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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello everyone!






























































































































































Juz wanna give some heads up - Our lovely Jossa updated her fanfic





























































































































































































































































rainie_chu: I didn't know there were desktop buddies. After I've read your post, I Googled for them a they're really the cutest!































































































Hopefully someone will make a YongSeo version soon!






























































































































































Wow, their schedule is really packed! Hopefully they'll get enough rest and stay healthy throughout the hectic schedule.































































































Fighting CN Blue and SNSD members! \(^.^)/\(^.^)/






























































































































































For the question on How many times I've watched YongSeo's episode, usually I'll catch the live streaming, then wait for our awesome uploaders to upload them to youtube so I can watch them repeatedly until I can remember each of the scenes by heart. Then watched them again when our lovely j2dlee update us with the translations, catch some of the moments that I've missed after being pointed out though screencaps by _d3seohyun or other Gogumas, and lastly I'll watch all three subbed version uploaded by RDRsubs, YukiandJudy and most recently sun_sun.






























































































































































So I think basically I'll watch their episode about 10x or probably more. Hehe. Juz can't get enough of their sweet interactions :wub:






























































































































































Posting some of my screencaps for the latest and previous episode






























































































































































JongHwa brotherly relationship is juz :wub: . I wondered what was Jonghyun really doing when he smelled Yong’s shirt.





























































































































































































































































CN Blue’s love for their sis-in-law. Even Jinwoon and Seulong were shocked when Minhyuk said that they ate all of Hyun’s kimchi. And Jungshin’s smile when Hyun said that 91ers should be in one team. The last cap truly shows the CN Blue bond :lol:





























































































































































































































































CN Blue telling on Yong to sis-in-law. They were like complaining to their mother about their hyung. Look how they enjoyed it (especially Jonghyun and Jungshin!)





























































































































































































































































And a special shout out to all who's celebrating Hari Raya- Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir & batin!

















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Guest littlebiebie

Hello, Goguma fellows ... It's a bit quiet today which made a silent lurker like me to jump off my closet..

j2dlee, sun_sun, sweettaeng, genxv.. I am always grateful for having goguma fellows like you.. thank you so much.. :lol:

haeanna  that's awesome pic of Yong.. Thank you....... He looks HOT in that white button off shirt....  :wub: Hoping someone will be dugeun dugeun after seeing him like that.. (not to mentioned myself)

thanks to _d3seohyun, bintangkalerbiru for all those caps .. your detail and insight thought always amaze me.. I wil always re-watched every time you caps something.. and I will always felt : hey, I got the point..


for ricevol's question how many times did I watch each episode?more than 10 times I guess.. not included rewatching It again everytime someone point out something..

Just my random thought .. In my country there is always a saying/belief if a single/bachelor cook a salty dish that means he/she want to get married soon... Hah.. which remind me the saltwater kimchi made by hyun buin & yong nampyeon.. :D

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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm REALLY REALLY like + love Jonghyun h0h0... :wub:
































































































































































































































sorry, out of topic hehe...but seriously he's cute!!...
































































































































































































































i like the way he smile, the way he laugh n the way he play pocketball...huisssssshhh....smart!!...:wub:blush.gif
































































































































































































































okay, about our y0ngseo couple...
































































































































































































































i'm totally believe yong-seobang is meant for hyu~n...:rolleyes::w00t:
































































































































































































































i like when hyu~n  wear sock n yo~ng ask her 2 come in then hyu~n said 'wait' with her beautiful smile hehe...
































































































































































































































such a lovey-dovey couple...:wub:

































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Guest Rouenna
















































































Thanks @d3 for those awesome caps. You really nailed those moments with your observations.
































































I really find it funny when Yong started sulking and his expressions changed right after Hyun first reprimanded him of being too much. His downcast gaze and fiddling with that masking tape says it all. He's so choding. I think it's a good thing in a way that he's showing this side of him (being upset and all) in front of Hyun, considering he's always trying to act cool all the time and pretending he's not upset, even though we can clearly see that he is. I guess, either he's finally not afraid to show other sides of him or his reserved cracked that he really can't help himself at that moment. :lol:
































































Oh, and with regards to the question how many times I've watched the episode? Well, i almost sit all day on my laptop everyday, so I say, numerous times. NUMEROUS! blush.gif
































































A random thought of which Hollywood pair Yongseo reminds me of: :P
































































I know we all wish that Yongseo will appear outside of WGM and be seen together on red carpets, events, etc. But somehow, I genuinely feel that both of them seem not the type of couple to do that.
































































The way I see it, it's like Adam pair is the type of celebrity couple who always appear in public and have good fun being together, sort of super-close-buddies couple. Khuntoria is like this super high-profile couple, that everytime they appear together, flashbulbs keep flashing.
































































But on Yongseo, somehow they remind me of how the relationship of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and rocker Chris Martin goes. They are a famous couple but strangely both are low-profile about their marriage. You never see them in red carpets/events together yet both are successful and busy in their own careers and that everyone knows they're married to each other. I think the only few accounts I've read of them seen together are the times when Gwyneth attends her husband's concerts or when they're seen having a quiet dinner in a resto like a normal couple.
































































Oh, well, that's just me. :D































































































































Sorry for the random post. :P
































































I really can't wait for Saturday to come. We can finally see a glimpse of a more recent status of their relationship.









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Guest Crystal392






Wooah its so quiet here :o


*cricket chirping*




I'd also love to see them together on a event; althoughI think it's almost impossible because Hyun will always appear with SNSD and Yong with CNBLUE... But a fan can dream eh? :)


Thanks to everyone for those screencaps :D


I'm already missing uri YongSeo.


Btw, what has been your favorite scene so far? I think the last part of the latest ep is becoming my fave scene; each day I love that scene more and more. I also love the piggyback ride scene and when Yong~ said he liked Hyun's sparkling eyes after she looked at him ^_^



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Guest baby_bo
































































































































Finally i was able to figure out how to log in here using my phone. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
































































okay would like to answer some ques here....
































































Sns japanese activities will start sep 10 they will have a performance then come sept 11 they will be in china for sm town yeah i know such a tight sked
































































horror special will be for chuseok end of sept
































































and i think every1 knows this sat is a special episode so im thinking it will be short
































































Ok that's all kekekek

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












this thread is quiet. hehe. anyway. hope both Hyun and Yong could get some rest after all their activities. specially Seohyun who was in LA, then Japan, then China. Hope they rest in their house.I'm really waiting for next saturday's episode as it would show us a more current status of their relationship. but Im quite curious about the fishing episode since it is after Seohyun's birthday. wondering if Yong prepared something for her birthday or if Seohyun gave a belated happy birthday gift to Yong. I'm anticipating it more than the Horror special.



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Guest Crystal392






Baby_Bo: I'm on my phone too right now :) hahahahaha ohh I hope Hyun and her unnies will be able to rest, this week they are probably not goin to sleep much :(


Now thatyou mention that, maybe you are right. Maybe that's why they showed 30 minutes last week; probably they will show 15 minutes this week... :o


Anyways, I'm happy that they were able to meet Ueno ^^ can't wait until the next ep :D




Heartbreak: hey *waves* for a sec I thought it was only babybo and me on Goguma land café :lol: I am also anticipating that episode more, I wonder if Yong prepared something special for Hyun and viceversa :)



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































Yes! it's a bit quiet here at the moment :), all of us excited every saturday kekeke! 
















































































heartbreak : me too i'm curious about YongSeo bday's last June, (i wonder if they exchange gifts on their bday's) hopefully we can watch it on the coming episodes. I'm curious as well on their 100th day, wedding photos and all the scene's that they already shoot for this show. hmmmm! i hope after this special episode on saturday, they start again w/ all the episodes that we all want to see. 
















































































YongSeo couple (SNSD & CNBLUE) are all busy w/ their work. Maybe after this they will have some time off. Coz Xmas and New yr is coming for sure they will have all special show for xmas and new yr in Korea, then they will be busy again. Wishing that YongSeo couple will have xmas and new yr together, another special moment again in stage (finger cross), and also in their we got married life spent the holiday's together :) lovely.
















































































That song I don't know why i love u hmmmm! hubby Yong is that for wifey Hyun? kekeke!
















































































To all goguma's lovers who's celebrating Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Have a good one. :)

































































































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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo








Anyong ~~~~ 




long time that i didn't post cause the page run very fast




oh...today yong~~ will go to promote album in thailand (and we waiting for long time)




i will find his picture of ring (ding dong) that he show in thailand to all of you guys




welcome to thailand youn~~~~laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif



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hi everyone


i haven't posted in here for a while now, came off the lurker mode just to say that i'm going to the CN Blue mini live concert this saturday


and my friend promise me that she will shout SeoHyun's name and see how Yong react


hope that he will show "the ring" for us ^^



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Guest lovekim
































































































Finally i'm watching the HD version of the latest episode. hahaha!








































Did anyone mention this? Yong seriously couldnt keep his hand off his wifey eh?kekeke!! In his excitement....lols!
















































































Crystal, i was just scanning through the episodes from the first to the current one. Sigh....our couple grew sooo much!! It reminds me of the other couple that I ship, joongbo!! I still believe in them! LOL























































































I feel that when a couple put together like that,and see them grow closer through public's eye, it's really a relationship that you can't deny. (do i make sense?)








































My fave scenes (sooo many!!!) are the parts 1. First episode,Hyun first chose Yong when asked to. 2. The times Yong held Hyun's bag for her. 3. Piggy-back scene. etc etc~








































However, as much as i love the couple when they are together with either the CNBlue boys or with SNSD unnies, i still like to watch their alone times. It really shows how they interact with each other, getting to know each other better.








































I know this has been said by many people. But i still appreciate the fact that though the couples were given missions to do, but how they carry it out, the decisions they make, the results and their inbetween interactions are what appeals to audience. Coz they are real. so, Yong and Hyun ah...i really hope you two will really appreciate your times together.








































Just last night, i was watching the various music shows performances SNSD and CNBlue did before Yong & Hyun met on 11th Feb night. Hahaha! the many times they met each other on stage or during waiting time at the respective music shows, never would they have known that they'll end up husband and wife on WGM. hahahaha! Sorry,i'm just so amused by this fact that i just have to get it off my chest. hahaha!








































Norabella unnie, you made creamy pasta? I had kimchi instead!! hahaha! Definitely not salty kimchi though...lols! Now i feel like playing pool...sigh...anyone wanna go on a pool date with me? LOL!!








































Ooh...the boys would have arrived in Bangkok!!! Hwaiting Thai gogumas!!! Show forth our potatoes' love!









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LaBelle: I hope you will become a spazzer again and join Goguma World :lol: I missed spazzing with you *hugs again* sometimes it gets lonely here... like right now... I think I'm the only spazzer =( where are all my lovely Gogumas? I am a lurker at Khuntoria and Adam thread but a spazzer on Gogumaland xD hehehehe Yeah there are a lot of new shippers now and lurkers who became spazzers, it makes me so happy... this thread is so full of love :wub: it almost always manages to cheer me up (specially after a looong day at university) and for that I am thankful to YongSeo and all my amazing Gogumas!! :D


hahaha snsd alone already took my time now


and 2ne1 bout to comeback wew wew


and you guys move so dang fast too


so i almost couldnt catch up @_@


i know i miss spazzing with you guys too esp the old ones kekeke


where everybody go? O_o i see some old names still here but the rest where?

LaBelle!!!!!!! hahahaha! i understand...sometimes things are so fast and so busy, no choice but to become lurkers...miss miss miss you much!


hahaha so true it's too fast actually


now like almost page 1000 @_@ dang yongseo fans just awesome hahaha


and i notice the ratings of WGM getting better and better with the recent 3 couples


yeah i miss you too huhu ^^


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Guest pen(..^^..)








































































it's been a busy day for Yong or Hyun these couple months..
































































yongseo couple fighting!
































































hope that this week episode also have an extra time xDDDD
































































can't get enough of this couple..kkkkk~
































































anyway i want to share this.. i made this hope you all like it *hope it does not hurt your eye* LOL!













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Guest glitterspark
































































since this thread is getting quieter without the regulars spazzing, all the lurkers like me have come out~
















been a long-time stalker, i admit.
















my favorite moments from this cute couple is actually the 'pushing' scene.
















where hyun and yong keep playing and bumping into each other~
















WGM might have started alot of fanwars (and jealousy), but it has given our idols a chance to 'date' and have fun..
















i'm sure all the 3 couples look forward to recording the show,
















because when the life of a k-idol is extremely tough,
















it makes me smile to see how happy they are when meeting their significant other.
















it's the only show where they are 'allowed' to date freely too...
































it's my first post and i'm talking so much O.O

















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Just got the news from Baidu, Yonghwa will be appearing as guest in Episode 11 of Running Man again.




It is unusual for a guest to reappear in the same show so soon, hence maybe because his performance was really excellent previously. For those who have not watch, I highly recommend it again. You really see a very different Yonghwa in the show. Very quick witted and different from the Yong choding infront of Seohyun. Sorry try searching for the videos in youtude but cant find any, maybe some sweet potatoe can be sweet enough to help post the links again.








And of course, our Yonghwa has a lot of practice "chasing" Seohyun!!! Not to forget, one of their couple song is "Run Devil Run". LOL 





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































hey crystal! yes its a bit quiet here. hope to see the fishing episode after ueno juri episode. since last episode was 30 minute long, maybe next episode would be shorter. to the girls here. just wanted to share this. from daily k-pop news. sorry, soompi is acting weird today so I just copied and pasted the link here. http://www.dkpopnews.net/2010/09/photos-cnblue-jung-yong-hwas-past.html **just happened to encounter this article.

















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hello goguma fan....how r u ols? hope everyone is doing ok....

i just finished watched WGM seohyun and yonghwa epi 1-22...i dont know how many times did i repeat all the episodes....but one thing for sure I LOVE IT...and become addicted....hahahahhahaha

i love to see both of them...it's like magic....i love to see their sweetness, the way they take care of each other really makes me envy about them,.....everytime i watched them, i feel like i watch a very lovely movie ( with cupid, heart and arrow floating....love is in the air)...

For me, Yonghwa are very gentleman, loving,caring plus with bonus point he's cute.....and Seohyun are smart,lovely and pretty..... both of them are like meant to be together.....:wub:

cant wait to watch them in the next episode...........

Fighting Goguma Couple...

btw : Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims...


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Guest bluemoon_2010

hi everyone! just a newbie here. ive been lurking for so long and after watching epi 22 i just cant help myself anymore. i need to share my views also on our sweet potato couple. i just adore them so much. especially when i saw the pic of hyun wearing a blue dress, :lol:w00t.gif  i was so happy for yong. this is sort of like a statement on hyun's part that she really is thinking of her hubby:rolleyes: and that she's already sending a signal to everyone that she really likes yong, she may not say it personally but she's certainly showing it by wearing the color of hubby's band . sort of like, im the wifey of hubby yong of cnblue. isn't it obvious?phew.gif ^_^i also would like to thank j2dlee for such great translations. bravo. ^_^ . for the others, thanks a lot for the caps, comments and views,especially the pics, i am always on cloud nine after reading your posts. since it's my first post, let me keep it short. i still have a lot to say actually but will save it for some other time.vicx.gif:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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