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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to all Gogumas for screencaps, fanaccounts, links, translations, info, etc.


Sadly I won't be able to watch WGM nor any of those fancams until later today (10hours) but luckily I have this thread ^_^ Thanks for sharing the latest news about CNBLUE, SNSD, YongHwa, Seo Hyun and an WGM :)


I've always loved the way they stare at each other. :wub:


Thanks to everyone!!! ^^ Keep sharing please :lol:



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Just watching stuff on YT on SM Town concert, Seohyun looks gorgeous in RDR song.








I read that it is Tiffany that fell, not Seohyun. But it sounds quite bad- she sprained her ankle it seems... No worries people.







hi Purestupidity...According to the numerous twits going around, poor Seohyun really fell during Genie, but Tiffany is rumoured to have slipped on cream (from boa's cake) and sprained her ankle...*ouch*! :blink:





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Cute episode. Yong looked so nervous when he was with Hyun at his dorm, which was so cute! Was also very surprised that Hyun was so quick to give him a massage... wow. :wub: And those looks they exchanged when I think she told him to rest his voice were pretty intense. blush.gif Can't wait to see what they said.

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Hello everyone!!..




Just want to share my fav scene in ep 20... then I have to read back (4-5 page)..




To SG fan, Goguma spazz.. Thanks for the news, pic & fancam..




Help to each other..











Like husband like wife.. sweet couple








make Kimchi together..
















.. To be continue..





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hi Purestupidity...According to the numerous twits going around, poor Seohyun really fell during Genie, but Tiffany is rumoured to have slipped on cream (from boa's cake) and sprained her ankle...*ouch*! :blink:





Awww.....w really... Poor girls.... They have a busy schedule ahead of them, I hope both are fine.





Anyway, just a few more hours and I will be catching my flight to Singapore with my little one. Really really appreciate all the fan accounts and fancams from the boys' gig in Singapore, it helps me cope with the regret that I wasn't flying to Singapore a day earlier!!!!


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wow! its all i can say!

btw, about the preview for next episode:

haha~ who's the husband now?

yong or jungshin chingoo?

the way yong imitated her "sincha" was awww~

i bet he really wants to hear hyun said that to him more natural.

his jealousy haha~ yong is protective right~

but the moment he ran towards her when her finger got cut was pure love!

its okay yong, do your best to make hyun speaks comfortably in banmal with u!

never give up, fighting!

suddenly his effort made me remind of hyun's famous quote "if your dream is alive, you'll reach there one day"

fighting yong!

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As you know, the eyes of lovers are "glittering", this is true!












"I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart."












If you want to be happy.. be like yongseo couple ha ha ha





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seo hyun is so lucky..surrounded with the boys and which is so concern about her.. ^__^.

































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Awww.....w really... Poor girls.... They have a busy schedule ahead of them, I hope both are fine.




Anyway, just a few more hours and I will be catching my flight to Singapore with my little one. Really really appreciate all the fan accounts and fancams from the boys' gig in Singapore, it helps me cope with the regret that I wasn't flying to Singapore a day earlier!!!!







dear Purestupidity...i suspect the falling & all could be due to their lack of rest which caused errors in their judgement...plus the current weather in seoul seems really unforgiving...














when u're on the little red dot island...you can consider planning stops at City Square Mall (Fan Sign Location) & Conrad Hotel (Press Conference Location), then at least you'll be where the CNBlue boys where...*grin*... ^_^














wishing you & your little one a safe & pleasant flight...





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sorry, I can't stop myself..







“Smile…it makes people wonder what you’re thinking about…”
























Feeding each other.. so sweet!!





















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My two favourite parts translated from chinese. Not very good but the meaning is there.

S: Is your voice ok?

Y: It's better

S: Mmm, that's good

Y: But can't speak a lot

S: I see

Y: Don't speak

S: Good

Y: Use eyes (sight) to speak (communicate)

Seohyun stares at him

Y: If I am in pain, you will be in pain too. Husband and wife is link  together

When Seohyun called her mum

S: Mum, the kimchi we made is too salty, what to do?

Mum: Do you have more radish?

S: There are no more radish

Mum: Are there onions? ( I guess sould be onions, I am not familiar with the term cos cooking idiot too)

S: Yes, there are onions

Mum: put the onions in, then it will not be so salty

Y: omoni, I am yong hwa ya

mum: huhuhhu, hello, how come it can be so salty. (so on and so on)

Y (mushy): omoni, we will talk next time

S&Y: omoni, bye

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Guest hallyucraze




Annyeong Haseyoooo to all gogumas! Yes we are all back from the CNBlue showcase! And like what they've already said it was a BLAST!!! Ohhh gosh where do I start... even before the showcase it was chaos from the very minute I went out of my house.. contacting all the potatoes non stop! :D hey i'm not complaining.. dun worry my dear sweet potatoes. It means all of us are excited to meet!! :D




We finally met at the showcase venue.. and it was chaos again as we introduce ourselves! hahahahaha! it was hilarious!!! We were like oh! u are so & so! Nice to meet U! kekekekeke!! It was great tho! I had a great, great time! And it was my pleasure to have met all U lovely gogumas just now!! I'm honoured! And as u may know, we have posted a pic of who we are a few pages back thanks to my dear Yuki! ARIGATOU!!!




Oh! I must mention this! CREDIT TO OCEAN PRINCE!!!!! she is the FIRST to shoutout to Yong... 'SOnyushidae' and after that the ball starts rolling from Hyun's name to goguma to we got married!







It was awesome! The boys just stand out with their clear & powerful voices, their instrument playing & their aegyos! yes.. they did quite a few aegyos! hahahaha! mostly comes from Jungshin 'avatar' chingoo(oh! the boyfans were shouting his name as AVATAR!)hahahahaha!!!! not forgetting Yong as well & also minhyuk! Jonghyun was kinda shy.. but his guitar skills... oh my!! brilliant! I like!!!! hhehehehehe!!




They didnt do a lot of numbers.. mebbe could be 6 to 7? Am I right my dear potatoes? sorry if i got it wrong... then it was the interview with the boys & interaction with fans... The boys put in alot of effort to speak english as its our 1st language here.. It seems to be kinda hard for them but they still try.. and they sound so adorable... Yong at one point kinda give up... then he just said "ok, next is LOVE" they are playing that song...




And to the sg fanclub.. the ending was really touching!! I nearly teared up! What they did was a video of the boys from their starting out as musicians to where they are now.. they use the song 'i'm a fool' from the drama You are Beautiful... my dongseng Deeomfg may have captured that...or whichever potatoes that may have taken a video of that segment may want to share with all the potatoes here? ;) wait till u see the vid.. it was really touching.. & even the boys were like dumbfounded & touched by the gestures... :)




Last but not least.. their presents.. yes.. CN BLue & Hyun's. We put them together & told the man who's at the counter manning the gifts for the boys.. As lovekim told him.. "U make sure they will receive this ya?" hehehehehe!!




We hang out a little bit after the showcase just to gush abt the boys! :D and after that we went home... I think I'm gonna have CN BLue hangover for a few days now.. I can't stop thinking & replaying their showcase.... truly it was awesome! And with that segment is over... hahahaaha! but still can continue spazzing! hahahahaha!!!




Oh & to ALL the potatoes who watched WGM juz now & gave us a play by play a/c... KAMSA HAMINDA! Greatly appreciated!! All other SG potatoes who went to the showcase, start spazzing!!! hahahahahaha! Well the boys are on their way back to KOREA now... phew! what a day!! :D




*AND WITH THAT....Now I have TOTALLY lost my voice... no kidding... must be the shouting I did juz now! hahahahahahahaa!!!




Ok... enjoy watching the latest episode!



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Guest Crystal392






Awww I feel bad and worried for Hyun and Fany. I just hope they are ok. SNSD hwaiting!!!


shml: Those screencaps are :wub:


I really can't wait until I watch the latest ep. Thanks thanks for sharing those screencaps and hope you will keep sharing them. I see a lot of Gogumss checking the thread but it's a bit quiet :P


Purestupidity: Have a safe trip and lots of fun ^_^



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Guest lenovo














He goes abroad --- proudly showing off his wedding ring. She stays back home --- not wearing hers. Later she held hands with another man. Aiigooo!!!Yong: WHy girl??? --- kyahaha!










OK. Chill! I was just wandering ... haha! Don't hate me.










I love the Duet! their voices matches really well. I'm so proud of maknae Seohyun.










Coz you'll really know if a singer is a good one if she/he can blend well with another.










But she was too sad during the "holding hands". Seems to me it was a sad song.










I ws hoping there's more vid of their song available.










not just the only ONE from pete. hehe.










I'm also proud of what Yong seobang has achieved. and the whole CNBLUE boys!!!










Their Eng accent --- AWESOME!!!! Loved the twang!










What a happy day!



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Guest slimmy107




I am so looking forward to next week :) Especially when hyu-un cuts her finger and yo-ong rushes to her aid ;)


This episode was so cute I love how with yongseo it's the littlest things that make them seem like a real couple :)


I just love them kyaaaaa



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Before I sleep.. Plz forgive me because a lot of pics here..




They are so cute together...












Another scene.. I love part when Hyun call her mom and Yoong talking to Hyun's mom on the phone








Hyun massaged Yong~
















Call in-law..












Last pic....












Okay.. I'm finish.. Sorry guys for the long post...





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Guest Crystal392






Redtulip: awwww those parts are really sweet. Thanks for translating them ^_^ It makes me happy to know YongHwa was comfortable talking with his mother in law :)


hallyucraze: OmG I am soo envious and soo happy at the same time :lol: can't wait until ther gogumas also pos their fanaccs. Maybe right now they are resting? Hehehehe too much excitement for one night :P can'twait to see the fancams and pics taken by all of you. I hope Yong saw the gifts, wonder what was his reaction. Maybe he called his wife as soon as he saw them ^_^ *squeals*



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Guest stupidfactory
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't think i've ever posted in here. I just lurk around most of the time. hahahah. But i wanted to share the fancam my sister took at the showcase/fanmeet today. Regarding this scene below 8D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Host: If you were not a member or part of CNBLUE, what career path would you have chosen or taken?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fan: Sonyuhshidae! [implying that Yong can be a member of SNSD, ref to his Genie dance]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa (and the other members) start to smile. Yonghwa pointed to his ring.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Other members start answering the question. When it gets to Yonghwa's turn, there were shouts of "Sonyuhshidae!" and "Seohyun!"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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cred to my sis @ thehottestgeneration@youtube/hottest-generation@soompi































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love how Yonghwa flaunted his couple ring and he kept laughing whenever wgm/snsd was mentioned XDDDDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OH yes, i loved today's episode <3 How both of them were feeding each other! And the massage! Can't wait for the next episode. I love jealous Yo~ng. hahahhaha

































































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Guest keira53
































lenovo: He goes abroad --- proudly showing off his wedding ring. She stays back home --- not wearing hers. Later she held hands with another man. Aiigooo!!!Yong: WHy girl??? --- kyahaha!






























Hyun answer : I think you have to understand me, just working. i'm your wife!!! :D
































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