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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lunasol
































I think this is one of my favorite episodes!!!!biggrin.gif  
































Super funny and sweet episode!!!! 
































Yong again overprotective of Hyun by putting her his vest and I really think that when she was giving him a high5 he was going for the hug so it ended up a partial hug-grabbing hand moment lol. He definitely wants a hug!!! The ending was also one of their sweetest moment. Before, they ran side by side a long while ago but now he wanted to run after her. They really acted like a real couple who likes each other!!
















































OMG the preview for next episode!! They were really couply at the Japanese restaurant and happy without any awkwardness!! Ueno Juri really was a waitress and they were both surprised!! 

















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Guest ricevol

another daebak episode!! not much skinship but still daebak!!

minhyuk's expression in tasting the salty kimchi says it all!!! :lol:

i think jonghyun gave the least marks?

hyun did well on the spaghetti, not much left over

pool game!!! here we get to see more of the boys personality.

hyun suggested the 91 ers to be in the same team, but somehow she ended up partnering hubby.

they played well, especially jonghyun, even it surprises him.

yong choding to the max!! how cute!!!

when they won the game, did u guys see that yong wanted to give hyun a hug, but pulled back?

*dang he must've rmbrd there's camera there!*

Agreed!!! he must be afraid to show his feeling since too many cameras focused on them, well, there could be a hug later on...I hope!!!


Really love this episode, my mouth was like...drop when jonghyun played pool...his skill was kinda superb!!!

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Guest iamaya.027
















































I'm excited for the next episode too...
















I'm ALWAYS excited for the next episode right after watching the show. :P
















Maybe their episode today was longer because the other two couples were shown together...

































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ah, even hyun's mom is taken in by jungshin. but he IS pretty!

yong so touchy feely with bros, i wish he can just let go of himself and

hug hyun, put his arm on her shoulder instead on minhyuk's, or put his hand on hyun's lap

instead on jungshin's..aigoo yong, why so restricted?

i love the family talk after dinner.

the awkwardness is surely gone gone gone

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I think this is one of my favorite episodes!!!!biggrin.gif  

Super funny and sweet episode!!!! 

Yong again overprotective of Hyun by putting her his vest and I really think that when she was giving him a high5 he was going for the hug so it ended up a partial hug-grabbing hand moment lol. He definitely wants a hug!!! The ending was also one of their sweetest moment. Before, they ran side by side a long while ago but now he wanted to run after her. They really acted like a real couple who likes each other!!

he ran after her because he wants to hug her since the camera is not following them!! :w00t:

helping hyun putting on the vest straight from his body heat!!! :wub::wub:


what?! they're showing juris's epi next week?! why?

what happen to the fishing trip? i soo want to see that epi

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Guest Kerube-Chan




























Preview is out... Uero Juri next week, man it is me or they seem very very close in the preview, it is a different aura when they are talking together....



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@anna- come let me hug you :P that's why i don't like to visit there...if they wanna keep complaining or what,still everything was done...in this world, not everyone have same opinion..trust me..chill,don't let them bother you..ok?


oh my! to read all post,cant wait to see it on yt....


tq everyone



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weird0_o blink.gifare thre WGM crew going to skip some off the other shooting?like how they got their new rings?that one where they went for fishing?????
































are they skipping it or its only a special episode because it was just recently...CONFUSEEEEEEEEE
































































































































OHHH>>guys the episode today was DAEBAK..love it^^, Im really enjoying every episode of our couple..my saturday morning will not be complete if i didnt watch WGM yongseo..just love themm 

































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Guest dolphina
































OMO!!! so sad .. i cant watch online TT^TT
















really wanna see them .. ( wanna see my minhyuk's magic show )
















guys.. all of your comments make me so excited!!!!
















thanks for all screencaps ..
















Hug hug HUG!!! why you don't do that YongSeobang!!! :w00t: 
















waitng for someone upload on YT .. :rolleyes:
















and dear all of Goguma lovers..
















i wanna share this.. just encode YongHwa & SeoHyun - Special Stage (Sep,4,10)
















to .WMA  file ^^
















Happy Happy with Our Sweet Potato .. :wub:
















edit : about next week preview..i think it is juri's episode because this time is her promoting period..
















and fishing's epi will be on-air after that .. :sweatingbullets:









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Guest lunasol
















































Preview is out... Uero Juri next week, man it is me or they seem very very close in the preview, it is a different aura when they are talking together....























































That's what I felt by just the short preview!!! As if they have a mature relationship on a normal dinner date without awkwardness. 
































What I am wondering since this was recorded recently if she was finally talking Banmal to him in the preview? If someone know please tell.
































mklavo2: I think since Ueno Juri is in promotion for her movie and needs the show to be presented now, they are just going to broadcast it as a "special episode" and then go back to episodes recorded almost 2 months ago. I don't care if they jump because now we will get a glimpse of how they are right now, which is something people has been wondering for a long while.   

















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Guest keira53




CNBLUE and SNSD’s Seohyun special stage at 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave!








In place of the regular weekly broadcast of MBC’s Music Core, the concert extravaganza, 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave was shown in place of the music show.




During the concert, a special stage involving CNBLUE and SNSD’s Seohyun was shown.




We all got to see the photos and fancams of the YongSeo couple getting intimate during their performances, but now we finally get to see them in action on tv!




The boys of CNBLUE along with Seohyun performed SNSD’s hit track Run Devil Run as well as their own track Love Light, check it out below!










Special Stage






credit: allkpop



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Guest anne0129












The thread is so quiet.... :(








Hope someone will upload YT videos....this is killing me. (soompi is acting so weird today) I am having a hard time viewing and commenting. It's making me crazy. :crazy:



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everyone here's the PREVIEW

































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Hi everyone, finally back after no internet for the past few days. Missed the first few minutes of the episode as I was still recovering from the air flight. Then the  show lagged, I could only hear the speech  and laughters but can't see any images, it was so fustrating.




Anyway, I will be back to spazz later. Finally, we are able to see their latest deveoplements in details in next week. Hopefully, those filming captured earlier will not be deleted. Last but not least,




WGM PDnim, I love you too.











Thanks and many many Thanks again for giving our couple longer air time today and granting Yongseo couple and Gogumas fans wishes many many times.





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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my internet connection today is so suck :/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































luckily yongseo's episode has done before the lagging comes..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just view the preview for a few sec tho'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today's episode is daebakk!! bro in law is so hilarious xDDDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they have become closer now..no more awkwardness.. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong is very caring of hyun :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the hi-5 thing.. mostly like yong wanted to hug hyun :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also near the end of the episode, hyun also help yong to wear his jacket back.. so sweet <333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for the next episode <3333

































































































































































































































































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Too bad I wasn't able to see the preview but I saw the whole episode. Again, it focused on Hyun's relationship with CN Blue. Her bonding with them. But I still like it because of the subtle connection of the couple had.

The broadcast of the duet was so...-_-. The camera didn't focused on the couple. It's either Seohyun or Yonghwa.

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EDIT: opss sorry im on top
































part one is out YONGSEO sept 4 part 1
































































CR:keoconvoineverdie so fast thank you^^,

































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