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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest taemay

Hey all,

News about the behind the scenes casting process that MBC’s We Got Married uses has recently been revealed to the public.

On the latest broadcast, 2PM’s Nichkhun told f(x)’s Victoria that he had told the production staff he wanted to be on We Got Married with her. Since then, viewers have been wondering whether personal preferences played a significant impact on the casting of couples on the show.

A representative stated,

“In Victoria’s case, Nichkhun’s wish played a big part. Also, in 2AM’s Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls’ Ga-in’s case, they both said each other’s name in the casting interview… Jo Kwon and Ga-in were each asked to list three people they wanted as their partners, and both named each other on this list.“

However, the “Yongseo couple” was a different case. SNSD’s Seohyun didn’t have anyone in particular that she wanted as her partner. Similarly, CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa didn’t have anyone in particular that he wanted as a partner either. As a result, they were “stuck” together.

Well, in retrospect, aren’t we glad the production staff decided to match the two?

ehem... ^ ^ ... Glad to hear that both Yongseo Couple don't have any preference 'partner' for them self during the interview.  So, now can we decided that yongseo couple now running for their true love?:wub::wub::wub:

Sources :allkpop


when i read this artikel, my heart says, "They are so match together...." >,< :wub:

sometimes dressed in the same time...

have an error in the stage together....

failed to have driving licence together (althoght we can see, they're has capabilities in that skill.. ) :(

oooh... it's like destiny, right??? :wub::wub:

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Wow..so many people already 63users ..Morning everyone. :D .well at least for me here is already 7am and 8am korea time..




So, are we ready for today's show.. hell yes since last week i've been waiting and counting for today ...




cant wait to see reaction of seobaby and the jealousy hubby toward his own "jungshin chingoo"




now we just wait for yonghwa to visit SNSD dorm..


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Guest Crystal392






irene2001ho: Thanks for translating that.


bintangkalerbiru: I am also excited for CNBLUES perf on Sunday!!! Hope you will spazz more here (:


lenovo: Thanks for sharing that article! hehehe I love how YongSeo were stuck together. Hyun loved sweet potatoes more than boys, and Yong believed that 'ideal was just ideal' so he didn't have an ideal girl. And fate brought them together ♥Yong&Hyun♥ and fate made me watch their cuts, find this lovely soompi thread and meet amazing people: my lovely Gogumas who have helped me soo much and cheered me up countless of times.


woollylamb: Awww :( But hopefully all the Gogumas from Singapore will go and cheer our lovely Hyun and scream 'YongHwaa' ^_^


fengz & lenovo: OMG I love love love your suggestions. Soo 'S' is for Supercalifragislisticdocious? hehehe :lol:


shenibabi: I recommend clumsy and Jossa's fics. Hopefully someone can share some links ^^


DJHinata: Thanks for sharing that info ^^ Well, they will perform together on their 199th day together... hehehe one day before their 200th day anniversary <3


scatterbrain: She doesn't have any problem using it with someone younger than her or her age. The 'problem' is with people older than her, she doesn't even use banmal with her unnies :P So using it with Yong is a very big thing for her :) Hyun~ is trying on her way, she has zero experience on relationships so she probably doesn't know what do but she has changed soo much during WGM. If you watch the first episode she was soo quiet,shy and imo a bit stiff, and now she is so talkative, smiles a lot, jokes and does lots of aegyo when she is with Yong ^^ I love how their relationship has developed.


Timnat2010: Thanks for sharing all those links *goes off to watch*


Caliope: OMG Welcome back! Today I remembered you! I was going to my house and thought happily that in a few more hours I will be able to watch a new ep of my lovely YongSeo and then I thought about the thread and remembered you went on a trip right? You are a spanish boice right? (if not then ignore what I just said wrote -.-). Welcome back :D About the woman, hmmmm we really don't know; I don't think is one of the boys mom, maybe a stylist or someone who helped them at the concert?


jesc09 & blueswim_boo: I agree 100% with what you said.


Carrotgirl: Welcome to the thread!! *throws lots of confetti* I love looong posts so I had so much fun reading yours. Yeah, each couple is unique and amazing but I love YongSeo the most... I enjoy so much to watch how their relationship grows because as you said, that's how true relationship develops. From lots of akward moments when you didn't know what to talk about until moments where you could talk and talk and talk and then just stay quiet and look into the eyes of that special person :wub:


ppsf: You are our Baidu queen (or king? :P) Thanks soo much for making and sharing those screencaps and translations. Aww I am soo happy to see Yong showing his ring, it shows he is really proud to be married to Hyun <3 hehehe I love his shy smiles... those smiles are only because of Hyun; on interviews when they ask him about Hyun he always smiles that way: shyly hehehehe blush.gif And it was so sweet of him to flash his ring specially when they asked him about his ideal type.


_d3seohyun: And that's the reason why you are the queen of screencaps <3 I just love the male MC, I feel so bad for always forgetting his name but he is my fave ^^ Hyun~'s reaction when she found out she made a mistake was soo cute ^///^ And the elevator scene... god Yong was soo shy and kept looking at the floor and thanks to the mirror on the elevator you could see Hyun's bright smile but then she got shy too... hehehehe so sweet.


jnj: I LOVE long posts.


cailei: OMG I didn't think about that in that way, you ar right... She always used to deny and said it was probably because of fashion trend, but this time she pointed it out. So maybe she was thinking about Yong when she decided what to wear? :)


taemay: A match made in heaven indeed.


OMG I am soo excited for tomorrow/later today ep.


Btw, do you think the thread will reach the 900 page and 5million views before their 200th day anniversary? Everything is possible in Gogumaland! =D


YongHwa and SeoHyun - Messages For Each Other


YongHwa and SeoHyun - Geu De Ji Gum

°by ladygahee°


~Our lovely YongSeo has grown soo much~




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hi everyone...this week is all good news.. i love it..^^, i have to stay up until 2-3am today to watch our favorite couple..^^< 

 hmm.guys by a chance can anyone please teach how to put video links and put a words on it just like the way you guys do it??i dont know if i make sense??but pleasee helpppmellow.giflaugh.gif


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Yonghwa schedule Aug 29






































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [broadcast] SBS Inkigayo (YongHwa MC)















































































































































































































































































  • [Performance] Incheon Korean Music Wave 2010 @ 7:00 PM Incheon Munhak World Cup Stadium 

















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Guest Crystal392






mklavo2: Click on the chain that's next to the smilie face on the window you write the message (like Fast Reply). There you insert the URL on 'URL' and write what you want on 'Link text' :D Hope it helped.


Su_Aziz: Thanks for sharing CNBLUE's august schedule. ^^


**DCmarried post: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=454293


According to google translator it is a screencap of a chinese newspaper. They reported about SNSD showcase in Japan and CNBLUE showcase in HongKong... and their pictures were next to each other. Fate? :wub:





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Guest baby_bo




hi everyone...this week is all good news.. i love it..^^, i have to stay up until 2-3am today to watch our favorite couple..^^< 


 hmm.guys by a chance can anyone please teach how to put video links and put a words on it just like the way you guys do it??i dont know if i make sense??but pleasee helpppmellow.giflaugh.gif



I hope i could explain this well..


When you post a reply, at the top of the reply box you can see the smilie right?


Besid that is an "INSERT LINK ICON" when you click that the first line is for the YT link, 2nd line is for the TEXT Title you want for that link :)


HOpe this helps :D



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I hope i could explain this well..


When you post a reply, at the top of the reply box you can see the smilie right?


Besid that is an "INSERT LINK ICON" when you click that the first line is for the YT link, 2nd line is for the TEXT Title you want for that link :)


HOpe this helps :D



thank you^^, well done for your explanation ^^, thanks alot again..^^, biggrin.gifwub.gif



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Guest Crystal392






*YongSeo effect....


...For the interview part, the MC said the questions were sent in by fans.....


And the MC sort of added fun to it saying they gotta show us the parts more clearly.


MH: Skin. He said his eyes are too small. The MC joked that the Korean word sounds like ‘butt’ in Cantonese. Then YH sort of stared at MH’s butt …


YH: Eyes. He said he doesn’t have double eyelids but they’re quite big. Then he just ‘showed’ how cute his eyes are.


JH: Dimples. He said he doesn’t have many facial expressions usually but his dimples really make his smiles look great. Then he smiled his big smiles to show the super cute dimples!


JS: Before he gave his answer, YH suddenly went down the stage … he grabbed a sign from a fan that read ‘Avatar’ in Korean and asked JS to hold it. Answer? Collar bones. Imagine how he showed us his collar bones!...


To read the whole post go to CNBLUE thread



AVATAR! :lol:


Posted at DCmarried: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=453231





~Jungshin holding an AVATAR sign~



Chinese Gogumas are awesome :D



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You guys are sharing so many good things while I am sleeping. Sometimes I cannot decide whether I like reading so many comments at the same time or to be there when those wonderful news were shared.

So the latest news from WGM PD selection of those two validated what all of us in goguma planet have believed all along, that it is fate and destiny that brought them together. No wonder, sometimes we felt that it was an arranged marriage like the olden days and the couple worked hard to make their relationship lovely. It reminds me of those newspaper reporting on couples who have married for more than 50 years or 70 years how they met and walked through life together. Usually, the kids will also commented how the mother took care of the father and that they geniunely love each other and think about the other. Of course, there are no huge display of public "skinship" just care and concern.

Now, I need to go back and rewatch episode 1 again with this new piece of information of how they are paired up. Those are geninue surprise. 

Blueswim_boo & jesc09, I love your post and agreed with it totally. I just like to add that what started as a punishment for a day to use banmal, had went beyond its original deadline. The day Seohyun really use banmal with Yonghwa, I believed it is the day she really accept him in her heart not because of the show.

 It is like virginity. Sorry for the non PG comment


I must say that these two have been very consistent and truthful. If you ignored the words and tied it back to actions etc it matched quite well. Yonghwa don't care about ideals, don't have anyone in mind to pair up for wgm, never voluntarily mentioned any other woman's name in variety show except for Seohyun, did not pay much attention to any lady.

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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Awwwww.... I melted at this. Our rocker turned shyboy in front of a girl. hehehe.































































































































































































































































































































































































You can barely forget your first... ever!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love it when everyone is so spazzed up every Saturday!!!! So early in the morning and even the QUEENS/KING??? (_d3 & ppsf - where are the others??? hehe) have come to give us juicy stuffs in this lovely weekend.































































































































































































































































































































































































And of course everyone in the Goguma family as well.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































shenibabi: I second on crystal's recommendations: Clumsy's link































































































































































































































































































































































































Can someone post jossa's link please.... im using my brother's lappy i dont have my bookmarks here.































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh yeah, include TRENT's fic as well.... il edit the links later.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal -- I'm thinking if the two give us some real goodies both for today's episode and on the concert and their whatevers in between ----- Let's make it to a thousand!!!! hehehe.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Woah, i wonder how they felt being featured in the same magazine together. awww.... :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































HOw destined can they ever be????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We'll have a great day everyone!!!!!!!! **big hugz to each one**































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YongSeo
















Now, I need to go back and rewatch episode 1 again with this new piece of information of how they are paired up. Those are geninue surprise. 
















Sorry to cut your post. I would also like to rewatch epi 1 but MBC has been suspending those video acct so much so that it is hard to find the first few episodes. Does anyones have the videos for epi 1 - 7??
















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My imagination for #yongseoduetperf tomorrow..






























































































































































































































































1)If they sing a slow song,Yong will put his arm around Hyun's waist & vice versa..






























































































































































































































































2)They'll hold hands while singing & look into each others eyes..






























































































































































































































































3)After finish perf,they'll give each other a hug..






























































































































































































































































Aigoo~ imagining all this is giving me goosebumps..LOL
















































































^_^Have a great day peeps!!

















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Guest _d3seohyun

@crystal. that avatar fan sign reminded me of a post from the snsd c: i.said.hi.

this one from japan




I remember we had a fellow goguma lover here from japan. I hope she's reading this and we'll

be able to update us on the status of YONGSEO love in japan :D

@lenovo. I know. I love hearing and reading that part "YOU'RE THE FIRST."

in a few years it will be... "AND YOU'LL ALSO BE THE LAST." kyaaaa!

@fengz. your list is making me want to do another betting list bwahhaah

maybe we can trend YONGSEO on twitter today and tomorrow?

a simple gesture for their upcoming 200th day :wub:

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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My imagination for #yongseoduetperf tomorrow..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1)If they sing a slow song,Yong will put his arm around Hyun's waist & vice versa..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2)They'll hold hands while singing & look into each others eyes..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3)After finish perf,they'll give each other a hug..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aigoo~ imagining all this is giving me goosebumps..LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































^_^Have a great day peeps!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YAH, fengz --- DAYDREAMING so early in the morning!!! hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































awwwwww..... **happy weekend to us girl!** **hugz**
































































































































































































































































































































































































catch yah and the girls later, ok????
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































_d3 First and last indeed!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































let's trend it on twitter. I love that idea. btw, wats ur twitter account???

































































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Guest scatterbrain

i's so ashamed for bringing up the banmal thing. so sorry...

guess i'm just worrying over nothing. thanks crystal_malfoy, jesc09, blueswim_boo, baby_bo(how can i be jealous of this couple?hahahaha...i love both of the very much, even to the extent of praying for them :wub: ), jnj.

YongHwa wanted SeoHyun to think as if he's of the same age (it's like lying to herself right?), but she is very honest and can't think that way. so i now admire her for being strong to her beliefs.

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@crystal_malfoy thank you. it only was great because you came up with CNBLUES first!






@d3seohyun i want it as a poster too! :)






i cant wait for the episode to come out. and it'd be even greater to see it with subs! yong being jealous... AGAIN. then being all caring and loving :) (ahh!) I'm spazzing. and i seriously want to figure out why jungshin randomly holds things. like the laddle from the last episode and the brotherinlaws were hiding. and whatever that yellow thing he was holding during the preview of seohyun's hurt finger.






so the performance with CNBLUES isnt airing until next week right?


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































A little more than five hours left, Gogumas biggrin.gif
































































I just wanted to let you know that in an effort to spread the CNBLUE, SNSD, and YongSeo Couple love, I have written an article to be featured on the Soompi homepage regarding our dear couple's much anticipated joint performance. Check it out!
































































Whenever there's big news about either, or both, of them, give me an original article, and I'll translate for the entire Soompi world to see.laugh.gif

































































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Guest fabregas215

so,basically, it is REALLY match made in heaven..

they stuck for each other..

its purely fate that brings them together..


come to think again,i never watch we got married season 1 before and i only watch this season because of yong hwa.( crazy about him since you're beautiful)

and i'm a bit ignorant to the kpop before this..

dont even know seohyun before we got married..

apologies to all seohyun fan outhere...

being a medic student doesnt help me in keeping up to date with all the kpop news..

but since watching the yong seo couple, i slowly turning into a CRAZy fan girl..LOL~

i ended up reading this thread and all those yong seo fanfic instead of my anatomy books

i just L0VE both of them=)

oh,and is it just me or YONG kinda gain some weight there in those recent picture?

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Guest goldflower

:wub: :wub: :wub: i hope they will start dating for real. they look good together. hehehe. cnt wait for goguma time

sorry for topping the page without anything to share. ;D

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