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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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welll... I saw the picture and the youtube video...about seohyun holding hand....I guess uhm...from the picture I can see that she just doing that because it a work...remember the yong video with other girl ( singer..) doing his rap thing...? but, I can felt that I dont have any "special" feel when hyun hold kyu hand. not like when she was with Yong...hehhe ...just my thought...




































and about the ring...I guess someone said before...maybe SM asked hyun to not wear the ring..so she decided not to wear any ring...good thought...




































can wait for next week...will be fun as well....





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hi..finally found vid of hyun duet..its kyuhyun focus but we can clearly hear hyun voice..but ohh,they sound so good esp hyun..hehe..biased much




notes:This vid shown their upper body..(no holding hand part..hehe..)..











their duet was beautiful blueswim_boo...thanks for sharing...














they sound even better than the original song in the anime OST: Original Song Clip




come to think of it...it's so Seohyun to sing a song from an anime...my kinda girl... :lol:




we can tell the owner of the video really didn't want to capture Seohyun at all even though there was more than ample space in the screen for her... :P oh well...at least we still got to hear her lovely voice... :wub:





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Guest blueswim_boo




their duet was beautiful blueswim_boo...thanks for sharing...


they sound even better than the original song in the anime OST: Original Song Clip

come to think of it...it's so Seohyun to sing a song from an anime...my kinda girl... :lol:

we can tell the owner of the video really didn't want to capture Seohyun at all even though there was more than ample space in the screen for her... :P oh well...at least we still got to hear her lovely voice... :wub:

hey,thank you for the original ver of the song..currently listening to it.its beautiful song..haha...lol..i guess so but better that way or else those crazy elfs come and bash her in that vid too..silly fangirls...i wonder if yong pride will get hurt if he knew her buin was in 10th trending worlwide this evening because crazy fangirls jealous of her and that guy is not even him.I hope not.I hope next concert,hyun wont need to hold hand anymore..Fans can be scarily crazy sometimes..


Edit:Yeah,Hyun duet sound much better than original  ^_^


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hey,thank you for the original ver of the song..currently listening to it.its beautiful song..haha...lol..i guess so but better that way or else those crazy elfs come and bash her in that vid too..silly fangirls...i wonder if yong pride will get hurt if he knew her buin was in 10th trending worlwide this evening because crazy fangirls jealous of her and that guy is not even him.I hope not.I hope next concert,hyun wont need to hold hand anymore..Fans can be scarily crazy sometimes..











Edit:Yeah,Hyun duet sound much better than original  ^_^







no problem blueswim_boo...u have to thank yourself actually :lol: 'coz i searched for the song title using the clip you shared...i wanted to hear the original version vs the SM Town duet... ;)














you know what? i totally agree with you on the fangirls...it's totally scary how there can be so much hate emanating from them...do they think that by bashing Seohyun, they get a chance with Kyuhyun? :wacko: they really should grow up...i mean it's perfectly alright to idolize someone, but there are limits to everything...do they expect their idols to remain priests/monks/nuns? i really can't understand their perspective... :mellow:














Seohyun makes any guy with her look good...so even if she has to hold hands in the next SM Town Concert...she'll take it professionally...but i wish the fangirls would not bash her each & every time...it gets rather annoying...





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Guest lovekin


wah, it hurts (well, i'm exaggerating but ...) that i can't squeal with excitement about the latest episode.  i have to wait until it's translated into english.  ㅠ_ㅠ but it seems like something to really look forward to!  i'm glad that they're getting closer.




as for the seokyu moment, i don't know if anyone else noticed it, but while they were holding hands ... seo visibly keeps her distance.  i don't know whether it was intentional or not, or whether she was truly uncomfortable now that she has her "husband," but i thought it was a telling sign.  i'm not sure what to make of the missing ring events on hyun's part, though, but i like to think she's either doing it on behalf of her stylist's request or that she didn't want to lose it.  the latter sounds much better for obvious reasons. wub.gif




eek, talking about this makes me impatient!  biggrin.gif


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thank you all so much for all the goodies!





















it seemed like a very very long Saturday for all of us, so many things happened in a span of few hours!





















feel happy and proud to the guguma sisters who went to SG's showcase I was loling and awwing at your fan accounts, fanvids and pics (and envious too!) but so nice you got together to show support on them
































the episode was also pure love and spazz worthy and love every scene especially those cute unguarded moments inside the house again (I really feel like locking these 2 up on that house :sweatingbullets: )
































about those fangirls, they're really living up to their silly beliefs so just let them go crazy about those negative thoughts, besides those issues are like self-inflicted pains to themselves so I hope we won't be affected of them so much! makes me wonder why can't they just be happy seeing their idols perform for them... lame, huh?











and about seo not wearing the ring, lolz... I understand why most of us feel like any of them not wearing the ring are doing a mortal sin or being unfaithful or whatever... but please let's keep grounded and remember that WGM is just a reality show. They have individual activities that they need to adhere to rules too no matter how much they would have wanted to wear the rings. let's not forget too that she was not wearing even her SNSD ring ^_^











anyways, idk if this has been shared, one fancam with seo in it:











[Fancam] 100821 SNSD & BoA [1] @ SM Town Live 2010 in Seoul











hey, hyu~n, looking for someone? he's in s'pore, remember??? :lol::lol::lol:

































credits as tagged


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Guest seohwalove






wow today's episode = skinship :)


been a long time since my last post. Anyways, i was giggling when they were making kimchi, someone pointed it out ( sorry dont remember who) but they said that seohyun shouldnt cook. AHAHAHA ! i cant wait for english subs !


About the trending on twitter thing,



i was reading through the tweets, someone posted that while yonghwa was showing off his ring in singapore, Seohyun was having fun with Kyuhyun in Seoul? XD.. some tweets were funny, some were from scary fangirls bashing hyun >< UGH ! i laughed out loud when someone posted something like "Don't cheat on Yonghwa, Seohyun. You're too innocent to cheat." and "yeah, this reminds me, seohyun is cheating on yonghwa. Haha poor yonghwa in singapore!" i wonder how yong will react.. fangirls are so scary !


but i got a question , was it kyuhyun who held seohyun's hand?


btw, im sorry i dont remember those people who posted those tweets, im sorry !



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...but i got a question , was it kyuhyun who held seohyun's hand?

btw, im sorry i dont remember those people who posted those tweets, im sorry !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohwalove:  Here there is a better video from that moment :huh:,SeoHyun and KyuHyun duet I really can´t tell who is first one to hold other´s hand but I think it was the guy hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did you see guys next WGM´s episode will be with the other 2 couples together? I know it is childish but... I wan´t our YongSeo with them too :lol:. In the other hand, CNBLUE members are  a great comfort to me, actually more than that hahaha :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest tripplemama
















































Good Morning..
































The videos as promised. Do lower down your volume...
































































































I'm A Loner
































































Love Light
































































































































Interview 1
































































Interview 2
































































Interview 3
































































































































I sorry....after viewwing my video...a lot of "screaming" by yours truly...









































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Guest seohwalove






news about yonghwa on strong heart


[News] Yonghwa should have given up quickly?




cr. dkpopnews.net


tripplemama wow, thank you !! :lol:


edit : magdal thank you !.


they reached out at the same time, so it was planned beforehand but i already know its only for work. im sorry to say this but i was totally loving seokyu moments, i squealed.. i used to be a seokyu shipper but i like yongseo :D



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Guest Crystal392






Thanks for all that fanaccs, fancams, screencpas and pictures.


Finally I am home and able to watch all those fancams and read all your lovely posts. Can't wait until the ep with eng subs is out, rundevilrunsubs are doing an amazing job ^_^


I love those screencaps ppsf <3



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Guest _d3seohyun


Edit2: After watching the subs, I found their elevator conversation quite interesting

Yong told Hyun she is the first guest of CN Blue's dorm and she has been to men's dorminatory


Look at how SHY YONG is when he ask her:




Hyun answer him it was her first time visiting men's dormitory too, then look at the happy smirk on Yong's face!!!




kyah! i kept replaying this part after reading your translation. thank you!


i love the hint of awkwardness as the question was being asked and answered. kyaaa!

the scene feels so real! you know those moments when you ask the person your dating if he/she has

done/visited this or that with someone else....kyaaa! the way they were avoiding each other's glances...the shy smile..the blushing faces...kyaaaa!!!!!!!! :wub:

but then it could also be because they were "alone" in an elevator! kyaaaa

feeling the heat maybe?!!! :w00t: *imagination overdrive again* kkekeke


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Guest waniey_haha

i juz want to share my opinion....ermmm about seokyu holding hand...

                          even if i'm not watching the fancam of their duet, i still believe that the * holding hand* part...op coz....seohyun will not start it first...

            we all know...how pure , innocent  and shy seohyun is.... So...i think yooong will immediately understand *that part* was porposely done because of work....

( anyway her voice was superb)......i'm waiting for her to sing her single live too...

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if yong can get jealous of bro jungshin, i bet he will still gets jealous of

another 'family' member - kyu.

but u can't get jealous yong...ITS ALL WORK, remember? ! :P:lol:

c'mon yong, don't be upset anymore......



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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong potatoes!


Thank you norabella and tripplemama for correcting my identification of the gogumas group photo! :lol:

I did a little summary for episode 20 and please pardon my messy typing and grammar errors because I'm supposed to study now but I didn't want to leave you all waiting for subs.. hope my summary helps a bit :)

When they were wearing aprons, Yonghwa said that they look like fishmongers and the MC agreed.

In the black room interview, Yonghwa said that after Seohyun fed him kimchi, he was already intending to bite it for a while and tell her that it's good. But it was really sooooo salty he couldn't help it, it was as if he was drinking sea water.

Then he comforted her by saying that it's okay because it's meant to be eaten with cabbage, and it's still delicious.

When they called Seohyun's mum for help, she mistook green onions as leeks.

She only found out during the black room interview when PD told her and she was embarrassed.

Yonghwa said that they should just let making kimchi be their hobby and he started professing their love for making kimchi by saying things like he does them every weekend, and he loves to visit the supermarket for ingredients. (It's not true, he's just playing around)

When Yonghwa got their walls stained with kimchi, he lied that it's graffiti.

Then Seohyun was like yeah right and cleaned it up, showing him that it's obviously carrots.

Seohyun then wondered what were her brother-in-laws doing, and Yonghwa suggested to give them a call.

Seohyun asked if they were done cleaning up, and Jonghyun told her yes.

Minhyuk got excited because Seohyun thanked them for their hardwork. (LOL)

When the couple was on the way to CNBLUE's dorm, Yonghwa told her that they used to all sleep in the living room and asked if she was sad for them.

Seohyun was shocked and said that her heart aches

During the black room interview, Seohyun said that she was really curious about Yong oppa's room, because people usually say that you can see one's personality through one's room

Then the 3 brother-in-laws were only discussing their plan when they were hiding in the kitchen eg should they say congratulations or welcome.

So the episode's something like that, hope I helped! Off to study again :(

Edit: Thank you for your wish crystal_malfoy! And regarding the article that crystal_malfoy has posted, this question caught my eye.

If a female were to join CN Blue as the fifth member, what will be the conditions and how will you make her feel welcomed?

Yong Hwa: We have yet to think about it but I hope she will mix well with us.

Yonghwa-yah! It's soooo obvious you're hoping that Seohyun would join CNBLUE! You even asked her to quit SNSD and join CNBLUE once, and she's the only female artist that mixes so well with all of the other members. Kekekeke! B)

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Guest Crystal392






Why is everyone so quiet today? hehehehe there are soo many things to spazz about. :lol:

CN Blue attends press conference prior to fan meet in Singaporeby eiseoul on August 21, 2010 at 1:47 pm

The members of CN Blue are currently in Singapore, kicking off their Asia Tour. Aside from their mini showcase and fan meeting, they’re also in town for an autograph session.


Allkpop was at the press conference held on August 20, prior to their fan-meet. CN Blue talked about albums, fans, fame and more! Check out the following excerpts from the conference :


What do you think of the Singaporean fans?


Yong Hwa : Singapore is the first country to kick start our Asian tour, the fans are friendly and supportive of us.


How do you feel about fans of different ages and sexes?


Yong Hwa : We are thankful and honored to have fans of different ages. We appreciate them.


If each member has a girlfriend, which song from your albums will you dedicate?


Min Hyuk : Sweet Holiday.


Jong Hyun : Love Light as it represents first love.


Yong Hwa : Everything except I’m A Loner. Sweet Holiday, Love Light and Love Revolution.


Jung Shin : Love Revolution as it represents first love.


Don’t forget to stay tuned to CN Blue fan-meet coverage!


*To read the whole article go to http://www.allkpop.com/2010/08/cn-blue-attends-press-conference-prior-to-fan-meet-in-singapore


cr: allkpop



*A picture from SMTOWN concert, Hyun~ looks so pretty:



cr: dcmarried



*Watch the latest ep: raw cuts --> Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3


*goes off to watch latest ep* :)




jnj: Thanks for sharing those screencaps. Hyun massaging her husband's shoulders is :wub:


Yukilovesyou: Thanks sooo much for that minitranslation <3 <3 <3 You are soo awesome. Good luck with your exams. Yeah I remember on an interview YongHwa said they all sleep in the living room because their rooms were full of things (musical instruments :P).



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Ya crystal_malfoy, I agreed with you that there are many things to spazz about.

Oceanprince, don't be embrassed. You should be proud of what you did. You started the ball rolling at the showcase, you help to bring the fan meeting to a new height. What happened at the fan meeting will be reported everywhere through the news, internet etc. Fans in all the rest of the Aisa tours may do what you did. Yonghwa now knows that there are a lot of people who love him for his music and support his relationship with Seohyun.

To all the Gogumas at the Singapore Showcase, so proud of all of you. Making it such a memorable time for the boys.

About the extreme fans, I agreed that if you truely like your idol, you should wish them well and hope that they find their true love in life too. I start to feel like a mother hen, totally in tune with how happy Seohyun's mum feel when Yonghwa called her omoni in his sweetest voice. How I wish he is my son-in-law. LOL

Jonghyun looked so handsome in that blue top in the latest episode that I started to think that I want to call him "My Jonghyun" too.

I really find those boys, cuter and cuter. They find all the chances to tease their hyung and Seohyun.

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Guest Crystal392






redtulip: Hey hi!! *waves* I was beginning to think I was the only Goguma on Goguma Planet tears.gif I just finished watching Part 2 of the latest ep and OMG when Yonghwa talked to Hyun's mom he was sooo cute blush.gif when he called her omoni... I really can't wait until Hyun and him meet each others parents <3 I still haven't watched the fancams from CNBLUE's Singapore showcase but I've read the posts and I agree with you', oceanprince was soo amazing for screaming like that ^_^ Now Yong knows International fans support YongSeo <3




From dcmarried:



cr: as tagged and dcmarried




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Guest hihi_hehe








































































I know many people have mentioned this, but I have to thank SG YongSeo fans :wub
























































You guys moved me :tears:
























































Thank oceanprince for screaming SNSD, it made Yonghwa shyly smiling :rolleyes:
























































Again, thanks for being YongSeo lovers :D
























































Edit: Topped the page <_<
























































Ep 20 raw cuts
























































Part 1 Part 2
























































Part 3

































































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