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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































here are some pages from the booklet :)
































































































































































































the spark is really in them
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just tell me if you want me to post more...hehe

































































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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































bezbezbez: Yes I want more!! :D:D hehehehehe Why are the other Gogumas so quiet? or maybe I am too chatty? xD hehehehe :ph34r:
































































More fanmade video by annared10:































































































YongSeo - Vitamin
































YongSeo MV 6
































































YongSeo - pit-a-pat































































































































































































I was stalking dcmarried and I found this post that quoted a fanaccount that was shared here: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=446863&page=1&bbs=
































































And look how many hits it had until I took the screencap: 555!! :D

































































































































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Guest station-T
























I didnt know you're from davao


:sweatingbullets: Happy Kadayawan too. :)





























WGM later, so excited :w00t:
















I have a question
















what does kimchi taste like?
















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Guest hallyucraze




hayllucraze: *faints* .... ..... ....... *wakes up* *squeals* OMG that is soo awesome!! My heart began to beat faster and I couldn't stop smiling when I read your post! OMG OMG OMG OMG That is soo awesome! Really ;_; I am soo envious of you but at the same time soo happy ^_^ You got to me uri Yong seobang! hahahahahaha and tomorrow will see him again!! ^_^ Thanks for sharing your fanaccount, can't wait until you share pics and fancams. Thanks thanks thanks.




Good Morning crystal_malfoy!! Sorry to cut your post dear... Hahahahaa! by chance & destiny I got to meet Hyun's one & only Yong Seobang.. N the experience is priceless whatsmore... this is the best birthday present I could have received!!! :w00t: Ahhhh... I'm grateful!! Abt the fancams & pics u may wanna refer to Deeomfg for that(she's my little sister btw!) she capture all the vids & pics coz I'm too short to be taking pictures as most of the fans are towering over me!!!! :lol:




SOoooo... today is D-day of the showcase!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet the boys!! It's also a beautiful cooling morning here in SG.. slight drizzle (wasn't that what Yong likes??) :D




Ahhh so many things happening in ONE saturday! What more can u ask for? The showcase, SM Town live, WGM! Ah! Speaking of which... my dearest lovely potatoes... give us a play by play a/c of what happened can u?? we SG potatoes here are sacrificing to watch them live!!! hehehehehehehehehe!!!




Till then enjoy the beautiful, beautiful day my dear sweet gogumas!!!! :wub:



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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































Ok since the project is sooooo done...I'll post every page here in our lovely thread...
































































































































































































from cover page to back page...though I'll do them in sets of five so that the thread would remain active until the afternoon...hehe
































































































































































































btw. sorry to the last one who submitted her reply...my gds are not available already so I didn't add that one but I'll surely add that on the major seohwa project :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong hayllucraze and star sapphire!! I emailed you two already :)

Woah lovekim, you got it on your fancam?! Awesome I can't wait for it be uploaded! ^_^

Ah and sharing one more photo:


Can anyone help me here? I feel like an idiot asking this now but how do I go to the NUS cultural hall?

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Bezbezbez, this is so wonderful, awesome etc etc etc..... I can't find the right word to describe how much I love the notebook. It was so full of LOVE. Yong & Hyun's love, all the gogumas' love for the couple and the crew hard work. I Love my page too, I love those pictures you selected to go with my words. Thanks for being so nice to me, I have the most pictures. Can't stop smiling. Love it Love it. Thanks so much.


The more I read about all your experience, the more I wish I can join you all there too for the showcase. I "blamed" my husband yesterday again and he teased me that I am more like 16 years old now. Hee hee I take it positively that YongSeo make me young again.

Today is going to be WONDERFUL. It will be. No other things are going to make my Saturday bad.

Nearly, forgot to thanks everyone for all the fan accounts, links and pictures. I love all of them too.

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MU links of [Eng] WGM Yongseo Cuts by nulsaranghae






at last episode 7 of yongseo has been uploaded to MU. thus i have completed all first 7 episodes. mansae! mansae! mansae!






@genxv i would be glad if you could share these links on your site so that it could be easier for others to refer.






please do not post this link outside of this forum thread without permission. thank you.






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 7 | MU *finally






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 6 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 5 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 4 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 3 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 2 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 1 | MU






cr: nulsaranghae



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































Are you ready to see Yong~ and Hyun~making kimchi? :D hehehehe
































































Sadly I won't be able to watch WGM live today, so spazz a lot for me ok? :):)
































































About kimchi, I also wondered what it tasted like so I used google and this is what I found:

First of all there are many different types of Kim chi. I love them all. There is spicy smelly kimchi which is up to a year old, yup they can keep it to a year...that kimchi is very spicy and sour. Then there is newer kimchi which is spicy and crisp. There is tons of red pepper, garlic and a little salt. Then there is white kimchi which has no spice at all. Then there is winter kimchi which is a white radish in a clear broth, very yummy. They also have cucumbers, carrots and many other varieties. There is even a museum in Seoul dedicated to Kim chi. First don't think everyone buries it in there back yard that was a long time ago. In fact many Korean homes have a special refrigerator in their kitchens just for Kim chi. I was visiting a friend of mine when his mom just had it installed. Mostly it is all veggies pickled with pepper and garlic...it is very good for your health, just not your breath.

As to the temprature it is served cold, but in the Korean BBQ they also grill it up to add a smokey warm flavor to it.
































































cr: yahooanswers































































































































Sooo it seems that it is spicy? and it is not good for your breath? But Hyun and Yong were so close xD blush.gif

































































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bezbezbez you and your crew have done an AMAZING job!! Wow, it's beyond all my imaginations. Just AMAZING! The design is so beautiful and the perfect setting for all the heartfelt notes. Thank you for working so hard on this and please send a big thank you to your team ss well.


And THANK YOU kubih for letting us share the videos you collected! *hugs*


This day is really one for the books: CNBLUE madness with lots of Potaotes running missions in Singapore... SMTown where our pretty SeoLady is going to showcase her voice in a duet... Another WGM where we get to see some hand-feeding and see our CNBLUE boys' dorms!


Can this day get any better? Thank you everyone for making this thread without a doubt the most awesome place to be.


Crystal, hallyucraze, lovekim, chika and all the ithers who cannot be here with us during the live stream, have no fear! Spazz team is here!!! LOL. Let's do our best to keep them updated ^^ Fighting!


crystal that is so fascinating about kimchi. thanks for sharing it here! Hmm... the kimchi I've had here has always been a little spicy and a little sour. At first I didn't much like it. You know being fermented cabbage and all there's a strong stinky cabbage smell. But the more I try it, the more I like it.



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Guest taemay

english: I love YONGSEO couple because...

tagalog: Mahal ko ang tambalang YONGSEO dahil...

mandarin: Wo ai rong shu fu fu ying wei...

spanish: Yo amo a la pareja YONGSEO porque...

thai: Chan Rak Koo YONGSEO Prau...

russian: Ya Loobloo YONGSEO Para Patamoochta...

malay: Saya sayang pasangan YONGSEO kerana...

french: J'aime YONGSEO couple parce que ...

cantonese: Ngo oi YONGSEO fu fu yan wai...

vietnamese: Tôi yêu couple YONGSEO bởi vì...

german: Ich liebe das YONGSEO Paar, weil ...

swedish: Jag älskar YongSeo paret för att..

Indonesian : Saya cinta pasangan YONGSEO karena ...





i'm added indonesian, but its seems similiar with malay

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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































Yukilovesyou: I hope someone answered you ^_^ Thanks for sharing that pic. It is a bit blurry but we can see clearly the boys. Hopefully you will also share that pic at CNBLUE thread ^_^ They look so handsome :wub: Have lots of fun today!!
































































redtulip: I wish I were there too.. I agree with you, today is going to be amazing :)
































































kubih: You are amazing for uploading all those videos, thanks so much.
































































genxv: I want to try kimchi but I think I won't like it xD Spazz team fighting! hehehe































































































Fancam: YongHwa blows kisses to SeoHyun fans :lol:
































~That was a nice gesture, and he is wearing THE ring. He looks a bit tired.... and is it just me or he has lost a bit of weight?~
































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































genxv no prob jen! great things happen and are produced for the goguma love
































































































































































































biiianx wait since you're from philippines, are you the ate bianx I know? have you joined JGSPH? if yes...yey!!! if not...well...nice meeting you...hehe
































































































































































































btw. kimchi really smells bad...it's not only bad for breath... it's also bad for your refrigerator...the smell would difuse easily... hehe...though my parents say it's really good and tasty :) we even have another ref just to compensate with their fondness of kimchi :)
































































































































































































second set:
































































































































































































come and see your own pages :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




Are you ready to see Yong~ and Hyun~making kimchi? :D hehehehe


Sadly I won't be able to watch WGM live today, so spazz a lot for me ok? :):)




About kimchi, I also wondered what it tasted like so I used google and this is what I found:








Sooo it seems that it is spicy? and it is not good for your breath? But Hyun and Yong were so close xD  blush.gif






regarding kimchi:  you could go to a korean restaurant and try it?  i'm not fond of spicy food, but when i went to eat at a korean restaurant, it really wasn't that bad.  crispy?  definitely.  and as for spicy, well, the one i tried had a little kick, barely noticeable.  i think i over-prepared myself for something really spicy.  definitely a little on the sour side ... well, not sour, per se, but more like tangy. it was good, but i don't think i could eat that every day.  i think it's something everyone should try.  smile.gif


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Guest reeneesie








hello to all gogumass shipper...




this is really a great day 4 some of us to see yong and his dongseng 4 real...




i want to see our couple update but it seem like i cant




open the web page......




anybody can give me the link???




p/s : sorry bcoz i'm dont have anything 2 contribute since i'm on my exam week













Edit: i mean yongseo blog..



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































bezbezbez: Yeah I read people usually have a special refrigerator just for kimchi, before they used to bury it on the backyard right? Those pictures are lovely ^_^
































































lovekin: Sadly, there aren't any Korean restaurants near I live :( I've been curious about kimchi since I began watching Kdramas. Thanks for answering my question, I will definitely try it someday ^^
































































From http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=446957&page=1&bbs=:































































































































































































cr: dcmarried































































































































Hyun's whishes were to go to the amusement park, have a picnic and ride bicycles right (she mentioned them on the first eps)? I think we will see them soon riding bicycles, didn't one of the MCs say that they should just ride bicycles because they failed the driving exam twice? :lol:
































































reeneesie: There is nothing to be sorry about, don't worry ^_^ Are you talking about streaming WGM? You want the link to watch WGM live? :o If that's what you were asking, then you can watch MBC here: http://www.tvunetworks.com/watchTV/#c=82048. EDIT: Oh, you can check 'Sweet Potato Days' blog: http://www.sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/
































































**Pretty Hyun~:































































































































































































































































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Guest blueswim_boo



bezbezbez i just finished download the mini booklet.I lovee it..:w00t: i'll keep and treasure it with my dear life..hehe..i hope u know how awesomee you are for doing this..Thank you.U re jjang.

notes: love the pic on my quote :lol:

kubih and MrsAthenaG Thank you so so much for sharing the file.i have trouble downloading from RDR site.

And to all SG gogumas,thank you for sharing the vids,review on CNBLUE boys. Been watching all the vids since this morning.And for the Gift Teams,those gift to Yongseo that you guys prepare are THE BEST...Really2 grateful and really2 appreciate your effort.U guys are the most awesome gogumas ever..  :D :D ..To SG gogumas,I hope you guys have a blast at the showcase and spazz here later..looking forward to it 

 Edit: I just saw someone in dc inside posted pic of the gifts..Read the comments,korean fans are impressed with international fan (that us..lol)gifts.Proud of you guys,all the gogumas..:lol: :lol: 




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Guest Yukilovesyou

Hi gogumas!!!

So today we'll be splitting up into 2 teams?

Spazzing-about-WGM-livestream team and Spazzing-about-CNBLUE-showcase team!!

Ahahaha dear potatoes who are staying home to watch livestream, we (people going to showcase) will come back anticipating your updates!!!


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Guest hihi_hehe








































































Where is bezbezbez?? Isn't it too late to say "I LOVE YOU" ??
























































Your work is totally BEAUTIFUL :wub:
























































Now for rest of my life, I will treasure this booklet, this moment forever !
























































We're not something , We are GOGUMA LOVERS
























































Spread the love !









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hey yuki, shout 'goguma' for us pls!!

i did that at the airport during their arrival, but my voice got drowned

by the screamings..

i'm not going to the showcase, but will be sending the boys off at the airport.

if i'm not wrong, they leave at 1050pm, right after the concert.

maybe i can catch up with u guys there.

Naz, praying hard u'll meet them at the same lounge later.

bezbezbez, wow!! i love the compilations! awesome job!

i tried kimchi once, and it tasted more sour than spicy.

crispy, definitely!

2 hrs to go for Potatoes meet up

4 hrs to go for WGM AND

8 hrs to go for the CN Blue SG showcase


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