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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest exceptional.chic












u can read it here. thats the very reason we gogumas are soo hyper today
















yong...pics are worth a thousand words.... :P















thanks a lot. i totally understand everything right now.
























just finished watching the latest ep. i soooo love the part when yong held hyun's hands because she accidently cut herself (the skin, of course) while chopping. uhhh, no more awkwardness. i really hope that soon enough hyun would be speaking to yong just like the way she speaks with jungshin.
















the pictures are killing meeeee. yeah, fancams where art thou? i can't wait. sweeeet.








thanks for the audio! it's a relief. :)





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aaahhh the warm fuzzy feeling seeing Hyun's loving expression when they held hands, in my opinion is much more lively and heartfelt than when she held hands with Kyu Hyun (SJ) don't worry Yong...Hyun's hand might be momentarily holding someone else at that time, but she lets you hold her heart.... ;)

































































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OMO OMO OMO! This totally pulled me out of lurker mode! I can't believe my eyes! Watching the first episode, I don't think I ever thought this day would come!






























AHHH! It's like a dream come true! They truly make such a beautiful couple and you can just tell they absolutely adore each other!






























Can't wait for fancams!









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Guest Jillwithercraft

If I may say it... I have watched so many Yonghwa's performance, and I can say ALL since CN Blue's debut...

But based on those pictures alone... This was the HAPPIEST I have seen of him...

His eyes is glowing... Seobaby too...

Im happy fangirl rooting for this two, and now can't wait for fancam <3

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Guest Caliope

6 pages created in this thread in 30 minutes hahahaha

Omg!! Yongseo so SEXY!!! Omg!! His face!! His face in love hahahaha

I can't wait fancams... URGENT!!! :D

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Guest waniey_haha

 omo ...omo...omo...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't stop smiling.... this was surely THE MOST DAEBAK.....spontaneous is alwayz da best....

eventhough i have exam tomorrow....but nevermind....yongseo couple..JjANGGGGGGGGGG.... i love all of their pictures.... OF COZ THIS WAT WE CALLED LOVE!!!!>>>Love !!! love !! LOVE !!!...everyboody CLAP !!! CLAP!!! CLAP!!

             our wishes have beeen fullfilled.....!!!! it became tRUE>>>>

 their stare..so sweeeettttttttttt.... yooong....hold her tightly....


i really ...really love this.... they seems belong to their own world....SARANGBIT....


yoong..your cheekbone.... we can see that u was very 100x hepy.....


i bet...tonight...yooong n hyunnn cannot go to sleep when they remembered what happened on the stage...

all sis in law n bro in law....go tease them till morning.....heeeeee

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yah! all dat pic are totally daebak!! really cant wait for fancam...

mood : crazy !!!

aigo, they rock da world... rooker hubby with his lovely wife..plus with jonghyun+jungshin+minhyuk..such a happy family...

really want to know seobaby's unnies reaction.. for sure,they gonna be da most hyper after all..

jinwoonie.be strong!!

about kyu n seobaby..yeah its more brother-lil sis... but for this YONGSEO couple, its really luv luv luv.. both are really happy.. can see thru their eyes... from view of WGM, they are hubby n wife.. but for the real life, they already dating and currently in relationship now... :wub::wub:

today, officially they declare their relationship, live..in front of thousand people..hehe.. that was real..REAL.. :P

action speak louder than word..yeah!!

tq everyone for da pic and link..tq so much!! happy day gogumas!!


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Guest Crystal392






Many of you know I was a fan of YongHwa a long time before he got married with Hyun and, as a fan, I can say with 99.999999% confidence that he loves Hyun soo much. His face radiates happiness on those pics and the way he looks at her... God he adores her soo much <3 and he can't be faking this because, even though he did a good job in YAB as a rookie actor, he never looked at GoMiNam with the same intensity he looked at his gorgeous wife.


I am soo proud to be a YongSeo/Goguma fan.





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haaha jnj!!! good job on updating everyone's twitter! xD i was so surprised at how fast this thread is going right now!! had to backtrack a lot...and boy! SEOHWA, THE POWER COUPLE OF THE CENTURY!!!! *faints*

thanks everyone for the pics & infos!!!!

deng, i can't seem to get over these pics!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm hyperventilating here!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

i wonder if yong has already confessed to hyun at this point of time... if he hasn't, he should! this is just the right opportunity man! but again, it seems like he already has?? those pics depict lotsa LOVE! and the way he held hyun's hand is just :wub: i wonder if they planned the holding hands or not 'cause the way they held hands were a bit weird (experimented with my mom...it was weird LOL xD) so i'm guessing that it was a very spontaneous performance from them... ohohooh they're declaring their love in front of billions of ppl just by their stares!!!!! sorry, i think i'm not making much sense here due to the sudden impact of those pics :w00t:

edit: crystal, i love love ur comment on yong!!! even before u mention about him being 99.999%, i can already somehow feel it just by looking at the pics.... this couple is really a genuine i must say! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :wub:

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Guest shorty_babygurl03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really want to #yongseo to trend in twitter right now! for this special event that happened! for those who have twitter ask the people your following to help us tweet #yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cant wait for fancams
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ps. i already tweet someone who has many followers to help us trend #yongseo

































































































































































































































































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omg if Yong didn't reherse earlier today, DOES THAT MEAN THEY HAVE PRACTISED TOGETHER IN THEIR OWN TIME ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh dear, I think Yongseo is like my new adrenaline...Feeling a little over excited at the moment just from pics.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think i"m going to faint or something when the fancams come out! O_O

































































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yong was beaming with happiness..haha

be careful of the bursting cheeks yong! :lol:

compare to seokyu hand holding which look sooo rehearsed,

yongseo is much much much real.

i'd still say they did not hold hands but grab hands, more intimate. :wub:

this reminds me of the time they played badminton..ah...

lets see who grab whose hands first?

fancams....u're killing us softly with this waiting... :lol:

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Guest blu3bird80




I was like WHATTTT?!!! OMO!! OMO!!

way to go YONG!!!.. long live GODDESS HYUN!! for REALLLL!! BOTH of you really done it this time.. this is enough guguma power to spazz to page 1000!! 5 mill view is coming close guysss.. YongSeo DEABAKK.. GuGUma aliEn DEABAKKK!!!


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Guest jesc09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm still waiting for fancams lol.. ;p
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And this is totally crazy.. 738 users online right now.. O_O

































































































































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Seriously, I came home and then.. this!


I'm so happy right now, that I don't even care if my brother thinks I'm crazy.


Well, I am crazy because of these two! AHAHA.


They look so happy, that just looking at their pictures makes me so happy.


And Seohyun looks lovely, and sexy. And Yonghwa.. HAH! The look says it all. ♥


Today's a happy day.. for the both of them, and for all of us!


Thanks so much for the updates, dears! I seriously can't wait for the fancams. ♥


Oh yeah, once again here's my twitter: http://twitter.com/sierra_walsh



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Guest shorty_babygurl03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































everyone lets tweet #yongseo while waiting for fancams! my id is shorty_babygurl

































































































































































































































































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Guest bintangkalerbiru


this is totally a great night!!!

looking at their pic, i can say that it's surely a gift for us goguma shipper for their 200th day anniversary where our dream has come true!!!

LOVE IS IN THE AIR!! lalalalalaaa~

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Just for fun. For some reason, those photos from Yonghwa reminds me of this cartoon character Anpanman from Japan.








Edit: to capture for record the highest I ever seem.




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Guest dreamz86








Aww this is the sweetest couple!!! I've been a silent shipper for a while and this event has prompted me to make my first post!! I loveeee YongSeo!!




Hope the fancams are released soon ^___^



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