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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Oh, I really love this episode. I was grabbing my sister's arm at the same time Hyun screams in surprise, haha!
































































































































































































I noticed our couple seems to be inseparable, from riding up to the bus until they got off. From the bus and walking to the school field, other partners are a yard apart from each other while Yong and Hyun are like Siamese twins, walking beside each other!
































































































































































































Yong showed his manly side during the Horror mission, taking the lead and assessing everything before stepping in. Even if he did feel a wee bit scared, he didn't show it, but instead used a strategy; shouting "neo/deo" at whoever was making noises. Lol at him banging the cabinets and windows, dragging the tables making a fort and all. The WGM staff was probably flustered trying to arrange things back to their original spot after the couple left. Sorry, PD-nim, but when it is Hyun who needs to be protected, Yong will move mountains, it seems, just to see to it. :lol:
































































































































































































I laughed so much at the FAIL ghost hand at the end. Thanks to that, Hyun and Yong's photo is so :wub: . Truly a unique couple.
































































































































































































And, of course, holding hands till the end.
































































































































































































I can't wait for the specials this week. :w00t:

































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I did this screen cap, I couldn't help myself. Ahh, so cute. <3











Let's spazz all night long~ Hahahaha! :D








seriously, this is a lovely killer pic.


how can they look so alike...their eyes, nose, mouth and face shape looks the same to me. even their smile! this is couple-look-alike...trust me ;)


the body-touching is dashingly HIT in this pic! :phew:






redtulip : i thought yong was a weakling too...sorryyy guys sweatingbullets.gif he proofs me wrong and i'm glad. i thought hyun will be a princessy too...again sorrrryyyy guys tears.gif she proof me wrong tooooo. both of them really step up the game. now they are known as 'THE SIREUM COUPLE' nice :P




ryuni_cello: i guess so too that maybe it was made specially for them.



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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!




Still remember me? It's been a while, hasn't it?




I don't know whether I should translate the whole episode or not. It'll take some time T^T




I watched the episode to the part 3 so far, translated bits and pieces.




I didn't translate every word, comment, or conversation, but Yongseo's part is more or less all in there.




If you're happy with this kind of lousy translation, I'll do the rest of the episode in this way.




You can always ask me if you want to know more about what they're talking or if there's something unclear about my translation.




Ah, before I forget: Thank you genxv for the links, redtulip for the translation; panGG, blueshoes and oceanprince for awesome pics; Hi, miel_1301, monie 1909, jnj, crystal_malfoy, heartbreak-warfare22 and many others (sorry if I left out your names...Thank you, thank you for your posts, pics, links and all)




See you soon!




(Part 1-3)




Hyun: It’s so hot.




Yong: No one’s coming-




Y: we’re always punctual.




H: Yes.




Y&H: YEA~ (a hip-hop greeting?)




Other couples join them




Y: It’s a bit awkward….




(In a bus)




Jokwon: Where’re we going by the way?




Y: Battle Royal! Battle Royal! A war!




Mission Card: As the Korean biggest holiday (Chusuck) is coming, today we’re holding the ‘WGM strongest couple tournament’ to give lots of joy and laughs to the WGM viewers.




JK: How long have you guys been married?




Nichkhun: 2 months.




Y: Half a year.




H: Yes, 6 months…




(Jungshin gets on the bus)




H: Jungshin Chingu!




Y: Jungshin? Why?!




Adam: Did you know he’s coming?




Y: No.




Jungshin is a special MC for today’s tournament.




JK (pointing to the red circle): What is this?




JS: That I k-k-k-know.




Y: Ah, Jungshin-a. You look very uncomfortable.




Y(to Hyun): He’s really nervous now, seeing so many celebrities- Look at him sweating, he never sweats.




JS explains the games, prize, etc, only looking at his hyung.




Y: Stop looking at me, Jungshin-




The rule of the game: to stay in a red circle for 1min.




Y: Jungshin-a, come over here. It’s okay, just try not to overdo it.




JS: I’m nervous…




Y: It’s okay, wait for a bit.




Yong’s turn




H: Yong fighting!




JS: He (Y) appears to have the slowest reflexes out of all (three men).




Y: What’s the use of competing against Beastly Idols (Jimseung-dol)?




Y: Speed bump! Speed bump! Oh, yea!




H: No, no, no!




JS: 31 sec!




JK’s turn




JS: Encouragement from a wife?




Gain: If you fall, I’ll be here to catch (embrace) you.




Y: When we’ve been married for a year, can (we) be like you?




NK’s turn




Y: There are kids outside, they’ll be thinking; ‘What is NK from 2PM doing in a bus wearing a helmet?’




NK win! 100 points to the couple!




JS: We’re almost there, will take a short break.




(on top of the bus: Welcome to the special horror show)




MC Park: But the couples have no idea!




In front of the school)




JK: Where are we?




Y: It looks like a school…




JK: It looks a bit….It’ll be scary at night.




JK: I don’t think it’s in use.




Husbands are playing, doing a performance(?) while waiting for their wives to come out.




JS: The first round is sit-ups.




JS: Encouragement from the wives?




Victoria: Appa (daddy), fighting!




H: Yong, fighting-








MC Park: Yong seems struggling.




H: Well done.




Y: Where am I…?




NH 76, Y 41, JK 71. Now the wives’ turn.




Y (counting): twenty-nine, FORTY!




JS: Now, how many?




NK: 29.




Y: 40.




H:…? Isn’t it 30…?








NH: She’s done 28.




Gain, 16.




Another 100 points to the Khuntoria couple.




JS: The second round, a wrestling! 200 points for this one.




Y: I think this tournament is made for Khuntoria.




JK: I agree!




Vic: I did wrestling before.




Y: Really?




Vic: Yes, with Narsha (from BEG).




Y: Did you win?




Vic: Yes, I was a champion.




Y: Did you hear that? She was the champion!




NK vs.JK




Y: Wow, why am I nervous?




NK won.




Gain: Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?




Y: Now I have to wrestle with NK!




NK vs. Y




JS: I think this game will finish in 5secs.




MC Park: I think Yong will lose.








Y: Did I win?




Vic vs. Gain




Vic won in 3secs.




Y: What happened? I didn’t even see it.




Vic vs. Hyun




Y: Seo Hyun, show your power!








Hyun won!




Y: Seo Hyun-a!




Na Young: How come this couple are so good at wrestling?




Y: She is a little giant!




Khuntoria 200pts, Yongseo 200pts. Adam 0pts.




JS: The next round is a relay race… with 300 points…the rule is….hang on a minute…




Y: Now you know how hard MCing is? Don’t you criticize me from now on.




Khuntoria won.




Y: When I was younger, used to be in a relay race team.




JK: Same here. If it were not with this darn sack…!




Khuntoria 500pts, Yongseo 200pts, Adam 0pts.




After dinner, in a room




JS: Next is a popularity poll. Seo Hyun, please go inside and follow the instruction.




Mission Card: It only has been a warm-up, the real horror show to determine the strongest couple will start now (It wasn’t a popularity poll after all. Just to tell each one about their ‘horror’ missions).




The light goes out…the voice says: ‘The horror show begins now… Everyone be quiet….’




NK: Please don’t do this to us….




JS: Now, the real tournament for the strongest couple starts. The couple who clear the each course fastest will be the winner with a prize.




Yongseo goes first, then Khuntoria, and Adam




JS: You start with the first floor, go through every room and up to the second floor then come back here.




The voice: It’s time to start. We’ll start with the first couple, Yongseo.




JS: Even I’m scared.




MC Park: But when they went to the ghost house the other time, he totally depended on her.




Seulong: He was so terrified.




NY: He should redeem himself this time.




Hyun screams




Gain: I really don’t like this.




JK: Let’s memorize where she screams.




MC Park: Wait, can we expect some skinship from the couples?




MC Park: They (Yongseo) are already holding hands.




MC Kim: You should, definitely!




Yongseo enters the building.




Y: There is a ghost.




H: First, a kitchen…




MC Park: It’s really dark! You can’t see anything in this darkness.




H: Oohahurr….!




Y: You stand behind my back.




H: No, I’m okay.




MC Park: Oh, Yonghwa is different today.




Y: Stand behind.




Y (opening the door): Come out!




NY: I’m scared, shall we watch holding hands?




SO: What?! No, I mean…



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Guest pamparampap
































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee thank you~ !!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think my love grew deeper and deeper for YONGSEO ..

































































































































































































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Hi all^^.... This Ep is super cute...a lot of skinship (in the way of our couple) and Yong show how to protect his wife ... and make me think about Yukilovesyou's Translation ...wife's message to husband.

Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me!

Edit : Thank you j2dlee for Translation


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hugs hugs j2. i keep spamming this thread with caps while waiting for u.. :sweatingbullets:

did u get my PM?

anw, thank u soo much dear.

will def post more Q later, u got time? ;):lol:


i'll PM u my Q, since u may not be here to ans them.

i can always wait...


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Wow...SeoHwa thread is sure LOVE overload again today..Redtulip & jd2lee thanks so much for the translations..U're both awesome..To everyone who posted screencaps & links to Ep24, thank you so much..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To my dearest favorite couple "YongSeo" couple,thanks so the awesome episode..wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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J2blee, thanks for the fast translation. We all know that it was a very long episode to translate. So no worries about translating all the conversation, we are more interested in the Yongseo part anyway. You translated some of those not cover in the Chinese translation. So happy, now I have a clearer picture. Thanks so much.


Ok, now I can go back and read all your posts that was like lightning while I am typing.


Really goguma sweetness overload tonight. Thanks.



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Guest crazyforlc

Hello all shippers !!!! :D

This episode successfully pulled me out of my lurker mode (since page a hundred something till now:ph34r:). I'm so over dosed with sweetness that I don't feel shy anymore !!! :wub:

My most favorite scene of this episode was the one in the math-solving classroom... I could replay it 100x hehe  blush.gif

I think this scene showed their personalities the best. Hyun was very calm and methodical. She seemed totally ignorant of the surrounding as soon as she put her mind in the problem. Meanwhile Yong was protective and smart in building walls against unseen danger/ghosts. Daebak teamwork :D

@ Waneiy: i saw that too!!!  Yong held his buin's hand with both his hands to calm her down after the door shut was super sweet. :wub:

... ahhhhhh everything's so cute and lovey dovey

I think the printings on their shirts are "LO (half a heart) and "(half a heart) VE)... but I don't really pay attention to what they wear as long as they hug haha :w00t:

Thank you for all the links and captions. Super thank you j2dlee, red tulip and others for translations!! Goguma family fighting!!

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Guest miel_1301


Hi, happy Goguma lovers!

Still remember me? It's been a while, hasn't it?

I don't know whether I should translate the whole episode or not. It'll take some time T^T

I watched the episode to the part 3 so far, translated bits and pieces.

I didn't translate every word, comment, or conversation, but Yongseo's part is more or less all in there.

If you're happy with this kind of lousy translation, I'll do the rest of the episode in this way.

You can always ask me if you want to know more about what they're talking or if there's something unclear about my translation.

Ah, before I forget: Thank you genxv for the links, redtulip for the translation; panGG, blueshoes and oceanprince for awesome pics; Hi, miel_1301, monie 1909, jnj, crystal_malfoy, heartbreak-warfare22 and many others (sorry if I left out your names...Thank you, thank you for your posts, pics, links and all)

See you soon!

Oh! Oh! One of the angles of the thread has gone down from heaven! Thanks j2dlee for always appearing when you know this thread needs you the most.

Do the translation your way-- however you want to and however convenient it is for you. We will all appreciate anything coming from you.

Now, off we go to watch again the episode this time with j2dlee's trans. Thanks, as always thanks!

And we shall await for the rest. Just take your time and no pressure.

redtulip, thank you, too for the narrative translation your end. We got an initial idea of what went on in the early part of the episode. Indeed very very helpful before j2dlee gave her added input.


And just when all WGM cameras are focused at Jungshin Chinggu who is demonstrating the mechanics of the game and just as the other couples are watching him, YongHwa from afar can be seen attending to his Hyun, fixing her hair/helmet.


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Screencaps of some of the spazz-worthy moments. I'll share this before I go and read the translations. :D


1 - In the bus. So close and cute. Yong shielding Hyun from the sun. :)

2 - Their new high-five, YongSeo style. XD

3 - Holding hands all the way~ <3

4 - Yong, the husband/bodyguard. :P

5, 6, 7, 8 - Skinshiiiippp. :DD

Thank you, redtulip and j2dlee. Now I'm off to watch again with the translations. :D


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do they look like they're in a haunted place?


if not for the cats eyes..i would think this is more like home photo...


yongseo : abuhjji..omoni..don't worry abt us.

we are living well..






miel, tks for pointing that part of yongseo in the bus. will watch it again...


jayonce, we did watch that part, but because majority of us here do not

understand what they said, so we let it pass..but hey! tks for highlighting it.

MC Miseon sure knows yongseo couple well



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Thank you to our dearest redtulip and j2dlee for the translations!! Oh, can they get any sweeter? What pulls me in is how they seem to be just themselves.

Yong showed his manly side during the Horror mission, taking the lead and assessing everything before stepping in. Even if he did feel a wee bit scared, he didn't show it, but instead used a strategy; shouting "neo/deo" at whoever was making noises. Lol at him banging the cabinets and windows, dragging the tables making a fort and all. The WGM staff was probably flustered trying to arrange things back to their original spot after the couple left. Sorry, PD-nim, but when it is Hyun who needs to be protected, Yong will move mountains, it seems, just to see to it. :lol:
































Hahahah.... I agree with you wholeheartedly here. I'm happy we got to see the protective Running-Man-Superhero side of Yong. When it comes to his wife/team, he is a natural leader and protector.

































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Guest nurulzminoz




























WOW !! So much thank you for the translation @j2dlee ~ ^^





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I don't know if any of you guys watched the other couples go in but during Khuntoria's part, they tried to solve the math problem together. The rule for that room was that they were given exactly one minute to solve the equation and the music would tell them if their time was up by being cut short. Khuntoria weren't able to solve on time so the TV started to play 'The Ring' and a bunch of Ring girls began to crawl in. Since they still weren't able to solve it, the answer rolled down from the top of the blackboard but the two weren't able to properly read it because they were so distracted. Smoke filled in and a mummy appeared as well. Nichkhun yelled out the answer and the male MC said "Looking at all those prepared ghosts, they must've felt cheated/frustrated since Seohyun answered it so fast." and Park Misun MC replied in Yong's favorite quote "It's because Seohyun's a genius."
































































































































































































































































I have to say, major props to Hyun for being able to solve that question so fast. If she could do that without having her math skills in tip-top shape from school imagine how good she was when they were...

































































































































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credit to the owner

































































































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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































I don't know if any of you guys watched the other couples go in but during Khuntoria's part, they tried to solve the math problem together. The rule for that room was that they were given exactly one minute to solve the equation and the music would tell them if their time was up by being cut short. Khuntoria weren't able to solve on time so the TV started to play 'The Ring' and a bunch of Ring girls began to crawl in. Since they still weren't able to solve it, the answer rolled down from the top of the blackboard but the two weren't able to properly read it because they were so distracted. Smoke  filled in and a mummy appeared as well. Nichkhun yelled out the answer and the male MC said "Looking at all those prepared ghosts, they must've felt cheated/frustrated since Seohyun answered it so fast." and Park Misun MC replied in Yong's favorite quote "It's because Seohyun's a genius."
































































I have to say, major props to Hyun for being able to solve that question so fast. If she could do that without having her math skills in tip-top shape from school imagine how good she was when they were...































































































































Rewatching the episode again, I think the PDs extended Khuntoria's and Adam's mathematical problem into longer ones. Hence Yongseo couple actually has the easier problem to solve. Maybe they didn't want all couples to solve the problems too fast (then all the props and sadakos will be useless).
































































But kudos to Hyun anyway. She was so into solving the mathematical problem that she can finish it quickly. If it were me.. shudders :unsure: 
































































































































Edit: Sorry for topping the page with nothing to share :(

































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Yong surely a tough and very sharp guy. He maintained his calm and very aware of situations, he also handled the situation very well. Aside of that, he also really the fun maker, he's really bright among other guys. In some scenes i think Yong really enjoyed the tour. He's definitely the best man for Hyun. Hyun realizes that Yong really helped and protected her during the tour that's why she's now -i said- really trusts in Yonghwa, her hand on Yong's waist is the proof :D




JoKwon is really hilarious man, his dance in the classroom even shocked the ghosts :D



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