.




Y: You stay here.




NY: Don’t open it, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t!




H (screams): Kyaaaaah!!!!! I’m scared!!!




(Other couples: what’s happening out there?)




H (found the granny ghost): Kyaaah!!!!




Y: Grandmother, go back to your place.




Y: Well done, granny.




MC Park: Omo,omo,omo, Yong hwa is really brave.




But then all the male panelists start commenting that he’s hiding his fear that way, he’s actually scared too…..




H (to granny): Well done….




Y: She really startled me.




Y: Is that it? Be careful.




H: Yes, there’s a parcel.




Y: Haha, this is Seo Hyun’s favourite.




H: Uh? It’s Keroro!




Y: Do you want it?




H: Haha!




H: Let’s check the parcel first, since there’s a light.




A couple t-shirt for the photo shot.




H: Ah, we have to find another one.




Y: Yes, there should be two.




MC Park: When a man acts like that, as if it’s nothing, you really come to rely on him.




MC Park: Of course.




MC Kim: Every man wants to show that (strong) side. They WANT to. But…




Y: Be careful, walk slowly. Don’t be nervous.




The third room: a principal’s room.




Y: Is there a parcel inside this room?




H: Yes.




H: Ew…….




NY (totally into this)




SO: Aren’t they scared?




Y (to the girls): Where’s the parcel?




MC Park: Look at them!




Y: Where is it?




H: Eww……..




Y: Especially this one, really!




Y: Don’t touch, don’t touch.




H: It’s scar…..(screams)…y!!!!!!




Y: !




Y: What’s this?




H: Over there, we’ve found it.




Y (sigh)…..




MC Kim: He’s scared too, really trying not to show it.




NY: You know that it’s really scary when they all look at you that way.




Y: Oh? She’s (the ghost) gone.




H: Really?




The fourth room: a lecture room I




Y: Stay there.




H: Yes.




SO: He acts as if it’s nothing, but he opens the door like….




Y: Is there anything written on the mission card about this room?




H: No, I guess we just have to get it and out.




MC Kim: But they may end up getting scared witless.




H: Uh? There’s something in the middle.




Y barely touches the newspaper




MC Kim: He couldn’t lift it! He couldn’t!!




NY: What was that?!




MC Park: He’s scared, too.




MC Kim: Of course he is.




Mission Card: Make a selection of fritters. Make 3 Pollack fritters, 3 courgette fritters, and 3 bean curd fritters, and use them when you take a couple photo.




MC Park: Make fritters? Here?




Y: Wait, I’m sure there’s something.




H: I guess we really have to make fritters.




MC Kim: It’s because this is a special episode for Chuseok (making fritters is one of the customs in Chuseok).




NY: They immerse Chuseok into the horror!




H: Oh, 3 fritters each.




Y: How do you make it?




H: First heat the oil…




A Sudden explosion!




Y: Eugh!




H: Kyaaaah!!!




Y: It’s okay, it’s okay.




Jinwoon: They must’ve been so scared!




SO: Feel like I’m going to faint.




NY: I’m really scared. What should I do?




Y: Seo Hyun-a, you know how to make fritters, don’t you?




H: Yes.




Y: Then while you’re making them, I’ll go and watch out.




MC Park: He shouldn’t go out.




Y: Come out!




NY: Really you shouldn’t split. When you see horror movies…




MC Park: Yes.




MC Kim: The moment you divide the team, you die.




Yong opens the door with his foot.




MC Kim: With his foot!




Y: I should check whether someone’s coming.




NY: Hahaha! That’s funny.




Y (anyone over there…?)




Y: Seo Hyun-a. You’re not scared, are you?




H: No, I’m fine.




Y: We may drop it on the way back, so let’s wrap them in here.




H: Okay.




(Someone’s footsteps)




H: Ew…..




NY: It’s always the sound that’s scarier.




NY: He is frozen, frozen. Ddang! Ddang!




MC Park: He is.




Y: Slowly…




The auto-tune voice: Are you dissing my text…?




The text message: Bring your fritters and the parcel to the next room.




H: Anything outside?




Y: No.




SO: Ah, they keep holding hands.




MC Park: I like it.




Y (kicking newspapers): Ah, why did they put these here?




H: We could’ve slipped on them.




The fifth room: a lecture room II




Y: Question?




Mission Card: You can’t get out of this room till you answer the question correctly. If you fail to answer the question in 1 min, something will happen. Pull out the paper, music will play for 1 min.




Y: This one?




H: Yes.




Suddenly the door slams shut




H: Kyaaaahh!!!!




MC Kim: But Yonghwa’s becoming so reliable!




The couple shut inside the room!




JW: Seulong is biting his nails.




Y: Shall I pull it out?




H: Let’s do it together. We, together…




MC Park: How they can solve this?




H: Hul!




Y: Do it, quickly!




While Hyun is doing the calculation, Yong’s guiding her.




H: Like this, and…




NY: Yes!




MC Park: I forgot all of this (math).




NY: Hurry, hurry!




Y making a barricade




H: O (zero)! I’m done!




Y: Really?




Y: O!!




The door opens.




H: Hurry, hurry!




Y: Wait, I’ll go outside first.




H (slips on something?): Kyah! Eughah-




Y: Careful.




Y: This way?




H: Yes, let’s go upstairs.




Yongseo couple to the second floor.




H: Luckily answered the question correctly.




Y: You’re the best.




Y: Hyun is a genius!




H: I’m scared! Euh~!




Y (to the female ghost): You were here, you!




MC Park: You were here, you!




Suddenly his acting voice comes out




SO: Act even braver.




NY: Braver.




H: Hello.




The last room: Finish your mission here.




NY: It’s a couple photo shot.




Y: Ah, it’s over there.




Y: I think we have to take a picture here with those fritters.




H: Yes.




A Sudden explosion!




H: Kyaahh!!!!!




Y: What’s this?!




JW: Still Yonghwa’s trying to protect Seo Hyun.




MC Park: Yes, yes.




MC Park: He’s really a man.




Yong breaks the cabinet




MC Park: If he breaks the cabinet, what about the other couples?




MC Kim: Because he’s scared too, his fists come first.




Mission Card: Unwrap the parcel and put on these clothes. Take the picture with your fritters, then the mission is completed!




Y: Where should we wear them?




H: Just here, on top of your clothes.




Y: You put it on first, I’ll watch out for you.




JW: How scary the situation will be for them!




Y: Does it fit?




H: Yes, it fits.




Y puts on a t-shirt at the speed of light




SO: That’s quick!




NY: Because something might happen while you close your eyes.




Y (taking out fritters): You did it well.




H: I don’t think it’ll be tasty.




H: Wait, look at the mirror.




Y: Hm?




H: Because there’s a heart on our t-shirts, like this…




MCs: Oh~~~




MC Kim: Because they’ve been relying on each other.




Y: I’ll set the timer.




Y: Wait! Wait!




Y: (pointing to the sofa) There will be something, for sure.




They set the timer and pose for the camera




JW: Ya~ they’re hugging!




NY: I like this part.




MC Park: Yes, yes~




NY: Uh? What’s that? (behind the sofa, a hand is coming out)




But just after they took the picture, the hand goes in timidly.




NY: What?




MC Kim: Hahahaha!!!




SO: What was that?!




NY: The hand was so slow!




MC Park: That ghost must have been waiting for at least 30mins just for that…




Yongseo is back in the room




JK: What? Did you have fun?




Y: Eugh!




Gain: You guys are holding hands!




JK: Really! They are holding hands!




Gain: Well done.




Gain: Is it really scary?




NK: How would you score it, out of 10?




Y: 12.




NK & Vic: …!




JK: How’s the quality of the ghosts?




Y: 18.




The voice: Nichkhun, Victoria couple, it’s your turn.




Y: Fighting!




MC Park: You’ve got Nichkhun.




NY: If I have Nichkhun next to me, I think I can go to that kind of place 12 times.




Vic: This is driving me crazy.




Vic: Victoria hits people! I’m not joking!




MC Park: She said she hits people!




MC Park: Everyone acts differently when they’re scared.




MC Kim: With her powerful kick.




The first room: a kitchen




NK: Hold me.




Vic: I’m really scared…




NK: Hello?




The voice: Pull one string from the four, and check your mission.




NK: T-t-t-this, you want me to open this?




The voice: (sigh…) Pull one string from the four, and you check, no, check you mission.




MC Kim: Because they’re a foreign couple, can’t understand the mission!




NK: String? String?




MC Park: Tell them in English!




NY: Line, line!




SO: This should be scary, but it’s funny.




MC Kim: You should be able to communicate, if you want to scare them.




Vic: What’s this? Warms? Really?!




MC Park: A Sundae!




Vic: Is it intestine?




NK: No.




Mission Card: From now on, you have to go into every room to find a parcel or complete a test. Don’t lose your parcel and take a couple photo. Move to the next room. *Pay attention to where the light is.




Vic: What is a bottari (parcel)?




NK: Something we have to find.




The second room: a shower room.




Vic: They said this room is the scariest.




NK: I’m going to open this.




Vic: Kyeeeah!




NK: Uh?!




Vic: Granny~




MC Park: That granny ghost is too weak.




Vic: Hello…




MC Park: She is a kind granny.




SO: She should get some fresh air.




MC Park: I think men will be scared, too.




MC Kim: Of course.




NY: Even though you are a man?




SO: Of course!




Vic: Oh, oh! What’s that?




NK: Oh, sh….




The third room: a principal’s room




Vic: What’s going on?




NK: Should I go alone, or do you want to come with me?




Vic: I’ll go with you.




Vic: They’re really scary, really scary.




NY: When they look at you like that, it’s terrifying!




MC Park: They are really scary.




While NK gets the parcel, Vic blocks the path with a chair.




NK: Well done.




Girl ghosts try to grab Vic




Vic: Eeugh~!!!!!




NK blocks their hands




NK: Study hard.




MC Park: The ghost is happy because she held Nickhun’s hand.




Vic: Is there anyone outside?




NK: She’s gone.




NY: Uh? She’s disappeared.




SO: This is scary.




The fourth room: a lecture room I




Vic starts cooking




MC Park: Because she’s a good cook.




MC Kim: Since it’s a Chuseok special…




SO: Yes, a holiday spirit.




NK: You’re doing well.




NK: Oh, sh…!




Vic: What? What? What’s this?




The fifth room: a lecture room II




NY: This is the room with a math question.




The door slams shut




Vic: Kyaaaah!!!!




MC Park: They (the other couples) can hear the screams.




MC Kim: They (Yongseo) know what’s going on.




34x27...., the upgraded version




NK: Oh, sh….




Vic: What? What?




MC Park: Who’s going to solve it?




SO: Khun…




NK: Come over here.




NK: Stay here, stay here.




NK: Are you good at math?




NY: Hurry, hurry.




MC Kim: They won’t be able to concentrate on the question.




NK holds her in front of him and continues with the calculation.




MC Park: Why do they look so lovely?




NY: They are lovely…




The song stops, then footage from the movie ‘Ring’ comes out.




SO: Surely not…




Vic: Don’t come!




Vic: I’m really scared…




NK: Just keep calculating.




Ghosts are slowly coming towards them….




Vic: I’ll do the math… $%^%&*#$%......




MC Park: She’s speaking in Chinese!




Suddenly a paper comes down




The message: The answer is either 0 or 1. Choose one and shout it together.




But NK keeps calculating.




MC Park: They’re given the hint, but ignoring it!




MC Park: They didn’t read it.




MC Kim: Because they’re in panic.




MC Park: Sadako has no energy.




NK: Let’s just go out.




SO: It’s locked.




MC Kim: They didn’t get the answer.




SO: They have to shout the answer to get out.




NK: Wait (goes back and checks the hint)




NK: Ah, we’re such a fool.




Vic: Why?




NK: 1!








Vic: Kyaaah!!!




NK: 0! 0! 0! 0! 0!




MC Kim: There are so many ghosts waiting in that room, but Seo Hyun solved the problem so easily.




MC Park: Yes, Seo Hyun is a genius.




NK: We, we were a fool.




NK: A map! I left it there.




The last room: a hall.




The last mission: Take a photo with fritters, wearing couple t-shirts




Vic: Kyaaaah!!!




MC Park: They automatically stick together.




MC Kim: That’s one of the reasons why a new couple should watch a horror movie together.




NY: This time it (the hand from behind) should work.




Vic: Arrrrrrgh!!!!




NK: (hitting the hand) Ya!!!




Vic: Someone grabbed my shoulder!




NK: It’s okay.




Vic: Where, where should we go now?




NK: I think it’s the same route as we came here.




Ghosts are coming out of the room




Vic: Arrrrgh! It’s scary, it’s scary!!




NK: Run! Run! Run!




Khuntoria couple comes in.




JK: Look at them sweating!




NK: It’s too much!




NK: This is not what I had in mind.




MC Kim: Even though men pretend that they are not scared, just look at them sweating.




Vic: It was really scary.




Gain: What if I faint?




Gain: It’s midnight.




Gain: How did you do it? Did you go holding hands?




NK: Like this… (a hugging gesture)




Vic: I was clinging to him.




Gain: You can do the same, can’t you?




JK: Got it.




The Adam couple’s turn




Gain: There’s a ghost.




JK: What?




Gain: Over there.




Gain: Honey (Yeobo), honey, honey, honey-




The first room: a kitchen.




JK: What’s it?




Gain: Wait, where’s the parcel?




JK: A red light…




Gain: The parcel, the parcel.




Gain: Where’s the parcel?




JK: Where’s the parcel?




The voice: Pull one string from the four, and check your mission.




JK: Where are the strings?




Gain: Over there, over there.




JK: Okay, thank you~




MC Park: He said thank you.




Gain: Euugh! Arragh! Hahahaha!




NY: It’s a wick.




Gain: What’s this?




JK wearing a wick




NY: Ghosts will be taken aback.




MC Kim: Ghosts will be scared.




Gain: Eeeuah!




JK: It (the mission card) is here.




The second room: a shower room




JK: We have to open the curtain.




MC Kim: Oh, the granny will be startled.




MC Park: Our granny will be tired.




JK: Eeeuagh! Hahahaha!




The granny ghost loses the timing to come out.




MC Park: It’s the granny who was alarmed!




Gain: Hello~




MC Park: No one’s scared of the granny.




JK: This is it?




Gain: (to the granny) Is this a parcel?




JK: She must’ve been disappointed since we weren’t so scared of her.




The third room: a principal’s room




Gain: Oh, oh, oh, don’t do it.




MC Park: If they study this hard, the Seoul National University will be no problem.




JK starts doing his kkap.




Gain: Haha! She’s laughing!




JK: She’s failed.




Gain: Eeugh!




JK: Ah, what?!




The fourth room: a lecture room I




A bell rings




Gain: Eurghh…. Don’t do it! ARRRRRRGH!!!!




MC Kim: The ghosts will be frightened (of her).




MC Park: She is shouting at them.




The fifth room: a lecture room II




JK: What’s this? I’m really not good at math!




Gain: I’ll do this bit, you do the rest.




Gain: Start calculating!




MC Park: Our couple always overcomes the hardship and troubles.




The phone rings




JK: Uh? What’s it?




Gain: Oh, my, god!




MC Park: Sadako, did they gain some energy?




Gain: Ah, what’s it?




JK is doing Sadako against Sadakos




MCs: Hahahahahaha!!!!!




JK: Well done, Sadakos~




The last room




Gain: Honey, come over here quickly! Sit!




JK: I think there’ll be a ghost under the sofa.




MC Kim: Now, it’s the hand ghost…




Gain: (no response)




JK: Ah, really!




JK pinches the hand of a ghost




The ghost: Ouch!




Gain: Honey, wait for me.




JK: I’ve blocked it.




MC Park: What kind of a couple are they?!




Adam returns to the room




JK: Are you joking? What’s scary?!




NK: Now it’s our MC should go.




Y: It’s our MC’s turn.




Y: But he heard everything already-will it be still scary?




NK: No~




Y: If you can’t do this, you are not a man!




JS: Why suddenly starts raining?




Y: There is a camera in the last room. Your mission is to bring it here.




JS: Bring the camera?




Y: Yes.




MC Park: If you go there alone, won’t it be scary?




MC Kim: Of course, it’ll be scary. Alone!




JS: Okay, since I’m not afraid of such things.




H: Just go straight.




Gain: Fighting!




Y: It’s not that scary.




Gain: It’s not.




JK slams the door shut




JS: Eeuurgh!!!




Everyone: Hahahaha!!!




JS: Don’t even think about coming out.




JS: I told you don’t come out.




MC Kim: He starts speaking in a weird (Busan) dialect, but he’s living in Ilsan (next to Seoul)!




JS: What’s this?




The first room




MC Kim: But he’s brave, our Jungshin.




JS: Euh…




The voice: Pull one string from the four, and check your mission.




JS: Yes.




JS: Eugh….!




MC Kim: He’s is on a full alert.




MC Park: Yes.




MC Kim: He just came here as a MC.




MC Park: What’s it?




JS: Oh, sundae (sausage)!




MC Park: It’s a snake.




SO: They’re sure in a same group (Yong and JS).




JS: Don’t you dare come out while I’m reading this!




MC Park: He keeps talking to himself.




JS: Uh, you keep moving? Keep moving?!




MC Kim: Keep moving?! Keep moving?! He’s so cute!




To the second room




JS: This is really scary!




MC Park: Our granny…




JS: Don’t you dare drop something!




NY: I think Jungshin chingu will be frightened.




JS: Ahh…! Arrroh!!! (kicking a doll)




JS: Eeeuuuurgh!!!!




Everyone’s hearing Jungshin




Everyone: Hahahaha!!!




Y: Deabak!




MC Park: He will be really scared being there all alone.




JS: Uh, hello.




MC Park: He’s greeting the granny, how polite.




JS: huhuhu.




JS: Do you know where the dica is?




JS: Dica… Digital Camera…




JS: Keep up with your good work.




JS: Ah, yes. You first.




MC Park: He’s letting her go first, out of courtesy.




The third room




JS: Oh~!




JS: Hello.




JS: Is there anyone who is a fan of me?




MCs: Hahaha!




JS: Could I borrow you lantern?




NY: Is he borrowing a lantern from a ghost?




The fourth room




MC Kim: He has to make fritters.




MC Park: Alone?




A sudden explosion!




JS: Ah, really!




JS: Go easy on me.




MC Kim: Go easy on me!!




JW: He’s lying down.




NY: He’s cute!




SO: He’s really scared.




MC Park: Yes, he must be.




JS: Don’t you dare walk towards me!




MCs: Hahahaha!!!!




MC Kim: ….walk towards me!




MC Kim: He’s really cute.




SO: He’s making too many!




JS: Here’s a hot plate of selection of fritters~ Fritters~ I’ve got courgettes~bean curds~




The fifth room




JS: (to the Sadakos) Ah, really-let’s not do this.




JS: 120, yes? 120 plus 2, minus 15…600…? Phew…..




MC Park: Hahaha! Is he talking to the ghosts?




The last room




MC Park: The last room!




MC Kim: He did really well, coming here all alone.




MC Park: He has to take a picture of himself.




MC Park: Now the hand…




JS: Aaaaarh~!




JS: Ah, really!




JS: Don’t you dare come out!




MC Park: Don’t you dare come out!!




JS returns to the room




MC Park: He’s the best!




NY: Ah~ He’s cute.




JK: Can we check our picture?




Photo 1: Angry Jungshin




Photo 2: Yongseo’s heart




JK: It came out good.




Photo 3: Frightened Victoria and a fool Nickhun




Photo 4: Whose hand is it?




JS: This is the best.




JS: You’ve seen all the pictures.




Who is the strongest couple?




NK: Our senior couple.




Y: Yes.




The Adam, the strongest WGM couple!




NY: What’s the prize?




An appreciation plaque:




Thank you for giving a huge laugh to our viewers for the Chuseok special.




Hope you could give us even greater laughs as the strongest WGM couple!




Gain: Is that it? No more?




Everyone: Congratulations!



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hahahaha, i feel silly for being this excited.  i like to keep my composuresweatingbullets.gif  but who are we kidding?  i'd be surprised if anyone could contain their excitement and feeling of giddiness.  ㅋㅋㅋ i haven't actually watched this yet, although you guys are making it extremely hard to avoid it.  i need the hardsubs to be able to focus on it properly.  vicx.gif  but who cares.  you guys are awesome for putting up all those gifs and screen captures!  everything i wanted to say has been said or pointed out, so i won't repeat it except that i am so, so, so happy that seo seems to be more open to skinship and doesn't shy away from it.  i can't wait to see how their relationship has evolved when they start airing WGM episodes that took place after this horror special.  hopefully, this will give her more confidence to use banmal.  wub.gif 

and i really want a khuntoria and yongseo episode or something.  i think it is SO adorable that victoria and seohyun act like they're really sisters.  i mean, we all know that seohyun appreciates all her unnies, but i think it helps if she has that one ~girlfriend who's experiencing the same thing (being someone's wife).  and khun and yong could have male bonding time.  tell me that's not a cute scenario!  laugh.gif


and i don't mean to exclude the adam couple out.  haha, i just think they're extremely unique and independent.  in some ways, i wish ga-in felt more comfortable around the girls like she was with UEE.  i think with their three different perspectives, it would make WGM specials more hilarious since ga-in is so unafraid of saying what's on her mind.  same with jo kwon.  the adam couple are so mischievous.  

wink.gif  totally adorable.


i want another WGM special!  wasn't there news that there were other ones, or did i read that incorrectly?


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Ahhh.... I so love the latest episode. I was going to try and avoid watching it until I had chpater 7 of DTLY fanfic. Now I'm wallowing in YongSeo love!!! what to do? what to do? waaaaahhhh...














































































































































































































































































































off to watch again... hehehe

















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Guest Crystal392






Woah thanks to everyone for your screencaps :D



I have lots of posts to read :P






j2dlee: You are amazing!!! Thanks so much for translating the three couples convos :)






OMO those screencaps where they are holding hands are really sweet :wub:



I feel giddy reading all your posts :)






YongSeo jjang~



WGM family ftw!






EDIT: Btw, what was your fave part of the latest ep?




A pic from dcmarried:







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Guest Kerube-Chan

















EDIT: Btw, what was your fave part of the latest ep?
















































































































I want to participate, my favorite part, have to be the photo taking, A lot of non Yongseo fan dont understand their interaction (came from allkpop, not a good place to be with the couple-fan-war going there), but for me the way they were holding each other is just :wub: . In the first attempt (Practice infront of mirror) SH wasnt able to really grab YH, she was doubting, but when they got to the sofa, she do it so naturally... Really they make a super happy Goguma.
















































































































Yongseo I love you!!!! People lets jump around happily in celebration!!!
















































































































For last, can someone please repost the schedule of the episodes for next week??? Please I cant find it, this thread move super fast.
















































































































Thanks in advance! Happy day my fellow gogumas!!!

















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Guest Nikkayyheyy








i still think yongseo should have won because they completed the mission the fastest >__<




but over, AWESOME EPISODE! thanks for the translations, i really appreciate it!




i think i'll write a fanfic based on this episode :)





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bodyguard yong



cr: dcmarried

my fav part: when they were on the bus, they were so close and so confortable with each other

can't wait to see the previous episode not aired yet to see what they make them comfortable at this level

edit: since i topped the page i'll post this cute fanmade i found in a korean blog


cr: genaloveyong

crystal_malfoy i'm glad that we have still a lot of yonseo episode left because since they are busy now it will be a little hard for them to film :tears:

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Guest Crystal392






Kerube-Chan: Ignore the haters at allkpop. Stay happy on Gogumaland :) I hope the ratings will improve! ^^ Our YongSeo are so cute together :wub: hmmm schedule for next week? maybe you can find it at sweetpotatodays.blogspot? :o


Nikkayyheyy: If you write a fanfic please post the link here :D


s0leill: Thanks for sharing that screencap :D Bodyguard Yong ftw! our Hyun is so smart ^^ There are many episodes we haven't seen from them :P



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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































Ok .. even though I don't know where to start but 1st
















































































this ep is DEABAK
















































































i don't need to say more, you guys, awesome Goguma, have said it all
















































































2nd: thanks for translation ! thanks for all the caps, link, analysis....
















































































3rd ... to answer crystal_malfoy:
















































































My fav scenes are: on the bus, they were so CLOSE!
















































































when all the couples did sit-up .. that was sweet
















































































Yonghwa' almost hug crack me up hahahaha
















































































and the whole part when they had to walk through the school
















































































Holding hands, tight hug, Yonghwa being brave !

































































































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