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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest anissafiah

Goshhhhhhhhhhhh! I woke up from my sleep just to watch the videos! They are the best!!!!

Yonghwa and Seohyun, please get married~~~

I can't imagine if they're not with each other anymore after this, and being in love with someone else! They really suit each other!!!

And, I was thinking, what would their parents think or say to their children (Yonghwa/Seohyun) after watching the performance?? I bet, they got heart attacks just like me!! Dying in so much happiness right now~~ Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!

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Guest kodoque_1




















Credit to yongseofacts and divermento22 you tube channel




















































































































































































YONGSEO FTW :wub::wub::wub:





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Guest NilyxYongSeo






After watching many times, I've noticed:


- When Yong gave her his hand, she took it and stepped one


- At the end, I don't know if that's, but it seems to me that Yong extends her arm back then she put her hand on his shoulder and then slowly up his arm.


- I also noticed that Yong gave her a slap before picking his guitar ?


Thank you very much for your videos *o* I can't stop watching it xDD addict ? xD



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Guest codename_burning






hello goguma planet. newbie here.


my cuz and i have been following this thread for quite a while now, but i only registered at this very moment. haha





we were very curious about what happened after their performance so we downloaded the fancam we got from utube this one --->




and slow-moed it so that we can have a good preview of what really "happened". apparently, accdg to the vid we got, after patting yongs shoulder, hyun also linked her hands to yong's arm. but since yong forgot his guitar, hyun removed her hand while yong ran for his guitar. hahahaha. if only we cud upload the slow mo-ed vid we have here. the two of us are laughing like crazy here while everyone in our house is already fast asleep. 




we just can't get enough of yongseo. 





love.love.love  :)))



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Guest YongSeo
































































































Tonight going to be a good good night! My heart melts watching the videos n photos!!! Well done! Yongseo!!

































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Guest JustMeee




























Ending yongseo
























hello all gogumas!!! i also felt the same as many of u guys!!!!!
























u can see in the above link as shared by many, OBVIOUSLY AT THE END HYUN WALK A BIT FASTER AND LINK YONG'S ARM!!
























then yong wanted to take his guitar and therefore hyun's palm slipped down to yong's palm and then they let go!!!
























omgggg i watched this super many times before i post! hahahahah. im JUMPING ALL AROUND after im really convinced by my eyes. omgomgomgomg!!!! and my jaw is so tired cause i've been smiling all along!!!!!!
























anyone else saw???? HAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!



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Guest Kerube-Chan




























For the love of god I am reading in my mobile and this is driving me crazy. My head hurts for grinin to much. I cant stop smiling at your comments i cant watch the videos but i love you comments if they were holding hands while gettin.g backstage, i will die from hapiness. i need to get home soon this is driving me crazy.
























happy spazzing my fellow goguma shippers.



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Guest haeanna
















Regarding the fancam that you guys have been talking about..








here is my 2 cents~~
















not trying to be negative here but,
















dON'T YOU GUYS think maybe THEY were filming WGM right after the performance.?














maybe the pd was there to interview them??







and that's WHY Hyun was calling Yong to move faster?? IDK.. just my hunch














Because MBC gonna aired this concert next week so it is possible that the production team from WGM were also there to capture those moments.














I just hope that the performance wasn't one of the 'mission'...















nevertheless..both Seohyun and Yonghwa really did enjoyed themselves and it is enough for me.
































EDIT: I guess my mind is not functioning correctly!
















Sorry for my nonsense ramblings up there!! :sweatingbullets:
















AFTER seeing the fancam multiple times, YES!! Hyun did link arm with Yong and sorta hold onto his arm before they let go because Yong needs to get his Guitar....I am gonna believe my own eyes :w00t:









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Guest Crystal392










For some odd reason my laptop is refusing to load SeoHwa page thread :o but luckily I have my iTouch and it works perfectly hehehe






If the perf was a mission from WGM I'll be grateful to WGM PDs forever <3 Because if not they wouldn't have had a chance to sing together. I don't think they were going to film later because It's very late and Yong would die from tired ess. CNBLUE had a perf on Sat and then today he had to record Inkigayo, then take a flight to Incheon for the perf. I am sure he is exhausted.






I am a happy Goguma :)






Btw,Yong wore THE ring on Inki :D



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first of all...wow...I've like almost one hour to catched up this thread...today was DAEBAKK....love yongseo couple...they are REAL...about last part that they went in together and linked arm..I guess it's come kind of mission or something...but let wait later ( well still long thought) but they stared they hold hand, they really in love I guess...I bet they are really dating..but keep in secret and make everyone know that they do this because of WGM.




































one more thing, I noticed how they arranged most of the them to shoot WGM..and they really worked hard to be able to shoot WGM...it pretty amazing to me. because I noticed from previous couple in WGM...dont know who...couldnt remember, they always stopped WGM because of their schedule ( too much concert) but again probably, because the couples now they can easily have more time because the one aired was already long time ago...but yeah...I love YONGSEO couple...




































hahaha..seeem everyone already off to sleep now just 289 user,but so many guests...?




































GOGUMAAAAAA...( btw, I am eating goguma right now...





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Hmmm..jhetd... from my point of view.. I think after the end of the song Hyun actually kind of link her hand to his arms.. then he said something to her, that he has to pick up his guitar, that's when she slowly let her hand drop.. then she went running to the exit door.. upon not seeing her hubby behind her she turn around & called to him to hurry which he did & actually left his dongsengs behind! :D

anyway that's my point of view.. but if there are other goguma detectives who can spot differently do enlighten us! :D kamsa hamnida!

Now i will see LOVE LIGHT & RDR in a whole new way~ YONGSEO style!!  :w00t:


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































Regarding the fancam that you guys have been talking about..
































































































































here is my 2 cents~~
































































































































not trying to be negative here but,
































































































































dON'T YOU GUYS think maybe THEY were filming WGM right after the performance.?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe the pd was there to interview them??































































































































































































































































and that's WHY Hyun was calling Yong to move faster?? IDK.. just my hunch






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because MBC gonna aired this concert next week so it is possible that the production team from WGM were also there to capture those moments.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just hope that the performance wasn't one of the 'mission'...































































































































































































































































































































































































nevertheless..both Seohyun and Yonghwa really did enjoyed themselves and it is enough for me.































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for pointing it out. I was actually thinking of it myself. the performance could be WGM related but nevertheless, those moments were LEGENDARY!!.
































































































































filming or no filming for WGM, it still made the fans, like us, happy. some of us might have gone crazy. hahaha.
































































































































also, if there were WGM cameras rolling, whats important to me was the way the looked at each other and the way they held each other's hand. I compared it to Seohyun and Kyuhyun's holding hands moment and it is really different. to me, Yong and Hyun's holding hands moment felt real and the look on each other's faces feels sincere and genuine. no awkward feeling whatsoever.
































































































































and also the moments, after the performance. Hyun was holding on to Yong's arms when the lights went out. normally Seohyun doesn't do that, especially to a guy. because Yong isn't just a 'guy' anymore, he is her husband now. :)

































































































































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dON'T YOU GUYS think maybe THEY were filming WGM right after the performance.?

maybe the pd was there to interview them??

and that's WHY Hyun was calling Yong to move faster?? IDK.. just my hunch

Because MBC gonna aired this concert next week so it is possible that the production team from WGM were also there to capture those moments.

I just hope that the performance wasn't one of the 'mi

I was thinking about that, too, and I'm quite sure that something there is WGM related (maybe "Hold Hand On Stage" Mission?), but even IF there was something WGM related, I'm quite sure Hyun wouldn't have done that when the lights went out (touching Yonghwa's shoulder/holding his hand) and the waving - I think she just was concerned. And even if they *were* in a hurry, he certainly would know that, too; the waving "Hurry, Hurry!" was her concern for him, I think.



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bluebird: I think you may be right... I am not 100% sure they held hands, I think so but it was too dark to tell. But I am 100% sure that Hyun was holding Yong's arm :wub: She first touched his should and then his arm... then Yong had to go to pick up his guitar and she waited for him.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First woke up and heart is thumping bad! OMGGGGGG .... these 2 kills me right after i woke up .... Both expressions are pricesless!!! So Happily indulging in the moment of singing toward each other, their ears to ears smile ...





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post Crystal ... after reading all comments, i replayed many times and trying to understand the hand / arm link gesture at the very end of fancam. My 2 cents is Hyun tapped on Yong shoulder then kinda glide down to his arm, and my thoughts at that point was she was reminding him to pick up his guitar, then, if you notice, Yong kept walking and Hyun had to pad him harder (a light hit) on the shoulder and remind him his guitar. Then he turn and notice his pointed his right hand at his back (I guess hinting Hynn to walk her way out first), then like you all notice, Hyun waited him at the door and he quickly walk back without waiting for the rest of the boys!































































































































































































































































































* At the very end, I think Yong was totally mesmerized by Hyun's charm and shy from hand holding, that's why he FORGOT about this guitar and dear wify is reminding him TWICE by padding and light hitting him!!!*






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also noticed Hyun is picking up her husband Rocker's naughtiness, see how sexily naughty she could be with Yong in the performance?!?!






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Such great match - Both are so charismatic and each is a a combo of NAUGTY and ANGELIC!!!































































































































































































































































































(hope this pic wasn't shared ... just want to point out their naughty stare) ~~~





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMO ..... my SUNDAY is BEAUTIFUL ~~~~~~









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Guest dreamz86








Wow!!! Thanks for the fancams guys!! Finally can witness this epic moment for real! They are soo cute :D




Can't wait for the WGM episode for this - wheeeee!



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Guest Crystal392










A part of me hopes they were filming WGM so we can see their reactions, but a part of me hopes they weren't :P I am happy anyways hehehehe :lol: Soo much love on this thread <3 I love love love it.






I found this picture on DCmarried and added some text :P





















:wub: Hyun






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Guest bAngs_zatie












*watch fancam...spazzz...fainted...watch again..spazz..fainted again*..lol..yongseo effect :lol:




wow guys...i only left for few hours to watch badminton game and the page move like 20+...hahaha







omg,their duet is lovely..if i'm just a fan n already beyond happy,i wonder what our couple feel... ;)














thank u for all the links n pict....arghhh,is i'm too greedy for asking more clear n close fancam???*sigh*














how i wish this fancam is extended...that we all can know what r they really doing...holding hand or link arm??hmm..





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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































Omygoodness, Gogumas, I'm squealing and screaming and squirming and grinning like a little girl. I'm so jittery and giddy!  
































































A week or two ago, I had posted a few things that I wanted to see from this couple and THREE of them happened last night:
































































1) They performed together.
































































2) They held hands.
































































3)They had NATURAL skinship. SOME INITIATED BY SEOHYUN!!!w00t.gif
































































They're so beautifullll. PLEASE JUST START DATING FOR REALLLLL. I'm sure we'd all be very sad if WGM were to end for our dear couple, but still, AHHHHH.
































































Happy belated 200th day, YongSeowub.gif
































































Happy 900th Page-iversary, Gogumas cool.gif
































































And thank you everybody for the fancams and beautiful pictures. 

































































































































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OMG!! Thanks all for sharing!








Today is such a happy day








Took me like nearly 2 hrs to catch up with the thread and watching the fancams








I think the holding hand could be a mission both of them decided to do








but anyway, whatever reason, I'm thankful & happy.








About the end part, where they were rushing,















I kept looking at JongHyun instead, I think he bumped his leg on the door, coz when he wanted to go in, the person guarding the door just suddenly opened it and hit JH's leg..















hope it's not too painful >.<








Love the entire performance from Love to RDR to Love Light









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Guest Caliope

Now... Yongseo is boring??

Are you sure??? blush.gif

Boring??? :phew:

Yongseo is cute, funny, sweet, cool... And so so so SEXY :wub:

I can't stop see the fancams. They are very close ^^

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